Marc Faber on the Coming Economic Catastrophe Triggered by the Next AIG to Fall
Economics /
Great Depression II
May 31, 2010 - 03:34 AM GMT
By: Videos
An hour long
Presented by Marc Faber at "Austrian Economics and the Financial Markets," the Mises Circle in Manhattan in New York, New York. Includes an introduction by Mises Institute president Douglas E. French. We ain' t seen nothing' yet, says Marc Faber.
Marc Faber, the only guy who can tell a room full of people that they are doomed and receive a standing ovation.

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02 Jun 10, 09:16
Faber is a hack.
08 Jun 10, 05:45
Faber is a hack
He is a hack and an idiot like the other extremists (Schiff, Roubini, etc.) Listen to these men and you will go broke. These guys are trying to manipulate gold and the dollar while steering you into the sewer. Do not trust what they say. If you think they have a clue, you are very naive.
19 Apr 11, 21:54
It's great to hear someone speak the truth so bluntly. Amazing how he called the turn around in March 2009 and gold stocks at the end of November 2008. All I can say is thank you Marc. You made me a lot of money. For the naive speaker above keep on listening to the shills! Pain is the best teacher.
20 Apr 11, 15:20
Faber is the Main Man!
Faber has been right all along. It's people with his skeptical outlook that have been making all the big money and making the right calls over the last several years. When Faber speaks, I listen and take heed. When Goldman speaks, on the other hand, I know for a fact they're trying to sell me a pig in a poke and throw people off the scent. That's what they did to their own paying customers: sold them junk stock on recommendation. If they're low enough to do that to even their own customers, then there's no way on God's earth am I paying a shred of attention to any of the projections/ predictions Goldman and others of their ilk casually spew out for free. Stick with Faber, Schiff and Celente and you won't go far wrong.
20 Apr 11, 18:59
I am a former subscriber to Fabers doom and gloom service, and know preciesly that he is a hack seller of junk that called an end to the Stock market rally in October 2009, Here are some quotes From October 2009 - google them for proof ! “probably a total collapse in the second half of the year when it becomes clear that the economy is a total disaster.” And celente is a clown that just repeats the same doom views over and over again - i.e. october 2009 - Gerald Celente, Trends Research forecaster and contrarian thinker, advised listeners of the Jeff Rense show on September 23rd to look out below, calling it the Christmas Crash. He believes that the next collapse will come quickly, sometime this Fall, but as late as January or February of 2010: There is no accountability, these hacks keep getting away with selling junk to the gullible.
21 Apr 11, 16:57
Market Crash
@TraderJoe The market would have long since crashed to around 5,000 but for a couple of little things: zero interest rates and QEx. The Fed is just kicking the can down the road. In doing so they're just putting off the fateful day. It doesn't invalidate the observations of guys like Faber and Celente on iota. Just sets back the dates, that's all.
22 Apr 11, 16:10
Perma-bears and perma-bulls
Ok, it's all about consistency in investing. Clearly these extremist perma-bears (schiff, faber, roubini, ect)have been warning of the same disaster for over 10 years. They only know one way, they can't switch gears. Same can be said for all the CNBC perma-bull hacks that they trot out to make the sheep feel good about things. If you're a real investor you don't pay attention to their noise, because that's all they provide.