Save Yourself From Perpetual Debt Slavery and Government Inflation
Politics / Global Debt Crisis May 31, 2010 - 12:07 PM GMTBy: Nadeem_Walayat
The politicians as evidenced during the sovereign debt crisis bailouts continue to show that they are firmly in the back pockets of the bankster elite. Instead of countries such as Greece defaulting on their debts, they are being forced to become debt slaves to finance their debt masters (the bond market) in perpetuity, as power continue to drift from the debt slave sovereign states to the their debt masters i.e. the debt providers, the IMF and now the German Government which through its bailout holds countries such as Greece by the balls, and is fully willing to squeeze governments that show dissent and disobedience to the New German European Order. Off course looking at the bigger picture, the German state itself is enslaved to the banking elite.
Even though I am a capitalist, I can clearly see that this is heading to some sort of socialist revolt against blatant debt slavery because the bankster's are their own worst enemy, they only know how to do one thing which is to systemically turn everyone and everything into perpetual debt slaves with the aim of squeezing every ounce of interest out of their slaves.
We don't have real democracy, we have bankster elites dictating to politicians what they should do with the aim of centralising more power into their hands.
In the UK taxes are set to soar, inflation has already soared, all is as a consequence of the crooks that call themselves Members of Parliament that funnel unlimited tax payer cash to their bankster masters pockets, in this regard so called socialist Labour MP's are NO different than their Tory elitist opponents.
The financial terrorists continue to target country after country with a view to maximising profits as the risks of default soars. It is only the likes of Germany and France that have relatively small financial sectors that are COMPETEING AGAINST London and New York that can implement REAL financial reform such as a ban on Naked Short Selling.
Whilst I am not religious, I can see that ALL of the worlds major religions have at their core that it is BAD, VERY BAD to borrow and lend money, that is for a reason because that IS the mechanism for turning people into SLAVES. Off course the bankster elite have over the centuries been busy corrupting even absolutist religious doctrine to the point where it becomes a farce, where those that subscribe to being religious as part of religions such as Christianity, Islam or Judaism use farcical mechanisms and frankly a load of B.S. to give the illusion that they are in obedience of their religious doctrine when in actual fact the complete opposite is true!
Any religious person that borrows and lends money has been corrupted by the Bankster elite and is in fact default of their religion. The high priests of religions tooing and froing in prayer have been corrupted, I would not be surprised if there are even some places of worships that are handing out their own branded credit cards.
In the modern world we have the rule of law as issued by our parliamentary representatives, unfortunately they have long since been corrupted and have done NOTHING, NOT ONE THING to offer an alternative to the debt slave model economy that perpetually channels peoples wealth and earnings into the pockets of the bankster elite, that leaves everyone with unsustainable debt burdens that ultimately seeks to destroy their lives.
The credit crisis has made it crystal clear to what degree the bankster elite are in COMPLETE CONTROL, in that the politicians are willing to sacrifice the countries future to ensure that the bankster elite bond holders do not lose a single penny!
Tiny pinprick countries such as Greece cannot stand a hope in hells chance against the bankster elite and their fund cohorts that seek to pick off countries one by one as candidates for default in swift panic fashion, against this we have the bankster elite forcing countries such as Germany to also bankrupt themselves to bailout countries that have TOO MUCH DEBT, they cannot service the current debt level so how will countries such as Greece be better able to service a debt mountain that will be 33% larger in 3 years time ?
In the 16th century there was revolution in England against the absolutist Monarch, what we need is a NEW Cromwell for revolution against the system of debt slavery. The ONLY way YOU can Save yourself form the bankster vulture elite is to NOT BORROW MONEY !!! You need to know that those letters coming through your letter box offering you £10k at 3% are just as dangerous as if the envelope contained a sample of crack cocaine! Both will seek to enslave and destroy your life!
Fools in the mainstream media are producing reams of garbage to state that the banks should lend more so that the trend towards absolute debt slavery may resume. Instead what should be happening is to break the cycle towards debt enslavement and bankruptcy towards a new financial system of capital investment rather than debt and interest, where there is no longer lending for consumption.
More on how to protect yourself form the bankster elites in the Inflation Mega-Trend ebook, as the Bankster of England uses inflation as a stealth tax to steal your wealth.
Do the Europeans Understand the Markets?
Given the behaviour of Germany in the unilateral banning of Naked short-selling without telling anyone it would, suggests not.
The markets are primarily driven by sentiment. Sentiment is impacted negatively by uncertainty, and positively impacted by reassurances, the German ban on Naked Short Selling whilst probably the right thing to do i.e. to prevent the bankster elite from manipulating the debt crisis to their own advantage, but implemented the wrong way as it is causing the markets to act even more chaotically then is usually the case.
I think Angela Merkel and the rest of the E.U. Brady Bunch Politicians need to go on an intensive course so as to learn exactly what the markets are and what tends to drive them between the two extremes of fear and greed, because these clueless politicians tend to react in a manner which unnecessary pushes markets towards the edge. They need to understand that there IS a battle taking place and that it is between governments and the bankster elite that want to turn the governments into debt slaves to maximise profits.
The markets are a mechanism for them to achieve this through market manipulations that enable the profits to be created during highly volatile market moves, usually as a consequence of panic such as that over the debt crisis as manifesting in the unregulated credit default swaps derivatives market.
Merkel should have implemented the naked short-selling ban in an coordinated manner with at least other E.U. members if not the whole G20.
What happens next ?
Well the ONLY solution to the debt crisis remains as I voiced over a year ago, no 2 years ago now, that the ONLY answer is for the governments to keep PRINTING MONEY, there IS NO OTHER ANSWER, as the alternative as we are repeatedly reminded by the Perma-bear Deflationists IS DEFLATION. Which is an OBVIOUS outcome of Debt Deleveraging WITHOUT MONEY PRINTING. However money printing once started cannot stop until its ultimate conclusion which is very high inflation, as illustrated at length in the 100 page Inflation Mega-trend Ebook (FREE DOWNLOAD).
The E.U. Bailout has bought the euro zone some time as they prepare to attempt to print their way out of the debt crisis, with possibly two currencies eventually emerging one for those that cannot compete against Germany and one for those that can. Off course two currencies, one for North Europe and one for the South Europe means that over time we will see divergence in standards of livings between the north and the south as the two currencies follow different paths and thus the South becoming significantly poorer in terms of purchasing power than the North, but that is how it should be because frankly the South has shown itself to not work as hard as the North when it comes to generating wealth, too many siesta's in the Sun.
In conclusion Individual investors need to protect themselves from a. debt slavery and b. from the governments stealth tax - inflation as detailed at length in the Inflation Mega-Trend Ebook.
By Nadeem Walayat
Copyright © 2005-10 (Market Oracle Ltd). All rights reserved.
Nadeem Walayat has over 20 years experience of trading derivatives, portfolio management and analysing the financial markets, including one of few who both anticipated and Beat the 1987 Crash. Nadeem's forward looking analysis specialises on UK inflation, economy, interest rates and the housing market and he is the author of the NEW Inflation Mega-Trend ebook that can be downloaded for Free. Nadeem is the Editor of The Market Oracle, a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting online publication. We present in-depth analysis from over 500 experienced analysts on a range of views of the probable direction of the financial markets. Thus enabling our readers to arrive at an informed opinion on future market direction.
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