Mainstream Media Jihad to Stop Trump
ElectionOracle /
US Presidential Election 2016
Mar 10, 2016 - 06:28 PM GMT
By: Stephen_Lendman
This political season’s presidential campaign is unprecedented, unlike anything before in memory - a single polarizing candidate relentlessly bashed.
Republican aspirant Trump is in the eye of the storm, every dirty trick in the book trying to stop him - media scoundrels one-sidedly denigrating him for breaking the mold of political campaigning, coming across as anti-establishment.
Anybody but Trump! Dump Trump! Stop him. The more he’s demeaned, the stronger he gets. Bashing fuels his campaign, rank-and-file supporters furious about being manipulated to oppose him, hardening their backing.
Washington Post editorial way-overstepped, urging GOP leaders to “do everything in (their) power to stop” him - calling him a “menace,” saying his “unthinkable” nomination looks “inevitable.”
“…History will not look kindly on GOP leaders who fail to do everything in their power to prevent a bullying demagogue from becoming their standard-bearer,” they ranted.
Trump’s candidacy differs largely in style. If nominated and elected president, he’ll continue dirty business as usual like his predecessors.
Nothing substantive will change. Big Money runs America. Political names and faces change. The longstanding system persists - pro-war, pro-business, anti-populist, enforcing crackdowns on nonbelievers.
Trump is a political anomaly, his unique rants and bombast at odds with cookie-cutter campaigning, repeating tired old promises made to be broken.
WaPo editors insist “the Republican party” must either dump Trump or risk “its own debasement.” He looks mild compared to neocon lunatic party bosses and other GOP aspirants.
Wall Street Journal writer Peggy Noonan lost credibility long ago. In 2008, she praised John McCain for choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate.
At the time, AP News said she knows more about fishing than politics. Obama/Biden easily romped to victory.
Noonan now says the Republican party is “shattering.” She doesn’t “see a way around or through” what’s happening.
“The top of the party and the bottom have split. They disagree on the essentials…We are in unchartered territory.”
Party bosses and supporters like Noonan worry about not being able to control Trump if elected. They prefer safe cookie-cutter candidates, not unpredictable ones, especially someone with a mind of his own.
NYT Trump bashing began early in his campaign, continuing relentlessly as he maintains momentum, looking unstoppable to be Republican nominee.
Its latest
editorial broadside featured foreign leaders bashing him. Mexico’s fascist president Enrique Pena compared him to Mussolini and Hitler.
In January, UK MPs “held an extraordinary debate on whether to bar (him) from Britain…” His criticism of trade deals flooding the country with foreign imports “set off panic in the Japanese Foreign Ministry.”
According to Times editors, “(s)pleen and grievance are at the core of Mr. Trump’s thinking about the world” - red meat for his supporters, opposite The Times editorial board choice.
They endorsed notorious war goddess, Wall Street favorite Hillary Clinton - shamelessly calling her “the most broadly and deeply qualified (aspirant) in modern history.”
You can’t make this stuff up. The entire array of duopoly power candidates represents pure evil, supporting privilege over populism, endless wars over peace and stability, governance solely by America’s rich and powerful.
Months remain before November elections. The outcome is already known - money power the certain winner like always.
By Stephen Lendman
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
He lives in Chicago and can be reached in Chicago at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.
Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to The Global Research News Hour on RepublicBroadcasting.org Monday through Friday at 10AM US Central time for cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on world and national topics. All programs are archived for easy listening.
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