Saturday, May 28, 2016
A Guide to the Trump-Sanders Debate / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2016
Ryan W. McMaken writes: It looks like Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are planning to debate each other. Drudge today is calling it "the debate of the century."
Color me skeptical. If it happens, the debate will provide some entertainment for political junkies, but the areas of disagreement between the two are actually quite small, and the debate is likely to focus on "soft" issues like being polite to women. Don't look for much debate on issues that get to the heart of the economic system.
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Saturday, May 28, 2016
Gold And Silver – At Significant Support. New “Story” Developing / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: Michael_Noonan
With the holiday weekend, the focus will be on charts only for, ultimately, they reveal the truest story of what is developing in any market. There is one more trading day in May, next Tuesday, but we are using ending data from Friday, the 27th, for the monthly charts.
The rally in both gold and silver has been a significant change in market behavior, and these changes are telling the world that the decline from 2011 may have ended. We note the ending action at 1, on the monthly chart. Besides the obvious support and resistance areas, what stands out are the two high volume months when price closed lower each time, once in March, and now for May.
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Saturday, May 28, 2016
Deflation Is A Direct Result Of Our Attempts To Create Inflation Through Easy Money! / Economics / Deflation
By: Gordon_T_Long
John Rubino of and FRA Co-founder, Gordon T. Long discuss the effects of the rise in eCommerce along with the rise of technology and the consequences we are facing from flawed perceptions of financial authorities.
John Rubino is author of Clean Money: Picking Winners in the Green Tech Boom (Wiley, December 2008), co-author, with GoldMoney’s James Turk, of The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit From It (Doubleday, January 2008), and author of How to Profit from the Coming Real Estate Bust (Rodale, 2003). After earning a Finance MBA from New York University, he spent the 1980s on Wall Street, as a currency trader, equity analyst and junk bond analyst. During the 1990s he was a featured columnist with and a frequent contributor to Individual Investor, Online Investor, and Consumers Digest, among many other publications. He now writes for CFA Magazine and edits and
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Friday, May 27, 2016
The Next Systemic Lehman Event - New Scheiss Dollar & Gold Trade Standard / Stock-Markets / Financial Crisis 2016
By: Jim_Willie_CB
The entire Western financial systemic, complete with USDollar-based foundation platforms, is breaking down. The breakdown is in full view, very noticeable, in almost every arena. What happened in 2008 with the Lehman Brothers failure event is currently underway with almost every single financial platform, structural entity, financial market, banking structure, and arena. In response to the Lehman killjob event, where JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs strangled the victim firm (by denying Lehman proceeds on countless asset sales), the entire Western financial system has been lashed together, tied together, and connected among its many member parts. The main parts are the big banks, which use derivative contracts to lash themselves together. They believe there is strength in numbers, which is true to some extent. But the consequence turns out to be that all will fail at the same time in a cascade of insolvent marred by illiquidity while steeped in corruption and market rigging. The breakdown could be described as having begun in full force, in earnest power, at the start of this 2016 year. This is the year of systemic failure, or financial breakdown, and of revelations of important crimes for the last generation or more. The revelations are against the Western power centers for their grand criminal activities. The East, by favoring a Gold Standard, has put the West on notice for exposure, if not prosecution. The gold weapon has power in its arbiter role in commerce, banking, and economies. No nation will be spared from the urgent nasty effects of being forced to achieve trade balance.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Energy and Debt Crisis Point to Much Higher Silver, Metals Prices / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: MoneyMetals
Welcome to this week’s Market Wrap Podcast, I’m Mike Gleason.
Coming up we’ll hear from Steve St. Angelo of the SRSrocco Report. Steve shares his top-notch research with our listeners on some alarming trend changes in silver supply and explains how and why the debt bubble is eventually going to burst and why he believes gold and silver will be the assets to own when it all unravels. Don’t miss an incredibly enlightening and eye-opening interview with Steve St. Angelo coming up after this week’s market update.
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Friday, May 27, 2016
Gold Junior Stocks Q1 2016 Fundamentals / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2016
By: Zeal_LLC
The smaller gold-mining and exploration stocks have enjoyed an amazing year, soaring with gold’s new bull market. Many have more than doubled since mid-January, and some have more than tripled at best in that short span. Are such spectacular gains fundamentally-justified, or merely the result of ephemeral sentiment that could vanish anytime? The gold juniors’ recently-reported Q1’16 results offer great insights.
The junior gold miners and explorers play a critical role in the world gold market. They bear the major costs and risks associated with discovering and sometimes developing new economically-viable gold deposits. They painstakingly find the new gold reserves to offset the constant depletion of the world’s existing gold mines, acting as the headwaters feeding the global mined-gold-supply pipeline vital to this industry.
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Friday, May 27, 2016
These Crisis Markets Are Primed to Deliver Big Gains, Platinum Never Cheaper! / Commodities / Platinum
By: Casey_Research
By Justin Spittler
Editor's note: Today, we're continuing our conversation with Crisis Investing editor Nick Giambruno. Yesterday, Nick explained the ins and outs of crisis investing…and what he looks for in a good crisis investment. In part two, Nick shares two key markets he's keeping an eye on today…
J. Spittler, editor of The Daily Dispatch: What are some of your most successful crisis investments?
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Friday, May 27, 2016
Operation Black Vote BrExit Warning for the Wrong EU Referendum / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
A group calling itself 'Operation Black Vote' has released a provocative poster that has gone viral aimed at motivating the black and ethnic minorities to vote to REMAIN within the European Union. It's no wonder that it's been grabbing the headlines when one sees that the advertising geniuses Saatchi and Saatchi are behind it!
Friday, May 27, 2016
UK Immigration Crisis Hits New Extreme, Catastrophic ONS Migration Stats Ahead of EU Referendum / ElectionOracle / Immigration
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The latest ONS data released this week shows an ACCELERATION in the rate of mass migration into Britain, in what amounts to a continuing 17 year long exponential trend of out of control immigration with net migration of +333k in the year to December 2015 added to Britain's population, an INCREASE of 20k on the preceding year which illustrates that immigration is STILL ACCELERATING. Which literally translates into a DAILY flood of near 1000 people turning up on Britain's shores and demanding housing, education, school places, jobs and benefits such as tax credits, housing and child benefits, health & social services that have been buckling and breaking as illustrated by social housing that in most cities has been in a state of total paralysis for many years now.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Many of the World’s Best Investors Made Their Fortunes This Way…And You Can Too / Stock-Markets / Investing 2016
By: Casey_Research
By Justin Spittler
Editor’s note: Today and tomorrow, we're stepping away from our usual market commentary to share a very important idea with you…
Below, you’ll read our interview with Nick Giambruno, editor of Crisis Investing. In it, Nick breaks down his successful investing system—what he calls “the most powerful wealth building secret in investing.”
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Friday, May 27, 2016
$HUI (Gold Bugs Index) Rally / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2016
By: Gary_Savage
I said one doesn’t need to chase the rally during the second leg, any gains would not be sustainable and would be given back.
At the low yesterday miners had already given back 62% of the second leg gains, and we are not done with the Intermediate Cycle Low yet. The final Intermediate Cycle Low isn’t due until late June or early July. This is why it wasn’t critical to chase the second leg, one was going to get a second shot at it anyway.
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Friday, May 27, 2016
The Ugly Truth About Stock Market Manipulation and Gold Prices / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Michael_Swanson
We all know the financial markets move in cycles and I have been a big advocate of using the 200-day moving averages to figure out where you are in a financial market cycle and then to invest accordingly.
Friday, May 27, 2016
The Global Currency Reset and the Gold Backed Yuan / Currencies / China Currency Yuan
By: Mario_Innecco
hi it's Friday May 27th 2016 this is an echo 64 the home of alternative
economics and contrarian thinking this morning I'm going to be talking about
currency or economic and global reset that these are terms that are especially
the last two years of pop pop top on the Internet alternative media even in the
mainstream media and also be talking about a gold-backed you want which is
something you hear about all the time you know in the alternative media
especially not in the are not in the mainstream media and have to go back to
like 2015 I think it was April 2015 Christine Lagarde president or head of
the IMF made a speech and she said we're facing global economic recession and
Friday, May 27, 2016
Gold Price Looking Vulnerable While Gold Stocks Correct / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2016
By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne
Last week we highlighted our gold stocks bull analog chart which showed the gold stocks correcting at least 20% at this point during both the 2008-2009 and 2000-2001 recoveries. We concluded that gold stocks were likely to continue to correct in the days and weeks ahead. While that has played out so far, we should also note that Gold is suddenly looking more vulnerable.
Friday, May 27, 2016
The 5 Fatal Flaws of Trading / Interest-Rates / Learn to Trade
Close to ninety percent of all traders lose money. The remaining ten percent somehow manage to either break even or even turn a profit -- and more importantly, do it consistently. How do they do that?
That's an age-old question. While there is no magic formula, Elliott Wave International's own Jeffrey Kennedy has identified five fundamental flaws that, in his opinion, stop most traders from being consistently successful. We don't claim to have found The Holy Grail of trading here, but sometimes a single idea can change a person's life. Maybe you'll find one in Jeffrey's take on trading. We sincerely hope so.
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Friday, May 27, 2016
The Next Big Crash Of The U.S. Economy Is Coming, Here’s Why / Economics / Economic Collapse
By: Steve_St_Angelo
Investors better be prepared as the next crash of the U.S. economy is coming. This is not based on hype or speculation, rather due to the disintegration of the underlying fundamentals. Matter-a-fact, the fundamentals are so completely AWFUL, that the next market crash will make 2008 look quite tame indeed.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Oil Climbs over $50: Can Investors Bank on a Recovery? / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: The_Energy_Report
The price of a barrel of oil has almost doubled from its low of $28 at the start of the year, prompting speculation that a recovery is underway, which may result in the revival of companies in the exploration, production and services sectors that have foundered since prices collapsed in 2015.
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Friday, May 27, 2016
A New Golden Bull or Has the Market Gone Too Far Too Fast? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: The_Gold_Report
Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger discusses how investors should interpret the recent shifts in gold and silver "market tectonics."
Friday, May 27, 2016
Walkers Crisps Spell & Go Instant Win Odds of Probable Wins Out of 32 Packets... / Personal_Finance / Freebies and Comps
By: Anika_Walayat
It may be near impossible to win one of the supposed 20,000 holidays available under Walkers Crisps Spell & Go Promotion. However, to win is from opening one of the single packets (not from a multi-pack) usually 32.5g size, where you can win one of 250,000 instant prizes including sunglasses, cameras, books and packets of crisps.
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Thursday, May 26, 2016
It Feels Like Inflation / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Gary_Tanashian
Last night’s post on the US stock market ended as follows:
“As far as the Fed and its puny rate hikes are concerned, that is irrelevant. This market is flipping them the bird. Markets can rise a long way before a rate hike regime finally kills them. It feels like inflation folks.”
This prompted a question from an NFTRH subscriber about what markets would benefit, and in what differing ways would they benefit if an inflationary phase comes to dominate? That is a far reaching question and a difficult one as well, because inflation’s effects have a way of being unpredictable (how many would have answered ‘US stock market’ in the spring of 2011 to the question “where will the post-crisis inflation to date manifest on this cycle”?).
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