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Modi And India Election - The Rotten Is Thrown Out: Lessons For Narendra Modi And His BJP

Politics / India May 21, 2014 - 12:48 PM GMT

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew


Congress Legacy
Indian National Congress Party, though assumed different names, has the great legacy both in the pre-and post-independent era of India. Jawaharlal Nehru and his daughter,  Indira Gandhi, as the Congress Prime Ministers,  adopted pro-poor stands while building up heavy industries and infrastructure under public sector or the direct control of the Government.  Immediately after the assassination of   Indira Gandhi, the Congress Party made her son, Rajive Gandhi as the Prime Minister of India. He modernized India bringing IT and Telecommunication Revolutions even in the remotest villages in India.

After the assassination of Rajive Gandhi,  P.V. Narasimha Rao became the Prime Minister. He had inducted Manmohan Singh, an economist to bring liberalization and globalization or more correctly the corporate era in the Indian politics and government  in which big corporate houses started to dictate government policies and thereby they became richer into several folds.  With the support of the Corporate houses, Manmohan Singh became the Prime Minister,  reducing Indian National Congress and its government  mere a wing of the big corporate houses to implement the policies and strategies formulated and dictated by these houses.

Corruptions and Poverty

Almost all its top leaders and parliamentarians of the Congress Party became multi-millionaires out of the illegal wealth or profit made by some corporate houses, especially the Reliance of Ambanies for acquiring the precious national wealth and manipulating the prices of petroleum, cooking gases and telecom services.

As a natural outcome, the Congress lost its pro-poor and pro-rural face and its dynamism; thousands of farmers committed suicide all over India for the debt trap and almost all the rural and urban youth and women in India lost their faith in it. Even Rahul Gandhi, the son of Sonia Gandhi, could not do much to save the Congress.  Rampant corruptions and unaffordable inflations coupled with poor and direction-less governance and increasing crime against women became the hallmark of the Congress lead UPA Government.  Even the left parties like Marxist Party and Communist Party of India lost their credibility for the under-cover relationships with some corporate houses.

Anti-Corruption Movement

With the emergence of Anna Hassarae and his Gandhian style of agitations against corruption and governmental incompetency with the overwhelming support of the youth and intellectuals, for the first time in the Indian history, the people got the courage to expose and question the misdeeds of the Government in India. As a by-product of the anti-corruption movements, Anand Kejarival and his Am Admi Party emerged even to rule Delhi for a short while. After exposing the corruptions and misdeeds of the UPA Government, its mission is over till Modi and his BJP becomes rotten. (

Voted Out the Rotten

The actual beneficiary of the rampant corruption and incompetency of the Congress-lead Government towards corrupt corporate houses   is Narednra Modi and his BJP even though he was sponsored by the Corporate houses. When Congress became rotten without any future oriented vision, mission and slogan, the common people in India, especially the farmers, small traders and the youth all over India deserted and  voted out the Congress from power to pave the way for the Modi era.

Lessons for Modi

Though Modi and his BJP glorify the Ancient India or the Kingdom of Rama, it can never go back that Kingdom even if Mahatma Gandhi too had strived for it.  The farmers, rural youth and women, small traders and urban middle class who voted to make Modi the Prime Minister want a strong, developed and corruption-free India with equal justice and safety for all, especially the women. 

But the basic question is how Naredndra Modi and his BJP can be made free from the high handedness of the corporate houses that sponsor, finance  and marketed them as the best alternative to Rahul Gandhi and his Congress Party all over India. If Modi becomes highly obliging to his mender corporate houses, he becomes another Manmohan Sing to become corrupt and incompetent and turning against the farmers, rural youth and women and urban middle class.

Modi too will be thrown out by the angry and frustrated people who cannot be dealt with mere the rhetoric of the Ramarajya or Hindu ideology or the slogans of development for long. Within five years Modi too becomes too old and weak to withstand the ire and anger of those who supported him now and the ever growing new voters. 

Policies and Strategies for India

It is time for Modi to formulate unfamiliar policies and strategies by developing an integrative approach to development oriented governance of India ensuring (a) inter-sector balance - balance between Agricultural, Industrial and Service Sectors, besides Rural and Urban Sectors; (b) inter-regional  balance- a balance between various regions and states in India with regard to development and (c) rule of law safe and peaceful life for all citizen,  irrespective of race, caste or religion or ideology, especially the women. Development must ultimately aims at empowering the entire population ensuring Food, Dignity and Knowledge for All leaving none on any ground. This is the best strategy to deal with the growing Maoist and Muslim Terrorist threats in India. (   

If Modi wants to build up a strong and fully developed India within ten years, it is high time to bring a Revolution in Education and Training, making the entire youth, women and children empowered with the right Knowledge, Skills and Expertise so  that everybody can engage in socially productive economic activities even to challenge China. India must develop Knowledge Industries over and above the data based Information Technology and IT enabled industries. For details refer :

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Compared to China, India has wonderful potentialities and opportunities. China is an over-heated economy using the entire manpower that too under the surveillance of the corrupted Military and Communist Party. The working class in China lives at substance level without much spending or saving power. The alarming decline of the population under 25 years and the over-dependence of the aged population are a major unresolved  challenge for China in its economic and military ambitions.( )

India is basically a nation of youth under 25 years capable of acquiring new skills and learning new knowledge and technology more quickly than the rest of the world. It is using only a small fraction of its potential manpower in Agriculture, Industrial and Service Sectors. When India learns the art of utilizing the productive powers of its Daliths, Tribals and the backward Muslims  and Christians,  no doubt,  India can emerge as the top most economic and military power far ahead of the USA and China by 2025. Let Modi rules India wisely and strategically without being corrupted by the Reliance and the other Corporate Houses!

By Dr. Raju M. Mathew

© 2014 Copyright Dr. Raju M. Mathew - All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

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