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A Permanent War Against Corruption, Black Money and Fake Money Is Required In India and Elsewhere

Politics / India Dec 05, 2016 - 03:41 PM GMT

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew


The heroic war against Corruption, Black Money and Fake Money Declared by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi is only a beginning of the war and not the end. Of course, it has caused pains or problems for the Common People, as no war can be fought without shedding blood, including the innocents; no surgery can be done without harming some of the healthy parts of the human body.

Indian Complexities

India is a vast and complex country with diverse faith, culture, ideology, religions and political parties. No ruler can launch any course of action after getting the consent of all these groups, even in a Democracy. The art is getting the consent of the people after launching and minimizing their hardships. Hence Narendra Modi is justified in all accounts though the highly rigid and structured Left in India and some simple minded political party leaders could not understand it.

Tip of an Iceberg

It is foolish to assume that all the crimes related to Corruptions, Black Money and Fake Money are wiped out for the present actions of the Modi Government. With this action, just 30 to 40 per cent of the Black Money, Fake Money and Corruption alone can be wiped out. It is just a tip of an iceberg. The problem is that all Political Parties, Religious Organizations or Spiritual Industry and their god-men or good-women, Print and Electronic Media, the Entertainment Industry, including Cinema or Film, Music, Cricket, Sports, including Cricket Associations, Indian Olympic Associations, New Generation Industry and Banks and Legal and other Professions and etc. have been flourished in India only with Corruptions, Black Money, Fake Money and Money Laundering.

Strategic and Security Questions

Corruptions, Black Money, Fake Money and Money Laundering lead to the growth of Religious Primitivism and Terrorism, including Islamic Terrorism. It is a Strategic Question too affecting Peace, Security and Development of the nation. Unless they are controlled or wiped out, the very survival and integrity of India will be questioned and India may have the fate of some Middle East and African Countries. The on-going war against Corruptions, Black Money, Fake Money and Money Laundering must be considered an integral part of ‘War against Terror’.

The Rise of the Forgotten People of India

Even BJP or Congress or CPM is not free from these crimes. That is why; Modi's War is fought by a One-Man-Army with the support of all the Forgotten People of India- the Rural or Farming Community, the Backward People, including Tribal People, Low-Paid Blue Color Workers of both organized and unorganized Industries, including Village and Cottage Industries spread across India. The original root of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi is from the forgotten people of India.

These People have become the FORGOTTEN PEOPLE OF INDIA just because of the high level and rampant Corruptions, Black Money and Fake Money committed by the Elites in India -- Political Party Leaders, including the Left, Religious Leaders, Bureaucrats, Media People and the so-called Cultural or Intellectual Leaders in India. Such kind of Forgotten People can be found in China, America, Russia and even in the entire Europe who are carefully watching India for strength and inspirations.

Their Rights and Privileges

It is the Right of the FORGOTTEN PEOPLE OF INDIA to declare War on Corruption, Black Money and Fake Money and it is their DUTY to Rally behind the Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The War against Corruption, Black Money and Fake Money is a Permanent War and the Young People must come forward to Carry out this War for ever and thereby Making India Strong and Developed, quite different from the Development Picture drawn by the Political Parties and their Paid-slaves, including Academics, Intellectuals and Media Persons.

Some of my earlier work appeared in the Market Oracle (UK) discuss these issues at length:
30 Dec 2011 - Coming of the Violent Global Revolutions
28 Feb 2011 - India on the Verge of A Revolution for Corruptions (23761 Reads)
23 Feb 2011 - The Arab Revolutions and the Emergence of a New Global Social Order
22 Feb 2011 - Chinese Workers Surplus Value Makes China A World Economic Power
Dec 27, 2009- China On the Verge of a Great Crash and Its Impact on Crude Oil Price
Nov 13, 2016 Trumpnomics – Reinventing Political Economy for America and Its Forgotten People and the World under Donald Trump
29 Nov. 2016 - Prime Minister Modi's War Against Corruption, Black Money and Fake Currency Notes in India

My recent writings on these topics appeared in the Market Oracle (UK) can be found with the help of the following link:

Prof. (Dr.) Raju M. Mathew

© 2016 Copyright Dr. Raju M. Mathew - All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

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