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Are Islam And Christnity Being Wise And Brave Enough To Eradicate Hunger, Ignorance And Humiliation Of Their Own People?

Politics / Religion Dec 29, 2014 - 10:30 AM GMT

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew


Islam and Christianity have emerged as the two well-organized and most resourceful world religions capable of bringing over sixty percent of the mankind under their fold. Out of 60,000 years of the known history of the humanity, Christianity has just 2000 years and Islam just 1400 years of existence. Both Islam and Christianity have been promising the heaven or the paradise for their own members, leaving the rest to some other place, including those who lived before their origin.

Heaven or Paradise for Life or Money

In their over emphasis on the life after death, both Islam and Christianity could effectively mobilize people for war or terror against their enemies and to become martyrs so as to ensure the highest position or enjoyment in the Heaven or Paradise for their members. They could mobilize billions for constructing mosques and churches and also for performing pilgrimage with the promise of Heaven or Paradise after death, whatever may be their sins or crimes, even against the humanity. Both Islam and Christianity could also effectively mobilize funds worth multi-billion for charity or zakat helping the poor and downtrodden as a means for entering the Heaven or Paradise. 

Bad to Worse

But the world is getting worse, adding the misery and sufferings of the people. More than 60% of the world Muslims and 40% of the world Christians live in poverty, ignorance and humiliation without any dignity. There is not a single moment without shedding the blood of the Muslims or Christians anywhere in the world in the name of their religions committed by either the Muslims or Christians; Muslims are killing each other as the Christians do, citing or chanting the Koran or the Bible.

What is wrong with Islam and Christianity?

Christianity has emerged as the modified version of Judaism, proclaiming the same God and the same Laws or Commandment of Moses, projecting Jesus as the Savior, for the game played by Paul. But the paradox is that Jesus was crucified for questing the God and Laws of Moses, foretelling the total destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem and introducing the Loving Heavenly Father, the Kingdom of the God and the New Commandments based on love, forgiveness and fearlessness.  In Christianity, though Jesus is important for sacramental purposes, in practical purposes, the God and Laws of Moses predominate as a means to intimidate people and mobilize funds.

Islam is an Arabized version of the God and the Laws of Moses in more aggressive way, insisting Mohammad as the last prophet; daily five times prayer at regular interval,  besides the annual fasting during day time for one month, zakat and Haj Pilgrimage and glorifying war or terror against the infidels or the enemies as the greatest virtue.

In the God and Laws of Moses, including the prophets, there is no element of Spirituality, Humanism and Universalism, but mere strategies of war, terror and survival founded on the ideologies of ‘the chosen people’  and ‘the promised land’. All the Fascist and Terrorist Organizations are founded on these ideologies besides the works of Machiavelli, Mussolini and Hitler. These ideologies imply that the chosen people have the right or privilege to loot, rape, kill or enslave others besides conquering and possessing the Promised Land or anything good that is owned by others.

Reinforcing Misery and Poverty

Both Islam and Christianity are a total failure in eradicating and mitigating the mass poverty and suffering, at least among their own people other than sustaining them for their deadly ideologies of the chosen people and the Promised Land, in spite of their charity or zakat and great claims. Both in Islam and Christianity, the rich and powerful constitute less than 2% and they have been identified as the chosen people of the God entitled to possess the Promised Land. In the Islamic and Christian world, less than 2 % owns or control more than 80% of the wealth and it could finance charity and construction of mosques or churches.

Testing the Rich and Poor

Both Islam and Christianity proclaim the Omnipotent and Omnipresent God who knows the past, the present and future besides the inner most thoughts and feelings of the human beings.  At the same time, they subscribe to the theory that the God tests the rich with their affluence and the poor with their hardship so as to award the Hell or the Heaven or the Paradise. But ignorance or inability to understand others is the basis of testing and for a God who knows everything; it is illogical to test the mortal human beings, either rich or poor.

Further, both for Islam and Christianity, charity or zakat is a must to enter the Heaven or Paradise, implying that there must be eternal mass poverty and suffering so as to make charity or zakat relevant. If everybody is made empowered and rich, charity and zakat become irrelevant.  However, Islam and Christianity thrive for the whole hearted support of Capitalism, Corporatism and Consumerism, besides the Defense Industry that promote mass poverty and sufferings. That is why; Islam and Christianity concern only about the life after death and not before death; they are indifferent towards mass poverty and sufferings, other than some sermons or preaching and charity or zakat without much impact. Now, religious fundamentalism and terrorism have emerged as a strategy to reinforce mass poverty and suffering and to make rich and powerful more rich and powerful and the poor, poorer and weaker by diverting the attention of the people from the basic human problems.  

The New Generation of Youth and Women

Both Islam and Christianity are getting realized that with religious terrorism and fundamentalism and promoting fear in the mind of the people, they cannot deal with their own people, especially the New Generation of Thinking, Fearless and Protesting Youth and Women who question not Islam and Christianity but their false and dreadful ideologies and principles. Islam and Christianity could effectively manage people in the age of fear and ignorance till the beginning of this century. Their very relevance and existence will soon be questioned by almost all, unless they empower their own people and eradicate poverty, ignorance and animal-like life of their own people. With prayers, pilgrimage and mega construction projects, added with fundamentalism and reinforcing fears, they cannot manage the New Generations.

Pro-active and People-Friendly Strategies

It is time for Islam and Christianity to drift away from the primitive tribal faith and ideology of Abraham or Moses and the prevailing perverted principles of God, the Rich and the Poor and instead, adopt the principle of universality of the God and the Humanity, giving equal importance to life before and after death for the entire humanity.   It is the duty and responsibility of Islam and Christianity to build up a New Global Social Order ensuring Food, Dignity and Knowledge for the entire mankind instead of promoting fundamentalism and terrorism that will become counter-productive soon.

If Islam and Christianity are ready to cut at least 20% of their money for pilgrimage and constructing  mosques and churches, they can eradicate more than 40% of the mass poverty, ignorance and sufferings of their own people. If they are wise and brave, they are to read the new writing on the wall and adopt proactive and people-friendly policies and strategies to eliminate hunger, ignorance and humiliation of at least their own people. Both Islam and Christianity are capable of eradicating hunger, ignorance and humiliation from the earth using their resources and organizational capabilities. But the basic question is whether they will strive for it or not that will determine their relevance for the New Generation of the Youth and Women globally.

By Dr. Raju M. Mathew

© 2014 Copyright Dr. Raju M. Mathew - All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

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