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American Election and the Fall of the Fourth Estate – The Price of Bribery and Corruptions

ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2016 Nov 06, 2016 - 06:26 PM GMT

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew


The actual causalities of the American Presidential Election are not the Democracy or the Judiciary, but the so called Experts, the Academics, the Lead Media Persons and above all the Fourth Estate. For the last three years, Hillary Clinton has been bribing almost all American and International Print and Electronic Medias, Top Media persons and Academics to project her as the embodiment of all human virtues and the most suitable candidate for the American Presidential Election.

Using the same bribed Medias, Media Persons and Experts, Hillary Clinton could effectively project her rival Donald Trump as a Political Clown, Mock Hero, Womanizer and Erratic Man without any substance and above all the enemy of the honor of women, the black and the migrant. President Obama and his wife used all their oratorical skills to glorify Hillary and tarnish the image of Trump besides making his character assassination. As such everybody believed the uneasy victory of Hillary Clinton and the total fall of Donald Trump.

Over-dosed Propaganda

However, Donald Trump could capture the media attention for his calculated controversial statements on almost all major issues. Experts, Media Persons and both the Print and Electronic Medias gave wide coverage to Trump as part of misinformation and negative campaign. The excessive or over-dosed ‘Negative Campaign’ against Donald Trump and  more than real  ‘Positive Campaign’  in favor of Hillary Clinton have lost their effectiveness or become counter-productive according to the basic principles of Political Propaganda, Mass Psychology and Brainwashing set by Hitler, Goebbels, Machiavelli and Chanakyia or Kaudalyia.

The Experts and the Fourth Estate, sometimes the Fifth Estate too, actually created the Images and Symbols to represent both Trump and Hillary that are quite contrary to what they have  intended or to communicate with the masses . The Complex Theories and Formulas of Persuasion, Mass Psychology and Brainwashing cannot be applied in all situations;  in certain peculiar situation, they backfire and boomerang or become counter-productive. The oratory skills of  Obama and his wife, in these contexts,  become a liability rather than an asset for their inability to deliver what the people expected from them.

Credibility of the Media and Experts

Quite contrary to the media projections, snap poll results, pundits’ predication, rising popularity graph of Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump emerges stronger and stronger. Hillary Clinton has been exposed as highly corrupt, crooked and untrustworthy woman dealing highly sensitive official matters carelessly. Now she is struggling hard for a honorable exist from public life for the fear of impeachment or imprisonment as an outcome of the FBI probe on her e-mail leaks and her improper or unconstitutional dealings leading to a constitutional crisis if she is elected.

The Bad and Angry Boy

The systematic efforts of both the Media and Hillary’s propagandists, in the last analysis, created the image of Donald Trump as a ‘Bad and Angry Boy’ that in effect made Trump as their own man instead of alienating him from the general public or the American voters.  Quite contrary to the general perception, several American women become his strong supporters to cast their vote for him. At the same time, the feminism cards played against Trump by Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama could not create much enmity towards Donald Trump among the American voters. For the over play of some women posing as Trump’s victims and their calculated attempt  in his character assassination, a good number of American women become very much sympathetic towards him instead of supporting Hillary Clinton.

The Angry America

The average Americans, both men and women, are very much angry with Obama- Hillary administration as there is a feeling that though Obama promised them ‘Change’ or New Age, through his oratorical skills, he could not bring any change or New Age as had been promised. Further, almost all Americans, both men and women, including the youth, are getting realized that they are alienated within their country without any voice.  It is quite natural for them to find the Angry Boy, Donald Trump as their own man or image and they love him, unlike the elite or intellectuals in America.

The Corrupt and Crooked Robotics    

Hillary Clinton with her well calculated performance after a lot of rehearsals or preparations in the presidential debates created an image that she is more like a well programmed robot, highly corrupt and crooked robot than a human being. She created an image that she is dangerous and untrustworthy too.

With WikiLeaks revelations and the subsequent FBI probe, the credibility and truthfulness of Hillary Clinton fall to the deepest bottom. As a result, her earlier staunch supporters become impassionate or indifferent towards her to the effect that a majority of them may not cast their vote in her favor, sometimes may favor Trump as a mark of anger or protest or frustration.

The American Presidential Election 2016 makes almost all medias, top media persons and the so called experts and celebrities realized their total pettiness and lack of credibility or influence over the people, especially when they are overtly biased and partisan or even bribed or corrupt at a higher scale. Nobody can fool the general public in this age of interconnectivity and WikiLeaks.

My recent writings on these topics appeared in the Market Oracle (UK) can be found with the help of the following link:

Prof. (Dr.) Raju M. Mathew

© 2016 Copyright Dr. Raju M. Mathew - All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

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