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Bitcoin Price Going Parabolic Again, Now At $730 and Up 60%+ In Last Three Weeks

Currencies / Bitcoin Jun 16, 2016 - 12:01 PM GMT

By: Jeff_Berwick


Bitcoin has soared more than 60% in the last three weeks, from $450 to above $700 in a parabolic move.

It then pulled back to as low as $674 only twelve hours ago but has just gone parabolic again, now quickly over $730.

Just two weeks ago, before I left for Bilderberg, I recorded an interview with Jay Taylor’s radio show, Turning Hard Times Into Good Times.  The title of the video we posted on Youtube was “Global Elite Jubilee Plans at Bilderberg Will Drive Bitcoin and Precious Metals Higher.

At the time bitcoin was “only” at around $550 and I told Jay how I expected that bitcoin has every reason to go much higher and believed the events surrounding the Bilderberg conference to be a catalyst.

You can see the full interview here:

Due to the crazy amounts of interviews I do, we can barely post most of them to Youtube. Even the ones we do do post sometimes can be a week or two old. That was the case with this video that didn’t get up until June 13th when bitcoin was already past $650. Sorry.

But that’s just how fast bitcoin and the markets are moving. If you rely solely on our videos and blogs for important alternative-media investment news and general coverage, you are generally getting old information.

TDV subscribers were already “in the know” on bitcoin well in advance. In fact, we’ve been recommending bitcoin since $3 in 2011. On regular intervals, we alerted subscribers that it was going higher.  Here’s a recent post by a subscriber, Jason, who subscribed after seeing our Youtube videos and has been happy he did so!

Jason is just one TDV newsletter reader we helped to understand bitcoin and profit from it.  In order to get the most up-to-date information on bitcoin and where it’s going next, you need to subscribe, too. You can do so HERE.

As you may know, I was one of those “outside” journalists (we weren’t invited) at the Bilderberg meeting recently where we found out that a main topic of discussion was the coming worldwide economic collapse. Of course, alone among financial newsletters, we understand that the top elites reveal the timelines of their plans through patterns embedded in the seven-year Shemitah cycle and via jubilee years as well. I wasn’t surprised.

We’ve been covering Shemitah Trends and now Jubilee 2016 intensively. As a result, we’re well versed in what “they” are planning and are able to counteract the worst effects through metals investing, timely bitcoin purchasing, etc. As a result, TDV’s asset-focused portfolio has more than doubled in size in this past tempestuous year. Our newsletter subscribers are as pleased with our gold and silver insights as they are with our timely bitcoin analysis.

These are dangerous times and we want to help you in any way we can. Please continue to check this blog on a regular basis and – most importantly – subscribe to our TDV newsletter to get up-to-the-minute information on fast-breaking news and wealth-building opportunities.

Remember, when you subscribe, you gain access to a broad range of books, white papers and TDV expat groups that can provide you with invaluable additional information. Just as importantly, the TDV newsletter is accompanied by timely alerts provided by our all-star senior  investment analyst Ed Bugos.

As we approach the October end-date of Jubilee 2016, things are going to get even worse for the economy and the markets… probably much worse. As for where bitcoin goes from here, we’ll be alerting subscribers if we sense it has gotten too high, too fast. You can be sure Ed Bugos is tracking the charts in realtime looking for that trading opportunity.

Our subscriber-only Facebook page with its thousands of viewers from around the world, includes many who are incredibly savvy about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, and who can answer your questions or help get you started.

Bitcoin is just about to reach an all-time high in terms of its total market capitalization.

Most financial analysts and commentators have once again missed the boat by dismissing bitcoin. But we understand Shemitah Trends and Jubilee 2016 – and how bitcoin fits into the larger picture. And we’ve been the only major financial analysts who have been behind bitcoin since day one and still are. The bitcoin haters have once again gone quiet as we continue to cover our markets intensively and successfully. If you want to protect yourself and expand your wealth, please look to TDV and subscribe. Our track record speaks for itself.

Anarcho-Capitalist.  Libertarian.  Freedom fighter against mankind’s two biggest enemies, the State and the Central Banks.  Jeff Berwick is the founder of The Dollar Vigilante, CEO of TDV Media & Services and host of the popular video podcast, Anarchast.  Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the world’s freedom, investment and gold conferences as well as regularly in the media.

© 2016 Copyright Jeff Berwick - All Rights Reserved Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

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