Category: New Cold War
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, March 28, 2019
What if We Threw a Cold War and Nobody Came? / Politics / New Cold War
By: Richard_Mills
Russia just can’t seem to keep itself from stepping on America’s toes - the foot belonging to Latin American countries that are within the American sphere of influence known historically as the Monroe Doctrine.
On Sunday two Russian military planes reportedly landed in Caracas carrying a Russian defense official and nearly 100 troops - in another demonstration of the close ties between Russia and Venezuela.
Three months earlier, the two nations held joint military exercises, in an apparent nose-thumbing directed at opponents of embattled President Nicolas Maduro, particularly the United States.
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Monday, January 08, 2018
The Way to the New Cold War / Politics / New Cold War
By: Dan_Steinbock

The “New Cold War” between the US and Russia began a decade ago. The elevated tensions in the Korean Peninsula are only a part of the collateral damage around the world.
But what led to the new friction? The simple response is the Wolfowitz Doctrine.
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Tuesday, January 31, 2017
New Cold War with a Different Enemy / Politics / New Cold War
As all the alarm bells ring continuously that the Russian Federation is the cause for the latest cold war, the actual risk for a hot conflict or an intentional brinkmanship of worldwide proportions should focus on the real enemy of humanity. The Brexit campaign was about more than just leaving the European Union. Likewise, the Trump movement is about a great deal more than just keeping Hillary Clinton from the oval office. Formerly the nation-state was the organizational format for government. Europe emerged from the dark ages to carve out kingships and spend centuries of warring with mostly bloodline relatives. When the bonds of feudalism loosened and economic advancement expanded the enlightenment of human thinking altered the political landscape. Notions of democratic principles germinated into ushering aside Kaisers, Czars and Kings. The popular vote in a strange ritual came to be known as an election, was culturally adopted as registering the popular will of the people.
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Why Russia Harasses U.S. Aircraft and Ships / Politics / New Cold War
Since Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, tension with the West has been high, affecting eastern Ukraine, Syria and hot spots across the former Soviet sphere. Less overtly, Moscow has been working to protect areas vital to Russian interests by raising the stakes of U.S. operations there. This has manifested in numerous aggressive interceptions of U.S. military aircraft in flight, especially over the Black and Baltic seas. The interceptions, which are reportedly occurring more frequently, aim to dissuade Washington from operating in that airspace.
Sunday, August 09, 2015
Japan Gets Ready for More Military Spending / Politics / New Cold War
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been pressing for more military spending in Japan, in what critics claim is a violation of Japan’s so-called pacifist constitution. Foreign Policy reports:
Read full article... Read full article...In January, the government of conservative Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe endorsed a defense budget of nearly 5 trillion yen, or $42 billion, continuing a three-year growth trend after nearly a decade of decline. The sum still represents a small portion of Japan’s GDP — it accounts for just one percent of it, according to the World Bank — but because offensive military action is prohibited by Japan’s constitution, even a modest increase is controversial.
Sunday, June 07, 2015
G-7 Summit Russia Bashing / Politics / New Cold War
By: Stephen_Lendman

Monday, April 13, 2015
Ron Paul Asks New World Militarism: Who Profits? / Politics / New Cold War
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
Militarism and military spending are everywhere on the rise, as the new Cold War propaganda seems to be paying off. The new "threats" that are being hyped bring big profits to military contractors and the network of think tanks they pay to produce pro-war propaganda.
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Saturday, February 28, 2015
NATO Frankenstein - When Centralization Scales Beyond Our Control / Politics / New Cold War
By: Raul_I_Meijer
In an article about NATO exercises in Estonia, just 300 yards from the Russian border, Daniel McAdams at the Ron Paul Institute makes a point that I want to use to make a much broader point. Not the provide answers, though, just to provide questions. McAdams quotes the Guardian review of a book by George Sakwa:
Monday, December 08, 2014
U.S. House Chooses New Cold War With Russia / Politics / New Cold War
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
Last week the US House voted overwhelmingly in favor of an anti-Russia resolution so full of war propaganda that it rivals the rhetoric from chilliest era of the Cold War. Ironically, much of the bill condemns Russia for doing exactly what the US government has been doing for years in Syria and Ukraine!
For example, one of the reasons to condemn Russia in the resolution is the claim that Russia is imposing economic sanctions on Ukraine. But how many rounds of sanctions has US government imposed on Russia for much of the past year? I guess sanctions are only bad when used by countries Washington doesn't like.
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Sunday, December 07, 2014
Russia Has Western Enemies, Not Partners / Politics / New Cold War
By: Paul_Craig_Roberts
The US House of Representatives has joined Hillary Clinton, Obama, the neoconservatives, Washington’s vassals, and the American and European presstitutes in demonizing Russia and President Putin. The House resolution against Russia is a packet of lies, but that did not stop the resolution from passing by a vote of 411 for and 10 against.
The entire world should take note that the American people are capable of electing only ten intelligent representatives. Ten people out of 435 is 2 percent. And yet Washington declares itself to be the “exceptional,” “indispensable” country empowered to exercise hegemony over the world!
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Friday, November 07, 2014
Putin Signs Secret Pact to Crush NATO / Politics / New Cold War
By: Marin_Katusa
Back on September 11 and 12, there was a summit meeting in a city that involved an organization that most Americans have never heard of. Mainstream media coverage was all but nonexistent.
The place was Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, a country few Westerners could correctly place on a map.
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Wednesday, November 05, 2014
COLD WAR 2.0 -- The Super-Secure Great Firewall of China / Politics / New Cold War
By: DK_Matai
Is Quantum Cryptography The New Enigma Code? Or Is QC The Launch of The New Space Race?
1. Imagine an encryption more "hack proof" than Hitler's Enigma code. One that even a genius like Alan Turing would not be able to hack! Welcome to Quantum Cryptography in the 21st century where quantum entangled photons are utilised to transmit and to receive messages super securely.
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Thursday, October 30, 2014
Putin vs Obama: Who’s Dominating the Colder War? / Politics / New Cold War
By: Casey_Research
Putin is attacking the true source of American power—the petrodollar—and he’s got China, Brazil, India, and South Africa in his corner. They’re aligning themselves to fight the EU, America, and the IMF. And as each month passes, Putin is using Russia’s position at the center of the world’s energy matrix to forge new alliances and deals. How long before the world discovers that Obama and America are hiding behind a curtain with no powers anymore?
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Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Putin is Winning the New Cold War / Politics / New Cold War
By: Mike_Whitney

“History shows that the United States has benefited politically and economically from wars in Europe. The huge outflow of capital from Europe following the First and Second World Wars, transformed the U.S. into a superpower … Today, faced with economic decline, the US is trying to precipitate another European war to achieve the same objective.”… Sergey Glazyev, Russian politician and economist
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Thursday, August 07, 2014
Cold War 2.0 Is a Financial War / Stock-Markets / New Cold War
By: Money_Morning
James Rickards writes: Editor's Note: James G. Rickards is the New York Times best-selling author of The Death of Money and Currency Wars. Today, he'll tell us about a new kind of global conflict – one that could wipe trillions in personal wealth off the map…
Relations between the United States and Russia are now at their lowest ebb since the end of the Soviet Union on Christmas Day 1991.
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Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Cold War 2.0 / Politics / New Cold War
By: Stephen_Lendman

Tuesday, April 08, 2014
Armageddon - Obama Issues Threats To Russia And NATO / Politics / New Cold War
By: Paul_Craig_Roberts
The Obama regime has issued simultaneous threats to the enemy it is making out of Russia and to its European NATO allies on which Washington is relying to support sanctions on Russia. This cannot end well.
As even Americans living in a controlled media environment are aware, Europeans, South Americans, and Chinese are infuriated that the National Stasi Agency is spying on their communications. NSA’s affront to legality, the US Constitution, and international diplomatic norms is unprecedented. Yet, the spying continues, while Congress sits sucking its thumb and betraying its oath to defend the Constitution of the United States.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Cold War Atavism – Skewed Clues For An Uncertain Future / Politics / New Cold War
By: Andrew_McKillop
Skeuomorphic Culture
According to ethnologists and anthropologists who specialize in the subsector of primitive and ethnic technology, that is pre-modern non-western technology, a skeuomorph is a part or whole of a design or an artefact made to resemble a previous and different material or technique. Ancient potters who had moved up to wheel-throwing and kiln baking continued designing and making wooden-like or woven rope-like handles on their solid, one-piece wares. A simple example for Western culture's technological and cultural skeuomorphism are estate wagon cars with light-colored plastic “wooden” framing, or garden chairs made of extruded aluminium with PVC seats, which are produced with “screws and tenon joints” for the fake-wooden chair parts, and printed “handwoven raffia-style” plastic seats and chair backs. Coloring of the aluminium and plastic to mask their real nature, can include elaborate tinted and printed wood grain effects.
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Thursday, September 05, 2013
Putin Calls out Obama: G-20 Conference: East vs. West / Politics / New Cold War
By: Stephen_Merrill
The Russia Times news channel ( has become a thorn in the side of US journalism with its steady, Kremlin-written, anti-US, anti-Obama stories and editorials.
The Edward Snowden affair seemed to whip RT’s writings into a full-throated debate with the fading US superpower. That situation proved not much though when compared to the voice the Syrian civil war affair is bringing to the RT editorial staff.
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Friday, June 14, 2013
New Cold War - U.S. Meat Made in China? / Politics / New Cold War
By: Money_Morning
Frank Marchant and Garrett Baldwin write: The New Cold War won't be fought with missiles and submarines; it will be fought with oil companies, natural resources...and pigs.
The controversial sale of American meatpacking icon Smithfield Foods (NYSE: SFD) to Chinese hopeful Shuanghui International has become a polarizing issue among investors and citizens alike.
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