Category: China US Conflict
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Sunday, May 12, 2019
US Will Increase Pressure on Hong Kong In An Attempt to Cripple China's Growing Tech Influence / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Alasdair_Macleod
Behind the Huawei story, we must not forget there is a wider financial war being waged by America against China and Russia. Stories about China’s banks being short of dollars are incorrect: the shortage is of inward capital flows to support the US Government’s budget deficit. By attracting those global portfolio flows instead, China’s Belt and Road Initiative threatens US Government finances, so the financial war and associated disinformation can be expected to escalate. Hong Kong is likely to be in the firing line, due to its role in providing China with access to international finance.
Hong Kong in Trouble?
Last week, The Wall Street Journal published an article claiming China’s banks are running out of dollars. Clearly, this is untrue. China’s banks can acquire dollars any time they want, either by selling other foreign currencies in the market, or by selling renminbi to the People’s bank. They have their dollar position because they choose to have it, and furthermore all commercial banks use derivatives, which are effectively off-balance sheet exposure. Furthermore, with the US running a substantial trade deficit with China, dollars are flooding in all the time.
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Thursday, May 02, 2019
Stop Feeding the Chinese Empire - ‘Belt and Road’ Trojan Horse / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Richard_Mills
“Whoever has an army has power.” - Mao Zedong
In March Italy broke ranks with its EU partners in joining China’s Belt and Road Initiative, known also as One Belt, One Road or the New Silk Road.
Students of history know the original “Silk Road” refers to the ancient network of trading routes between China and Europe, which served as both a conduit for the movement of goods, and an exchange of ideas, for centuries.
The “New Silk Road” is the term for an ambitious trade corridor first proposed by the Chinese regime under its current president, Xi Jinping, in 2013. The grand design also known, confusingly, as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), is a “belt” of overland corridors and a “road” of shipping lanes.
It consists of a vast network of railways, pipelines, highways and ports that would extend west through the mountainous former Soviet republics and south to Pakistan, India and southeast Asia.
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Wednesday, February 06, 2019
A Cold War with China Spells Trouble for Stocks / Politics / China US Conflict
By: John_Mauldin
Last week, George Soros said that we are in a cold war with China that could turn into a hot war. While Soros and I don’t often agree on politics, I did find my head nodding at times in his latest CNBC interview.Then Luke Gromen of Forest for the Trees wrote about change in the geopolitical climate, which is not his usual beat.
Gromen argues that US national security may be more important than risk asset performance for the first time in decades.
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Thursday, January 24, 2019
If China Falls, so Will America / Economics / China US Conflict
By: John_Mauldin
The US and China are the world’s largest and second-largest economies.
They are also entwined in so many ways that it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other starts. Some call it “Chimerica.” which is an apt description.
But that’s not bad.
International trade promotes peace and prosperity for all. It’s not always smooth, evenly distributed, or free of issues. But such is the nature of great affairs.
Saturday, July 14, 2018
China vs the US - The Road to War / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Richard_Mills
In 2016 Steve Bannon, President Donald Trump’s former chief strategist, declared that there was no doubt, in his mind, that the US would go to war with China in the South China Sea in the next five to 10 years.
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Friday, July 13, 2018
Trump US Trade War With China, Europe Consequences, Implications and Forecasts / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Nadeem_Walayat
And so the Trade War begins as Trump delivers on his 'America First' election slogan where at the top of his agenda is for a destructive Trade War against not just China but the whole world, which Trump sees as correcting decades of erroneous US trade policies that saw the Chinese totalitarian state literally handed trillions of dollars to invest in it's civil and military infrastructure, modernising it's third world economy at an unprecedented lightening speed, trillions of dollars coupled with valuable intellectual property stolen from the West that has put China on the fast track towards ultimately threatening US global supremacy with their own Empire that Trump chaotically has tasked himself towards preventing.
Friday, July 06, 2018
Trump Destroying US Empire in Trade War Against China, Europe and Canada / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Nadeem_Walayat
And so the Trade War begins as Trump delivers on his 'America First' election slogan where at the top of his agenda is for a destructive Trade War against not just China but the whole world, which Trump sees as correcting decades of erroneous US trade policies that saw the Chinese totalitarian state literally handed trillions of dollars to invest in it's civil and military infrastructure, modernising it's third world economy at an unprecedented lightening speed, trillions of dollars coupled with valuable intellectual property stolen from the West that has put China on the fast track towards ultimately threatening US global supremacy with their own Empire that Trump chaotically has tasked himself towards preventing.
Friday, April 13, 2018
Longtanding Chinese War: Intrigue & Betrayal / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Jim_Willie_CB
For those who believe the conflict, confrontation, and trade war with China is very recent and fresh, not true. The war of words and sabre rattling is part of a longstanding trade war between the two superpowers. The war with China has been brewing for many years, with much hidden in the background battles over legacy USTreasury Bonds and hidden Gold stores. The United States does not publicize this conflict, since the US actions are full of dishonor, deceit, fraud, and murders within the secret war. To begin with, Washington officials have steadfastly refused to honor high valued old bonds backed by gold, claiming they are very old. The US goons have been murdering both owners and attorneys for those who represent large scale Asian claims. The US has shot down aircraft carrying gold bullion hoards. In doing so, the US has acted with great dishonor, more like a criminal organization that a legitimate government. Dishonesty is the common thread and common theme. One should expect none else since the US lineage of presidents since 1988 has been comprised of narco baron leaders. The battles between the United States and China go way back. Let us trace some of the key events in just the last twenty years. Prepare to read a spy novel outline, except in our realm of reality. It puts the US in very bad light, with extreme criminality, marred by dishonor.
Thursday, April 12, 2018
China's Trade War Against America / Politics / China US Conflict
The Chinese regime is the creation of the globalists. Going back to the Nixon era, Henry Kissinger set into motion a staged and preferential trading system that would inevitably build the Red Communists into the very model for global dominance. Approving China into the World Trade Organization guaranteed a distorted playing field by favoring PRC and allowing their draconian conditions to engage in business by Oriental Marxists. Even The Guardian reports that World trade rules too weak to stop China distorting market, “It is now clear that the WTO rules are not sufficient to constrain China’s market-distorting behavior.” The end result produced a perverse capitalism that merged with totalitarian oligarchists to distort, extort and circumvent any semblance of a legitimate free trading exchange.
Monday, February 19, 2018
US-China Trade War Escalates As Further Measures Are Taken / Politics / China US Conflict
By: GoldCore
– Trade war between two superpowers continues to escalate
– White House likely to impose steep tariffs on aluminium and steel imports on ‘national security grounds’
– US may impose global tariff of at least 24% on imports of steel and 7.7% on aluminium
– China “will certainly take necessary measures to protect our legitimate rights.”
– China is USA’s largest trading partner, fastest-growing market for U.S. exports, 3rd largest market for U.S. exports in the world.
– If the U.S. continues to escalate its trade actions against China, experts say retaliation is likely.
– Global markets are unprepared, investors should invest in gold to protect portfolios
Friday, January 12, 2018
How China is Locking Up Critical Resources in the US’s Own Backyard / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Richard_Mills
In the 1800’s the United States under President James Monroe invoked the Monroe Doctrine, which stated that any effort by European nations to control any independent state in North or South America would be viewed as “an unfriendly disposition towards the United States.”
The intent of the Monroe Doctrine was to free the newly independent colonies of Latin America from mostly Spain and Portugal, so that the States could exert its influence undisturbed.
“The Monroe Doctrine, first articulated in 1823 as a means of blocking external interference in the Western Hemisphere, was the central pillar of US policy toward Latin America until Barack Obama’s secretary of State, John Kerry, told a roomful of Latin American diplomats in 2013 that “the era of the Monroe Doctrine is over.” The statement was part of an effort to rehabilitate the US image in a region long accustomed to seeing the United States as seeking to control it through persuasion when possible, and force when necessary. In a policy paper published last December, Craig Deare, a dean at the US National Defense University and now Mr. Trump’s top Latin America advisor on the National Security Council staff, denounced Kerry’s statement “as a clear invitation to those extra-regional actors looking for opportunities to increase their influence. He specifically mentioned China.” Is Trump resurrecting the Monroe Doctrine? Max Paul Friedman
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Wednesday, December 27, 2017
The Integrated Non US Dollar Chinese Platforms / Currencies / China US Conflict
By: Jim_Willie_CB
The many new integrated non-USD platforms devised and constructed by China finally have critical mass. They threaten the King Dollar as global currency reserve. Clearly, the USDollar cannot be displaced in trade and banking without a viable replacement for widespread daily usage. Two years ago, critics could not point to a viable integrated system outside the USD realm. Now they can. The integration of commercial, construction, financial, transaction, investment, and even security systems can finally be described as having critical mass in displacing the USDollar. The King Dollar faces competition of a very real nature. The Jackass has promoted a major theme in the last several months, that of the Dual Universe. At first the USGovt will admit that it cannot fight the non-USD movement globally. To do so with forceful means would involve sanctions against multiple nations, and a war with both Russia & China. Their value together is formidable in halting the financial battles from becoming a global war. The United States prefers to invade and destroy indefensible nations like Libya, Iraq, Ukraine, Syria, and by proxy Yemen.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Here’s Why China Unofficially Ended the Dispute with South Korea / Politics / China US Conflict
By: John_Mauldin
BY PHILLIP ORCHARD : The countries of East Asia are worried about the coercive power of Beijing’s pocketbook. And perhaps they should be.
China is flush with money, and as it continues to pour massive amounts of aid and investment into the region, it’s only a matter of time before Beijing tries to cash in.
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Wednesday, November 15, 2017
The Trump Administration’s IP Battle Against China / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Dan_Steinbock

In mid-August, President Trump asked U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to open an investigation into China's intellectual property (IP) practices. “This is just the beginning,” Trump told reporters.
In turn, Lighthizer, a veteran Reagan administration trade hawk, seized the notorious Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, which in the 1980s was used against the rise of Japan.
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Tuesday, October 17, 2017
China Has a Bargaining Chip Against the US in the North Korea Crisis / Politics / China US Conflict
By: John_Mauldin
By Jacob L. Shapiro : Of all the parties involved in the Korean missile crisis, the most difficult to read is China.
China’s talks about the need for a peaceful resolution do little to reveal what China’s real interests and objectives are. And what they are is multiple and conflicting.
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Sunday, September 03, 2017
US Paving the Way for Massive First Strike on North Korea Nuclear and Missile Infrastructure / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The emerging Chinese super powers North Korean Proxy continues to accelerate towards being able to punch a hole through the US Military Empires encirclement of China as every other day brings North Korea a step closer towards it's primary objective of hitting and destroying the US Military base on Guam, home to over 10,000 troops and 160,000 US citizens, and which as the following map illustrates is just 1 of 400 US military bases in Asia for the express purpose of encircling and containing China.
Friday, September 01, 2017
Trump Reset: US War With China, North Korea Nuclear Flashpoint - Video / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This is my latest video in my Trump Reset War with China series that details the key mega-trend geopolitical consequences of the Trump Presidency, of why the United States under Trump would be trending towards an inevitable war with China, economic, cyber and even outright military conflict, something that many were skeptical of when I wrote my 3 pieces of in-depth analysis before Trump took office, but given what has subsequently transpired should be recognised as now being far more probable.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
North Korean Chinese Proxy vs US Military Empire Trending Towards Nuclear War! / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The US continues to firmly trend towards war with China as the mainstream press media spotlight on North Korea during 2017 continues to displace the other dozen or so US/China flashpoints such as China's land grab underway in the South China Sea.
"North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. He has been very threatening beyond a normal state. And as I said, they will be met with fire, fury and frankly power, the likes of which this world has never seen before". - President Trump
North Korea responds “it is 'carefully examining' plans for a missile strike on the U.S. Pacific territory of Guam, just hours after U.S. President Donald Trump told the North that any threat to the United States would be met with ‘fire and fury,’The strike plan would be put into practice at any moment once leader Kim Jong-un makes a decision, a spokesman for the Korean People's Army (KPA) said in a statement carried by the North's state-run KCNA news agency.”
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Monday, June 19, 2017
US-China Trade amid America’s New Uncertainty / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Dan_Steinbock
As the White House is preparing to a political war for its survival, the Trump-Xi 100 day plan should overcome long-term pressures on US-China ties.After the two-day summit at Mar-a-Lago, the US and China announced a 100-day plan to improve strained trade ties and boost cooperation between two nations. Soon thereafter, the US Department of Justice appointed Robert Mueller, the former director of the FBI (2001-13) as special counsel overseeing the investigation into the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 elections.
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Monday, April 17, 2017
Trump US North Korea First Strike Smoke and Mirrors, China is the Real War Target! / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Nadeem_Walayat
There is growing speculation in the mainstream media and BlogosFear that the Trump regime following blasting of an mostly empty Syrian air-field with 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles and then dropping a MOAB on caves in Afghanistan is next set to launch a pre-emptive first strike against the North Korean rouge state's nuclear and missile infrastructure before it manages to achieve its objective of being able to put nukes onto missiles.