Transcript of Ayatollah Khamenei's Friday Evil Britian Speech
Politics /
Jun 20, 2009 - 02:35 AM GMT
By: Submissions
NiteOwl writes: Transcript of Ayatollah Khamenei's Friday Speech, Hi, this is NiteOwl again. I was listening to Press TV which is government-run and is based in Iran - their translation and various other TVs from minute to minute as well as translating what I could hear in Persian myself: Some parts were a bit cut off because broadcasting stopped. You'd notice in the time stamping.
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(He first started by praying and speaking about purely religious matters and then got to the real point.)
[01:26] (Ayatollah Khamanei) Remember god,
[01:28] (A. K.) Iran has gone through a lot since the revolution
[01:28] (A. K.) Any of them could have put us in turmoil
[01:28] (A. K.) Even from our neighbors
[01:31] (A. K.) (Allah o Amber)
[01:33] (A. K.) Our youth are in a materialistic world
[01:33] (A. K.) In a time of turmoil
[01:33] (A. K.) They don't know what to do,
[01:33] (A. K.) They need to understand spirituality,
[01:34] (A. K.) They need to get back to spirituality,
[01:34] (A. K.) But they don't know how,
[01:34] (A. K.) It's been two centuries since the west has destroyed cultures,
[01:34] (A. K.) But our nation wants to regain that spirituality back.
[01:34] (A. K.) So that the revolution can be regained.
[01:36] (A. K.) I swear to the holy Imams,
[01:36] (A. K.) I ask you O god give us more faith
[01:36] (A. K.) O God, I ask you to give us a calm and peaceful heart
[01:37] (A. K.) O god, these oppressed people, give triumph over the enemy.
[01:37] (A. K.) Protect them,
[01:37] (A. K.) O god we do everything for you and only for you,
[01:37] (A. K.) O God take our Salams and greetings to Mahdi (the hidden Imam)
[01:38] (A. K.) (Praying in Arabic)
[01:39] (A. K.) I would like to say to our dear brothers and sisters,
[01:40] (A. K.) I would like to speak about the issue of the election which is the important issue in our country
[01:40] (A. K.) I have three issues to talk about,
[01:40] (A. K.) In three different parts
[01:40] (A. K.) I do have some things to tell the people.
[01:40] (A. K.) One issue will be for the political members of the politicians,
[01:41] (A. K.) I would like to also talk to the western countries,
[01:41] (A. K.) And the leaders of their media
[01:41] (A. K.) First issue is for the people,
[01:41] (A. K.) I will only thank you,
[01:41] (A. K.) I don't like to talk too much,
[01:41] (A. K.) I don't like to use nice arguments only
[01:42] (A. K.) Even if I do exaggerate, it won't be enough to say what I have to say,
[01:42] (A. K.) The elections of June 12 was a fulfillment of the nation's responsibility
[01:42] (A. K.) It was a proof of participation of the people that was a show of the love towards their system
[01:43] (A. K.) It is similar but better than the democracies in other countries,
[01:43] (A. K.) BUT
[01:43] (A. K.) Those countries don't have a democracy as good as ours.
[01:43] (A. K.) The constitution of 1988
[01:44] (A. K.) This is the largest number of people that have taken part in an election in Iran since the founding of the republic
[01:44] (A. K.) And the passing of the constitution,
[01:44] (A. K.) I would like to deeply thank you
[01:45] (A. K.) The youngsters in our country showed especially,
[01:45] (A. K.) that they are partaking in the political process since the beginning of the revolution.
[01:46] (A. K.) Now we'll see the same responsibilities from them that we saw during the Iraqi Aggression War
[01:46] (A. K.) As for elections some people want one person others want someone else
[01:46] (A. K.) This is natural
[01:46] (A. K.) We saw everyone, men women, the young and the old,
[01:47] (A. K.) People participating from all over the country to make this a success,
[01:47] (A. K.) This election is a political defeat for your enemies,
[01:47] (A. K.) For your friends all over the world a celebration.
[01:47] (A. K.) A historic one,
[01:47] (A. K.) People are showing love and loyalty for their Imam and martyrs
[01:47] (A. K.) And for the system
[01:48] (A. K.) This election was a religious democratic event
[01:48] (A. K.) everyone saw it
[01:48] (A. K.) It was a showing against the dictators and oppressive regime
[01:49] (A. K.) And FOR a show of support for the religion and system.
[01:49] (A. K.) We can see the results of the exams
[01:49] (A. K.) Also another point about the election
[01:49] (A. K.) The election of June 12 showed that people with beliefs and hopes and joys is living in this country.
[01:49] (A. K.) The enemies are using it,
[01:50] (A. K.) If our young didn't have any hope,
[01:50] (A. K.) They wouldn't partake in the election
[01:50] (A. K.) If they didn't feel freedom, they wouldn't vote.
[01:50] (A. K.) Faith in the system has been shown by the massive participation.
[01:50] (A. K.) The enemies target the belief and trust of people on that system
[01:51] (A. K.) This trust is the biggest investment of the Islamic republic
[01:51] (A. K.) They wanted to take it from us
[01:51] (A. K.) They want it to shake our trust in this system
[01:51] (A. K.) The enemies of the people of Iran will succeed when people won't participate.
[01:51] (A. K.) The system will be questioned.
[01:51] (A. K.) Only when no one partakes in it.
[01:52] (A. K.) We couldn't compare that to anything that happens.
[01:52] (A. K.) The enemy wants to make people believe that they have been fooled
[01:52] (A. K.) It started 3 months ago.
[01:53] (A. K.) I have been hearing enemies saying repeatedly that the elections will be fraudulent.
[01:53] (A. K.) They had been preparing months in advance
[01:53] (A. K.) This 30 year old system has not come about without sacrifices and hard work.
[01:53] (A. K.) And people have a firm belief in it.
[01:54] (A. K.) But the enemies want to shake that very belief.
[01:54] (A. K.) The third point is,
[01:54] (A. K.) These rivalries, between different candidates were transparent.
[01:54] (A. K.) They were clean and clear cut.
[01:55] (A. K.) And transparent
[01:55] (A. K.) The enemies are trying through their media - which is controlled by dirty Zionists.
[01:57] (A. K.) The Zionist, American and British radio are all trying to say that there was a competition between those who support and those who didn't support the state
[01:57] (A. K.) Everyone supported the state
[01:58] (A. K.) I know everything about these candidates
[01:58] (A. K.) I have worked with them.
[01:58] (A. K.) I know all of them
[01:58] (A. K.) I don't believe in everything that they say
[01:58] (A. K.) some of their views and practices can be criticized
[01:58] (A. K.) I believe that some of them are better in serving the country
[01:58] (A. K.) BUT the people have to make the choice.
[01:58] (A. K.) It's not my will
[01:58] (A. K.) My choice wasn't told to people,
[01:59] (A. K.) And they were not asked to follow my views either
[01:59] (A. K.) They decided on their own who to follow
[01:59] (A. K.) So this is a competition within the state
[01:59] (A. K.) It is not acceptable to change the appearance of the issue
[01:59] (A. K.) this is evil if someone does that
[01:59] (A. K.) there is no fight between people and state
[01:59] (A. K.) No revolutionaries and anti-revolutionaries
[01:59] (A. K.) This is between the state parties
[01:59] (A. K.) people voted for these people with belief in the state
[02:00] (A. K.) they came to the understanding that will be better for the state
[02:00] (A. K.) then voted
[02:00] (A. K.) These competitions and debates were very interesting.
[02:00] (A. K.) It was very transparent
[02:00] (A. K.) It was a blow in the face of those who say that this competition is just a formality
[02:01] (A. K.) Forgetting that the candidates actually sat and talked.
[02:01] (A. K.) positive aspect of the debates was that during the debate and TV conversation everyone spoke explicitly and openly
[02:01] (A. K.) saying what they believed
[02:01] (A. K.) Then some criticized the candidates
[02:01] (A. K.) They had to respond to the criticism
[02:01] (A. K.) They began to defend themselves
[02:02] (A. K.) The positions and stances taken by people and groups were presented without any ambiguity
[02:02] (A. K.) So people could hear what every candidate had to say
[02:02] (A. K.) So that people could see all of this
[02:02] (A. K.) So people could judge them all accordingly
[02:02] (A. K.) People felt that in the Islamic state, they are not stranger
[02:02] (A. K.) We don't have US and THEM
[02:02] (A. K.) Everything was open and transparent before the people
[02:02] (A. K.) Everything was presented clearly
[02:03] (A. K.) It became clear that people's vote would rely based on the same judgments
[02:03] (A. K.) People wanted to make their choices willingly
[02:03] (A. K.) And according to their own tastes
[02:03] (A. K.) Thus, the number of votes increased
[02:03] (A. K.) People were able to have a better understanding of the views of the candidate
[02:03] (A. K.) they were able to decide better
[02:03] (A. K.) the debates were even extended to the streets and homes
[02:03] (A. K.) So this added to the power of choice of the people
[02:04] (A. K.) Such debates will strengthen the minds
[02:04] (A. K.) to Help make better choices
[02:04] (A. K.) BUT
[02:04] (A. K.) They shouldn't get to a point where they lead to major differences
[02:04] (A. K.) Otherwise adverse effects follow
[02:04] (A. K.) It would be good to be kept to the extent to which it existed during campaign
[02:04] (A. K.) If it leads further, it will cause problems
[02:05] (A. K.) it will be better to have such debates at the administrative level
[02:05] (A. K.) We should carry these debates
[02:05] (A. K.) to the administrative level
[02:05] (A. K.) They should describe their policies
[02:05] (A. K.) Defend themselves against criticism
[02:05] (A. K.) People will have a chance to do that,
[02:05] (A. K.) But we should try to overcome the negative aspects
[02:06] (A. K.) Criticisms will be heard during the four years of a president's term
[02:06] (A. K.) We should try to address the negative aspects
[02:06] (A. K.) We could see that people became irrational and emotional sometimes.
[02:06] (A. K.) They tried to destroy the other side sometimes
[02:07] (A. K.) Even we saw that the practice of the past was being questioned.
[02:07] (A. K.) rumors were mentioned
[02:07] (A. K.) accusations were leveled
[02:07] (A. K.) Some statements made were not fair
[02:07] (A. K.) government and governments of the past were criticized in an unfair manner
[02:07] (A. K.) the entire 30 years were criticized unfairly
[02:07] (A. K.) people became emotional
[02:07] (A. K.) they said some unpleasant and unacceptable things
[02:07] (A. K.) I watched the debates on TV
[02:08] (A. K.) I enjoyed freedom of speech
[02:08] (A. K.) (YEAH ***** YOU!)
[02:08] (A. K.) i was happy that Islamic republic was there to help people make this choice
[02:08] (A. K.) YET
[02:08] (A. K.) the negative aspects made me unhappy
[02:08] (A. K.) for their supporters this was also not good and they were disturbed by the unfair criticism
[02:08] (A. K.) We saw this on both sides
[02:09] (A. K.) In this Friday prayer sermon
[02:09] (A. K.) I should mention of the realities of both sides
[02:09] (A. K.) both sides can be criticized for such negative aspects of behavior
[02:09] (A. K.) ON the one side, the president was insulted,
[02:09] (A. K.) EVEN BEFORE the debates, 2, 3 months ago,
[02:09] (A. K.) I used to see insulting statements against him,
[02:09] (A. K.) Accusations were leveled against the president
[02:09] (A. K.) against the legal president
[02:09] (A. K.) he was wrongly accused
[02:10] (A. K.) the president who is trusted by people was accused of lying
[02:10] (A. K.) Are these good?
[02:10] (A. K.) Fake records were made and then distributed around the country
[02:10] (A. K.) we were aware of the situation
[02:10] (A. K.) we knew what was published was not true
[02:10] (A. K.) they insulted the president
[02:10] (A. K.) said he was superstitious
[02:10] (A. K.) they falsely accused the president by such words
[02:10] (A. K.) so they trampled over ethics and fairness [02:10] (A. K.) on the other hand,
[02:11] (A. K.) Similar things were done against the outstanding record of the Islamic Republic
[02:11] (A. K.) Some important figures of the state were mentioned
[02:11] (A. K.) People who have spent their lives for the state
[02:11] (A. K.) I have never have mentioned names during prayers on Friday before but I have to now
[02:11] (A. K.) Rafsanjani and Nateq Noori's names have been mentioned
[02:11] (A. K.) These gentlemen have not been accused of financial misdoings
[02:12] (A. K.) But their relatives.
[02:12] (A. K.) If you have anything against them, prove them legally through the courts
[02:12] (A. K.) Unless it is proven, no one can be accused.
[02:13] (A. K.) I have known Rafsanjani for a long time
[02:13] (A. K.) he is one of the most prominent members of this revolution
[02:13] (A. K.) he was one of the major fighters before the revolution
[02:13] (A. K.) after the victory,
[02:13] (A. K.) he was one the most influential members of the Islamic state
[02:13] (A. K.) still is
[02:13] (A. K.) he walked with the Imam
[02:13] (A. K.) Still walking with him
[02:13] (A. K.) he was almost martyred several times
[02:14] (A. K.) he spent all his money on the revolution,
[02:14] (A. K.) they young people should know about this fact
[02:14] (A. K.) he has had many responsibilities now
[02:14] (A. K.) president, leader of parliament
[02:14] (A. K.) he has not made money out of the revolution for himself.
[02:16] (A. K.) Same with Mr. Nateq Noori
[02:16] (A. K.) he has also served this revolution
[02:16] (A. K.) He has rendered great services
[02:16] (A. K.) there is no doubt about it
[02:17] (A. K.) but the live TV debates are good
[02:17] (A. K.) but these shortcomings should be removed
[02:17] (A. K.) after the debates I talked to the president and warned him
[02:17] (A. K.) he said he will listen to me.
[02:17] (A. K.) the admin has a clear stance on corruption
[02:17] (A. K.) It should be fought anywhere it is found
[02:18] (A. K.) Yes there is corruption within our system.
[02:18] (A. K.) YES there are people who are corrupt.
[02:18] (A. K.) But at the same time,
[02:18] (A. K.) It is one of the one of the healthiest system in the world as well
[02:19] (A. K.) but then accusing the government of corruption because of Zionist reports is not the right thing
[02:19] (A. K.) questioning the credibility of the government is not corrects either.
[02:19] (A. K.) Everyone is obliged to fight corruption.
[02:19] (A. K.) If it is not brought under control, it will spread like it has in some western countries
[02:19] (A. K.) They are up to their ears in this corruption
[02:20] (A. K.) this is part of their scandal
[02:20] (A. K.) it goes way beyond than it is publicized
[02:20] (A. K.) Let me talk to people
[02:20] (A. K.) To make this absolute victory a failure,
[02:20] (A. K.) is some people's goal
[02:20] (A. K.) To not let you enjoy
[02:20] (A. K.) to not let the world register the highest rate of turn out
[02:20] (A. K.) but it has been registered
[02:21] (A. K.) The highest rate of turn out has been registered in your name
[02:21] (A. K.) The race has ended
[02:21] (A. K.) whoever has voted for these candidates will receive divine reward.
[02:21] (A. K.) they all belong to the state
[02:21] (A. K.) they have gotten closer to god by voting, they have
[02:22] (A. K.) there were 40 million votes for the revolution,
[02:22] (A. K.) not just 24 million for the winner
[02:22] (A. K.) The people have trust
[02:22] (A. K.) Their votes will not go in vain by the people.
[02:22] (A. K.) The legal mechanism in our country won't allow any cheating.
[02:23] (A. K.) Those are involved in the election process are aware of this fact
[02:23] (A. K.) Especially if there is an 11 million votes difference
[02:23] (A. K.) If it were little than that, we would say there's doubts,
[02:23] (A. K.) but how can 11 million votes be replaced or changed?
[02:23] (A. K.) At the same time
[02:24] (A. K.) I said this and the guardian council believes that whoever has doubts can present proof to the legal channels.
[02:24] (A. K.) I will not accept any illegal initiative.
[02:24] * A. K. is now known as A. K.
[02:24] (A. K.) Today,
[02:24] (A. K.) If the laws are broken today,
[02:24] (A. K.) No election will be immune in the future
[02:25] (A. K.) in every election,
[02:25] (A. K.) there are losers and winners
[02:25] (A. K.) no other election will ever be trusted if you take other avenues.
[02:25] (A. K.) thus, all legal procedures should be observed
[02:25] (A. K.) If there are any doubts, the issue should be followed by legal procedures
[02:25] (A. K.) we have laws
[02:25] (A. K.) the candidate's representatives had the right to inspect the ballot stations
[02:26] (A. K.) And to make complaints
[02:26] (A. K.) through the legal procedure
[02:26] (A. K.) If they have doubt, it should be recounted - the individual ballot boxes.
[02:26] (A. K.) Today is a very sensitive moment in our country
[02:26] (A. K.) look at the Middle East
[02:26] (A. K.) look at the economic situation in the world
[02:26] (A. K.) look at Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan
[02:27] (A. K.) VERY sensitive juncture in history, we are in.
[02:27] (A. K.) we should be careful to not make mistakes
[02:27] (A. K.) the voters' duty was to take part in the elections in the best possible manner
[02:27] (A. K.) but we have a bigger responsibility
[02:28] (A. K.) political party leaders should be very careful about what they say and do
[02:28] (A. K.) if they do anything extremist, their radical moves will moves will take them to where it won't be solvable
[02:28] (A. K.) we've seen this happen before
[02:28] (A. K.) when extremism is forced upon a society, it leads to another one
[02:28] (A. K.) if political elite want to fix someone at the cost of another thing
[02:29] (A. K.) to BREAK the law
[02:29] (A. K.) they would be responsible for the bloodshed
[02:29] (A. K.) And any form of unrest
[02:29] (A. K.) I would like to advise all these gentlemen,
[02:29] (A. K.) All my brothers and friends
[02:29] (A. K.) Just observe the hands of the enemy
[02:29] (A. K.) They are hungry wolves
[02:30] (A. K.) ambushing and removing the diplomacy cover from their faces
[02:30] (A. K.) Don't underestimate them.
[02:30] (A. K.) I will tell you,
[02:30] (A. K.) diplomats of other countries in the past few days have taken away their masks and showing their true image
[02:30] (A. K.) The most evil of them all is the British Government.
[02:31] (A. K.) I should tell these brothers,
[02:31] (A. K.) you are responsible before god
[02:31] (A. K.) you will be asked questions
[02:31] (A. K.) remember the last will and testament of the late imam
[02:31] (A. K.) the law determines what should be done
[02:31] (A. K.) elections are held so that any difference should be settled at the ballot box
[02:31] (A. K.) it should become clear there.
[02:31] (A. K.) what people want and what they don't want
[02:32] (A. K.) not on the streets
[02:32] (A. K.) if after every election those who haven't gotten votes start to have street camps and invite their followers to come to the streets,
[02:32] (A. K.) And the winners' followers take their followers to the streets,
[02:32] (A. K.) Then why did we hold elections to begin with?
[02:33] (A. K.) what have the people done wrong?
[02:33] (A. K.) They live on these streets
[02:33] (A. K.) That we want to show them we can do such things
[02:33] (A. K.) For terrorists it is different
[02:33] (A. K.) infiltrating terrorist will hide behind these people.
[02:34] (A. K.) if you make covers for them, then who's responsible?
[02:34] (A. K.) people have been killed from ordinary people and the Baseej
[02:34] (A. K.) Who's responsible?
[02:34] (A. K.) The issues is that some people have killed Baseeji forces and killed other people,
[02:34] (A. K.) who should address this issue?
[02:34] (A. K.) Who should react?
[02:34] (A. K.) attack at universities,
[02:34] (A. K.) Good students were beaten up
[02:34] (A. K.) not the ones who were involved in riots.
[02:35] (A. K.) then they chant slogans of supporting the leader.
[02:35] (A. K.) Then you become unhappy and your heart is hurt to see all this.
[02:35] (A. K.) street wrestling is not acceptable after the elections
[02:35] (A. K.) this is challenging democracy and election
[02:35] (A. K.) I want both sides to put an end to this
[02:36] (A. K.) then the responsibility of the consequences should be shouldered by those who aren't putting an end to it.
[02:36] (A. K.) by thinking that by turning out onto the streets that you can pressure the officials your demands is wrong.
[02:37] (A. K.) first of all.
[02:37] (A. K.) it will not be acceptable to submit to illegal demands
[02:37] (A. K.) this would be the start of dictatorship.
[02:37] (A. K.) This is a miscalculation,
[02:38] (A. K.) If there are any consequences, they would directly affect the leaders behind the scene
[02:38] (A. K.) the people would know them in due time as well.
[02:38] (A. K.) I call on all these dear friends, brothers and sister to observe the law
[02:38] (A. K.) to follow the legal code
[02:38] (A. K.) the law welcomes you
[02:38] (A. K.) legal channels are there for you
[02:39] (A. K.) i hope that almighty god will help us all to follow the legal channels.
[02:39] (A. K.) don't allow the enemies to destroy and ruin the celebration of our elections.
[02:39] (A. K.) If there are people who choose other paths, I will come and talk to people even more exclusively.
[02:40] (A. K.) now, third
[02:40] (A. K.) I want to talk to the media leaders and leaders
[02:40] (A. K.) I have witnessed the statements of American and EU countries' leaders and listening to them.
[02:40] (A. K.) I have monitored their actions and reactions in the past few weeks,
[02:40] (A. K.) Before and after the elections,
[02:40] (A. K.) Their behavior was different
[02:41] (A. K.) First, before the elections, their media orientation and their statements made was they wanted to
Cast out the hearts of the people a feeling that the election was useless to cut the turn out,
[02:41] (A. K.) They could guess the results,
[02:41] (A. K.) but they never expected 85%
[02:41] (A. K.) 40 million voted
[02:41] (A. K.) they never believed this
[02:41] (A. K.) after they witnessed this, they were shocked
[02:42] (A. K.) they learned what a great development in Iran has taken place
[02:42] (A. K.) they found out they had to adjust themselves to this new situation
[02:42] (A. K.) to the Middle East, Iran and the world
[02:42] (A. K.) they learned that a new chapter has opened in connection related to the Islamic Republic.
[02:42] (A. K.) This great turn out was observed
[02:42] (A. K.) they reported it time and again
[02:42] (A. K.) they were all surprised since Friday morning
[02:43] (A. K.) some of the reactions and feedback to these correspondents were also noticed
[02:43] (A. K.) when they saw objections by some candidates, they saw an opportunity
[02:43] (A. K.) they used it from Saturday to Sunday
[02:43] (A. K.) their tone changed
[02:43] (A. K.) they slowly saw these protests
[02:43] (A. K.) which were held by the invitation of the candidate
[02:43] (A. K.) they became hopeful
[02:43] (A. K.) their masks were removed
[02:43] (A. K.) they saw a way
[02:43] (A. K.) they revealed their true nature
[02:44] (A. K.) a number of heads of states and other leaders of EU and America made statements that clarified the true nature of those leaders.
[02:44] (A. K.) it was said on behalf of the US president that he was waiting for a day that people came out to streets.
[02:44] (A. K.) Inside the country
[02:44] (A. K.) their agents started their action
[02:45] (A. K.) they started to cause riots in the street
[02:45] (A. K.) they caused destruction
[02:45] (A. K.) burnt houses,
[02:45] (A. K.) theft and insecurity prevailed.
[02:45] (A. K.) the people felt unsafe and insecure
[02:45] (A. K.) this has nothing to do with supporters of the candidate
[02:45] (A. K.) this is the servants of the westerners
[02:45] (A. K.) Zionist agents and their servants.
[02:46] (A. K.) What was clumsily done inside Iran by some, made them greedy
[02:46] (A. K.) they thought that Iran is Georgia.
[02:46] (A. K.) An American Zionist capitalist some time ago claimed that he had spent ten million dollars and created velvet revolution in Georgia
[02:47] (A. K.) They are comparing the Islamic Republic with GEORGIA!?
[02:47] (A. K.) What do you think we are?
[02:47] (A. K.) You don't understand us.
[02:47] (A. K.) What are you talking about?
[02:48] (A. K.) what is the worst thing to me in all this
[02:48] (A. K.) are comments made in the name of human rights
[02:48] (A. K.) and freedom and liberty
[02:48] (A. K.) made by American officials
[02:48] (A. K.) they said that we are worried about Iranian nations
[02:48] (A. K.) WHAT? Are you serious?
[02:48] (A. K.) Do you KNOW what human rights are?!
[02:48] (A. K.) Who did that in Afghanistan?
[02:48] (A. K.) The wars and bloodshed
[02:48] (A. K.) Who is crushing Iraq under its soldier's boots?
[02:48] (A. K.) in Palestine?
[02:48] (A. K.) Who supported the Zionists?
[02:49] (A. K.) even inside America
[02:49] (A. K.) During the time of the democrats
[02:49] (A. K.) Time of Clinton
[02:49] (A. K.) 80 people were burned alive in Waco?
[02:50] (A. K.) Now you are talking about human rights?
[02:50] (A. K.) Well,
[02:50] (A. K.) I believe that the officials of America and EU should feel some embarrassment
[02:50] (A. K.) shouldn't say anything like that
[02:50] (A. K.) Islamic republic supports oppressed people of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine
[02:50] (A. K.) we support all those who are oppressed
[02:51] (A. K.) we are supporting the flag of human rights
[02:51] (A. K.) flag of humans is raised in this country by Islam
[02:51] (A. K.) we don't need advice about human rights
[02:51] (A. K.) My speech about the election is over.
[02:51] (A. K.) (VERY ABRUPTLY!)
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