Category: Investing 2015
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Sunday, January 03, 2016
Top 10 US Stocks Per Sector Ranked For Price vs 1-Year High / Companies / Investing 2015
By: Richard_Shaw
These tables present the 10 stocks in each US sector of the total US stock market ranked by how close they are to their 1-year trailing high price as of December 24, 2015. To be included in the filter universe, each stock had to have a 3-month average Dollar trading volume of at least $10,000 per minute.
This is not a recommendation to buy or sell any of these stocks. It is merely a snapshot of where we are at essentially year-end 2015.
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Saturday, December 12, 2015
NRG Energy is a Definite Takeout Candidate / Companies / Investing 2015
By: EconMatters
David Crane Resigns
In case you missed it David Crane resigns Thursday and the stock gets hammered on Friday to the likes of almost 20% at one point in trading, putting in a low print of $8.81. Hopefully the more sophisticated investors out there bought some calls three month`s out as NRG Energy is a definite takeout candidate with this shockingly low stock price given its actual assets.
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Friday, November 13, 2015
Inspiration from the World of Sports for Sucessful Investing / Stock-Markets / Investing 2015
By: John_Mauldin
One of the most successful investors in the world is Howard Marks of Oaktree Capital Management. One of the things I look forward to every quarter is the letter he writes to his clients – it goes right to the top of my reading list. Not only is it always full of generally brilliant investment counsel, Howard is also a really great writer. He has an easy style that pulls you through his letter effortlessly.
I have never sent his letter to you as an Outside the Box, as the copies I get are clearly watermarked and copyrighted. So I was surprised and delighted to learn that the letter is free when I listened to a speech by Howard in which he encouraged everyone to get it. Unlike another hundred-billion-dollar hedge fund company that shall go unnamed, Oaktree evidently thinks that brilliance should be shared.
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Monday, November 09, 2015
Retired Investors: Apply a Value Investing Strategy and Earn More Income and Higher Returns / Companies / Investing 2015
By: Charles_Carnevale
Value investing produces safe, powerful long-term results, but it is often misunderstood. This is why most of the greatest investors that have ever lived have employed some form of value investing as an integral part of their overall stock investing strategy. However, the term, concept or strategy called value investing does not necessarily universally apply. Like many financial terms and concepts, there are many nuances that pertain to the general concept of investing for value in common stocks.
On the other hand, there is some common ground that theoretically applies to all value investing approaches. At the core, value investors are looking for investment opportunities in companies that they believe the market is currently undervaluing. Additionally, most value investing strategies are attempting to exploit disconnects that occasionally occur between a company’s stock price and its true underlying fundamental value.
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Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Find Out What Doug Casey Is Buying Today / Stock-Markets / Investing 2015
By: Casey_Research
By Dan Steinhart
Doug Casey was asked to leave the stage…If you’ve never heard Doug speak, you should. His controversial opinions always rile up the room. This time was no different…
The founder of Casey Research opened our ninth annual Casey Research Summit this weekend in Tucson, Arizona, with a lively talk about “the perversion of words.”
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Monday, October 12, 2015
Chanos: I'm a Potential Purchases or Glencore Stock / Companies / Investing 2015
By: Bloomberg
Jim Chanos, founder and president at Kynikos Associates, joined hosts Stephanie Ruhle and David Westin on Bloomberg TV's new flagship morning program, Bloomberg <GO>. Chenos discussed his short on Tesla and SolarCity and the challenges in the green technology industry. He also spoke about how Glencore is suffering from the change in its business strategy in 2012 and hints that he took a short position in the company.
When asked whether he went short on Glencore last week , Chenos said: "We're not going to comment on our position on Glencore. But I will say is we know the company pretty well." He added "Let's just say I'm a potential purchaser…to close out a short position you have to buy stock."
Friday, October 09, 2015
Contrarian Investing - Being the 10th Man / Stock-Markets / Investing 2015
By: John_Mauldin
By Jared Dillian
I was going to give you this big macro rundown of what happened since the payroll number, but I changed my mind. Anybody can give you the play-by-play. Let’s talk about it in the context of true contrarian investing.
Being contrarian doesn’t just mean doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing. It means doing what is really unpopular and may make you subject to ridicule.
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Wednesday, September 23, 2015
How Investors Can Profit from China's New Normal / Companies / Investing 2015
By: ... Michael A. Robinson writes: hinese President Xi Jinping plans to kick off his U.S. visit today with a stop in Seattle where he will meet with top American tech executives.
The list of execs Xi is meeting with includes big names like Microsoft Inc. (Nasdaq: MSFT) CEO Satya Nadella and Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) CEO Tim Cook.
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Friday, September 18, 2015
The #1 Reason to Love a U.S. Government Shutdown – Investor Double-Digit Profits / Companies / Investing 2015
By: ... Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: Sigh… we stand yet again on the verge of another government shutdown. This time the bickering centers on funding related to Planned Parenthood which has been linked to the appalling sales of fetal body parts in recent months, while other legislators insist on a planned multi-billion dollar tax hike for private equity managers.
What could possibly go wrong – other than everything?!
The way I see it, wingnuts on both sides of the aisle are playing chicken with an $18 trillion economy and world markets once again.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Jim Rogers on Timeless Investing Strategies You Can Use to Profit Today / Stock-Markets / Investing 2015
By: Casey_Research
By Nick Giambruno
Recently I spoke with Jim Rogers about the most important investment lessons he has learned over the years.
Jim is a legendary investor and true international man. He’s always ahead of the game. Jim made a bundle by investing in commodities in the 1990s when they were out of favor with Wall Street. He’s also made large profits investing in crisis markets.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Investors Earn Big Yields in the "Sweet Spot" of the American Economy / Companies / Investing 2015
By: DailyWealth

Monday, September 14, 2015
All Investors Need To Diversify Their Investment Portfolio / Stock-Markets / Investing 2015
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
Most people that make financial investments understand how important it is to research before money is invested and see how hard it can be without diversifying an investment portfolio. This basically means that the money is put into different assets like property, money markets, bonds or equities. At the same time, international market investment is also included in diversification, meaning that the money is divided in different markets, not just one.In order to understand why an investment portfolio needs to be diversified, here are some facts you have to always remember.
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Sunday, September 13, 2015
How to Prevent Costly Losses During Big Market Panics / Stock-Markets / Investing 2015
By: DailyWealth

Wednesday, September 09, 2015
Should You Consider Investing In Penny Stocks? / Companies / Investing 2015
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
Penny stock investments are so popular among new investors because of the huge success stories that appeared in the past with companies like Apple or Google. When these companies opened to the public, the shares were really cheap. For instance, one Apple share was $22 in 1980. As time passed, these companies ended up making a lot of money for those that invested. Unfortunately, something like this rarely happens.Read full article... Read full article...
Saturday, August 29, 2015
The Stocks You Should Be Buying After the Market Drop / Companies / Investing 2015
By: Investment_U
Sean Brodrick writes: If you’re looking for bargains after Monday’s market sell-off, take a look at cybersecurity. Few industries got sold as hard - and yet it has the best growth prospects.
That’s due to a worldwide surge in hacking from criminals and terrorists. After all, when it’s so easy to be a hacker and get away with it, anyone who wants to will be a hacker.
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Thursday, August 20, 2015
Shorting Stocks - Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Cold / Companies / Investing 2015
By: John_Mauldin
Back when I was fifteen and in gifted and talented camp, I found myself on the wrong side of Rick. Funny thing about gifted and talented camps—by process of elimination, eventually you will find the least gifted guy there, and that might have been him.
Rick was fond of wearing Umbro shorts with boxers hanging out of the bottom, and carrying a lacrosse stick pretty much wherever he went. Every time I saw him, I had this mental image of Moe, the bully from Calvin and Hobbes. I half expected him to call me “Twinky.”
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Thursday, August 20, 2015
Drown Your Stock Market Sorrows With Pizza, Wings and Beer / Companies / Investing 2015
By: Investment_U
Matthew Carr writes: The markets have been wobbly. A long-boiling currency war is starting to bubble up. On top of that, China’s markets are hitting the skids as its economy slows. Japan’s economy is sputtering, too. And Greece is a toxin.
The S&P 500 topped the 2,100 mark for the first time on February 17. Here we are six months later... still hovering at that level.
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Thursday, August 06, 2015
How Investors Can Cash in on the "Convergence Economy" / Companies / Investing 2015
By: ...
Michael A. Robinson writes: There’s still a month left of summer vacation, and that means lots of folks are traveling to some of the usual “hot spots.”
Vacation hot spots are fun – but they can also be daunting.
However, an expert “guide” can make all the difference in the world.
And that’s exactly what I try to be here at Strategic Tech Investor. I show you the “hot spots,” where you’ll maximize your gains, and I help you dodge the “dogs,” which do nothing but eat your hard-earned cash.
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Friday, July 24, 2015
Commodities Distressed Investing / Commodities / Investing 2015
By: John_Mauldin
When most people think of distressed investing, they think of buying CCC-rated bonds at 20 or 30 cents on the dollar, then maybe sitting in bankruptcy court to divvy up the capital structure, making healthy risk-adjusted returns in the end. You just need to hire a few lawyers.
Distressed investors are a different breed of cat. It’s one of those countercyclical businesses, like repo men, who do well when everyone else is getting hammered.
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Sunday, July 19, 2015
Five Ways for Stock Investors to Profit from the Greek Debt Crisis / Stock-Markets / Investing 2015
By: ...
Michael A. Robinson writes: Today I'm setting you up with five ways to profit from the Greek Debt Crisis and any other sell-offs that come along.
The market swoons and soars we've seen over the past couple of weeks are part of a long-term trend.
Just in the last week, we saw enormous battles between the bulls and the bears as a bevy of market "pundits" tried to factor in what the dramas in Greece and China will mean for the markets.
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