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Market Oracle FREE Newsletter

Category: Stock Markets 2016

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Monday, January 25, 2016

Where Is The Stock Market Turmoil Taking Us? - Audio / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: John_Rubino

On Monday, stocks tanked around the world and so did oil, breaking $27. On Tuesday things looked better. Central banks were jawboning, with Mario Draghi making noises about intervening. The Chinese were also busy buying stocks. The true test is when the banks really start intervening and whether they will be able to reflate another cycle. At some point this strategy is bound to fail. Will it be now or the next time? That past couple of weeks have seen a very brutal bear market. If you look at the average stock, it has lost more than 20 percent. Sounds like a bear market in the making with tech stocks leading the way.

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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Stock Market Counter Trend Rally / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Andre_Gratian

Current Position of the Market

SPX: Long-term trend - Severe correction underway.

SPX: Intermediate trend - counter-trend rally!

Analysis of the short-term trend is done on a daily basis with the help of hourly charts. It is an important adjunct to the analysis of daily and weekly charts which discuss longer market trends.

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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Is the Stock Market Bottom In? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Graham_Summers

Stocks are rallying this morning.

They are not rallying because of a change in fundamentals.

They are not rallying because of a significant debt restructuring.

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Saturday, January 23, 2016

Finally, Some Stock Market Buying....What Is It Telling Us?......Scenarios Discussed... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Jack_Steiman

What's unique about the stock market is its unpredictable nature. We're always trying to understand the message being sent through the oscillators along with price action. What is it saying! It can be very confusing and always emotional. Is it only a correction within a bigger picture bull market that's still on going? Is this a counter-trend rally that will fail on a weekly basis below the uptrend line at 1935? Will it head fake well above 1935 only to close back below on a weekly basis? It's really hard to know what's taking place when the move off then top has never shown classic bear-market distribution on any of the key daily index charts.

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Saturday, January 23, 2016

Chronicle Of A Debt Foretold - When Central Banks Buy Equities / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: John_Rubino

Critics of today’s fiat currency/fractional reserve banking world have (for what seems like forever) made the common sense point that when debt rises faster than cash flow, bad things are bound to happen. In every cycle since 1980 this has been dismissed by the vast majority who benefit from inflating bubbles — until the bubble bursts.

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Saturday, January 23, 2016

What is Happening to Stock Market Inflowing Liquidity? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Marty_Chenard

The old saying is that "Money makes the world go round." It doesn't stop there ... money also makes the stock market go up or down.

As Jesse Livermore said in the 20's ... "The stock market is all about money. If money goes in, the stock market goes up. If money goes out, the stock market goes down."

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Friday, January 22, 2016

Stock Market Short-Term Bottom in place: You will lose money if you Short Now / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Chris_Vermeulen

The whole world is in disbelief that the stock markets are not collapsing, right now. It is going to be a slow bear market decline. I had written an article called “The Power Of Seven”; many were skeptical of my suggestion warning investors for move to cash. I was right on target. Now, the markets are tanking and experts are calling for all sorts of levels, I believe I am correct again, by calling for an intermediate bottom in the markets that may last much longer than traders expect.

Many believe that catching the top and bottom, is not only difficult, but impossible. With my predictive trend analytics models, I constantly identify both bottoms and tops on varous timeframes rom intraday to monthly charts, which if you have been following me for some time very well know.

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Friday, January 22, 2016

Is Stock Market SPX Topping? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Anthony_Cherniawski

SPX jumped in the overnight markets and it appears that Wave (i) of [c] may be complete. Thus far it has retraced 35% of the decline. Should SPX reach 1914.75 (the 38.2% retracement) in only one continuous impulse from [b], I suggest your longs be taken off the table.

Should SPX retrace modestly, then go higher, I suggest that it may reach its 50% Fib level at 1946.50 yet today. That would be the second level at which to take profits, since things may become dicey over the weekend.

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Friday, January 22, 2016

Stock Market Swing Baby, Swing! / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Gary_Tanashian

This article assumes one is trading the up and down swings in the stock market.  Swing traders are just one segment of a market population that includes those sitting in cash (and/or risk ‘off’ vehicles like Treasury Bonds), maintaining longer-term short positions, our always bullish friends, the “stocks for the long-term” contingent and of course, the indomitable Gold Bug “community”, focusing as ever on one asset class while a world full of other assets is in motion.

“Let’s go let’s go, he’s no batter, he’s no batter… (pitch comes to the plate) SWING BATTER!!!”

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Friday, January 22, 2016

Stock Markets Waiting on U.S. Dollar / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Anthony_Cherniawski

It appears that the outcome of the world markets may depend on the behavior of the USD. The pattern is now clear, after a long consolidation. The rising domestic markets have been dependent on the rising dollar. This has made especially so by the emerging markets as they have to buy back dollars to repay dollar-denominated debts which they so eagerly took over the past several years. This has caused a terrible squeeze on their economies and the Emerging Markets stocks and bonds.

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Fed’s Role in the Stock Market Slide / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Mike_Whitney

When the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and S&P peaked in May 2015, investors were still confident that the Fed “had their back” and that any steep or prolonged downturn in stocks would be met with additional liquidity and a firm commitment to maintain zero rates as long as necessary. But now that the Fed has started its long-awaited rate-hike cycle, investors aren’t sure what to expect.

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Fantasy Stock Market: “NIFTY NINE” FINALLY BECAME JUST “FANTAsy”! / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Gordon_T_Long

In the November Issue of Triggers we discussed “FANG & NOSH”. In December we further discussed the mutation of this group to the “NIFTY9”. This month as markets fall we need to discuss how the “NIFTY9” finally became just “FANTAsy” and the potential $1T seriousness of what this means.

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

S&P 500 Fell 15% Below Last Year's All Time High - Correction or New Bear Market? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Paul_Rejczak

Briefly: In our opinion, no speculative positions are justified.

Our intraday outlook is now neutral, and our short-term outlook is neutral. Our medium-term outlook remains bearish, as the S&P 500 index extends its lower highs, lower lows sequence. However, we decided to change our long-term outlook to neutral, following recent move down below medium-term lows.

Intraday outlook (next 24 hours): neutral
Short-term outlook (next 1-2 weeks): neutral
Medium-term outlook (next 1-3 months): bearish
Long-term outlook (next year): neutral

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Stock Market Indices Rally to Cut Huge Sell-Off in Half / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Harry_Boxer

The stock market indices had a really interesting day today, which included a very sharp decline in the morning, getting the indices to an extremely negative tick of minus 1373, and the McClellan Oscillator to minus 200-plus. After reaching a level midday where the indices seemed to be washed out, they staged a very strong rally, taking the Nasdaq 100 from 3993 all the way up to 4180, a 187-point rally straight up with a 5-wave advance. The S&P 500, during that time, went from 1812 to 1878, a 66-point rally.

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Stock Market Short Sellers Back In The Saddle: Q&A With Bearing Asset Management / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: John_Rubino

The improbable success of The Big Short, a scathing and hilarious tutorial on making money during a financial crisis, probably has a lot of people thinking that now might be a good time to start betting against the current bubble(s).

That’s a well-timed thought because it comes after three long years in which shorting was really, really hard. Why was it hard? Because easy money — at first — floats all boats. When interest rates are low and financing is readily available, even the crappiest companies can pay their bond interest and support their share price with debt-fueled share repurchases. The uniformity of the past few years’ bull market was so extreme that buying the most heavily-shorted stocks — on the assumption that those companies would have access to sufficient capital to support their market value, thus forcing the shorts to cover at ever-higher prices — was a successful and widely-practiced strategy.

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Stock Market Trying To Bounce....Closed Below 1867 Or The August Low.... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Jack_Steiman

These are very, very interesting times folks. The market behaving poorly for the first time on an extended basis after nearly seven years. The bulls are so used to having things go their way day after day, week after week and year after year. That ended suddenly in 2015 when the markets were overall red, but barely so. Not enough of a push lower to get anyone thinking the end of the bull run is near. Most thought it was simply a year of basing after a long move higher that would lead to yet another leg up.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A Stock Market Bounce is Due / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Anthony_Cherniawski

SPX hit its Ending Diagonal trendline, making a throw-under at 1812.25. A bounce that re-enters the trading band currently at 1833.69 and retests the Cycle Bottom constitutes a reversal pattern that may be traded. In the meantime, the pattern calls for an exit of short positions.

ZeroHedge writes, “History repeats, if you're just willing to listen. The "Dead-Cat-Bubble" is dead as global stocks enter a bear market (down 20% from May 2015 highs) and US equities catch down to the rest of the world.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Can Stock Market Short Term Positive Bias Develop into a Medium Term Positive? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Marty_Chenard

This day has a short term, positive bias for the Fed. A lot of Inflowing Liquidity should come in, but the question will be one of sustainability with the Institutional Investors still in net distribution.

Short term is good, but medium term rules. So the question is ... can this short term positive bias develop into a medium term positive?

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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Stock Market Phase Target Met / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Andre_Gratian

Current Position of the Market

SPX: Long-term trend - Severe correction underway.

SPX: Intermediate trend - The index is completing a downtrend phase within a longer-term decline. This should be followed by a counter-trend rally before selling resumes.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Stock Market Bottoming, but Bear Still Growling / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Brad_Gudgeon

Indications suggest a stock market which is currently oversold and bottoming short term, but still has a long way to go to finish this bear.  In fact, I believe we could see the SPX fall as low as the 940-950 area by October of this year as we enter the final innings of the crash phase of the 8 year commodity cycle. Gold and especially the gold miners are struggling even though we are showing positive COT figures.

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