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The World Till 2021 – New Development Strategy, Alliance of India, Russia and America...

Politics / GeoPolitics Dec 25, 2016 - 05:31 AM GMT

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew


...& Growing Crisis of the Islamic World

The next four years are strategically important for India, Iran, China, Russia and America that are going to redefine the Fate of the Global Economy and many Nations, especially the Islamic Countries and Islamic Terrorism. Along with the Demise of Globalism and Liberalism and the Rise of Populism in the West, including Germany, Traditional Economics or Science of Economics becomes a major causality for it has been reduced into mere Data Manipulations and Unrealistic Projections and Forecasting that have no practical relevance. Even the World Economic Forum cannot offer any solutions for the Global Economic Crisis other than making so many deliberations for the lack of creative ideas and visions.

New Political Economy

A New Political Economy and a Confederation of Nations are to emerge to fight with Global Economic Crisis and Islamic Terrorism resulting in the fall or disintegration of a handful of nations in the Islamic World, applying Iraqi or Libyan or Syrian Models of Destruction of Muslim Countries, aggravating refugee crisis. OPEC countries have to find out other sources of income for survival and revise their strategies and growth projections..

The age of economic or trade invasion has gone; instead a new form of Political Economy is getting emerged with new growth strategy and greater economic cooperation between nations ensuring mutual benefits based on inter-sector and inter-regional balances. Though a handful of nations can pursue a Growth Strategy centered on the Service Sector, without ensuring Inter-Sector Balance, giving equal role and importance to Agriculture, Industry and Service Sectors, the Global Economy cannot sustain and flourish.

Greater investments in Farming and Rural Infrastructure Development, lead to massive employment and income generating opportunities for millions all over the world besides the unprecedented rise of their standard of living.  India, China and several African and Latin American Countries learn to turn their dead money or capital, including gold, for productive investment.  As a result, a major fall in the price of gold is inevitable.

India  and China

China's economic or financial hegemony is to be vanished as it can no longer pursue its Export-Oriented Growth Strategy keeping majority of its people at substance level, besides polluting its air, land and water at dangerous level. China has to adopt a People-Oriented Growth Strategy,  safeguarding its environment, limiting its Global Ambitions, so as to avoid the impending disintegration of the Economy and the Nation. China has to cut short its import of oil and industrial raw materials, adversely affecting their prices. Even North Korea is emerging as a big liability or headache for China too.

India is to be the major beneficiary of this global turmoil, both economically and strategically .India is poised to make a quantum jump in almost all fronts, generating millions of employment and income opportunities for its poor and forgotten people besides tapping the vast Young Brains and Talents so as to supersede China. India has emerged as the top-most investment and employment destination. BJP will be the major gainer, making the Congress and the Left irrelevant or incompatible in the era of sweeping changes and reforms of the Modi Administration mobilizing mass support, especially from the middle and lower income groups.

America under Donald Trump

America under Donald Trump has to make unprecedented Economic, Financial and Political Reforms so as to stabilize and restore the Economy and set right the irreparable damages made by Obama Administration reducing its Economic and Strategic importance, besides generating millions of income and employment opportunities of its forgotten people and innovating its Education Systems. Harsh measures in controlling Imports, Exports, Debt Management and Foreign Aid, including Defense are in the agenda.

The Islamic World and Other Nations

Islam is the most structured and rigid Religion or Ideology and its earlier advantages are to be offset by its inability to Changes, Adaptability and Modernization as expressed with Islamic Primitivism advocated by ISIS and other Islamic Terror Gangs. However, under the joint leadership of the UAE, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait, attempts have been made to bring reforms in Islam and inject greater elements of Tolerance and Diversity in the Islamic World.

However, these modernization attempts have been resisted by the Islamic Fundamentalists in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and other countries. They are leading these nations into Dark Age and Eternal Backwardness, even affecting their very survival. The infighting within an Islamic nation and between nations in the Islamic world, the integral part of their faiths and practices, attracts Russia, China and India besides America to interfere in their affairs, siding with the dominant rivals.

Muslim Clerics in India

Muslim clerics in India are getting more primitive and fundamental than their counterparts in the modern Islamic countries so as to keep their followers isolated from the rest of the society. They are against the Common Civil Code, fixing the minimum age for marriage of Muslim girls , safeguarding the interest of the divorced Muslim women and also giving vaccination to children against Polio and other deadly diseases.  As a result, Muslims in India, except a small minority, are getting backward with social, political and economic consequences, including embracing Islamic Primitivism.

Money, Strategies and Weapons

The greatest tragedy of the Islamic World is that it is controlled or manipulated by the Jewish and Western Ideas, Strategies, Money and Weapons that made so many puppets in the Muslim world to dance to their tunes. Modern Islamic Terrorism is their strategic invention or weapon to disintegrate and destabilize the World Muslims, making them fight each other and sow the Wind of terror killing around a hundred non-Muslims and reap the Storm of making millions of Muslims war victims and refugees.

Reinventing Knowledge & Rise of Knowledge Industries

Over dominance of Information Technology in the entire human personal and social life results in the relegation of Knowledge in Education, Scientific Research, Professional Services, Decision-making and Social Production Processes for reducing everything into a set of Data and Information or Data Manipulations. This is the root-cause of the prolonging of the Global Economic Crisis and the rising Islamic Terrorism.

Humanity is losing its ability in Problem Solving besides Generating Dreams and Visions. There is a need for Reinventing Knowledge and making almost all Social Production Processes Knowledge Intensive. Even without education or literacy, people can be made knowledge-rich, provided the relevant knowledge, including advanced knowledge, is delivered in the language or style in which they can easily grasp. Knowledge Technology, using the existing Computer & Communication Networks, can facilitate the ‘Knowledgization’ of nations and the Humanity as a whole besides a series of Massive Revolutions in Education, defying the 2600 year old philosophy, methodology and organizational systems, developed during the time of Aristotle.

Mega Knowledge Corporations and Dynamic Knowledge Banks, as the integral part of Knowledge Industries are to be emerged soon to augment Mass Consumption and Production of Knowledge besides Revolutionizing Education, Science & Technology, Knowledge Intensification of Social and Economic Activities besides empowering the masses with Knowledge as the practical application of Knowmatics.

Sustainable Peace & Development

The coming four or five years are very much crucial in determining the fate of the Humanity, opting for Peace & Development or War, Terror and Total Destruction. Islamic Primitivism has been emerged as the major force that threatens the very survival of the Humanity, including Muslims. The core of its ideology is that every human being is just ‘Slave’ without any Dignity to die for the God and the King or Ruler. The Humanity can survive and flourish only with Humanism and Spirituality and all Religions or Ideologies, Science & Technology and Trade & Economic Development Strategies must be redesigned incorporating these guiding principles so that every human being is empowered with Food, Dignity and Knowledge so as to ensure Sustainable Peace & Development.

My recent writings on these topics appeared in the Market Oracle (UK) can be found with the help of the following link:

Prof. (Dr.) Raju M. Mathew

© 2016 Copyright Dr. Raju M. Mathew - All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

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