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Prime Minister Naredra Modi And The Ideological Contradictions Of The Hindu Fundamentalism

Politics / Religion Feb 16, 2015 - 04:13 PM GMT

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew


When Narendra Modi formed his BJP Government in India with a sweeping majority in May 2014, it was hailed as a victory of the Hindu Fundamentalism of the RSS and the Sanga Parivar. They might have even dreamt of establishing a Nation with Hindu Fundamentalism in India.

Delhi Election and the Fading Glory of Modi

The just concluded Delhi Election - Feb. 2015, proves that the BJP too is getting rotten. It is getting realized that the people gave a thumbing majority to it under Narendra Modi in the National Election- May 2014  was not a mandate for its Corporatism and Hindu Fundamentalism, but a verdict against the rotten UPA Government under the Indian National Congress for its corruptions, corporatism and incompetency. That was explained clearly in my early work of May 22, 2014 : ‘Modi and India Election - The Rotten Is Thrown Out: Lessons For Narendra Modi And His BJP ::

For the people of India, Modi is getting rotten very fast, as he identifies himself with the Corporate Houses, drifting away from the aspirations of the common people. People in India consist of not only the high caste Hindus but the Muslims, the Christians and the Sikhs. Besides there are millions of the Daliths who cannot be fitted or brought under the umbrella of the Hindu Fundamentalism that made their life miserable and salve-like by discrimination and exploitation.

Ideological Contradistinctions of Hinduism

Though there are hundreds of books on Hinduism varying with very simple definition to complex interpretations, it is not a religion like Islam or Buddhism or Christianity. Hinduism was originated from the way of life and a set of eternal values of the people - ‘Sanadhana Dharma’- in the Ancient Indus Valley Civilization, centuries before the Semitic Invasion and the origin of the Brahmins, the Sanskrit Language and the Vedas. It has been evolved through centuries without any prophet or revealed knowledge or a holy scripture.

When formulating a theory or ideology of the Hindu Fundamentalism, several contradictions and methodological problems appear, starting from its very definition to interpretation and implementation. That is why; the BJP is in full of confusions in almost all matters of its governmental policies, both internal and external, that make it follow the policies of the previous UPA Government, some times more rigorously, giving an upper hand to some favored corporate houses.

The Semitic Invasion

During the biblical era during Moses, a dissident group of Israelites who worshiped the bull or cow, made a rebellion against the leadership of Moses and Aaron (Numbers 14 of the Bible) and the Ten Commandments and even on  the Promised Land. They had to disport with Israelites under Moses and later they invaded their Promised Land -- the Indus and the Sindu river bases of the Ancient India. They wrongly pronounced ‘Sindu’ as ‘Hindoo’ and the religion or way of life of the people was called as Hinduism.

The priests and scholars among the invaders realized that Brahman was the supreme God of the land and for getting greater acceptance of the people, they claimed or projected themselves as the ‘Chosen People of the Brahman’ or the Brahmins. The rest of the invaders came to be known as ‘Kshatriyas’ or the rulers and fighters. They substituted  the ‘Lord  Vishnu in the place of  Jehovah, the desert tribal deity of the Israelites and started to worship the Lord Vishnu as their deity or god.

The Brahmins with the help of Kshatriyas defeated the entire people, made them their slaves,  monopolized their knowledge and put them in a coded language called ‘Sanskrit’ for their own exclusive use so as to prevent their access or education to the common people. That had paved the way for a series of war for knowledge between the two forces. That is the theme of the mythologies of ‘The Ten Incarnations of the Lord Vishnu’, depicting the invaders as ‘the Devas’ or the Aryas and the original settlers as ‘the Asuras’ or Demons or even the Vanaras or monkeys who had moved the southern part of India.

Origin of the Caste System

With the Semitic invasion, Hinduism had been reduced into a water-tight compartmentalization of the entire society into four casts, based on birth putting the Brahmins at the top and the Kshathiryas or the royal people below the Brahmins with the task of protecting the Brahmins and the rest of the society for serving the Brahmins and the royal people, keeping the bottom as slaves or untouchables to do menial work without any right. 

The Vedic Hinduism

The invaders realized that the Sanadhana Dharma had very great influence over the entire people and it was a major stumbling block to establish their sustained supremacy. As a counter strategy, they created the Vedic gods representing the various powers of the Nature like thunder, the rain, the sun and etc., putting Indira at the top and the four Vedas like the Rig Veda, the Sama Veda, the Yajur Veda and the Adharava Veda. Later, the Ayurveda was included as the fifth Veda.

However, the Vedic gods could not appeal to the imagination of the common people who worshipped Siva as their god, besides ‘Sivalinga’ and the goddess Sakthi’s ‘Yoni’ for fertility and better crops. Based on the common belief, they also developed the concept of the Trinity God, consisting of the Brahma and the Siva besides adding their deity,  Vishnu. In order to glorify and legitimize the Brahmins and Kshatriyas, they created hundreds of ‘puranas’ or myths and some epics like the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, cleverly modifying  or manipulating some of the popular folklores.   

The Rise of the Buddhism and the Jainism

When the Vedic brand of the Hinduism became very much oppressive, adding the misery of the common people for the rigorous caste system, even the great scholars or sages created a series of Upanishads in the form of discourses between the teacher and his students as a protest against the in human Vedic practices. That had later resulted in the emergence of the Buddhism and the Jainism, by the sixth century BC, negating the Vedic gods, the Trinity God and the Vedic practices and they became the religions of the common people, including the southern part of India, especially Kerala and the Tamil Nadu until the eighth century AD.

The Aggressive Brahmanism

By eighth century AD two Brahmin philosophers from South India, Sankara Achariaya and Ramanuja visited almost all Hindu kings and   persuaded with a strategy of annihilating the Buddhism and the Jainism, using terror and violence, so as to regain the lost glory of the Brahmins and the kings. Consequently, a separate Hindu army was set up for the ruthless terror and coldblooded violence against the peace-loving and non-violent followers of both the Buddhism and the Jainism, including women and children. They looted the entire wealth and converted their temples into the Hindu temples, destroying the Buddhist statutes and thereby liquidated those two religions.

They established the Brahmin dominated four caste Hindu societies, with social segregation, preventing education and social mobility of the Sudras and Vysas. However, for preventing the flow of the common people towards Buddhism and for achieving a great appeal among the masses, local folk heroes and popular epic heroes like Ra

ma, Krishana, Arjuna and their women had been elevated to the status gods or the incarnations of the trinity gods. That had paved the way for the composition of hundreds of Puranas or Myths besides thousands of devotional songs and performing arts glorifying them. In short, Buddhism and Jainism had been annihilated, except some pockets, applying terror and aggressive Brahmanism.

Islam and Christianity

India, especially the Malabar cost had trade relationships with the Arabs as early as 1000 BC. Muslim and Christian traders had been given special privilege to set up their churches and mosques, besides propagating their religions. Even the remaining Buddhists were allowed to convert either to Islam or Christianity to escape from religious prosecutions. As a result, Islam and Christianity had spread in India even before the arrival of the Portuguese and other Europeans.    

Modern Hindu Fundamentalism

Modern Hindu Fundamentalism aims at reintroducing the Brahmin dominated caste system in a more rigorous way, glorifying the Aryan or the Semitic hero, Rama and his kingdom. It is a negation of the basic principles of Sanadhana Dharma, the Supreme God, the Brahman and dignity and equality of all human beings, besides the highest prayer or manthra : ‘loka samastha sugino bhavanthu’.

Brahmanism has been built upon the fascist ideology of the chosen people applicable only to the Brahmins and keeping the rest of the society subservient to the privileged lots, using terror. It ultimately aims at making over ninety per cent of the people ‘Sudras’ to serve the Brahmins and reviving the rule of Kshatriya kings or emperors. In the initial stages, non-Brahmins, including the Daliths are effectively  utilized, projecting the past glory of the Hinduism, hiding the real agenda.

The Spirit of India

The real soul and spirit of India and its millions of people, irrespective of religions and casts, can be found only in the Sanadhana Dharma which is the most spiritually and intellectually beautiful way of life, a thousand times  superior to Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Brahmanism. An elaborate discussion of Sanadhana Dharma has been given in my earlier work: ‘Countering Terrorism And Fundamentalism With The Ancient Indian Wisdom: ' Sanadhana Dharma' :: The Market Oracle:: 3 Dec 2014

The Bitter Lesson for Modi

It is high time for Modi and his BJP to learn the bitter lesson that with  Corruptions, Corporatism and Brahmanism, they cannot make India rich, united and number one economy of the world, but they can be made rotten and hated by all sections of  the people. Prime Minister Modi and his BJP cannot withstand the fire and anger of the common people. The people want quick development with quality governance and reforms in Education, Technology Applications and Balanced Development for all the Sectors and Regions of India besides empowering the women, the Daliths and the weaker sections.  

Dr. Raju M. Mathew

By Dr. Raju M. Mathew

© 2014 Copyright Dr. Raju M. Mathew - All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

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