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Marc Faber, Peter Schiff and Ron Paul Say Prepare for Hyperinflation

Commodities / HyperInflation Jan 19, 2010 - 01:19 PM GMT

By: Submissions


Best Financial Markets Analysis Article"Marc I heard you say that you know believe that it is 100% guaranteed that we are now going to have hyperinflation like Zimbabwe"

Faber - "Yes That is Correct"

Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

© 2005-2022 - The Market Oracle is a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting online publication.


19 Jan 10, 14:57
When is this hyperinflation going to happen

These doomsayers have been preaching hyperinflation for years and it never comes. They are no different than the Hal Lindsey and Jack van Impe who keep predicting the rapture.

19 Jan 10, 21:15
Ad hominem much?

Do you have any data or evidence to back up your comments of Schiff and Faber? Grow up; attack the argument, not the arguer, and support your position with fact. Go to and brush up on your economics. Comparing Schiff, Paul, and Faber with individuals predicting the rapture? Oh brother...

The Chairman
20 Jan 10, 11:37
Not until after the debt deflation.

Hyperinflation would involve the total destruction of the US banking system. At this stage its a low probability. Hyperinflation won't come until after the massive debt deflation has run its course... Its going to be a good many years away.

27 Jan 10, 16:17
Sad to See People Fall for Extremists with Agendas

None of these men have credibility. They are perpetual doomers with agendas. I find it pathetic that you have a person who does nothing but posts the same propaganda from the mainstream media that people go to the internet to avoid. Stop wasting your tme with these CNBC clowns and start listening to what this man has to say.

13 Apr 10, 12:38

The current administration has already added about 1.5 trillion in new money into circulation. This is roughly equal to 170% of the previous total amount of money in circulation ( History tells us that new money added to circulation takes about 2 years to work its way into the system and manifest its inflationary effects (the banks are still sitting on piles of the bailout money), so we have some time. Be aware, a TRILLION is a lot of money. & there is no way that the Fed will be able to back this $ out of the economy in time without raising rates to 45% tomorrow. How can we not have hyperinflation?

Once high rates of inflation are apparent, foreign governments will see the value of their US bonds falling and will probably begin dumping their holdings of dollars, thus accelerating hyperinflation.

Inflation, or in a severe case, hyperinflation, is a local event; it does not affect currencies in foreign countries, and may even help their stock markets via shifting purchasing power to unaffected countries. It will be very bad for anyone who is not prepared.

Read the quote at the top of this page:

22 Apr 10, 13:28
more on hyperinflation

Near the end of 2008/early 2009 the adjusted monetary BASE was around $850B, and is currently 2,200B --------- that is nearing triple in just over one year. source:

There is a lag time between that increase in money supply until hyperinflation,,,, historically 3-5 years after Deficit Spending reaches -140%. We hit that in 2009 - at 142%

The probabilities of a hyperinflation are actually high, since Congress is not doing anything meaningful to reduce deficit spending.

Also note that teh majority of the US Treasuries mature over the next 2-3 years.... Congress has not saved a single penny to pay off the principal balances coming due - so you will see an explosion in either newly issued debt to pay off the old debt, or an explosion in money printing leading to hyperinflation. Unless you think Congress has the balls to default on the principal payments of course....

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