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Jesus Christ - Neither The Prophet Nor The Only Son Of The God: A View Opposing Both The Islam And The Christianity

Politics / Religion Apr 06, 2015 - 03:39 PM GMT

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew


While the Christians believe Jesus as the Only Son of the God, the Muslims believe Jesus as a Prophet. For the last 1500 years or more, these two predominant beliefs about Jesus have been there, besides treating Jesus as a mystery by the rebels, the reformers, the revolutionaries, the atheists or even his enemies and critics. This has made me conduct my own study of Jesus, exploring the scriptures, besides Sanadhana Dharma- the Ancient Indian Wisdom. For I have already supervised doctoral works based on the Bible, the Koran, the Vedas and Upanishads, besides several other areas.

The Only Son of the God

Christianity has been teaching for the last 2000 years that Jesus as the Only Son of the God. It is quite surprising to note that In his entire teaching, Jesus never claimed as the 'ONLY SON’ of the God, though his disciples, especially the writers of the Four Gospels and the other books of the New Testament made such an attribute to Jesus after his death. Had Jesus been the Only Son of the God, he would not have allowed his followers to address the God - his Heavenly Father as "Our Heavenly Father" in the only prayer that Jesus taught to his disciples.

Jesus, though he called himself as the Son of God, sometimes, the Son of Man, asked others to become the sons or daughters of the God .He even made conditions or specifications to become the son / daughter of the Heavenly Father that became his New Commandment. They consist of ‘Loving the God’, ‘Loving the Neighbor’ and ‘Loving or Forgiving the Enemies’ without taking any Revenge, besides ‘Living without Fear, Tension and Worries’. All those who live according to this simple principle are the Sons or Daughters of the Heavenly Father.

The Spiritual Relationship

The Father- Son relationships that Jesus propounded, was not physical but purely spiritual. At higher level of Spirituality, the existence of the Soul can be realized as the integral part of the God or the Soul as the Son or Daughter of the God. Spiritually Ignorant people can never understand such a relationship other than the sexual relationship between a male and a female to produce offspring. That is why; Jesus taught that the God was the loving, the merciful and the forgiving Father who treats everybody as his own loving son or daughter.

But, almost all Christians consider Jesus as the Only Son of the God, probably due to their inability to understand the teaching of Jesus. They might have mistaken some of statements made by Jesus such as, "I am from Him" ; "I am one with Him"; "I am not away from Him"; "I am sent by Him". Jesus even lamented the inability of his disciples to understand his teachings. His disciples could find it hard to grasp what Jesus was teaching.

Sanadhana Dharma

Here comes the relevance of Sanadhana Dharma, the Ancient Wisdom and Spirituality of India.  Accordingly, at the higher level of realization, anybody, especially a Yogi or Master proclaims: "Aham Brahmasmi" or "Thathwamasi" means, God or Brahman is within me; I am not separated from Him; I realize Him and He is Light and Truth, and prays: ‘Thamaso ma jothirgayma…..’ and ‘Loka samastha sugino bhavnthu’, means, let the light comes instead of darkness and let all the craters of all the worlds (14 worlds) be in bliss and joy .

By treating Jesus as the Only Son of the God, Christianity even negates the sense of the only prayer taught by Jesus addressing the God. "Our Heavenly Farther", besides prohibiting the people to consider themselves as the children of the God. If Jesus is the Only Son of the God, then nobody can become or claim the son or the daughter of the God. It is against the very essence of the New Testament. The Heavenly Father of Jesus is the Universal Supreme God and the Omnipotent or Omnipresent God for the entire Humanity, just like the Brahman of the Sanadhana Dharma.

The God of Abraham or Moses

The New Testament of Jesus is quite different from the God and the Laws of Moses and the Prophets. The God of the Old Testament (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses) was an Angry, Jealous, Terrible, and Punishing God. The God was just a desert tribal deity exclusively for the tribe of Abraham only and was even the enemy of all other tribes or peoples. They attributed some of the characteristics of the Pharaohs of Egypt whom they knew.  The God was also the supreme commander of the Army to fight against the other tribes or people. Fearing, Worshiping and Praising the God and Taking Revenge upon the Enemy and Mercilessly Punishing for the violation of the Laws are the basis of the Laws and the Prophets, called as The Old Testament.

Terrorism and Fundamentalism

The Laws of the Moses were merciless and inhuman to make people freighted, timid and submissive and just obey the rulers and priests who used to exploit them. The priests and scholars of the Laws interpreted them to protect their own power, position and enable them make money or power and exploit the people, including the widows and their daughters. There was nothing like Human Right or Dignity for the common people under such a God and the Laws or the Prophets that are the basis of Terrorism and Fundamentalism, the greatest threats of the Humanity.

After knowing the implications,  Jesus dared to question their God, Prophets and  even violated the Laws of Moses, especially on the Sabbath, stoning the woman caught for adultery, eating without washing the hands, mingling with the tax collectors, prostitutes, lepers, outcasts or Samaritans and healing the sick on the Sabbath. Jesus even foretold the total destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, the logo or the status symbol of the Jews, designed by the king David and built by the king Solomon. Jesus never used the term 'Jehovah' for God, but only The Heavenly Father. Jesus himself called the Son of the God, a concept totally unacceptable or understandable for the spiritually poor people.  That provoked the Jews to crucify Jesus.

The Prophets of the Koran and the Old Testament

Only those who are ignorant of the teaching of Jesus alone can consider Jesus as a Prophet. Jesus never claimed himself as a Prophet, instead preferred to be called as The Master or The Teacher or the Leader by his disciples. Jesus even declared that the “Days of the Laws and Prophets” had already been over with the John the Baptist. Jesus even cautioned about the arrival of the false or fraud prophets to misguide the people.

The Koran is an adaptive or modified Arabic version of the Laws and Prophets with some additions or deletions to suit the primitive Arab tribal culture. Both the Koran and the Old Testament have given a long list of Prophets who had certain common characteristics, such as : 1) all the prophets were from the Primitive Arab Desert Tribes; 2) most of them were abnormal people wandering alone in desert or staying in the desert caves; 3) not a single prophet can be seen from the wet or fertile land of India, China, Latin America or Europe or Australia; 4) all the Prophets were either illiterate or uneducated people who made use of the other people to write what they had narrated or dictated; 5) out of hallucination, they claimed that some angels had appeared before them in the desert cave and told them many things; 6) the revealed knowledge of the Prophets had been confined with a particular geographical area or climate or the primitive tribal culture or social and political systems that had no scientific or universal basis.

Jesus - Not a Prophet

When we apply the above criteria to Jesus, it can be seen that Jesus was not a primitive desert tribal man; Jesus was well educated capable of reading the scriptures and even interpreting them as a great scholar so as to surprise everybody. He was capable of writing and using different languages. Jesus never claimed that some Angels had appeared before him and dictated something. Jesus was mentally, physically and intellectually very strong and healthy. Jesus was basically a Teacher or Master well versed in Spiritual Knowledge along with the Cognitive or Physical Knowledge. That is why; Jesus was not a Prophet; the prophet-hood was mere a Desert Phenomenon. Considering Jesus as a Prophet is the greatest insult to such a great personality.

Jesus - The Great Master

In short, Jesus was neither 'The Only Son of the God' nor "The Prophet' as the ignorant and illiterate people believe, but a Great Master who Realized and Loved the God, the Nature and the Humanity. The basic teachings of Jesus was Universal giving emphasis to Humanism and Spirituality so as to appeal the Best Brains as well the Common People besides the Rebels and Revolutionaries fighting against Injustice, Discrimination and Exploitation in the coming days.

Islam and Christianity

The essence of Sanadhana Dharma can be found in the entire Teachings of Jesus Christ. But Christianity is far away from the Teaching of Jesus Christ and getting irrelevant in the Modern World. Christianity has become a victim of Consumerism and Corporatism, the two curses of the very survival of the Humanity. It fails to address the basic issues of the Humanity, ensuring Peace, Knowledge and Development for all, the core of the teachings of Jesus.

It is high time for the Christianity, especially Pope Francis, to grasp the spirit of the Teachings of Jesus Christ and making Christianity more relevant to address the basic problems of the Humanity. This has special relevance when Islam has been identifying with the Primitive Terrorism and Fundamentalism and losing its appeal and relevance in the modern world, especially for the educated and thinking men, women and youth, even in the Islamic countries. It is so closed or narrow to bring any reform or renaissance in Islam other than making it more primitive and fundamentalist and getting it more terror-ridden, except in a handful of affluent Islamic countries like the UAE or the Bahrain or Singapore..

Some of the Relevant Works

The following works may be useful to give a clear understanding of this work:

  1. ‘Countering Terrorism And Fundamentalism With The Ancient Indian Wisdom: ' Sanadhana Dharma' :: The Market Oracle:: 3 Dec 2014
  2. Strategic, Methodological and Developmental Importance of Knowledge Consumption - Production in Countering Terrorism and Ensuring Peace

  1. Islamist Terrorism and the Third World War
  2. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and The Ideological Contradictions of The Hindu Fundamentalism
  3. Are Islam And Christianity Being Wise And Brave Enough To Eradicate Hunger, Ignorance And Humiliation Of Their Own People?
  4. The Fall of Micro- And Macro- Economics and the Rise Of Mega-Economics.

Prof. (Dr.) Raju M. Mathew

By Dr. Raju M. Mathew

© 2014 Copyright Dr. Raju M. Mathew - All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

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