The Cancer of Socialism Infecting the United States
Politics / Economic Theory Apr 17, 2011 - 07:22 AM GMTBy: Nadeem_Walayat
The following text is excerpted form the NEW The Stocks Stealth Bull Market Update 2011 70 page ebook is available for FREE Download. Chronic economic under performance by much of Europe as most notably illustrated by the bankrupting PIIGS is as a consequence of socialism, where the greater the degrees of socialism implemented the greater the economic under performance observed, where governments rely upon unsustainable inflationary deficit spending, money printing to give the illusion of temporary prosperity as a consequence of socialist policies that always eventually bankrupt economies.
in Britain the new Tory led coalition government is attempting to cut out the cancer of socialism through means of deep spending cuts and tax rises, but the socialism cancer spread for Britain may already have become terminal.
Unfortunately the United states during the past 10 years has increasingly accelerated along the socialist route for not only the masses but the super rich as well in the form of a series of bankster bailouts known as TARP and QE.
Socialism is KILLING the work ethic, it destroys capitalism driven competition that generates economic growth, it turns workers into lazy benefit claimers, people who are not willing to work for the market driven wage but for some fantasy land pay figure that the market will not bear, thus artificially high unemployment rules where just as is the case in the UK large swathes of housing estates full of those immersed in the benefits culture and who over time lose the ability to work but instead proceed to suck productive life blood of the economy, as those that work are forced to increasingly pay ever higher taxes for those that either choose not to work or are employed in mostly un productive debt fuelled government work programme's.
Meanwhile the lack of socialism in of all places such as communist China where capitalism driven competition is generating growth of 10% per annum.
The welfare / benefit states need to be cut back drastically else Britain and the US will soon be where the European Bankrupting PIIGS are today.
Have we learned nothing from the soviet experience of socialism ?
Where the shops were near always empty with long queues and workers worked for worthless fiat currency, producing goods no one wanted to buy under government supply dictats.
Socialism is just as dangerous as any other religion (with their self filling armageddon prophecies) that will destroy societies that it professes to save and therefore just as religions have been banned from the interfering in the governance of secular western societies (that many Muslim countries are only now starting realise), then so should the religion of socialism be banned before it destroys said societies.
To save countries such as the United States and Britain from terminal ACCELERATING decline we need to promote competition driven capitalism, which means promoting the work ethic, savings and entrepreneurship in the general population and limit the size and scope of government, else ever escalating socialist debt will ensure that we will become just the latest to join a long list of banana republics, to whom no one in the world will want to listen to what we once were, rather look down upon us at what we have let ourselves become, fat, lazy, good for nothing benefit scroungers looking for economic scraps thrown to us in the form of foreign aid from the new economic super powers in predominantly the east.
The ebook follows on from the 3rd of April 2011 publication of key analysis and concluding trend forecast for the DJIA stock index for 2011 (Stocks Stealth Bull Market Trend Forecast 2011), that includes the full detailed analysis and additional trend forecasts for the following major world stock market indices : UK FTSE100, China SSEC, India BSE and Russia RTSI.
Download Now- The Interest Rate Mega-Trend Ebook (PDF 2.8meg), the only requirement is a valid email address.
Introduction | 1 |
Why a Stocks Stealth Bull Market? | 2 |
2009 - Birth of the Stocks Stealth Bull Market | 2 |
2010 - Bull Market Consolidates and Targets 12,000 | 9 |
Bear Market Rally Mantra Repeatedly Busted | 13 |
The Head and Shoulders Propaganda Pattern | 14 |
Hindenberg Crash Omen Proved to be the Summers Best Contrary Indicator! | 15 |
Economy & Inflation Conclusions Applied to the Stock Market | 16 |
Stock Market Mega-Inflationary Trend | 18 |
Rising Interest Rates Implications for the Stock Market | 19 |
Black Swan Events - Japanese Tsunami and Nuclear Meltdown | 26 |
Crude Oil Price Impact on Stock Market Trends | 30 |
The Copper Price and the Stock Market Trend | 32 |
Stock Market Manipulation | 33 |
Current Stock Market Sentiment & Psychology | 34 |
Quantitative Easing AKA Money Printing | 35 |
U.S. Dollar and Stock Market Trend Relationship, Currency and Real Wars | 37 |
Stocks Stealth Bull Market Elliott Wave Analysis | 40 |
Stock Market Technical Analysis | 44 |
Formulating a Stock Market Conclusion for 2011 | 47 |
Risks to the Forecast | 50 |
The Stocks Stealth Bull Market Mega-trend | 50 |
FTSE 100 Stocks Index Forecast 2011 | 51 |
Emerging Markets Outlook 2011 | 52 |
CHINA | 54 |
INDIA | 57 |
RUSSIA | 59 |
Recap of Stock Market Trend Forecast for 2010 - 02 Feb 2010 - Stocks Stealth Bull Market Trend Forecast For 2010
Dow 10,067 - Stocks Multi-year Bull Market that bottomed in March 2009 will trend Sideways during first half of 2010 attempting to break higher. The second half will see a strong rally to above 12,000 targeting 12,500 during late 2010.
Source and Comments:
Your motivated by outrage analyst.
By Nadeem Walayat
Copyright © 2005-2011 (Market Oracle Ltd). All rights reserved.
Nadeem Walayat has over 25 years experience of trading derivatives, portfolio management and analysing the financial markets, including one of few who both anticipated and Beat the 1987 Crash. Nadeem's forward looking analysis focuses on UK inflation, economy, interest rates and housing market. He is the author of three ebook's - The Inflation Mega-Trend; The Interest Rate Mega-Trend and The Stocks Stealth Bull Market Update 2011 that can be downloaded for Free.
Nadeem is the Editor of The Market Oracle, a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting online publication that presents in-depth analysis from over 600 experienced analysts on a range of views of the probable direction of the financial markets, thus enabling our readers to arrive at an informed opinion on future market direction.
Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any trading losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors before engaging in any trading activities.
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