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‘Trumpophobia’ and the American Election - Impacts on Global Peace and Development and Islamic World

ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2016 Oct 19, 2016 - 12:11 PM GMT

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew


Hillary Clinton has a long association with   the corridors of Power and she is well-versed in the art of Statecraft as the brain of Obama Administration,  besides her background as a lawyer for her advantage in this election.   Above all, she has a wonderful capacity to mobilize billions as election fund even using the influence of Barrack Obama. Obama has a vested interest in placing Hillary in his position, as he aims at putting his wife as the Secretary of State besides mobilizing billions for his foundation. That is why; the Obamas have so aggressive to attack Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton could effectively make use of the Media and Channels to create and spread the phenomenon of 'Trumpophobia' within and outside America besides projecting Donald Trump a comic hero. On the other hand, the strategic mistake of Donald Trump is that he underestimates Hillary Clinton. He could not understand the Machiavellian strategies and Goebbellian techniques effectively employed by Hillary Clinton, for he is basically a businessman though outspoken. As a man, he has a lot of limitation to attack his rival woman candidate, Hillary Clinton for the fear of backfiring.


Trumpophobia is a double-edged sword or dragon of Hillary Clinton aimed at sidelining her rival Donald Trump and also mobilizing financial and political support from many especially the Muslim organizations, countries and big business groups, in terms of Billions, more correctly Trillions. For her sake, Islamic Terrorists remain clam without any terror attack till the election is over.

Hillary could effectively make use of the Big Money that she mobilized to bribe or corrupt almost all Medias, journalists, celebrities, including Hollywood and even Trump’s own people. She could parade a number of low profile artists, including very old women, as the victims of the misadventures of Donald Trump with well scripted stories.

Machiavelli and Dr. Joseph Goebbels

In Politics and Electioneering, the real stars are Machiavelli, the author of The Prince, and Dr. Joseph Goebbels , the Nazi Propaganda Minister of Adolf Hitler. Create Fear and Tell half-truths one after another are the most effective strategy in winning the Power or maintaining Power besides using the corrupt money to buy anybody.

Hillary Clinton has effectively been applied their tricks and strategies to capture Power or winning the Election. Trump is an easy prey of her Machiavellian and Goebbellian tricks. She could effectively fool millions of people all over the world, within and outside America.

Disintegration of the Middle East

If Hillary Clinton wins, it will lead to Aggressive Cold War that may grow to the extent of Hot War or World War III and total disintegration of the Middle East and Muslim Countries as Russia and China are going to play strategic role in the Middle East.

Radical Islam

ISIS will become more aggressive with wider support; thousands of Muslim boys, girls and youth will be radicalized and become fighters leaving Schools, Universities, Professions and Jobs. Muslim youths can easily be made emotionally overcharged and they can be made fierce fighters for the cause dictated by others.

This will ultimately result in making over 70% of the world Muslims refugees or war victims. Almost all Muslim countries are volatile with the growing role of Fundamentalists. Within the country they fight each other; between countries they fight each other; as a class they fight against others. War and Terror are inbuilt within their belief and practice systems.

War, Terror and Economic Crisis

If Hillary Clinton becomes the President, the greatest casualties are the Global Peace and Development besides prolonging the Global Economic Crisis and the American Debt both internal and external, will rise in terms of Trillions, though Mrs. Obama will be placed in higher office so that Obama can make back seat driving. On the other hand, Donald Trump as a fresh blood in Politics with his temperament as a businessman can never aggravate the Cold War, the disintegration of the Muslim countries, the prolonging of the Global Economic Crisis besides and the Mounting American Debts, both internally and externally. It may take more time for the common people and those who are not well-versed in the Science of Statecraft to realize the dangers of a Ruler or Princes mad with Power and one who follows Machiavelli and Joseph Goebbels. In the coming days, we can realize the effectiveness of these strategies as well as their boomeranging effects as they can be backfired and boomeranged at any moment. Within one day, everything will be changed or upset just like an unexpected storm.

My recent writings on these topics appeared in the Market Oracle (UK) can be found with the help of the following link:

Prof. (Dr.) Raju M. Mathew

© 2016 Copyright Dr. Raju M. Mathew - All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

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