Category: Taxes
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Two Methods in Calculating For R&D Tax Credits / Companies / Taxes
By: Sumeet_Manhas
When it comes to determining the federal research and development or R&D tax credits, companies may have multiple options. They will be allowed to utilize either the regular research credit (RRC) or the alternative simplified credit (ASC) approach to partly fund expenditures in materials, systems, software, formulations, methods, or innovations, depending on the situation.
The Regular Research Credit Calculation Method of R&D Tax Credits
The RRC system enables a business to a credit equivalent to 20% from its present year qualified research expenditures (QREs) over a base sum. This approach may be confusing since corporations must get a total cumulative gross R&D receipt from over the preceding four tax years in order to measure the allowance, and whether they started activities in the 1980s or earlier, they must collect details from any of those years.
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Thursday, October 29, 2020
Why You Should Hire An Accountant To Complete Your Tax Return / Personal_Finance / Taxes
By: Umer_Mahmood
While talking about tax returns is far from thrilling, the fact remains that anyone who generates £1,000 or more from their self-employment endeavours needs to complete one. But before you go it alone, have you considered hiring an accountant instead?
As financial experts, accountants are best placed to advise you on all things tax. Here is why you should hire an accountant to complete your tax return to tell you more.
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Friday, October 04, 2019
Investing Money? Why You Need a Reputable Accountant / Personal_Finance / Taxes
By: Sumeet_Manhas
As an investor, you are probably always busy worrying about where to set up your next shop, how much money you should pay your employees, who you can trust as your manager which car you plan on buying or maybe where you plan to go for your next vacation.Important as these worries may be to you, are they really all that you should be thinking about?
Filing taxes is probably one of the most annoying bits of their lives that most people DON’T look forward to, and some equally forget or ignore to do so only to be haunted in their sleep by the debt collector.
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Sunday, April 21, 2019
Could Taxing the Rich Solve Income Inequality? / Politics / Taxes
By: Harry_Dent

A tax professional friend of mine told me recently that he’s surprised every year to see how many people leave their tax filing to the last minute.
Maybe they’re too busy. Maybe they live under a rock…
Regardless, they can’t escape it. As U.S. citizens, we wear the IRS ankle brace wherever we go.
So, when I moved to Puerto Rico in May 2016, the tax implications didn’t cross my mind. I packed up and shipped out to be closer to my vacation home on Culebra, not only to expedite its completion, but to enjoy it more freely. In hindsight, the move brought with it some much welcomed tax benefits…
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Sunday, April 21, 2019
Taxes and Government Waste, Is There a Better Way? / Politics / Taxes
By: Rodney_Johnson
This is an expensive week for me. Our wedding anniversary is the 14th, Tax Day is the 15th, and my youngest child’s birthday falls on the 16th.Only two of those days make me happy.
This year I’m getting a bit of a refund, but I’ll never see it. Because my income varies, it’s hard to know how much to pay every quarter, so I usually overpay. But then my accountant just applies the refund to next year’s tax bill.
One day I want to get the check in my hand. I send so much to Uncle Sam, for once I want him to send some cash to me!
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Thursday, April 11, 2019
What Is Making Tax Digital and Why Should Businesses Care? / Companies / Taxes
By: Submissions
Tax is an inevitable part of conducting business in the UK that all companies must comply with, for better or worse. It provides for public services that we all make use of, and if we don’t meet our obligations in a timely manner and ensure our figures our correct, we are subject to fines. In 2018, the number of individuals late for their tax returns reached 746,000, all of whom may have been subject to a fine of £100, and more if the period of lateness is over three months. Fines are also levied in the case of intentional and unintentional errors made.
But everything could be set to change with a new tax management system that the HMRC in in the process of implementing, which should ensure that greater convenience is brought to businesses in the keeping of tax records, as well as saving time and resources funded by the taxpayer.
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Saturday, April 06, 2019
How to Make Tax Day Less Painful / Personal_Finance / Taxes
By: MoneyMetals
As Tax Day approaches, millions of Americans are becoming increasingly filled with panic and dread.
The Trump tax cuts may offer some relief. But not everyone will benefit greatly from them. A few could even see a higher tax bill for 2018 thanks to newly imposed limits on certain deductions.
The tax code itself remains absurdly complicated, needlessly invasive, and patently unfair. Some of that unfairness targets precious metals investors in particular.
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Thursday, March 14, 2019
Tax Avoidance Bills Sent to Thousands of Workers / Personal_Finance / Taxes
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
Friday, February 08, 2019
The Wealthy Should Prepare to Be Soaked / Politics / Taxes
By: Patrick_Watson
Taxes are a touchy subject. Nobody likes paying them, but (unless you’re an anarchist) we all realize at least some taxation is necessary. We just want it to be fair and reasonable. Exactly what that means is a never-ending debate.
A newly elected member of Congress stoked up the debate last month. She may have opened a box some folks would like to keep closed.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
IMF Proposes a 10% Wealth Tax on NET WORTH / Stock-Markets / Taxes
By: Graham_Summers
They’re coming for your money.
The Everything Bubble has burst and the debt markets are in distress. We’ve already seen yields rise above their long-term downtrend, suggesting that higher debt costs are now a reality.
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Wednesday, May 16, 2018
What to do When the IRS Comes for Your Property / Housing-Market / Taxes
By: Steve_Marks
Nothing in life is sure except for death and taxes. When it comes to owing the IRS, you can rest your laurels on the fact that sooner or later they will come to collect. When you owe the IRS, there are a handful of ways in which they may come after your assets—one of which is putting a lien on your home. If you’ve received a letter from the IRS notifying you of an impending lien, here are some helpful ways in which you can resolve your debt and protect your property.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, May 02, 2018
Trumps Next Target, the Great Amazon / Tech Stocks Tax Dodge / Companies / Taxes
By: Richard_Mills
Donald Trump’s enmity towards Amazon and its founder Jeff Bezos, the richest
man on Earth, has indeed been going on for a long time, and it’s easy to frame
the tiff as two billionaires marking their territory like two pit bulls in a fight ring.
After all, Trump is a billionaire capitalist too, and it’s not as though he hasn’t done
his fair share of tax dodging.
But the success of Amazon and other giant tech companies - Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple and Microsoft come to mind - does run up against Trump’s vision of America, where jobs are created or brought back to the United States, corporate taxes are kept low and companies pay them, and trade deals are fairly negotiated that do not put US firms at a disadvantage. It’s all part of “Making America Great Again”. Amazon represents the new economy where commerce is done online, the business is global, and tens of thousands of employees work for Amazon outside of the US.
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Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Tax Cuts Supercharge the Economy / Politics / Taxes
If you get your fake news from the corporatist filtered media, the sky is falling now that the Trump tax cuts are law. Pounded into the skulls of the dense hard heads of diminished grey matter is that the benefits of putting more cash into the pockets of everyday workers is peanuts. The collectivists who operate under communist economic doctrines fear that their normal class warfare rhetoric is hitting a wall of worry from their pro redistribution base. This factor requires telling an even bigger lie. Unleashing the animal spirits of confidence in growing the economy is now a reality, and the defenders of slicing a shrinking pie cannot bear the contrast of a vibrant and expanding economy.
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Small Business Tax Reform / Politics / Taxes
One aspect of the Republican Tax Reform that everyone can agree upon is that it is not perfect. Fox business reports in What tax reform really means for small businesses.
"Instead of lowering the tax rate on all pass-through businesses, the final bill allows pass-throughs to deduct up to 20% of income. But who can deduct how much depends on what type of business you run and a corresponding formula".
Stop right there. It should be entirely clear that the political realities and influence of corporate lobbyists supersede that of ordinary businesses.
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Monday, January 08, 2018
Why Trump’s Tax Plan Might Be Counterproductive / Politics / Taxes
By: John_Mauldin
Whether you like Trump or not, the new administration is making some good things happen.
The combined impact of deregulation, tax cuts, and (possibly) infrastructure spending will push back against the Fed’s monetary tightening and keep the economy on roughly the same course as in 2017.
If the Republican tax bill isn’t what you wanted, join the club—I was a charter member as my Thoughts from the Frontline readers know.
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Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Recoverable VAT: how it compares to part-recoverable and non-recoverable Value Added Tax / Personal_Finance / Taxes
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
Taxes are an integral part of the governments where we reside. They are compulsory contributions under certain conditions and classifications such as income, consumption or sales, among others. There are many tax laws that are unique only to certain countries, while there are also some countries with similar tax structures.
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Friday, December 08, 2017
Republicans Fake Tax Reform / Politics / Taxes
By: Peter_Schiff
After supposedly chomping on the bit for years to pass meaningful tax reform, Republicans are now set to blow an historic opportunity. Whatever version of the Bill that emerges from the House and Senate Conference Committee (which will be signed by President Trump faster than he can down a Filet o'Fish), will be far less than the Republicans envisioned when they finally captured the White House and both Congressional Chambers in 2016. But from what I have seen of the particulars, the revisions to the tax code will offer a marginal, although temporary, win for low income individuals, a major slap for moderately successful wage earners and home owners, (especially in the high tax Blue States) and a huge victory for the extremely wealthy and certain categories of business owners. While it is certain that the plan will add to the growing deficit, its immediate economic and political impact is hard to predict.
Sunday, December 03, 2017
A Letter To The IRS: Go F Yourselves You Bunch Of Criminals / Politics / Taxes
By: Jeff_Berwick
Many people will tell you that the IRS and income tax in the US are unconstitutional.
That is totally true… but the CONstitution is also a scam to enslave people while telling them they are free… so who cares.
In any case, bitcoin and cryptocurrencies pose the biggest threat to central banks and governments in their entire, evil history.
“Taxes”, which is just another word for extortion, are not voluntary and the only way to “collect” them is to use violence or threats of violence.
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Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Tax Reform and the ‘Repatriation’ Trade / Politics / Taxes
By: Gary_Tanashian
Since the Trump victory we have heard all about the coming fiscal policies that would replace the non-stop and brilliantly evil* monetary policies employed by the Fed since the 2008 market crash. These fiscal policies range from the hair-brained (rust belt factory job repatriation) to the silly (building a border wall in lieu of modernizing security-focused information and surveillance technologies) to the arduous (fixing the Healthcare system) to the sound (well-targeted tax cuts). We’ll get tax cuts, but how well targeted they’ll turn out to be will be debated endlessly and I for one don’t think the trend of the rich getting hyper richer and the poor getting poorer is going to reverse any time soon. For reference, see this post at Biiwii.
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Saturday, May 13, 2017
The US And Turkey Debate Approach To Islamic State / Politics / Taxes
By: John_Mauldin
BY GEORGE FRIEDMAN AND JACOB L. SHAPRIO : Two things happened in Syria recently that went under the radar.
First, US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) claimed to have ousted Islamic State (IS) fighters from the last IS-controlled districts in Tabqa. This is a town 25 miles west of the IS’s de facto capital, Raqqa. According to the Syrian Kurdish Hawar News Agency, IS fighters are now besieged at the Tabqa Dam outside the town.
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