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Islam -- the Clash of Faith and Ideology and Total Disintegration

Politics / Religion Sep 07, 2016 - 12:37 PM GMT

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew


Never in its entire history, had Islam faced such a grave situation of the unending clash between the Faith and the Ideology as has been fermenting all over the Islamic world. For over 80% of the world Muslims, Islam is still ‘Peace’ and a Religion. But  highly powerful and pervading  factions of the elite Muslims redefines Islam as an Ideology and Political or Economic System rather than mere ‘peace’ or ‘faith’ or ‘religion’. However, the world has not yet fully grasped the intensity of the clashes that are capable of disintegrating Islam as a religion and their impacts on the Global Peace and Development.

Based on the ‘Five Pillars’ version, Islam is a religion of peace without any room for war, terror and violence.  Had Islam been confined only with daily Five-time Prayers, Special Friday Prayers, Ramadan Fasting, Haj Pilgrimage and Zakat, besides its One God and the Last Prophet, it would have been one of the most peaceful religions on the earth. But over and above the conventional definition of Islam as ‘peace’ or religion, a new definition of Islam as an Ideology and a political or economic system has been getting recognized.

The Hegemony

However, for the hegemony of the heavily funded and resourceful ISIS, Islamic Research Institutes and firebrand Islamic Preachers, over the Islamic world, Islam has emerged as an Ideology and a political and economic system. They have been working hard to bring back the age of the earlier Islamic Caliphate through war and terror as described in the Quran. As a result, a good number of the world Muslims and the rest of the world are getting realized that Islam is a brutal, revengeful, political, social and military system built up on war, crime and terror, more dreaded than the deadly Fascist or Communist Regimes and Dictatorships.

Demystification of Islam

Islam from its very beginning has been full of mystery as nobody could grasp the true meaning of Quran and Hadiths though many could learn them by heart and reproduce them without knowing the real meaning. Quran learning has been limited to learning some portions of it by heart, reproducing them and understanding their interpretations given by the popular teachers or preachers, masking the messages of war, terror and crimes.

Those who are well versed with the contents of the entire Quran, including non-Muslim scholars, have de-mystified Islam as an ideology based political and economic system, quite different from the ‘peace’ image that highlights the Five-Pillars of Islam in the Quran classes’ world over. Consequently, educated and professionally qualified young Muslims are getting attracted towards the basic ideologies of Islam rather than the Five-Pillars of Islam as the true meaning of Quran.

Islamic Ideologies

The ideological foundations of Islam consist of : i) the theory of permanent class war, the wars of Muslims as a class against  the rest of the world, especially the Jews and Christians and the dictatorship of the Islamic theologians; ii) coldblooded terror and murder of anybody branding as the enemy or infidel of Allah for establishing the Islamic Caliphate; iii) destruction of all other social or political or economic system as anti-Islamic so as to establish the Islamic System or Caliphate  as the commandment of Allah; iv) each and every true Muslim must submit totally to Allah and fight till death against the infidels and enemies of  Allah and v) the material and sensual pleasures are awaiting for the Islamic fighters and martyrs of Allah in the Paradise.
A modified version of the Islamic ideologies can be found in Adolf Hitler’s Meain Kampf in the German and Aryan context. Both Quran and Meain Kampf describe how a small but highly committed and motivated force can conquer a large force or people and enslave them and how to establish absolute dictatorship and regiment the whole society. While attacking Christianity, Hitler glorified Islam as the most suitable religion for absolute dictatorship, keeping most of the people obedient serfs and soldiers. Even the Marxian theories of the class war, the dictatorship, withering of the state and the dialectical materialism can be found their root in Islam.

Marketing the Defense Industry

Globally funded Islamic research institutes, corporations, firebrand Islamic preachers and academics realized the strategic value of the Islamic Ideologies in bringing and sustaining war or terror so as to create ever growing new markets for the latest defense products all over the world. It has become a rule that every Islamic Terror attack is followed by multi-billion dollar defense orders by the respective countries, including the Arab or Muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Pakistan and Indonesia.

It has been proved that using the latest techniques of brainwashing and terror research, coupled with big funding, radical Islamic preachers and simple-minded Muslim youth can be used for setting up Islamic Terror Organizations and turning any Muslim young man or woman into hardcore terrorist and suicide bomber. It is also easy in attracting sadistic, pleasure-seeking and money hungry non-Muslim youths who are usually converted by firebrand Islamic preachers as big events proclaiming the victory of Islam and later recruited to Islamic terrorism. Even in India several such incidents have been reported.  

Islamophobia and Deserting Islam

The redefinition of Islam as an ideology and a system based on war and terror and its ability to attract hardcore criminals into its fold besides turning the innocent Muslim youth into dreaded terrorists and suicide bombers quoting Quran, virtually shocked the entire world, including millions of peace-loving Muslims. However, contradicting the core elements, there are some peripheral themes in the Quran and Hadiths that glorify Jesus and Mother Mary besides, advocate peace and coexistence with Jews and Christians that are totally rejected by the Islamic fundamentalism. 

Islam, as redefined by ISIS or firebrand Islamic Preachers as an ideology and a political or economic system, has been emerging more dreadful than the fascist or communist regimes and dictatorships without any element of religion, humanism and spirituality. Muslims too are the victims of Islamic terrorism even in Muslim countries. The very basis of Islamophobia and deserting thousands of Muslims from Islam all over the world is the Islamic Ideology rather than Islamic Faith. That is why; Donald Trump mobilizes so much support world over, though criticized from many corners, and Angela Merkel of Germany becomes so much unpopular even in her own locality.  Even the sympathizers of Islam as a Faith too are the victims of Islamophobia, shocking the common Muslims.

No More Peace Image
A situation has emerged in which nobody can bring back the ‘Peace’ image of Islam projecting its Five Pillars when the dreadful Islamic ideologies are superimposed. Without burying down the basic sensibility, nobody can be a fighter to kill the enemies and infidels of Allah as how can the human beings, including Jews and Christians, be the enemy or infidels of the Mighty Allah, the creator of everything? Does Allah need Muslims to fight against Non-Muslims and save Him from them and their enmity so that they can enjoy all the pleasures of Paradise after death? These are the basic questions that every sensible Muslim is asking himself or herself.

Consequently, the option for a Muslim in the twenty first century is limited to either support Islamic Ideology of War and Terror or desert Islam at any cost as nobody can bury down the dreadful Islamic Ideologies. That is the reason why; globally the number of ex-Muslims, including women, has been growing exponentially.  Islamic Ideologies and Systems have become one of the greatest great threats to the Global Peace and Development, an issue not properly addressed by the UN and the international community.

Crisis of faith has been spreading across the entire Islamic world. However, some of the Muslim countries like the UAE, Oman, Egypt and Bahrain, while rejecting the Islamic Ideologies and upholding the Islamic Faith, are trying hard to bring out reforms and renaissances in Islam as the last effort to save Islam, though resisted by the Muslim Fundamentalists.  Islamic Faith has been eroding while Islamic Ideologies have been superimposing over the Muslim world, silencing the Peace-loving Muslim believers and denouncing their Islamic Faith, resulting in the total disintegration of Islam into thousands of small warring factions and criminal gangs within a short span of time. The greatest looser is of course the Muslims the world over.     

My recent writings on these topics appeared in the Market Oracle (UK) can be found with the help of the following link:

Prof. (Dr.) Raju M. Mathew

© 2016 Copyright Dr. Raju M. Mathew - All Rights Reserved
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