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The Prodigal Son or the Machiavellian Villain: The American Presidential Election

ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2016 Oct 16, 2016 - 02:02 PM GMT

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew


Though the American Presidential election is purely an internal affair of its citizens, it has a wider impacts on the Global Peace and Development, the fates of several nations, peoples, the very survival of the Muslim world, the spread of Islamic Terrorism and aggravating Refugee Crisis and above all the growing roles of Russia and China in global politics, especially in the Middle East.  Consequently, everybody is interested in the American Presidential Election and concerned about the final outcome.

Virtue and Vices
In the beginning of the direct confrontations between the two candidates,  Hillary Clinton with the backing of the American President and his wife,  besides almost all powerful and money hungry medias, presented herself as an angel, the loving mother and grandmother and  the embodiment of human virtues and above all the pious and innocent woman.  On the other, they could also effectively present Donald Trump as the embodiment of all vices and wickedness, besides the arch enemy of Muslims and above all a womanizer against the honor of womanhood.  They could also mobilize the support of the Muslim world, including the fundamentalists and terrorists who could mobilize billions besides acting as cyber warriors to hack the e-mails and threaten the supporters of Donald Trump.

No Other Option
For the clever manipulation of the media and the news, besides videos, the world has no other option but to blindly believe what they have fed in almost all media and platforms. The world is forced to believe Hillary Clinton as the savior of America, protector of women, Muslims and migrants and above all the entire world and Donald Trump as the greatest catastrophe of America and the humanity.

Gradually, the picture has changed, especially after highly fabricated video clippings of women, including a very old woman with a thirty year-old story; news items appeared the New York Times and the rhetoric utterances of Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama and Michaela Obama. The first lady is over enthusiastic and aggressive as she is aiming at higher office under Hillary Clinton and mobilize billions for the proposed 'Obama Foundation'. That is why; Obama is also ruthlessly engaged in character assassination of Donald Trump.

The Two Debates
When Donald Trump was totally unprepared in attacking Hillary Clinton on moral and ethical grounds out of his modesty or ignorance of the personality of his opponent , including her background  as a criminal lawyer, including the art of threatening the rape victims, Hillary Clinton attacked in him mercilessly as a third rate womanizer and incompetent politician. She could display her expertise in acting as a criminal lawyer and deep knowledge in governmental affairs.  In the second debate, Donald Trump retaliated with the same coin, including her role in threatening the rape victims and her role in aggravating the Refugee Crisis and the growth of ISIS, besides tendering apology for his locked-room talk against women. The debate has turned ugly, vulgar and nasty thanks to her performance as a criminal lawyer. 

The Prodigal Son and the Machiavellian Villain
Gradually, Donald Trump emerged as a’ Repenting Sinner and Prodigal Son’  and a victim of the Machiavellian villain aiming at capturing power at any cost  using the governmental machinery and the bribed medias or channels and journalists and their fabricated videos and evidences.  At the same time people started to suspect the very credibility of Hillary Clinton as most of her utterances against Trump and her teams’ video clippings, presenting  even the very old lady from her sickbed  as well as the fashion models and low profile actresses,  have started to backfire or boomerang. If somebody brings out the video clips of the friends and classmates of Hillary from her school, college and professional days claiming somebody asher friend or associate, it would have been highly damaging to her than Donald Trump .

The world is getting aware of the double or triple standard of Hillary Clinton, especially after her e-mails have been leaked out. She has direct role in aggravating the Refugee Crisis and the growth of ISIS so as to weaken the European Economy as well as the entire Middle East as the brain of Obama administration. Syrian Model of the Democrats are more effective than the Iraq Model of the Republicans to destablize the Islamic World.  At the same time, this has resulted in making Russia a major player in the Middle East and bringing the Cold War there. China is also eagerly waiting for entering the Middle East and Africa. America is getting isolated globally besides daring small countries like Yemen, Philippines and etc. challenging America.

The Power Vacuum created under the Obama administration has been filled and exploited by both Russia and China and other countries besides the ISIS. Even Saudi Arabia is suspicious of America in protecting it, including Mecca and Medina from ISIS and Iran; Turkey is also taking America as an undependable ally. This is an American Tragedy in which Hillary Clinton could not wash her hands.

The Clash of Two Personalities
With her over-imposing personality, over-confidence and inability to seek the advice of external experts, and above all Machiavellian traits to capture power and maintain power, if she becomes the President, the ISIS will become more powerful and aggressive leading to the decline of Saudi Arabia, the growing crisis of the Middle East, more dominant roles for Russia and China challenging the American supremacy and above all the Third World War.
On the other hand, Donald Trump though outspoken never claims any expertise in statecraft and expressed his willingness to listen the advice of the experts besides making people innovate and using their talents freely.  As a businessman and a person interacting with so many people, including Muslims and Latin Americans, he can never bring a major war affecting America and destabilizing several other nations; he will be ready to lend his ears to others and admit his mistake and correct himself and make use of the expertise of others. He will make healthy relationship with Russia, the Middle East and the Emerging Economies, protecting the American interests.  However,   in the coming days, both the Prodigal Son and the Machiavellian Villain will be exposed more clearly affecting the future of America.

My recent writings on these topics appeared in the Market Oracle (UK) can be found with the help of the following link:

Prof. (Dr.) Raju M. Mathew

© 2016 Copyright Dr. Raju M. Mathew - All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

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