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No Scripture Is Divine, Authentic and Beyond the Creation of the Human Brain

Politics / Religion Apr 19, 2015 - 06:13 PM GMT

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew


All the existing scriptures were created in the Age of Ignorance and Illiteracy. In such an age, if somebody was telling something unheard by the masses, it was quite natural for the clever men to make the ignorant masses believe it as Divine or Godly or Super Human or Authentic or Directly from the God. Once it became the part of tradition, it turned into the unquestionable edifice of faith.

Collective Knowledge

If we go through the contents, language, style, the socio-economic- cultural settings of these scriptures, we can realize that there nothing Divine or Super Natural or Super Intellectual in them. Instead, they are just the collective knowledge of the existing society, taking into account the then existing geographical, climatic, economic, social, cultural and technological conditions of the particular place or region.

The Process of Revelation

All the scriptures have been projected or glorified as the revealed knowledge by the God. Then different scriptures might have been revealed by different gods, each one might have special preference for a particular language or tribe.   The processes of Revelation must also be examined. It consists of : 1) The God entrusts an Illiterate Angel with the task of finding some Illiterate persons wandering or  staying alone in a desert or desert cave; 2) The Angel must dictate so many things to that poor illiterate lonely person; 3) Though illiterate, he must remember all such lessons by heart; 4) He must ask his secretary or follower to write down what he dictates; 4) Being an illiterate person, he could not read or cross check to ensure that what his secretary had written is correct or wrong.

Errors and Communication Gaps

It is quite natural that there must be several communication gaps or misunderstandings in these processes of revelation. So many additions, deletions and adulteration might have taken place in those long processes. That is the reason why, so many contradictory and illogical statements have occurred in the Scriptures.

On the other hand, if the Scripture were written by the ANGEL and handed over to the desert man, then it would have been authentic. But the problem with the Angel was that he or she too was ignorant and illiterate other than just doing a messenger service. Just like the Devil or Satan or Fairy, the so called Angel too must be the creation of the unsound mind or just a fantasy of lonely man wandering the desert or sleeping in the desert cave.

The Timid Angels

Why did Angels afraid or reluctant to appear before the educated and mentally sound men or women? Why did the God and the Angel select only a particular Language? Why did they choose only the lonely wandering men in deserts? Why couldn’t they identify even a single woman as the prophet? Did they totally unaware of the existence of other languages, other cultures, other tribes or even land other than the dry and hot desert?

God Knows Everything

Everybody believes that the God knows everything - the Past, the Present and the Future.  But the contents of the Scriptures are nothing beyond the human thinking or imagination or the understanding of the normal people. None of the Scriptures could foresee many of the social, political, cultural, technological and economic changes that had taken place later. Was the Knowledge of the God or the Angel so narrow or limited?

Human Creation

It was not God, but human beings created the Scriptures depending upon their knowledge, understanding and language skill. Hence, no scripture is Divine or Godly or Authentic, but mere the creation of the Human Mind. There is nothing Super-Genius or even logical in it. Had the great genius like Kalidasa, Homer, Socrates, Shakespeare or Einstein been clever enough to claim that their works were 'Revealed Knowledge' we would have treated them too as Scriptures.

Hitler and the Angel

Even Adolf Hitler could have claimed that some Angels had appeared before him when he was in the narrow cell of the German Prison and dictated everything that formed his Mein Kampf. Like the Book of Deuteronomy of the Old Testament which can be considered as the Handbook of Terrorism, ‘The Prince’ of Machiavelli, 'Arthsastra' of Chankaya, in the ‘Mein Kampf’,  Adolf Hitler also prescribed how to conduct war and terror and rape or loot the vanquished, including women. Was the God so silly to ask somebody to write such dirty things?

Folklores and Proverbs

Almost all scriptures are manuals of war and terror glorifying the annihilation of the enemies brutally or cold-bloodedly. They were based on the then existing folklores, folk heroes and proverbs. Even the Genesis of the Bible, unanimously accepted by the Jews, Muslims and Christians, was mere folklore without any basis. That is why; even Pope Francis had to repudiate it altogether.

Adam might have been an illiterate and idiotic slave working in the farm or garden of a cruel landlord. He was so silly enough to believe that his wife was created from his rib using some clay by his landlord. Adam mistook his landlord as the God, the creator of everything by taking six days and thereafter he exhausted so as to take one day absolute rest. It was very common for the slaves to address their landlord or master as ‘The Lord’, ‘The God’ and etc.

When Even, his wife, got pregnant, the landlord became angry and even suspended from service. In the Genesis it is written that the children of Adam and Eve got married from some other tribes settled near and they built up cities. Hence, Adam was not the first human being. From the children of Adam, Abraham was originated. However, Abraham was a poverty-ridden man who became rich and powerful cheating the Egyptian Pharaoh with the help his beautiful wife. 

The Human Tragedy

The greatest Human Tragedy is that in the name of Scriptures millions of people all over the world throughout the Human History have been brutally Murdered, Raped and Looted making innumerable women and children orphans and destitute. So many people indifferent religions have been spoiling their entire life just for learning and interpreting their scriptures without any conclusion or benefit to the Humanity.

Now in the name of their Scripture, both ISIS and Boko Haram rape and make even nine or ten year little girls pregnant. Men in the same religion quarrel or kill each other in the name of the interpretation of their Scripture.  Scriptures have become more deadly than the nuclear weapons. Then they claim that their scriptures are the word or message of their God and therefore Divine and Authentic.

Scriptures without Solutions

No Scripture has any solution for the Basic Problems of the Humanity in ensuring Peace and Development, even though the Propagandists claim differently. Otherwise; the Humanity would have set up a Happy, Peaceful and Prosperous Life on the Earth before Death. Then what is the meaning of offering something great after death if nothing could be done before the Death?

As long as the scriptures are considered as Divine, Authentic and the Word or Message of the God, war, terror and crime against the Humanity are inevitable and the Humanity is going worse from bad without any solution. It is high time to find out the Basic Values and Principles founded on the Entire Humanity, the Nature and the Cosmic.

The Ancient Indian Wisdom and Spirituality

This discussion is made on the basis of the essence of Sanadhana Dharma- the Ancient Indian Wisdom based on the Humanity, the Nature and the Cosmic. Sanadhana Dharma should not be confused with the Hinduism or Brahmanism projected by the RSS or Sngaparivar that has been competing with Islam or Christianity to become more fundamentalist and terror-ridden.

For the peaceful survival and progress of the Humanity as a whole, we need a holistic, humanistic and spiritual set of values or guiding principles quite different from partial, inhuman and non-spiritual approaches of the scriptures and religions that have become irrelevant and socially unproductive. Sanadhana Dharma is not a religion but a set up eternal guiding principles for Peace, Happiness and Enjoyment on life on earth before death. Those who cannot create a better world in their life time promise Heaven or Paradise after death, as nobody can test or verify it.

 A detailed discussion on Sanadhana Dharma has been given in the following links:

  1. ‘Countering Terrorism And Fundamentalism With The Ancient Indian Wisdom: ' Sanadhana Dharma' :: The Market Oracle:: 3 Dec 2014

2) Strategic, Methodological and Developmental Importance of Knowledge Consumption - Production in Countering Terrorism and Ensuring Peace

3) Islamist Terrorism and the Third World War

 4) Prime Minister Narendra Modi and The Ideological Contradictions of The Hindu Fundamentalism

5) Jesus Christ - Neither the Prophet nor the Only Son of The God: A View Opposing Both The Islam And The Christianity

6) End of Islam, Hinduism and Christianity and Rise of The Age of Humanism, Spirituality and The Universal God - Sanadhana Dharma

Prof. (Dr.) Raju M. Mathew

© 2014 Copyright Dr. Raju M. Mathew - All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

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