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Redefining ‘The Human Rights’ In The Context Of The Rise Of Islamism And The Onslaught Of The Western Democracies

Politics / ISIS Islamic State Nov 22, 2015 - 02:37 PM GMT

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew


ISLAMISM has emerged as the Greatest Threat to Democracy and Human Rights, besides the very existence of the Progressive Modern Societies shaped by Capitalism, Corporatism and Modern Technologies. It is  thousand times deadly than Fascism for it is taking back the Humanity to the Age of Primitive Desert Tribal Gods, Wars, Culture , Caliphates and Social Order   burying  down   Democracy, Equality, Freedom,  Principles of Human Right, Open Society and Progressive Social Order.

Misuse of Human Rights

In the Open and Democratic Societies, especially in the West, Islamists have effectively been manipulating or misusing Human Rights and Democratic Institutions for their Agenda, including Terror and Disruptive activities besides propagating and recruiting. They have effectively been utilizing the Press, the Electronic Media, including Social Networks,   their paid Lawyers, Journalists and Social Activists, besides the Court of Law and the Human Right Laws so as to establish their Dark Age of Caliphates in the Western Democracies.   

Rise of Nazis in the Democratic Germany

The Nazis under Adolf Hitler came to absolute power called Fascism in the Christian dominated democratic Germany having the most powerful Communist Party, using the democratic machinery such as Political Party, Freedom of Speech, Mass Dissent and Protest, Media, Court of Law and Election Processes.   Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party could establish a Fascist State in Germany, threatening the entire western democracies besides, Socialism of the USSR.

In his several speeches and table talks, Hitler had even declared that Christianity was his number one enemy for establishing a Fascist State based on War, Terror and Aggression in Germany, for its overemphasis on Love, Peace, Forgiveness and Human Dignity. On the other hand, he considered Islam as the most suitable religion for establishing a Fascist State for its emphasis on Submission or Obedience on the part of the people besides Revenge, War, Terror, Aggressions and Extermination of the enemies. Islam attacked and conquered Egypt, the cradle of civilization and the land of Pharaohs, Fascism attacked France the world capital of fashions and the land of Napoleon. 

Hitler had even equated himself with Prophet Mohammad besides his book, Mein Kampf with the Quran, as the works of revelation. While Quran was revealed to Mohammad when he was in the narrow desert cave of Arabia, Hitler claimed that Mein Kampf was revealed to him when he was in the narrow German Prison Cell. Just as Quran glorifies Allah and Mohammad, Mein Kampf glorifies the past German Glory and Hitler.

Islam and Islamism

As Islam is confused with Islamism, there is a need to distinguish between them. Islamism glorifies and strives to reestablish the Primitive Desert Tribal Social Order of the Brutal Savages founded on war, terror, looting, slavery and slave trade and above all despotism. The only entertainment for the Islamists was confined to making the beautiful sex salve girls and women dance for them nakedly. Despotism and Brutal Extermination of Enemies and all Voices of Dissents or Disagreements have been justified by branding them as ‘the enemies or infidels of the God and the Prophet’,   as prescribed in the Quran.  In such a system there is no space for Freedom, Justice, Equality and Human Rights. Islamism reinterprets the Quran for its agenda without bothering the basic Islamic Values and the Five Pillars of Islam.

On the other, Islam as a Religion has been built upon  the Five Pillars such as,  Faith or belief in the Oneness of God and the finality of the prophet-hood of Muhammad; Establishment of the daily prayers; Concern for and alms-giving to the needy; Self-purification through fasting; and The pilgrimage to Makkah for those who are able. As such Islam can be projected as a religion of peace, though there are several Surhas that deal with War, Terror, Revenge and Extermination of the Enemies brutally and cold-bloodedly that are ignored or unknown by over 95 % of the practicing Muslims.

Some of the Progressive Islamic nations such as the UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and etc. have proved that while upholding Islam, they can also build up technology-based and highly competitive and multi-cultural societies ensuring Peace and Tolerance without going back to the Age of the Warring Primitive Desert Savages of Arabia. Hence it is quite natural for Islamism represented by ISIS and Boko Haram to wage war against these nations that treat Islamism as their foremost enemies. These nations have been setting up a Joint Military Force to eliminate Islamism from their lands.

Islamism is Deadlier than Fascism

Fascism had emerged to bury down Democracies during the second quarter of twentieth century mainly manipulating Democratic Values and Machinery such as Freedom of Expression or Religions, Human Rights, Court of Laws, Press & Media, Political Organizations or Movements, and etc. Fascism was the greatest threat of Democracy. After the Second World War, it was the turn of Communism. With the fall of Fascism and Communism, besides the collapse of Despotism in Iraq and Libya, Islamism has emerged as the greatest threat to Democracy Globally, especially of the west, challenging Basic Democratic Values, besides Capitalism and Corporatism and Social Application of Technology with War and Terror. The western powers that brought the fall of Adolf Hitler, Sadam Husain and Gadhafi have painfully been realized that Islamism is a thousand times dangerous and inhuman than Despotism or Fascism.

Redefining Human Rights

The UN when Proclaiming the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December 1948 with 30 Articles might not have imaged that it would have been misused by the Islamists to de-stabilize democracies and establish their Primitive Savage Caliphates without any Human Rights, Freedom and Equality.

The Islamists are just like rabies infected dogs to bite everybody who lives in open and progressive democratic societies with freedom and stability. They want to bring back the age of primitive tribal war and terror, slavery and turning women into sex slaves, using deadly weapons and new technologies. They are against the Humanity as a whole.

The Islamists have special machinery to make use of each and every provision of the Human Rights Declaration for their causes when they are caught. A good majority of the so called Human Right Lawyers, Activists, Movement and Media Persons are the paid agents of the Islamists committed to destroy Democracy, Freedom and Human Rights.

Now there is an urgent need to redefine and confine the Human Rights only to those who uphold the basic human values and the principles of open, free and democratic societies and above all social, political and religious pluralism. It is suicidal to make the enemies of the Humanity and Human Rights, especially the Islamists enjoy the Human Rights and benefits of democratic principles for the very survival of a pluralistic civil society.

Global Strategy Against the Enemies of the Humanity

It is high time for the UN and member countries to declare the Terrorists and the Islamists as the Enemies of the Humanity and Human Rights. The civil society must be given the right to exterminate them just as rabies-ridden dogs. Human Rights must be limited only for those who respect and uphold the Human Rights of all other individuals besides the Democratic Values.

As the Islamists and Terrorists are the exterminators of Human Rights and Democratic Values, they must be declared as the Inhuman Savages not eligible for any right or privilege under the Declaration of the Human Rights and other Civil Rights in any nation. Global Strategies must be initiated to wipe out Islamism and Terrorism for ever to prevent the highly detrimental Third World War.

Otherwise, misusing the Human Rights and manipulating democratic institutions, the Terrorists and Islamists annihilate democracies, exterminate Human Rights and oppress the entire Humanity with their brutality.  Islam must be segregated from Islamism and everybody, especially the Muslims, must be made aware that the Dreadful Islamists are the enemies of the entire Humanity and its advancements for a better world.

My recent writings on these topics appeared in the Market Oracle (UK) can be found with the help of the following link:

Prof. (Dr.) Raju M. Mathew

© 2015 Copyright Dr. Raju M. Mathew - All Rights Reserved

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