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The Grand Old Strategies for the Islamic Conquest of The West and The Counter Strategies...

Politics / Religion May 11, 2015 - 05:45 PM GMT

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew


... for The Total Disintegration of Islam and The Islamic World
Till the Suez Canal Crisis in 1956, the rise of the petro-dollar in 1970s, the proposal for the Islamic Bomb put forward by the Pakistani scientist, Prof. Abdul Salam and the Grand Strategy of Islamic Conquest of the West and the Rest of the World formulated in early 80s, neither the West nor the rest of the world, including Israel had taken Islam seriously other than some peripheral academic or religious interests.

But those developments had virtually shaken the confidence of both Israel and the western world and created a series of shock waves all over the world; everybody was fear-ridden for the looming crisis challenging the very survival of the western world by Aggressive Islam using its petro-dollars besides mass migration and mass multiplication of population with several wives and children, sometimes using rapes or romance or kidnapping non-Muslim girls or women.

Facing the Threats

After realizing the gravity of the threats, instead of declaring war on Islam, both the West and Israel started to study Islam – its scriptures, organizational structures, religious practices and the underlying political, social and economic ideologies, history, including wars it had fought and the execution of terror and cold-blooded violence and its social regimentation in a very systematic way. Several Centers had been established in the western world besides Israel to study Islam and the Koran appointing Islamic and Koranic scholars, even from Muslims to understand the complexities of the threats and formulating counter-strategies.

Understanding Islam

Some of the major findings of the study were quite surprising, especially the self-contradictory nature of the basic teachings of Islam, its mass appeal, the regimentation of the society, the demand for absolute submission and surrender and above all the underlying Fascist Ideologies and Organizational nature. Islam has been designed as a religion of the crowd for emotionally charging the masses and employing mass hysteria and thereby winning the wars and exterminating the enemies brutally, even calling the Allah and glorifying the wars and terrors.

Islamic religious practices have been designed just like military drills, exercises, food and rest in a regiment as Mohammad was a military leader and strategist who engaged a series of successful wars. Within a period of ten years, Mohammad fought eight major battles, led eighteen raids, and carried out another thirty-eight military operations under his orders and strategic direction, using mass rapes of women and little girls besides, looting the treasures.

Adolf Hitler - An Admirer of Islam

Every issue in Islam is matters of emotions and sentiments. That may be the reason way; Adolf Hitler was a great admirer of Islam and he even stated that Islam was the most suitable religion for Fascism , its absolute dictatorship of the fascist state and its expansion based on war and terror. Just like Fascism, Islam glorifies war, terror and extermination or prosecution of the enemies and infidels, including those who desert it. Just like Fascism, Islam regiments every aspect of the society, keeping everybody alert for fighting with short notice and even prayers and fasting have been designed just like military exercises.

Islamic Contradictions

Islam is full of contradictions. Islam is a religion of peace. Islam is also a religion of war and terror. Islam is a religion of mercy and forgiveness. Islam is also a religion of cruelty and revenge. Islam considers Christians as its close ally. Islam also treats Christians as infidels and enemies to be exterminated.

Islam preaches Allah as the creator of the sun, earth and etc. Though no human being can be an enemy of the sun for its power and the sun never treats any human being as its enemy, but Islam tells some human beings are the enemies of the Allah who treats them his enemies. Is it meant that Allah is less powerful than the sun, his own creation to fear human beings? Enmity is born not out of love, but fear.

Islam preaches that it must wage war against the enemies of the Allah and the highest reward is given to the martyrs or fighters against the enemies of Allah, after death, in the Paradise. Special privileges in the Paradise are also given to the killers of the infidels and enemies of Allah.  Paradise is narrated as a place for all material and sensual pleasures, especially wine and virgins that motivate men to fight or kill and to be killed for the sake of Allah.

Strategies and Counter-Strategies

In the early eighties, Muslim theologians and intellectuals had even formulated and advocated the Grand Strategy of Islamic Conquest of the West and the rest of the world by 2020. That had made the best brains of the West, Israel and the rest of the world to formulate and execute counter strategies with greater mathematical precision without any chance of any failure.

By 1981, a group of top professors, intellectuals and strategists, affiliated to Israel and the West, formulated a counter strategy called the Grand Strategies of Disintegration of Islam and the Entire Islamic World, by Systematic Infiltration, Hijacking and Maligning Islam   and using Koran and Terror as an effective weapon for that purpose. They were made operational by 1984. Within 30 years, they could effectively execute the Grand Strategies in a most effective and successful way with Mathematical Precision and several times effective than the Islamists, even using them. 

Markets for the Defense Industries

The best strategy to bring war and terror and create sustainable market for the Defense Industry is to create ten hardcore believes in each Religion, especially Islam, and ask them to convert others, besides making them highly fundamentalists by highlighting war and terror discussed in their Holy Scriptures and finally giving them enough money and logistic support. Within 25 years, each religion splits into several warring and deadly sects. Then they altogether Bring War, Terror, Kill Each Other for its God or Faith or Religion or the Leader so as to create sustainable demand for the Defense Industry Products and Services.

Islamic Terrorism and Hijacking of Islam 

The present Islamist Terrorism and Fundamentalism are the result of the Grand Strategies executed in 1984, originally designed to disintegrate Islam and destabilize the economic and political powers of the Islamic World and to create sustainable market for the Defense Industry globally.

Hijacking Islam has been one of the major tactics of the strategy. Thousands of well-trained secret agents, hardcore criminals, professionals, professors, media persons, scientists, ex-military officers and etc. have been converted to Islam with very great media coverage so that they can infiltrate in almost all strategic positions in the Islamic World, keeping the Traditional and Peace-Loving Muslims away from the main stream.

The new converts could virtually hijack the Islam and misguide or manipulate or misdirect Young Muslims, including women. Al Quida, and its several affiliates, including ISIS, Boko Haram and etc. are the part of the well formulated strategy to infiltrate or hijack or malign Islam. Some of the well-known Islamic leaders, preachers, media persons and even clerics besides several Islamic Organizations are the strategic partners of the west and the defense industries that provide all financial and logistic support to them. At least 30% of the profit earned by the Defense Industries has been allocated for financing the Islamic Terrorists, besides making the latest weapons available to them. 

The simple minded Muslims, without knowing the implications of the tactics, celebrate the new conversions and inflow of millions of dollars as the great victory of Islam! Almost all normal Muslims are very poor in matters of strategy, other than over-reacting and fighting fiercely till death for their Allah, Koran, Prophet and Paradise. 

Thanks to the brutality and media hype of the ISIS, now the entire Arab or Islamic World is setting up a Joint Military Force spending Billions to fight against the growing Islamist Terrorism and Fundamentalism. Here also the actual beneficiary is the Defense Industry and the looser is the Islamic World, especially the poor Muslims who cannot expect the old type aid or funding from the Arab World.

Iraq, Libya, Syria and Iran

As part of the Grand Strategy, both Iraq and Libya had already been disintegrated. Syria and Egypt are on the verge of crisis. Pakistan and Afghanistan have been grappled with their own unsolvable internal problems. Yemen is on the path of total disintegration. Except a handful of Muslim countries, including the UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Singapore, Saudi Arabia and etc. the rest of the Islamic World will remain poverty-ridden and economically and politically weak at least for the next 100 years, for the Islamic Fundamentalism and Terrorism. Iran loo has lost its economic and scientific bases for its own of brand of Islamist Fundamentalism and political interference in the other Arab countries.

Poverty-ridden Islamic World

The best brains of the Islamic World have already been drawn away either for migration in the west for better opportunities or for fighting for Islamist Terrorism. Whatever may be, they are lost forever. The Islamic World cannot concentrate on developing Agriculture, Industry and Business and cannot introduce modern Education, Science & Technology, and Management Techniques and bring any type of Reform or Revolution other than going back to the Primitive Tribal Age dominated by ignorance, superstition and exploitation and poverty, that too by wasting their scarce energy and resources for war and terror.

As a result, the youth in these countries can engage only in Terror, War, Murder and Destruction as they don’t know how to use their creative energy for social development. Like many other Islamist countries, Pakistan too is paying a very high price for its Islamic Fundamentalism. A Stage has reached in which Islam is maligned and no Force on the Earth can save Islam.

Islam has already been disintegrated without any spirituality and humanism along with the destabilization of the economic, political and military strength of the Islamic World. Islam is getting rigorously more Fascist than ever and attracted hardcore criminals and sadists in its folds and become detrimental to the very survival of the Humanity. This is the basic challenge of the Humanity to be addressed urgently.

My recent writings on these topics appeared in the Market Oracle (UK) can be found with the help of the following link:

Prof. (Dr.) Raju M. Mathew

© 2015 Copyright Dr. Raju M. Mathew - All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

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