Category: Self Driving Cars
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Friday, December 23, 2022
Will Tesla Die Next? / Companies / Self Driving Cars
By: Submissions
Elon releases the “Twitter Files”… TSLA is a buy below $200… Our EV play in Disruption Investor hits an all-time high...
- Elon Musk dropped a bombshell on the internet earlier this month by announcing the release of the so-called “Twitter files.”
Musk, who recently bought Twitter and took it private, tapped independent journalist Matt Taibbi to share the dirty details.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Where’s my self-driving car? / Companies / Self Driving Cars
By: Stephen_McBride
Silicon Valley gurus told us we’d be commuting to work in robocars by now…
In 2016, the CEO of ridesharing firm Lyft predicted driverless cars would “all but end” car ownership...
Heck, even Tesla founder Elon Musk said robotaxis were just two years away…
That was in 2015.
Monday, January 11, 2021
Why 2021 Will Be the Year Self-Driving Cars Go Mainstream / Companies / Self Driving Cars
By: Stephen_McBride
Today, I’m going to reveal three ways to profit off the self-driving car megatrend, which is gaining momentum.
The technology behind this trend has been ready for years. But I believe this is the year it’s about to finally be unleashed. And it’s opening up a huge moneymaking opportunity for everyday investors.
With COVID and post-election lawsuits dominating the news, you won’t read much about this in the mainstream media. But this industry quietly hit two major milestones in December.
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Sunday, June 14, 2020
What Happens When Cars Can “See”? / Companies / Self Driving Cars
By: Stephen_McBride
Dairy giant Land O’Lakes recently made history. It hired a Silicon Valley startup to deliver 20 tons of butter across America by truck. The 2,800 mile drive from California to Philadelphia took over 40 hours.
And here’s the kicker: the 18-wheeler drove itself the whole way! A safety driver sat along for the ride, but he didn’t have to put his hands on the wheel once. This was the first time a self-driving semi delivered goods for a paying customer.
A few weeks ago, 60 Minutes did a special on driverless trucks. The camera crew travelled to a warehouse in the heart of Arizona’s Sonoran Desert. Inside sat a fleet of 40 new, shiny self-driving 18-wheelers. Those big rigs belong to TuSimple, a robotruck startup valued at $1 billion.
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Sunday, January 05, 2020
Uber May Do the Impossible in 2020 / Companies / Self Driving Cars
By: Stephen_McBride
Of all the stocks I covered this year, I was hardest on Uber (UBER). I caught some flak for writing “buying Uber stock is the dumbest thing you can do with your money in 2019.”
Although my call ruffled feathers, I stand by it. Since Uber IPO’d in May, the stock has plunged 35%. And it was just plain wrong how the media hyped up its IPO, luring in novice investors who didn’t know any better, only to watch their money go up in smoke.
To be clear, I love Uber’s service. It’s cheap, easy, and way better than regular taxis. But it’s been a horrible, money-losing business.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Uber Stock Price Will Crash on November 6 / Companies / Self Driving Cars
By: Stephen_McBride
By Justin Spittler :
Circle November 6 on your calendar.
That day, one of America’s most controversial disruptor stocks will likely get crushed.
If history’s any indication, it could easily plunge 10% or even 15%.
Rumors will fly that the company is going out of business.
But if you know what’s coming, you have nothing to worry about. You could even capitalize on the fear.
In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if November 6 turns out to be the best opportunity to buy this beaten down stock ahead of a big bounce.
Thursday, September 05, 2019
Uber’s Nightmare Has Just Started / Companies / Self Driving Cars
By: Stephen_McBride
“Never get in cars with strangers…”
Did your parents tell you that when you were a kid?
These days, people get in cars with strangers all the time... only they use a smartphone “app” to match them with a specific stranger to drive them around.
As you may have guessed, I’m referring to Uber, the world’s biggest ride-sharing company.
It’s like a taxi company except it doesn’t own any cars. It doesn’t employ any drivers either. Instead, it runs an app that connects drivers with people who need a ride.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Self Driving Cars - Google’s World Domination Has Just Begun / Companies / Self Driving Cars
By: Stephen_McBride
At a $1.04-trillion valuation, Microsoft (MSFT) is the biggest public company in the world
Its stock has shot up 480% in the past decade...
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Rare Chance to Buy the #1 Self-Driving Car Stock for Practically Nothing / Companies / Self Driving Cars
By: Stephen_McBride
Are you invested in self-driving cars yet? If not, I hope you’ll read this article carefully.
I’ll show you a unique opportunity to invest in this megatrend at a bargain price.
And it isn’t some risky stock with unproven technology. It’s a dominant, profitable company that’s leading the self-driving universe.
And because of a rare situation in the markets, you can buy it today for practically nothing.
Wednesday, January 09, 2019
How Waymo Will Destroy Uber / Companies / Self Driving Cars
By: Stephen_McBride

It’s one of the biggest disruptive forces in America.
In RiskHedge, I recently explained why self-driving cars are going to gut the auto industry like a fish. And Phoenix is only the first step in Waymo’s domination of American roads.
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