Analysis Topic: Investor & Trader Education
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Wednesday, December 13, 2017
A Method Traders Can Use to Confirm an Elliott Wave Count / InvestorEducation / Elliott Wave Theory
When you are watching a pattern develop on a chart, how can you be sure that your Elliott wave count is correct? Elliott Wave International's Senior Analyst Jeffrey Kennedy spent years designing his own technique to improve his accuracy. He came up with the Kennedy Channeling Technique, which he uses to confirm his wave counts. The following excerpt from Jeffrey's Trader's Classroom lessons offers an overview of his method. Get more trading lessons from Jeffrey in his popular free eBook, The Best of Trader's Classroom.
Thursday, December 07, 2017
Following 6 Critical Rules will make you a better Investor... / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
Face the facts -- investing isn't easy. If it was, everyone would be successful. Successful investing takes hard work and discipline.
Famed financial analyst Robert Prechter has identified the 6 critical rules successful investors follow. Learning the rules is the easy part -- putting them into action is what will make you a success.
Read Prechter's free report, Six Critical Money-Making Rules for Investors, now.....
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Thursday, December 07, 2017
Bitcoin - Please, Please, Please, Don’t Let Fear Of Missing Out Lead Your Investment Decisions / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: John_Mauldin
BY JARED DILLIAN : This tweet was getting retweeted all over the place last weekend. Apologies for the bad language.
For starters, the guy’s Twitter handle is “bitstein.” But anyway. This is the fable of the grasshopper and the ant.
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Wednesday, December 06, 2017
Day Trading vs Swing Trading: Which One is the Better Strategy? / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
Which is the most appropriate trading strategy to earn a living? Well, that depends. First of all, different markets demand different strategies. That said, it narrows down to your style, personality and circumstances; but it takes more than just that to find a strategy that best suits you.
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Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Some Traders Hit. Some Traders Miss. Here's How to be Part of the 1st Group / InvestorEducation / Company Chart Analysis
Also, watch Jeffrey Kennedy identify two high-confidence trade set-ups in Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ)
'It's the most wonderful time of the year,' goes the famous holiday song. Except on Black Friday morning, that is, when a deadly stampede of shoppers at the big-name box store runs Granny down in the dry goods aisle.
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Thursday, November 16, 2017
Announcing Free Trader's Workshop: Battle-Tested Tools to Boost Your Trading Confidence / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
Get 7 free lessons that teach you techniques that you can immediately apply to find high-confidence trades -- from one of the world's foremost market technicians, Elliott Wave International's Jeffrey Kennedy.
Register now for your FREE lessons -- PLUS a free seat at Jeffrey's live event, Nov. 20 >>
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Thursday, November 09, 2017
The Surreal Simulator of Meta Trader / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Kavinesh_A
Trading has been the trending front runners in the digital era. Trading has been turning heads ever since its inception and will continue to do so on a massive scale. The medium of trading has underwent a major metamorphosis ever since. Now the trading medium went online which paved way for electronic trading platforms which replaced the conventional trading market. The traders can trade in any niche as the online trading comes with a very wide spectrum. One such credible trading platform is Meta Trader 4 (MT4).
Wednesday, November 01, 2017
Want to Be a Trader? Start by Mastering Elliott Waves -- Here's Why / InvestorEducation / Elliott Wave Theory
By: GoldCore
A few tips from someone who's lived financial markets for almost 25 years
In this new interview with Jeffrey Kennedy, the editor of our Commodity Junctures & Trader's Classroom services, he offers a few trading tips for those who are newer to the Wave Principle and explains how Elliott wave analysis helps you master ALL forms of technical analysis.
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Wednesday, November 01, 2017
A guide to select the most trusted brokerage firm / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Kavinesh_A
Increased demand for online brokerage firms
More and more people are choosing to invest in the stock market and avail the benefits out of it. Not many years ago, it seemed to be a rather risky choice for the commoners to invest in stocks and options. If you are not a professional in the financial field and you do not know the basics of the stock market then it can make you lose your hard earned money upon investing. Moreover, the banks, financial institutes and a few brokerage firms backed by the former two establishments were the only options to choose from. There are a hell lot of rules and regulations to follow and it was not a very convenient option for the common people to track the market and trade easily. But, the scenario has changed drastically with the introduction of internet-based megbízható broker for trading stocks or foreign currencies. The online brokerage firms are very convenient and easier to trade with.
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Saturday, October 28, 2017
Trading Forex with Elliott Doesn't Have to be Complicated / InvestorEducation / Elliott Wave Theory
Watch a simple lesson on Elliott waves from Chief Currency Strategist Jim Martens
Understanding the Wave principle doesn't have to be hard. In fact, as you'll see in this 5-minute clip, learning from EWI's Chief Currency Strategist Jim Martens can be downright entertaining.
Watch as the 30-year veteran analyst explains how learning to use Elliott waves can be as simple as counting to 5 and knowing your A-B-Cs!
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Friday, October 20, 2017
The Greatest Investing Lesson Learned from the 1987 Stock Market Crash / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Nadeem_Walayat
It's that time of the year again when the stock market doom merchants are at their most vocal as they focus on the historic apex of the darkest day of the darkest month for stocks of the year, October 19th, the 30th anniversary of the 1987 Black Monday that saw the stock market crash by an unprecedented 22% in one day that few saw coming but ever since many prophesies the repeat of each October, regardless of what the stock market has actually done thus far each year as the perma bear crowd can always be seen literally jumping up and down like demented rabbits proclaiming that a crash is once more imminent, pointing to a myriad of harbingers of the imminent stock market apocalypse. Against which the historic record paints a picture of a coin toss having proved infinitely more accurate than the perma crash is coming calls awaiting their broken clock moment to proclaim their success.....
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Getting Your Feet Wet In Crypto Currencies / InvestorEducation / BlockChain
By: Avi_Gilburt
By Avi Gilburt with Ryan Wilday
I want to begin this new series on crypto-currency by introducing my co-author, Ryan Wilday.
In 2012, with twelve years of trading behind him, Ryan had no interest in, or knowledge of, crypto currency. However, a chat with a programmer friend about Bitcoin peaked his curiosity. He then dug up a chart and, despite all his years of experience trading, he couldn’t make sense of its sudden spikes and deep drops.
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
12 Real-Life Techniques That Will Make You a Better Trader Now / InvestorEducation / Elliott Wave Theory
Dear Trader,
If you invest in the markets -- or better yet, if you're an active trader -- this is something to get excited about.
Our friends at Elliott Wave International (EWI) have just released a free video-based resource, "12 Real-Life Techniques That Will Make You a Better Trader Now." Over 5 free videos, EWI's Master Instructor Jeffrey Kennedy gives you 12 battle-tested trading tips -- 100% free. These free lessons will help you understand the steps you should always take to capitalize on new market opportunities.
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Thursday, October 12, 2017
Two Highly Recommended Books from Bob Prechter / InvestorEducation / Trader Psychology
Bob Prechter's two new socionomics books showcase one of the most exciting disciplines in the social sciences today. Social mood undergirds the entire Elliott wave forecasting model, and I can't recommend these books more as an intro to how mood works throughout society. Here's a short note from Bob about the books and a special offer:
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Tuesday, October 10, 2017
The Truth About Elliott Wave Analysis / InvestorEducation / Elliott Wave Theory
By: Avi_Gilburt
This evening, one of my members forwarded me a public post made by another “analyst” about Elliott Wave analysis, which seemed to be supported by his novice acolytes. And, yes, that perspective suggested that Elliott Wave is “useless as a tool for market analysis.”
So, please allow me to deal with the substance of the issue at hand, and that is the accuracy and usefulness of Elliott Wave analysis.
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Saturday, September 30, 2017
Traders Classroom - Here's What Your Price Charts Are Hiding from You (Video) / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
Here's What Your Price Charts Are Hiding from You
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Friday, September 29, 2017
First of all, what is MetaTrader 4? / InvestorEducation / Trading Systems
By: Kavinesh_A

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Thursday, September 28, 2017
Benefits of using MetaTrader 4 / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Kavinesh_A
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Ray Dalio’s Principles: A Radically Truthful Review / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Axel_Merk
Spending $26.95 to pick Ray Dalio’s brain for over 16 hours listening to the audiobook appears fantastic value to me. The thought crossed my mind to offer Mr. Dalio a charity donation in his name if he gave me the opportunity to make it a two-way conversation over lunch. But that wouldn’t have been consistent with his (or my) Principles. Instead, I’m offering my radically truthful review for $0. The challenge for Mr. Dalio is whether reading this review will be time well spent. Ray, you do not know my ‘believability’ – and that is a key deficiency in your principles you might want to address, especially when applied to the next phase in your life. Let me expand.
Friday, September 22, 2017
Day Trading Guide for Dummies / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Kavinesh_A

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