Category: Stocks Bull Market
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, July 23, 2009
Vicious Stocks Stealth Bull Market Eats the Bears Alive!, What's Next? / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The price action following the SELL signals earlier this month can only be described as a VICIOUS BEAR TRAP !, We got sell signals, good ones for Stock BULLs such as myself (as of Mid March 2009) it was a clear sign to get ready to accumulate more, for bears it was a sign to double up for the long awaited bear market RETEST and maybe to make back some of the money lost shorting the rally ?
Monday, July 20, 2009
Investors It Does Not Pay to Fall A Sleep During a Stocks Bull Market / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
By: Clif_Droke
The vast majority of retail investors have “fallen asleep” on the broad market recovery since March. The sleepy character of market psychology has become even more pronounced in just the last few weeks as the market spent some time consolidating its gains. In that period of time we’ve seen quite a few analysts turn bearish on the market, which is usually a big mistake in a year when the dominant yearly Kress cycle is up.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Stock Market Bulls Take Over / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
By: Frederic_Simons
The week is beginning with some major changes in equities, treasury bonds and commodity prices. Starting on Monday, the S&P 500 started a big move to the upside. In our last stock market update, we showed a chart of the E-Mini S&P 500 future with the comment that above 884.63, the short term chart would be bullish again:
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Stocks Bull Market Sectors at Risk / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
By: Guy_Lerner
In "6 Leaders For The Next Rally Phase", I highlighted those sectors that had the potential to lead the next bull market phase if and when that comes. This group focused on new leadership such as semiconductors and airlines. It did not focus on the old leadership of the past bull market such energy, metals and financials.
Friday, July 03, 2009
Yen Carry Trade Suggests Global Stock Markets Base Building Underway / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
By: Donald_W_Dony
The "Yen carry trade" has provided traders with a reliable source of near-endless funds for many years. This pool of capital has helped fuel the 2002-2007 bull market. Technical evidence (Chart 1) illustrates the Japanese Yen verses the Dow Jones World Stock Index. Since 2002, the Yen has been trading flat or drifting downward against the USD$. Traders have been shorting the Yen and using the funds to purchase stocks, currencies and high-yielding securities around the world.
Monday, June 22, 2009
An Outrageous Stock Market Prediction / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
By: Q1_Publishing
“We are at the base building period for the next bull market. What I see happening is perhaps this continuing till the end of the year, and then a break out.”
That’s what Mark Mobius, who manages $20 billion for Templeton Asset Management and who was recognized as one of the “Ten Best Investors of the 20th Century,” told investors a few weeks ago.
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Thursday, June 18, 2009
What a Strong Stocks Bull Market Looks Like / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
By: Adam_Brochert

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Friday, June 12, 2009
Looks Like a Stocks Bull Market / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
By: Chris_Ciovacco
Since humans have been greedy and fearful since the beginning of time, they tend to act in similar ways before, during, and after a financial crisis. These tendencies manifested themselves during the tulip bulb craze of the 1600s, the dot-com craze of the 1990s, and the real estate mania of the 2000s.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Stock Market On the Edge of Something Big / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
By: Q1_Publishing
I wouldn’t believe it unless I saw it myself.
After seeing it though, I’ve felt more confident than ever that the markets will be able to hang onto recent gains and add more over the next few months. Let me explain.
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Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Stocks Stealth Bull Market Quick Update / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
By: Nadeem_Walayat
In response to a dozen email requests, this is a quick update to the ongoing Stocks Stealth Bull Market that began in early March 2009.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Stocks Bear Market Rally or Real Bull Market Rebound? / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
By: William_R_Thomson

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Stock Market-Long-Waves Say...Negligible Risk of Major Reversal Before Dow Crosses 10,000 / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
By: Andrew_Butter
At Davos, Professor Nouriel Roubini declared that US banks were insolvent. On 14th March he declared that the incipient US stock market rally was a "dead-cat-bounce-sucker-rally" that would be overturned by the terrible economic prospects.
Last time I looked the Dow was almost 30% up on 9th March, which puts it well out of normal dead-cat-bounce territory (the "bounce" is typically dictated by how far they fall (
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Thursday, April 30, 2009
Stealth Stocks Bull Market, Sell in May and Go Away? / News_Letter / Stocks Bull Market
By: NewsLetter
April 26th , 2009 Issue #31 Vol. 3Read full article... Read full article...
Friday, April 17, 2009
Stock Market "Sucker-Rally-Dead-Cat" Still Yowling! Market-Long-Waves Say's "Bull-Run Warning" / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
By: Andrew_Butter

If it were up to Sticks and Stones (can break my bones) that Cat would be road-kill by now. On the 14th March Professor Roubini pronounced the rally that started 10th March was a dead-cat-sucker-bounce.
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Friday, April 17, 2009
Powerful Cyclical Bull Market Within a Secular Bear Market / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
By: Zeal_LLC

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009
This Only Happens at the Stock Market Bottom and the Top / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
By: Q1_Publishing

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Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Stocks Stealth Bull Market Closes above Dow 8,000 / News_Letter / Stocks Bull Market
By: NewsLetter
April 5th , 2009 Issue #26 Vol. 3Read full article... Read full article...
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Stocks Stealth Bull Market Closes above Dow 8,000, Up 24% in less than 4 weeks / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
By: Nadeem_Walayat

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Friday, April 03, 2009
Why Retail Stock Market Investors are Starving Themselves to Death / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
By: Clif_Droke
Since the market bottomed and the new cyclical recovery bull market began, retail investors have gone on a collective buyer’s strike. Call it a “hunger strike” if you will. The retail crowd is effectively starving itself by missing out on some remarkable recoveries in recent weeks and will most likely continue to miss out on these opportunity until they simply can’t take it anymore. In other words, a classic repetition of the idealized market cycle is setting up perfectly.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Stealth Stocks Bull Market Carpet Bombs the Bears / News_Letter / Stocks Bull Market
By: NewsLetter
March 24th , 2009 Issue #22 Vol. 3 Read full article... Read full article...