Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Saturday, April 19, 2008
Gordon Browns Abolition of the 10% Tax Band- Leadership Challenge? / Politics / UK Politics
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Whilst Gordon Brown is busy generating embarrassing moments in the US trying to follow Tony Blair onto the global stage, at home Labour MP's incensed at the abolishment of the 10% Tax band and the impact it is having on die hard low paid Labour voters are now in open revolt.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Mining Industry Caves in to Fanatical Greens / Politics / Metals & Mining
By: Gerard_Jackson
Nikki Williams, chief executive of the NSW Minerals Council, is a grim example of why public relations exercises always fail against green fanaticism. Her response to the greens' phony claim that mankind is warming the planet is to surrender to these fanatics. ( The Australian , We can bury carbon dioxide forever , 9 March 2008). In other words, run up the white flag and issue yellow-striped jackets to the mining industry's executive. In my not-so humble opinion it's PR personnel who should be buried, preferably after they have been defenestrated.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Political log Rolling in Clinton Country / Politics / US Politics
By: Walter_Brasch
It was just an old-fashioned case of political log rolling. In this case, the Clinton campaign approached a Democratic county commissioner and held up a political carrot-if the commissioner, the only Democrat of the three commissioners, would endorse Sen. Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, they would do their best to provide President Bill Clinton as a speaker in the commissioner's county.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Financial Collapse will End the Occupation of Iraq / Politics / Iraq War
By: Mike_Whitney

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008
US Fed Responsible for the Credit Crisis / Politics / Central Banks
By: Dr_Ron_Paul

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Obama's Capital Gains Tax is a Tax on Economic Growth / Politics / US Politics
By: Gerard_Jackson

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Sunday, April 13, 2008
Incompetent GP's Warned to Stop Ignoring Cancer Symptoms / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
The Governments top cancer expert warned that GP's are failing to diagnose cancer symptoms in an interview with the Observer.
"Patients are dying of cancer because GP's are failing to identify their symptoms, the government's top cancer expert has warned. Professor Mike Richards said botched diagnoses were now 'a significant concern'. 'Ultimately it can mean that the cancer has progressed to a stage where it can't be cured,' he said. Failed diagnoses also meant that, when cancers were eventually spotted, particularly aggressive treatments, such as chemotherapy or surgery, had to be used. 'That could be a mastectomy rather than perhaps a breast conserving operation,' http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/....
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Saturday, April 12, 2008
Addressing the Cause and Effect of the Credit Crisis, Legislating Denial- Part1 / Politics / Credit Crisis 2008
By: Joseph_Russo
Part I- Legislating Denial or Sweeping Change for Better or Worse
Part II- Central Bank Insolvency Crisis – winding down a 300-year Paradigm of Failure & Deceit
Part III– Market Update – TA in Full Command - Trading Profitably No Matter Who's Controlling the Markets
Part I - Legislating Denial or Substance
It is quite true that modern society as we know it cannot exist without a sound financial system. However, it may be vehemently argued that a free -modern society cannot exist within a systemically corrupt financial system.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Is an International Financial Conspiracy Driving World Events? / Politics / Credit Crisis 2008
By: Richard_C_Cook
"They make a desolation and call it peace." -Tacitus
Was Alan Greenspan really as dumb as he looks in creating the late housing bubble that threatens to bring the entire Western debt-based economy crashing down?
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Thursday, April 10, 2008
New Middle East War Rumours / Politics / Middle East
By: John_Mauldin
This is a Special Edition of Outside the Box from my friend George Friedman and Stratfor. You've heard me say before that these guys see the world in a different way, but this piece just makes it crystal clear. There are serious rumblings about a major war coming between Israel and its neighbors, and George has put what seems like innocent dots on the board and wonders if there is not a pattern emerging. I am especially looking forward to seeing George and his wife and partner Meredith at my conference this weekend.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, April 07, 2008
US Presidential Investment Politics: Jobs and The Economy / Politics / US Politics
By: Steve_Selengut
Who wants to be a president; the President of the United States? Social Security reform is the winning ticket. Research supports the thesis that Social Security reform would provide all the lubrication necessary to get our economic ball bearings rolling in the right direction. Economies do not grow, or increase employment, when job providers are taxed and regulated unmercifully, throttling their energy, creativity, and profitability. Consumer spending pushes the economy; we need to do more than hand out a few hundred bucks.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, April 07, 2008
Will the US go Protectionist? / Politics / US Politics
By: William_R_Thomson
It's a ritual that repeats every four years, first during the US Presidential primaries and then later the election itself – the candidates stomp the prairies, and industrial heartlands, with promises to better the lot of the American worker in today's global economy. Fair trade not free trade is a particularly popular slogan. Then comes the election and the installation of the new President and it is more or less business as usual: more free trade agreements, more Doha rounds and more mock battles between the Executive and Legislative branches over environmental and health and safety standards, which are the codes words official Washington uses for its fairly mildly protectionists policies. Globalisation supported by huge commercial and financial interests pushes ahead remorselessly.Read full article... Read full article...
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Bethlehem Steel– A Look Back in Time / Politics / Steel Sector
By: Andy_Sutton
“…And we're living here in Allentown , and they're closing all the factories down…”
Billy Joel's famous song ‘ Allentown ', released back in the 1980's satirized the end of the road for industry in this part of the world. As someone who grew up accustomed to watching the large cranes, smokestacks and activity in Bethlehem , Pennsylvania , it was a way of life.
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Saturday, March 29, 2008
Tax-payers & Savers: Game for a Laugh? / Politics / Credit Crisis 2008
By: Adrian_Ash
"...We need a continuing message from tax-payers and savers that they will do what it takes to support economic growth..."
JUST BEFORE the staff here at BullionVault start their monthly experiments with the cocktail cabinet, how about a thought experiment to get this party started.
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Bear Stearns Bailout and My Outrage / Politics / Credit Crisis 2008
By: Fake_Ben
I have been a longtime critic of the Fed, but the latest moves by the Fed are beyond even my most cynical estimations.
Bear Stearns was one of the most aggressive banks in facilitating the excessive lending that helped create the mortgage mess. This mortgage mess is impoverishing millions of Americans and affecting us all through a lower dollar and higher gasoline prices.
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Monday, March 24, 2008
Banking Institutions Present Clear and Present Danger to American Citizens / Politics / Money Supply
By: Darryl_R_Schoon

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008
US Tax Payers Funding Banks Corporate Welfare System / Politics / Credit Crisis 2008
By: Walter_Brasch
It's a Welfare State—If You're Rich - Listen to conservative talk show pundits and blowhards. Listen to any of the political candidates who proudly amend their names with the phrase “conservative Republican.” One theme resonates in all of the heavy wind—keep the government out of our private lives; let business enjoy a free market economy. Not only should government regulation be minimal, they say, but we must end the “welfare state.”Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Clinton-Obama Fracas Ignores Voter Call for Revolution / Politics / US Politics
By: Richard_C_Cook
What should be the real issue of the 2008 presidential election is being lost in the noise of the Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama fracas. According to polls, three-fourths of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction. This is an astounding statistic. At other times and in other places, revolution would be in the air.
But is there any indication that something truly substantial might change starting with the election of a new president eight months from now? Something that would take the U.S. in a radically new direction?
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Friday, March 14, 2008
Al Qaeda, Afghanistan and the Unwinnable War / Politics / Afghanistan
By: John_Mauldin

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Thursday, March 13, 2008
Carbon Taxes versus Living Standards / Politics / Climate Change
By: Gerard_Jackson
I recently wrote two articles strongly critical of John Humphreys' proposal for a carbon tax. In his rejoinder ( The Gerry chronicles: carbon tax & bad economics ) he completely ignored my fundamental point that a carbon tax is a direct tax on capital and hence Australia's capital structure and the process of capital accumulation.
(The Austrian school defines capital as a heterogeneous structure consisting of complex stages of production with a time dimension. It is within this theoretical framework that my argument against a carbon needs to be understood).