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Category: US Dollar

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Tuesday, October 04, 2016

The End of US Dollar Dominance? / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Axel_Merk

The end of U.S. dollar dominance may be unfolding in front of our eyes. No, we don't think China's ascent is the key threat; instead, key to understanding the U.S. dollar may be to understand the money market fund you might hold. Let me explain what's unfolding in front of our eyes, and what it might mean for the U.S. dollar and global markets.

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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Is a Dollar Crash Imminent After the Senate Overrides Obama Veto on Saudi 9/11 Bill? / Stock-Markets / US Dollar

By: Jason_Hamlin

President Obama just had his first veto override of his entire presidency today, as the Senate and House both voted to override his veto of the 9/11 victims bill, Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA). As of this moment, the Sept 11 bill is now law.

Intense lobbying by both the Obama Administration and the Saudi government didn’t amount to much in the end, with strong public support leading to a 97-1 veto override vote today. The long defector from the unanimous vote back in May was Sen. Harry Reid (D – NV). The House easily cleared the two-thirds threshold with a 348-77 vote.

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Friday, September 09, 2016

2017 Will Be a Good Year for the US Dollar / Currencies / US Dollar

By: John_Mauldin

BY JARED DILLIAN : If you go back to the 1990s, during the Clinton years, the US followed an explicit strong dollar policy. Every time you got Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin in front of a microphone, he said the US had a strong dollar policy.

And guess what? The dollar was strong.

What are the benefits of a strong dollar?

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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

USDU - An Important Perspective on the US Dollar / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Rambus_Chartology

We started following this US dollar index about a year or so ago which has a more equal weighting of different currencies than the $USD. Even though I don’t post it much this Alternative US dollar index has some very interesting Chartology on it which may be giving us an important clue as to the intentions of the Dollar .

If you recall the Standard US dollar index ($USD) was testing a major inflection point in May around the 92 area earlier this year. It did finally bottom but left some unfinished business behind. This is the daily chart I was following at the time for the USDU which shows the H&S top in place and the decline that took the price action down to the low at the 25.50 area. From that low the USDU began a decent rally but couldn’t trade above the neckline extension line at reversal point #2 before the bears took charge again. The bulls were able to stop the decline at reversal point #3 and a laborious rally took the USDU back up to the top of the trading range where the neckline extension line came into play again along with the 200 day moving average.

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Wednesday, August 03, 2016

US Dollar Analysis And New Trading Opportunity / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Chris_Vermeulen

Investor optimism in stocks is becoming more widespread. Last week’s NAAIM Exposure Index rose to 101, which is the highest level since December of 2013. The trading sentiment composite has moved to a “Sell Signal” and last week saw an 11 on the VIX.  Excessive optimism is universal.

We are entering an interesting time of the year for investors.  Is this stock market going to break out to the upside and rally to further new highs, or will this latest lull be followed by a painful reversal of fortune?   Historically, the August/September timeframe is the “Danger Zone” for the stock market.

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Sunday, July 31, 2016

US Dollar Set For Massive Smackdown  / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Austin_Galt

The US Dollar Index price action has played out exactly as forecast in recent subscriber analysis. That analysis reduced the price expectation for the bear rally and the recent high of 97.62 was a bingo hit.

Let’s review the technicals beginning with the daily chart.

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

U.S. Dollar Bear Market / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Gary_Savage

The first stage in a bear market begins with a severe drop below the 200 day moving average. This serves as the shot across the bow warning. Then there is usually at least one more attempt to recover the 200. When it fails the bear market starts in earnest. The dollar has dropped below the 200 this morning.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

EUR-USD : Strong Jobs Numbers Suggest Fed Reluctance to Raise US Interest Rates / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Submissions

Options Shark writes: In spite of currently dismal employment numbers, Janet Yellen, Federal Reserve Chair, has announced that federal interest rates will increase. Economists expect to see changes as late as September or July of this year; some believe the rate could be raised as much as twice.

Prior to December, the federal interest rate was a steady 0% for the previous seven years; the current rate is 0.5%. The raise in December was monumental after the economy steadily climbed thanks to the central bank’s decision to lower the rate to zero.

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Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Fed Stance Likely to Pressure US Dollar, GBP Chart View / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Richard_Cox

Financial markets always have an overriding story and if we look at the news headlines that have been generated over the last few months, we can see that the focus is once again back on the Federal Reserve. Market opinions are still sharply divided:  If incoming data is consistent with labor market conditions strengthening, an interest rate hike could be foreseen sooner than we think.

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Friday, June 03, 2016

US Dollar Crashes, Gold And Bitcoin Skyrocket As Economic Recovery Lie Is Exposed / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Jeff_Berwick

It’s going to be a long weekend for those holding stocks and believing in the “recovery” lie.

Today, the US government released its jobs report and the market was expecting an additional 200,000 jobs were added in May.  Instead, the number came in at a paltry 38,000.

One analyst, Naseem Aslam of Think Forex UK said, “The U.S. nonfarm payroll data was crazy and completely unbelievable and this is the last set of important data before the Fed meeting. When you look at the data set, it really boggles your mind because the unemployment rate has ticked lower. The productivity picture is even more confusing as it is not increasing.”

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Thursday, June 02, 2016

Dollar Bubble: The Three Reasons The US Dollar Will Soon Crash / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Jeff_Berwick

The Dollar Vigilante’s Senior Analyst, Ed Bugos, is a genius… but he’s also somewhat of a recluse.

While we have gotten access to his incredible written insights for the last six years in The Dollar Vigilante newsletter, he has always shied away from the public spotlight.  Until now!

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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Precisely Wrong on US Dollar, Gold? / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Axel_Merk

Since the beginning of the year, the greenback has shown it's not almighty after all; and gold - the barbarous relic as some have called it - may be en vogue again? Where are we going from here and what are the implications for investors?

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Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Watching for an Undercut Bottom in the US Dollar / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Gary_Savage

Undercut bottom in the dollar coming next? Maybe.

Currencies are tricky SOB’s. Be aware we may still get one more drop to form an undercut low and catch shorts on the wrong side of the market.

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Tuesday, May 03, 2016

US Dollar Index on the Brink as Dollar Meltdown Continues - Video / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Mario_Innecco

Transcript Excerpt: Tuesday May 3rd 2016 yes around 8:40 a.m. London time or 340 New York
time I'm gonna be talking currencies this morning as the dollar continues to
to drop you know quite quite sharply I had been covering the yen and how that's
been appreciating quite strongly against the dollar despite the fact that the BOJ
stepped up especially knowing the end of February stepped up their cue we and a
negative interest rates but this morning I will be talking a little bit the
dollar index dollar index is basically weights and measures the dollar against
a basket of currencies and this basket is composed of the following 57.6% euro
30.6% Japanese yen 11.9% British Pound 9.1% Canadian dollar four point to.

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Monday, May 02, 2016

USD Still Declining... / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Anthony_Cherniawski

USD is plummeting lower today. This is keeping USD/JPY suppressed, even though the Yen is not rallying at the moment.

Bloomberg reports, “After falling for three months, the dollar is set to rebound, if this historical seasonal chart is any guide.

The Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index, which tracks the greenback versus 10 peers, has appreciated in May in every year but one since 2007, according to a Bloomberg Seasonality Chart. That’s the best record among the 12 months.

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Monday, May 02, 2016

USD, Yen and an ‘Inflation Trade’ Update / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Gary_Tanashian

The Fed has been trying to promote inflation. That is not the guy with the tin foil hat speaking, it is direct from FOMC statements targeting a higher inflation level, which is another way of saying they are targeting a lower US dollar level. From this we leaned toward that which would benefit from a declining USD. Precious metals (led by silver) are a prime beneficiary, with oil and some commodities remaining firm despite pressure on stock markets as corporate performance and economic signals continue to fade.

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Friday, April 29, 2016

US Dollar Meltdown Underway as Fed Credibility Evaporates - Video / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Mario_Innecco

Transcript Excerpt: It's Friday April 29 2016 early here in london it's nine o'clock in the
morning so 4 a.m. New York time while in the us- and I'm making this video just
to talk about the dollar but the galleries crashing you most people and
even I have focused on the dollar yen on the yen been strong but you know we've
broken through the lows of the year and we had the lowest level since October
2014 that the dollars at 107 12 right now against the yen we had a key support
which was to prove you know earlier this month the low one of seven sixty and we
went down way to 10 689 and you know there's talk about that the Bank of Japan

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Sunday, April 24, 2016

US Dollar Price Forecast / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Austin_Galt

Is the US Dollar in a new bull market or is it about to crash? Opinions seem divided on this issue and mine is a mixture of both depending which time frame is used.

Let's begin the analysis with the short term outlook followed by some big picture analysis.

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

US To Paint New Pictures On Its Dying, Barbarous Relic of a Currency / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Jeff_Berwick

In a letter to the American tax slaves, US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew “the Loon”  has presented his plan to replace some of the images on the dwindling  $20, $10 and $5 Federal Reserve Notes.  Slave emancipator, Harriet Tubman, will replace Andrew Jackson on the $20, leaders of the suffrage movement will go on the $10 and images of the Lincoln Memorial will go on the $5.

You’d think with the US government being $19 trillion in debt they’d have bigger priorities than artwork.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

USD is a Puzzle. I may have a Solution / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Anthony_Cherniawski

There is a lot not to like about this Wave structure, but it may be that the decline is finished.  The decision to take this opinion is based on several factors.  But the main one was the following Bloomberg article that caught my eye:  “Hedge funds are close to calling it quits on the dollar’s best run in a generation.

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