Category: Stocks Bear Market
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Saturday, October 25, 2014
The Gallery of Crowd Behavior: Goodbye Stock Market All Time Highs / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Doug_Wakefield
"Complex Systems that have artificially suppressed volatility tend to become extremely fragile, while at the same time exhibiting no visible risks. In fact, they tend to be too calm and exhibit minimal variability as silent risks and accumulate beneath the surface. Although the stated intention of political leaders and economic policymakers is to stabilize the system by inhibiting fluctuations, the result tends to be the opposite." - Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Mark Blyth, May/June 2011 issue of Foreign Affairs.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Stock Market Seven Year Cycle and A Correction Ahead? / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
From a duration perspective, is the current uptrend in today’s stock market getting risky? Based on history, should one assume that a correction may be nearing? Our main consideration of the following charts of the S&P 500 is the duration of the turning points.
Friday, October 17, 2014
The 10th Man: What a Stock Market Correction Feels Like / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: John_Mauldin
Back in the summer of 2007, when I was working for Lehman Brothers, I had a vacation to the Bahamas planned. This was unusual for me. Up until that point, in six years of working for Lehman, I had taken about five vacation days—total. But my wife and I were going to a semi-primitive resort on Cat Island, the most desolate island in the Bahamas. Interesting place for a vacation. Suffice to say that it’s plenty hot in the Bahamas in August.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Stocks Bear Markets Move Fast and Are Intensely Emotional / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
As Bob Prechter says, bear markets move fast and are intensely emotional.
Please read this free report that could help you sidestep perhaps the biggest bear market in living memory.
Anyone who has been watching the market for the past few years knows that Wall Street wanted the stock market to get back to where it was.
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Thursday, October 02, 2014
Stock Market Top -Bear Market Begins / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Dan_Stinson
DOW reversal after completing ED pattern
The DOW was in an Ending Diagonal pattern which we have followed for many months before the recent downside. The chart below is from our members page and illustrates the completed pattern on Sept 23rd indicating a stock market top. On Friday Sept 19th, it appeared that the market top was likely in place, but we confirmed the reversal on Monday Sept 22nd.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Epic Investor Optimism that Can Be Reversed Only by a Huge Stocks Bear Market / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
Editor's note: The following article was republished here with permission from the co-editors of the September issue of The Elliott Wave Financial Forecast, a publication of Robert Prechter's Elliott Wave International, the world's largest financial forecasting firm. From Sept. 25 to Oct. 1, EWI is throwing open the doors to all of its investor services 100% free. Click here to join EWI's free Investor Open House now.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Stock Market vs the Developing Bear Market for Liberal Democracy? / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
Editor's note: The following article was republished here with permission from the co-editors of the September issue of The Elliott Wave Financial Forecast, a publication of Robert Prechter's Elliott Wave International, the world's largest financial forecasting firm. From Sept. 25 to Oct. 1, EWI is throwing open the doors to all of its investor services 100% free. Click here to join EWI's free Investor Open House now.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Death Knell for the Stocks Bull Market? / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Submissions
Rick Ackerman writes: When will the bull market end? With money velocity collapsing and ominous divergences developing in both the NYSE Advance/Decline line and the New Highs/New Lows summation, U.S. stocks closed at an all-time high last week. If this were not disconcerting enough, the Hindenburg Omen, which signals an increased probability of a stock market crash, flashed red on Friday. There was also this unequivocal pronouncement from the Elliott Wave Theorist after the Dow Industrials came within a single point last week of fulfilling their long-term rally target at 17280: “Next week, the U.S. stock averages should begin their biggest decline ever.” As for your editor, Rick’s Picks has been drum-rolling a key “Hidden Pivot” target at 2028 in the S&P 500 Index that has been 27 years in coming. On Friday, the index hit a record 2019.
Saturday, September 06, 2014
Stock Market Epic Optimism that Can Be Reversed Only by a Huge Bear Market / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
Recent weeks brought the biggest confrontation with Moscow since the Cold War, a race riot, a new low in the popularity of President Obama and grisly beheadings at the hands of religious terrorists amidst a major re-escalation of the war in Iraq.
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Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Stock Market Bear Tracks Abound In Wall Street / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: I_M_Vronsky
Today's boundless investor complacency is eerily reminiscent of the unbridled investor euphoria of the roaring 1920’s. And all avid market students remember what happened then…i.e. the 1929 Stock Market Crash.
Pervasive investor complacency reigns in Wall Street today…similar to what caused myopic prudence in 2000-2001 and again 2007-2008. It is imperative to recall that in each case stock indices lost more than 50% of their value.
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Friday, August 22, 2014
Are Stocks Bear Markets the New Bull Markets? / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Harry_Dent
Lately, when I appear on CNBC and Fox Business, I seem to face an increasing number of bulls who claim we’re not in a bubble and that we could see the markets explode upwards in the weeks and months ahead. And they can list countless reasons for their view.
What I’m seeing less and less of are those pundits willing to be bearish… and those who have amended their point of view. “If we get a correction,” they say, “it will be minor… 10% or so.”
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Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Stocks Bear Market Formation Revealed / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
The Stock Market with Elliott Wave Labels from 1693 to Present Day Reveals a Bear Market Formation Since 2000
The following article was adapted from Robert Prechter's June 2014 issue of The Elliott Wave Theorist, one of the longest-running investment letters in the business, continuously published monthly since 1979.
Figure 1 shows the stock market's waves from 1693 to the present. The circled Roman numerals denote waves of Grand Supercycle degree, the largest complete waves for which stock market data exist.
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Thursday, July 03, 2014
Stock Market Rally - It’s Not As It Appears! / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Tim_Wood
As equities continued to rise during the advance into the 2007 top, I screamed from the roof tops that it was a bear market advance and that the efforts to prop the markets up only served to make matters worse. That certainly proved to be the case as those efforts resulted in the worst financial crisis since The Great Depression. Yet, as a result of the worst financial crisis since The Great Depression, the response to that event was the massive bailouts and even more of the same things that created that event in the first place. Seriously, think about it. Is it remotely reasonable to respond to the worst financial crisis since the 1930’s with more of the same actions that created that crisis in the first place? Does this really make sense? Ever since the rally out of the 2009 low began, I have explained that it is a bear market advance and that the longer the rally extends, the more dangerous it will become. The rally out of the 2009 low has now extended to the point that it is the longest cyclical advance since the inception of the Dow Jones Industrial Average in 1896.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Unprecedented Stocks Bear Market Formation Since 2000 / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
Think the current conditions in the stock market are normal? Think again. Here are 3 characteristics you should expect to see in wave b.
Editor's Note: Below you will find a sneak peek from the just-published issue of Robert Prechter's Theorist. It provides you an opportunity to see some of the research, analysis and forecasts that Elliott Wave International's subscribers are enjoying inside their latest issue.
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Friday, May 23, 2014
Energy Stocks No Bear Market Refuge / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Zeal_LLC
The lofty US stock markets have stalled out, looking more and more top-heavy with each passing day. This is spawning growing unease among prudent investors, who sense the long-overdue major selloff is nearing. Many are seeking shelter in sectors they hope will weather the storm. And energy stocks, with their lower valuations, are a leading one. Unfortunately history proves they too offer no refuge in stock bears.
The stock markets are topping, essentially grinding sideways near nominal record highs for the better part of 3 months now. The American S&P 500 benchmark stock index is now trading at incredibly high valuations between 23x to 26x trailing earnings, dangerously expensive. And after rocketing 180.5% higher over 5.2 years, this truly extraordinary bull market stocks have enjoyed is getting ominously long in the tooth.
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Friday, May 16, 2014
Has the Stocks Bear Market Returned? Maybe / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Toby_Connor
Following up on my last article it does look like stocks have begun to move down into the yearly cycle low that I was expecting.
The failed breakout was a big warning sign. After a month and a half consolidation there was no reason for the breakout to fail. By the second test of the 1900 level stocks should have built up enough energy to break through and hold at that point.
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Saturday, March 29, 2014
Why Mutual Fund Managers Cannot Protect Investors In Stocks Bear Markets / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Sy_Harding
Over my 27 years in the business, I often discuss bull and bear markets with investors. A couple of popular beliefs frequently surprise me.
The first is that bear markets are rare events. Investors are still surprised, some even shocked, that two bear markets, 2000-2003 and 2007-2009, took place within a nine-year period. Yet there have been 25 bear markets over the last 113 years, or one on average of every 4.5 years.
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Monday, March 10, 2014
Disinformation War Still Dominates Stock Markets - Charts to watch / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Garry_Abeshouse

January 2014 marked the 44th anniversary of one of the biggest mistakes of my life. Back in January 1970, I was young and inexperienced as to how stock markets functioned and balked at selling on the huge profit I was making at the time. The Australian speculative boom in nickel stocks was peaking and everyone around me was saying it was going to last forever. Even the solicitor I was using at the time told me to hold on, while unbeknown to me, he was actually dumping huge quantities of one of the stocks I was holding. This was in the middle of a huge feeding frenzy of disinformation that makes up a large part of every bull trap that has ever existed. But then as now the market tone was and is changing, from one where greed and overoptimism dominate, to one where fear again regains ascendance. Bull traps have forever been defined in these terms.
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Thursday, January 30, 2014
The Disappearing Stock Market Bears / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
See what happens in the financial markets when the bears vanish
If Inspector Gadget or Maxwell Smart had lived in the digital age, their bosses would have used the smartphone app Snapchat to deliver their secret missions.
Snapchat is a popular app with about 8 million users that lets your smartphone send a photo that self-destructs seconds after your recipient views it. As of September 2013, users were sending about 350-400 million vanishing messages a day -- which compares with the 127.5 million shares that changed hands in the Dow on Jan. 27, 2014.
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Saturday, January 25, 2014
The Coming Stock Market Bear Market Rally Bust / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Tim_Wood
Regardless of what we hear from various sources, fact is, the economy peaked in 2000. This peak corresponded with the stock market top in 2000, which was followed by the decline into the 2002 low. Since that decline began, the money masters have tried to reignite the underlying economy and in the process they have only made matters worse.