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Imprisonment or Impeachment – The Dirty Turn of the American Election

ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2016 Oct 26, 2016 - 05:13 PM GMT

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew


Never in her official life, had Hillary Clinton imagined that her secret and corrupt dealings, without any legal loophole, would be proclaimed at the roof of the building, as has been written in the Bible. The Biblical prophecy is getting fulfilled in the twenty first century in the case of Hillary Clinton as the WikiLeaks has been exposing her several sensitive e-mails, giving light to her shady deals, corruptions and bribing in terms of not in millions but in billions, sometimes trillions.

The Tremor and Tsunami

Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are in shocks as both of them were involved in most of such dealings. They expressed their anger and frustration blaming Russia and Putin for exposing their misdeeds through cyber-attacks. Both Obama and Hillary are determined to win the election at any cost for it is a life and death issue for them. They have been indulging in character assassination of Donald Trump, bringing out fabricated stories or shows sometimes with poor scripts and mediocre artists, posing as the victims of Trump’s sexual adventures. They could cleverly feed such fabricated stories in all newspapers and television channels even after bribing them in terms of millions so as to defame him with negative campaign and keep Donald Trump always at defense. Using such a strategy of psychological warfare, they could effectively hide their misdeeds and keep themselves insulated from any type of negative campaign. But the WikiLeaks upset all their calculated measures and emerged as a Tremor capable of bringing out Legal and Political tsunami in America.

Hillary and Hubbell

Hillary Clinton is a very clever, greedy, power and money-hungry woman capable of doing anything that she wants without bothering the legality or ethical considerations. She bothers only about her interest and not the interest of the Country or the People.  She learned the art of fraud, bribery and corruption and above all fabrication and manipulation of evidences from her legal associate or partner, Webster Hubbell who was made the Chief Justice of the Arkansas State Supreme Court when she was the First Lady.

Later Hubbell was found guilty to federal mail fraud and tax evasion for overbilling clients. Hubbell served 15 months in prison that haunts Hillary Clinton every now and then. Her natural and brutal instinct for safety or security and survival makes her strive to become the President of America at any cost, bribing Medias and influential people in terms of millions that she raised as corruption, doing favors to individuals, organizations and countries even illegally and unconstitutionally.

WikiLeaks Revelations

The gravity and intensity of some of the corruptions committed by Hillary Clinton have been brought to light by the recent WikiLeaks revelations.  For every dealing she did as the Secretary of State, she demanded big money in terms of millions, sometimes billions especially when dealing with other countries such as Morocco, Saudi Arabia and etc. on trade, migration, defense or nuclear trade and so on, even flouting the norms and rules or constitutional provisions, risking the very safety or interest of the Country.    

Impeachment or Imprisonment

If Hillary Clinton is elected, the Senate has no other option but to impeach her and the Court has to imprison her, a legacy she inherited from her husband, Bill Clinton and her partner, Webster Hubbell, as evidences are very strong against her. Obama cannot also be spared. More and more dirty deals against the Constitution and the interest of the Nation will be surfaced with solid evidences in the coming days. It is sure and certain that Donald Trump cannot spare them for he loves fighting till he wins. In the coming days, the Corrupt or Bribed Medias will be exposed and punished along with those who made fabricated stories or allegations against him.

My recent writings on these topics appeared in the Market Oracle (UK) can be found with the help of the following link:

Prof. (Dr.) Raju M. Mathew

© 2016 Copyright Dr. Raju M. Mathew - All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

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