Category: Renewable Energy
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Five Stocks That Will Thrive After the Solar Energy Industry Shakeout / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: Money_Morning
David Zeiler writes:
With as much as two-thirds of the struggling solar energy industry expected to either fail or be acquired over the next three years, the table will be set for the survivors to capitalize on a market with enormous growth potential.
The process has already begun, with three solar companies - Evergreen Solar Inc. (Nasdaq: ESLR), Spectra Watt Inc. and the notorious Solyndra LLC - having declared bankruptcy this year.
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Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Sunny Egypt Interested in... Wind Power / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: OilPrice_Com
Egypt currently has a total electricity capacity of about 23,500 megawatts, which the government hopes to increase to 58,000 megawatts by 2027.A prime potential element in increasing this electrical output?
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Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Will China Save CleanTech / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Andrew_McKillop
One of the most derisory add-on components to the supposed miracle accord cobbled together under
France's Sarkozy and Germany's Merkel last week, to save Europe through a Bad Debt Fund (called the
Financial Stability Fund) was the claimed sincere interest of China to partly finance this fund by
recycling some of its huge stash of euros and dollars - while they still have any value. French state TV
channels went as far as telling their supposedly gullible or plain stupid viewers that the Chinese interest
almost verged on humanitarian concern !
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Gimmick Car Fuels: Biofuels And Hydrogen Are Back / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Andrew_McKillop
Not for long, of course.
Biofuels as a gimmick alternative to oil-fuelled cars wax and wane with oil prices. At times of specially high stress, that is high or fast-rising oil prices even hydrogen cars will be dredged out of the timewarp closet, to join today's real favourite - electric cars. Gimmick fuels and the cars which go with them are totally linked to the vagaries of oil prices because they all need oil to be manufactured: their media exposure soars when oil prices are high, then wanes with oil price lows, but everybody (sane) knows the simple fact: these are time wasting and money wasting gimmicks, to which we can add - with H2 Cars - they are outright lethal hydrogen bombs on wheels making Osama bin Laden totally surplus !
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Germany Sets Aside $130 Billion for Renewable Energy / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: OilPrice_Com
German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on 30 May that Germany, the world's fourth-largest economy and Europe's biggest, would shutter all of its 17 nuclear power plants between 2015 and 2022, an extraordinary commitment, given that they currently produce about 28 percent of the country's electricity.
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Thursday, September 08, 2011
Germany's Renewable Energy Sources Rise to 20 Percent, After Fukushima / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: OilPrice_Com
The worldwide implications for nuclear power advocates in light of the 11 March disaster at Japan's Daichi Fukushima nuclear complex, battered first by an earthquake and a subsequent tsunami, are slowly unfolding.
Nations committed to nuclear power are being subjected to a relentless PR barrage by nuclear construction firms, who stand to lose billions if current contracts are suspended or, even worse, cancelled.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Renewable Energy Shares Could Bounce Off 52-week Lows / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: The_Energy_Report
Renewable energy stocks have not been the darlings of Wall Street, but that's just the angle Senior Vice President for Research John McIlveen of Jacob Securities is playing for his institutional investor clientele. He sees renewables as the classic unloved value sector that could pay off big for investors over the next decade. In this exclusive interview with The Energy Report, John shares his best ideas, including some that could offer surprise upside given the right set of deals, power purchasing agreements and joint ventures.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Uzbekistan's Untapped Solar Energy Riches / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: OilPrice_Com
The 17th century English philosopher, Francis Bacon, once observed that, "knowledge is power.So, here's some power knowledge that the West has overlooked, but may well contain critical information for jumpstarting Western interest in solar power.
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Clean Energy Smart Investments / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: The_Energy_Report
Are there viable options to nuclear power for clean energy? Is another uranium boom on the horizon? Or should we invest our resource dollars in thorium? If you've been pondering these questions, join The Energy Report in this exclusive interview with a pair of the resource sector's most highly regarded experts, Global Resource Investors founder Rick Rule and Exploration Insights author Brent Cook. The Energy Report caught up with them during Cambridge House's recent World Resource Investment Conference in Vancouver.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Why Japan Will Turn to Solar Energy Following Fukushima Nuclear Disaster / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: OilPrice_Com
As the dire news continues to leach out of Fukishima, the silver lining in its nuclear cloud is that renewable energy technologies, despite their daunting start-up costs, are receiving renewed scrutiny.
Make no mistake - given the trillions of dollars invested over the last five decades in nuclear energy, the industry and its lobbyists will not go down without a fight, promoting new, "safe" reactor designs, etc. etc. etc.
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Monday, June 06, 2011
Biofuels About to Take Off - Just Not Yet / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: OilPrice_Com
Investors looking for the next big thing after a hydrocarbon economy have a panoply of options, from solar to wind, as well as biofuels.
In terms of quickly ramping up production biofuels clearly win the race, but navigating the PR fluff and reality is not a simple thing.
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Thursday, June 02, 2011
The Fukushima Cloud's (Green, Not Silver) Lining / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: OilPrice_Com
The ongoing tragedy of Japan's Daichi Fukshima nuclear complex will prove to be a boon for renewable energy in Japan, and astute investors should begin carefully to follow Tokyo's new priorities.
Before the March 11 twin disasters of a massive earthquake followed by a devastating tsunami, about 30 percent of Japan's electricity was generated by nuclear power, and Tokyo had ambitious plans to raise its market share to 50 percent over the next two decades, with renewable accounting for 20 percent, Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan told journalists earlier last month.
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Friday, April 15, 2011
Harsh Reality, The Green Revolution Accomplishments and Apprehensions / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Richard_Mills
The second half of the 20th century saw the biggest increase in the world's population in human history. Our population surged because:
- Medical advances lessened the mortality rate in many countries
- Massive increases in agricultural productivity because of the "Green Revolution"
Monday, March 14, 2011
Always a Bull Market Somewhere - Today it is Solar / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: Trader_Mark
Except for the darkest of days, the speculator class can find a theme and run up stocks in that sector. Today the theme is "away with nucelar, and into solar!" Shaw Group (SHAW) which is the infrastructure company most affiliated with nuclear is being bludgeoned to the tune of a 20% loss (higher earlier today), and Cameco (CCJ) which is a uranium play is down 16%. Meanwhile, hile solars of all stripes are running to the moon as a wave of solar projects surely will begin in earnest in weeks. ;) Boo yah hot money....
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Clean Energy Commodities: The Answer To Middle Eastern Oil / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Jeb_Handwerger
Many of the great declines in the stock market over the past 30 years have been related to oil (United States Oil (USO)). This week we have seen the major indices plummet on geopolitical chaos throughout North Africa, especially the large oil-producing Libya, as investors returned to gold (SPDR Gold Shares (GLD)), silver (iShares Silver Trust (SLV)), and oil. As the market reached record overbought territory, any excuse could begin a significant pullback in equities (SPDR S&P 500 (SPY)).
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Solar Power Market Emerging as a Sleeper in 2011 / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Money_Morning
David Zeiler writes:
Companies that manufacture solar power equipment had a great year in 2010 thanks to generous government subsidies. While 2011 may turn out to be a year of transition, most solar companies should do well and the long-term prospects for the industry are bright indeed.
Solar power installations worldwide increased 120% in 2010 with 16 gigawatts added, up from 7 gigawatts added in 2009. That brought total capacity to 40 gigawatts, still just 0.2% of the world's electricity generation in 2010. That leaves a lot of room for growth.
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Alternative Energy Investments Are Still at Value Levels / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: The_Energy_Report
Alternative energy is a catchall axiom referring to any source of power generation and use that can replace fossil fuels, including nuclear, solar, wind and geothermal. Humankind will by necessity adopt renewable energy sources but, like all disruptive ideas, acceptance is preceded by doubt and hesitation, resolution of which comes only after systemic shocks like shortages and rising prices. Jacob Securities Research Director John McIlveen staked out this new economic sector to become one of the first North American analysts to specialize in renewable energy stocks. He believes these industries— particularly geothermal, solar and wind—could present unusual publicly traded opportunities for investors seeking truly unique diversification and significant capital appreciation. John spoke with The Energy Report in this exclusive interview to explain his focus and offer several ideas to round out growth-oriented portfolios.
Monday, January 31, 2011
How to Profit From Obama's New Clean Energy Challenge / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Money_Morning
Kent Moors, Ph.D. writes:
In last week's State of the Union address, U.S. President Barack Obama issued a national challenge: Take the 11.5% of the U.S. electricity that emanates from clean-energy sources and boost it to 80% by 2035.
As with any game-changing direction - landing a man on the moon in a decade, bringing an end to the Cold War, curing cancer, or weaning our economy off of coal and crude oil - leaders such as President Obama provide the enticement.
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Monday, December 20, 2010
Alternative Energy Forecast: Why Investors Will Finally Start to Profit in 2011 / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: Money_Morning
Larry D. Spears writes:
For a long while now, we've heard a lot of talk about the potential for alternative-energy technology.
Investors take note: In 2011, that potential will start to be realized. And those who want to benefit from this emerging sector's projected long-term growth would do well to climb aboard.
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Sunday, December 19, 2010
Water, Energy Stage Daring Economic High-Wire Act / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Barry_Elias
Good news: The United States has doubled its renewable-energy production (nominally and percentagewise) during the past 13 years, according to the United States Energy Information Association (EIA).
Or is it?
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