Category: Immigration
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, April 30, 2015
Immigration Crisis Drives a Deep Wedge Between E.U. States / Politics / Immigration
The European Union is once again struggling to come up with a coherent asylum strategy for its 28 members. In recent years, the rising number of asylum seekers entering the European Union through countries such as Italy and Greece has generated friction among member states, fueled criticism of the Schengen Agreement and contributed to the growing popularity of nationalist parties.
However, the European Union will not reform its asylum policies in any significant way. Member states will provide more financial assistance to Mediterranean countries, but they will refuse to accept quotas of immigrants over the coming months and years. Anti-immigration sentiments will persist across the Continent, putting substantial pressure on one of the European Union's founding principles: the free movement of people.
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Sunday, April 26, 2015
Migrant Crisis - Europe Has Completely Lost It / Politics / Immigration
By: Raul_I_Meijer
After the high-level EU summit on the migrant issue, hastily convened after close to a thousand people drowned last weekend off the Lybian coast, Dutch PM Mark Rutte was quoted by ‘his’ domestic press as saying ‘Our first priority is saving human lives’. That sounds commendable, and it also sounds just like what everybody knows everybody else wants to hear. One can be forgiven, therefore, for thinking that it’s somewhat unfortunate that the one person tasked by Brussels with executing the noble ‘saving lives’ strategy, doesn’t seem to entirely agree with Rutte:
Saturday, March 07, 2015
Immigration Crisis General Election 2015, Voters Punish Conservatives and Labour with Another Hung Parliament / ElectionOracle / Immigration
By: Nadeem_Walayat
A study by the University of Oxford concludes that England's migrant population has increased by 565,000 over the past 3 years of which 2/3rds are from the EU. However, in my opinion Oxford University grossly under estimates the number of immigrants as illustrated by the most recent ONS statistics which show a near 300,000 net migration to the UK over just one year, where the total over the past 3 years is near 750,000. So in reality the probable actual increase in migrant population of England and Wales is likely to be about 1/3rd higher than the Oxford University guesstimate.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Will Conservatives Out of Control Immigration Crisis Boost UKIP Election 2015 Prospects? / ElectionOracle / Immigration
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The latest immigration statistics out of the ONS once more illustrate the magnitude of the ConDem Coalition governments failure to control immigration where to all intents and purposes the past 5 years have just marked a continuation of the Labour catastrophe that set in motion a mega-trend for a 15 year long surge in net immigration of well over over 3 million people, where approx 90% of the adults were expected to vote Labour.
The facts to date illustrate that David Cameron just CANNOT be trusted on immigration, for his party in government has repeatedly FAILED in virtually EVERY IMMIGRATION PROMISE made as when David Cameron took power in 2010 he promised that he would cut net immigration towards the end of the parliament to the tens of thousands from the then disastrous annual figure of 205,000, instead the latest data from the ONS shows that net immigration has continued to SOAR to a level far higher level even than in 2010 to now stand at 298,000, near 1/3rd higher.
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Monday, December 08, 2014
The Immigration=Identity Crisis Of France, UK And USA / Politics / Immigration
By: Andrew_McKillop
Raw Deal for Mohamed
The BBC Parliamentary TV channel, December 4, broadcast a panel discussion from the northern city of Doncaster with an all-English panel of MPs and ministers. The Labour party, Lib Dems and Tory party faithfuls congratulated themselves on keeping Scotland "a part of our country" before being asked by a member of the audience if they knew that "Mohamed", spelled various ways is supposedly now the most popular name in England (if not the UK) for newborn males? In fact that shock factoid came from a 'selective' survey done by the not-so-reliable but very true blue 'Daily Mail' newspaper. The real ranking, the panel was told, is about 15th., but nver mind, it was the cue for the panel to wheel out the Official List of reasons why every male child in England could be "christened" with the name "Mohamed". As long as they pay taxes, they could go on to become great statesmen like Barack "Hussein" Obama and do wonderful things for their nation like enrol in the British Army for a war in Iraq or Afghanistan – against plenty of "Mohameds" and "Husseins" we can note!
Friday, November 28, 2014
Britain's Immigration Catastrophe Continues, David Cameron's Impotent Speech on Stopping In Work Benefits / Politics / Immigration
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The latest immigration statistics out of the ONS reveal the truth of what amounts to continuing out of control immigration of the last Labour governments disastrous policy of importing several million new Labour voters into Britain. Meanwhile all that David Cameron can do is to make impotent speeches in a desperate attempt to fight off the UKIP threat ahead of the next general election, promises of withholding in work benefits to migrant workers for upto 4 years. However virtually all of his proposals CANNOT be implemented and were immediately rejected by European Union bureaucrats as being illegal if implemented.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Globalism Free Trade Immigration Connection / Politics / Immigration
How is your life going under the Global Empire? If you answer honestly, for non billionaires, the response must reflect disappointment if not immense distress. Middle America stands on the precipice of oblivion. While the recent past decades have shown steep declines in financial security and net wealth, the future looks much more ominous. The link between the shift to an internationalist de-industrialization economy and open border immigration has hit the United States hard. This harsh reality is routinely denied in the financial press, but the social chaos that engulfs society is largely caused by this betrayal mindset. Corporatists are waging war against the American public.
Monday, July 14, 2014
How the Drug War Drives Child Migrants to the US Border / Politics / Immigration
By: Mark_Thornton
Most attentive parents today rarely allow their children to go unsupervised, particularly in public. It starts with the wireless baby monitor for the crib and ends with the ever-present cell phone at college graduation.
This is what makes reports from the US-Mexican border so perplexing to most Americans. It is hard to believe that parents would send their children, even young children, to travel many hundreds of miles, up to 1,600 miles without guardianship, or under the control of “mules” who guide the children with the hope of a safe voyage to the United States.
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Monday, July 14, 2014
Ron Paul on What's Missing in The Current Immigration 'Crisis' Debate / Politics / Immigration
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
Over the past several weeks we have seen a significant increase in illegal immigration, as thousands of unaccompanied minors pour across what seems an invisible southern border into the United States. The mass immigration has, as to be expected, put an enormous strain on local resources, and it has heated up the immigration debate in the US.
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Monday, March 10, 2014
How EU and Swiss Socialism Made Immigrants a Political Problem / Politics / Immigration
By: Frank_Hollenbeck
The Nationalistic Swiss people’s party recently succeeded in a referendum to limit Swiss immigration. The party blamed immigrants for a general lowering of incomes and for “stealing” jobs that otherwise would have gone to Swiss citizens. They also blame immigrants for a host of other minor problems such as unaffordable housing and traffic bottlenecks. The vote stipulates that Switzerland has to renegotiate its bilateral agreement with the EU on the free movement of people within three years, or revoke it altogether.
Tuesday, January 07, 2014
UK Housing Boom Prompts Landlords to Evict British Benefit Claiming Tenants in Favour of Eastern European Workers / Housing-Market / Immigration
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Rising house prices meets housing benefits cuts benefits culture cap resulting in private Landlords increasingly making the financially commonsense decision to evict not just benefit claimants heavily in arrears but virtually all of their benefit claiming tenants in favour of far more reliable hard working eastern european workers.
This is the natural consequences of rising house prices as rental yields tend to track house price rises where the average annualised rise of 8.5% translates into average rents being raised by 8.5% which pushes benefits claimants increasingly into arrears and thus prompting Landlords to seek more reliable rent paying tenants as the Coalition government has desperately been attempting to cut what had become out control housing benefits payments to 4.5 million households under the Labour government that at its extreme had manifested itself in rental payments of over £100,000 per annum each to over 100 families that are now subject to the benefits cap.
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Thursday, January 02, 2014
One Million Romanian and Bulgarian's to Descend upon Elysium - Britain's Immigration Catastrophe / Politics / Immigration
By: Nadeem_Walayat
It should not come as any surprise to most that Britain continues to experience what amounts to out of control immigration as the latest manifestation of which is the start of a horde of Romanian and Bulgarian workers and benefits claimers that if follow what transpired during the past decade will turn out to be 20 times the academic estimates. The recent movie Elysium depicts what in many respects has been taking place in the UK this past decade as hordes of economic migrants from across the world have descended upon Elysium (Britain) that under the weight of which risks Britain's economic social and cultural destruction.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Extremist Ideology of Multiculturalism is Why Over 90% of Immigrants Tend NOT Assimilate / Politics / Immigration
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Many of the mainstream politicians actively promote the policy of multiculturalism as the primary way for immigrants to integrate / assimilate themselves with diverse cultures into British society, whereas the facts spanning several decades suggest the complete opposite takes place as the policy of multiculturalism (all cultures being equal) results in immigrants tending to congregate in ghettos that over time displace the indigenous populations, which are further reinforced by subsequent generations most of whom remain within their expanding boundaries of ghetto's which we see in ALL immigrant population groups, which is reinforced by state schools teaching of multiculturalism and by religious schools. The only change that happens over the time is that ghettos can become wealthy i.e. the Jewish immigrants of the 1930's to 1940's now live in rich ghettos such as Gants Hill, Golder's Green, Hampstead and Hendon, similar changes occurred with Hindu and Sikh migrations of the 1950's to 1970's and then for Pakistani's of the 1960's to 1980's and likely for a whole host of more recent influx of migrants from Africa, East Asia (China) and off course Eastern Europe.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The Economics of Immigration and Employment, Do Immigrants Steal Jobs? / Economics / Immigration
Facts or no facts, many people simply do not want to believe that undocumented immigrants coming to this country don’t steal jobs and undermine the American economy. When economic studies come along that challenge their preconceptions, they don’t take kindly to the troublesome conclusions.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Impact of Immigration on Economic Growth Jobs and Housing / Economics / Immigration
By: Gerard_Jackson

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The Deflationary Effect of Migrant Workers / Economics / Immigration
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This week the UK government came clean and stated that it has got its facts wrong on both the number of migrant workers and the number of jobs created. More than half of the jobs created by New Labour have gone to migrant workers, with the number of migrant workers now estimated at 1.5 million. In my previous article, I highlighted the key negatives of migration into the UK, in that the public sector is inefficient to such an extent that it cancels out the estimated extra tax revenue of £6 billions.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
UK Government Report Gives Annual £6 billion Positive Spin To Migrant Workers / Politics / Immigration
By: Nadeem_Walayat

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Wage rates, Immigration and Jobs / Economics / Immigration
By: Gerard_Jackson
On the other hand we have the opposing fallacy that immigrants steal jobs. In fact, back in July 2004 John Stone, former head of the Australian Treasury, accused illegal immigrants of stealing jobs from Australians. So which is it? The first fallacy actually rests on very important economic truth that too many economists ignore: so long as there is sufficient capital and land to employ people and the free market prevails persistent widespread unemployment cannot. What is missing, however, is the price of labour. I have no doubt that if the hourly wage rates for those agricultural jobs that Americans are said to look down their noses at were to jump to $30 there would be an abundance of applicants.
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Monday, June 25, 2007
Monetary Causes of the US Immigration Crisis / Politics / Immigration
By: Richard_C_Cook
There is nothing mysterious about the U.S. immigration crisis, or the presence of twelve million or more illegal aliens, or the fact that many more are coming to a neighborhood near you.
They are coming to the U.S. because they are human beings who have to eat.
They have to eat because they want to live.
They cannot eat and live in their own countries because there are no jobs.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
US Economy, Immigration and the Fallacy of Cheap Labour / Economics / Immigration
By: Gerard_Jackson
The question of illegal immigration has finally come to the boil in the US. In doing so it has exposed as nonsense the arguments of those who say that legalising the current status of illegals will promote growth. This attitude is boneheaded to say the least. Yet this is precisely where the Wall Street Journal. A while ago it published an article by Mary Anastasia O'Grady arguing that the real problem is not immigration per se butRead full article... Read full article...