Category: Egypt
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Monday, February 09, 2015
Good News From Egypt - Dinosaurs Are Finished / Politics / Egypt
By: Andrew_McKillop
Bad News for al-Sisi
At the state-owned Airforce Stadium in Cairo about 200 young male supporters of the Zamalek team were injured by riot police beatings, water cannon, birdshot and live bullets, and about 35 to 45 were shot dead, Sunday 8 Feb. Mainly targeted by the police, the White Knight vanguards of the Ultras movement of Egyptian football fans. The previous police atrocity against Ultras, at Port Said stadium near Cairo left about 74 dead and 500 injured, and helped spark the downfall of "lifetime president" and former airforce general Hosni Mubarak. Muslim Brotherhood recuperation and re-use of the Ultras as political chaff troops and cannon fodder stopped dead when the Muhamad Morsi government maintained and extended the 2-year ban on all football matches in Egypt, contrary to promises given by the Morsi government to the Ultras. The state had lied to them.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Egypt's Military Dicatarship Adding Insult to Injury / Politics / Egypt
By: Stephen_Lendman
Egypt's military dictatorship holds absolute power. Has no legitimacy whatever.
Rules by decree. Controls the media. Ignores fundamental international laws, norms and standards. Its own constitutional law.
Prohibits dissent. Tolerates no opposition. Killed at least 3,000 Muslim Brotherhood members. Imprisoned tens of thousands more. Brutally tortures many.
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Thursday, November 14, 2013
Egypt Marches to a Saudi Drummer / Politics / Egypt
By: OilPrice_Com
Felix Imonti writes: General El-Sisi may have found the solution to Egypt's economic woes. It is called war.
During the weeks up to the coup, General El-Sisi had much to consider. With his access to the presidential palace and the trust of the Muslim Brotherhood, the general would have known the well-kept secret that Egypt was facing in a few short months a currency collapse and a famine that would very likely throw the country into a bloody revolution that his soldiers would be forced to quell.
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Saturday, August 17, 2013
Police State Egypt / Politics / Egypt
By: Stephen_Lendman
Bloody Wednesday revealed state-sponsored police state harshness. Egypt exhibits classic characteristics.
Wikipedia calls a police state one "in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic, and political life of the population."
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Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Algerian Scenario For Egypt? / Politics / Egypt
By: Andrew_McKillop
On November 3 1988, Algeria's one-party state run by the FLN, the 'historic' liberation front which fought the French in the 1956-63 colonial war, under prodding from Western democracies, amended the constitution to allow parties other than the FLN to stand. The FIS (Islamic Salvation Front) was founded shortly after, on February 18 1989, led by the elderly sheikh Abbassi Madani and the charismatic young mosque preacher, Ali Belhadj. Elections held in December 1991 were cancelled by the FLN after the first round, exclusively because the FIS was well ahead. The country's military took control. The FIS was banned and thousands of its members arrested. Islamist guerrillas rapidly emerged and began an armed campaign against the government and its supporters, that terminated in 2002 so far as major fighting was concerned, leaving at least 250 000 dead.