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Donald Trump, Hollywood Films and End of Liberalism, Globalization and Americans’ Alienation - Global Impacts

Politics / US Politics Nov 20, 2016 - 03:01 AM GMT

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew


Men live, work, fight and flourish always under fear and threats.  Fear is one of the central themes of so many fictions and other literacy and artistic works, including performing arts and computer games. Hundreds of films, including box office Hollywood Films, and Computer Games have been made on projecting the fear of aliens or beasts, the attack or invasion of aliens from unknown planets or regions with their peculiar faith, dress, culture, practices and languages and finally the emergence of a savior or liberator, sometimes a super human hero, who saves the Humanity and its culture from the inhuman and alien savages.

Alien Invaders and the Super Hero

The central theme of all these stories is centered on a handful of aliens came to the earth.  The human beings treated the aliens from other planet as refugees or fallen people from their land with mercy and dignity based on their secular, liberal and democratic values. But gradually the aliens make a virtual invasion of the earth for the sake of their War God who dictates everything in an obscure language to enslave the human beings with war and terror.

Every alien invader is a slave of his or her God with the sole duty of protecting the God from the enemies and infidels and enslaving the humanity with terror and brutality for the sake of the God. When the aliens start to enslave people and impose their God, faith, culture and practices, suddenly a Super Hero emerges to save the humanity with his relentless fight against the evil forces and finally he redeems or liberates the Humanity from the evil god, beasts and the alien men and women. Not only the children but also the adults love such films and games that reflect the general psychic nature of the masses and the   existing social or cultural or political situations in the western world, including America and Europe, besides the other parts of the world in Asia and Africa.

Trump – The Savior and Super Hero

Ordinary Americans, especially the blue color workers and the rural Americans, or the forgotten people of America due to the anti-American people policies of both Obama and Hillary, found Donald Trump their Savior and Super Hero to save them from the Aliens who manage  to control the medias and the snap polls besides innumerable beasts. However, they voted Donald Trump the President of America.

It is very easy to associate the Savage Aliens and Beasts with the Muslims and the cheap Chinese products dumped in the West and elsewhere. In the non-Arab desert tribal contexts, Muslims are always aliens with alien primitive God, faith, dress, culture, language and appearance tuned or programmed with the primitive Arab desert tribal values, culture and systems to destroy the western democracy and liberal values, as depicted in some Hollywood or Bollywood films and Computer Games. The paradox is that the very western liberalism, secularism and globalism along with leftist materialism helped Muslims migrate or invade the west, including infiltrating in key areas under Obama Administration with their Primitive Tribalism and the Chinese dump their products that are virtually the Aliens and Beasts capable of destroying the western economies, social and political systems.

Inimical and Isolated

To complicate matters, Muslims in the west remain totally isolated from the rest of the society and become inimical to the western values and institutions and some of them openly subscribe to Radical Islam and involve in the Islamic Terrorism that pave the way for Islamophobia. In the western world, Islamophobia is a major and deep-rooted malady that cannot be cured just projecting Islam as Peace. It is spreading across all over the world like a storm or hurricane, including the Islamic world that necessitates waging relentless war against Islamic Terrorism and Radical Islam.

Challenges of the Islamic World

The victory of Donald Trump leads to the emergence of a new alliance of America, India, Russia, China, Japan and Israel besides hundreds of several other countries to fight against Islamic Terrorism and Radical Islam.  The Islamic world is like a bubble to burst at any time, making over 70 % of the population prone to become war victims or refugees at any time. Islam is the most fragile religion on the earth and any Islamic country can have the fate of either Syria or Iraq or Libya, for Muslims love to fight each other in the name of their God or Scripture with conflicting interpretations. War and Terror are embedded in their systems of faith, culture and political systems.

This is really a great human tragedy that can be avoided only by saving the Islamic world from the Primitive Warring Arab Desert Tribal Faith, Values and Culture, besides; acquiring the liberal and democratic values so that any Muslim man or woman can live and interact with the rest of the humanity just like any other civilized human being rather than aliens from other planets. Of course it requires a lot of retraining and reconditioning along with commitments, though not impossible.

Without subscribing to the Democratic Values, they cannot claim and aspire to the privileges of a democratic country as it is a two way valve. They cannot go on cheating the common people upholding democratic and liberal values.  These issues have been dealt at length in my recent works appeared in the Market Oracle (UK):

13 Jan 2016 - Escalating Crisis of the Muslim World for the Koranic Backing of Radical Islam, Terrorism and Sunni – Shiite Clashes

18 Dec 2015 - Spread of Islamophobia and the Upsurge of Ultra-Fascism to Contain and Counter Arabization and Islamization of the West

11 May 2015 - The Grand Old Strategies for the Islamic Conquest of The West and The Counter Strategies...

09 Jan 2015 - Islamic Terrorism and Counter Terrorism - New Twists And Turns

Challenges of Globalization  

Donald Trump has to take several bold decisions to rebuild the American Economy and empower its forgotten people with jobs, decent income and above all dignity and self-respect as has been promised. The old ’Comparative Advantage Theory’ of International Trade or Globalization of the economists has become irrelevant without taking into account their Social and Political Costs. This is the basic failure of Economics that necessitates the reemergence of Political Economy, quite different from Keynesian or Post-Keynesian Economics or Econometrics.   Otherwise, resentments and revolutions brake out so as to over throw the state or regime.

China and India

China cannot dump its products and India cannot expect so much outsourcing jobs not only in America but the rest of the western world. China must to learn to build up its economy generating adequate internal demand without depending on export-oriented growth, though it is painful and time consuming besides;  it must also learn to limit its ambition as a global power.

India is posed to make a quantum leap in development and to attract all its professionals and skilled manpower working in the other parts of the world back into the country besides offering employment to the world class experts and professionals within a handful of years. The greatest stumbling block for development in both India and China is the rampant corruption and black money.

Media, Intellectuals and Protesters       

Even now the media and the intellectuals all over the world could not understand the psychology of the ordinary Americans and the forces that led to the stunning victory of Donald Trump, as the savior of the Americans and the hero of the American Dream. The simple reason is that they were conditioned to believe the easy victory of Hillary Clinton with their fabricated news, views, the snap polls, dirty propaganda besides the blatant character assassination of Donald Trump by Barack Obama, using his oratorical skill.  As a result, it will take unusually a very long time for them to compromise with the reality.

The American Left, Muslims, Media Gurus, and the Academics, including college students are emotionally shattered to accept the reality of the demise of liberalism, left oriented elitism and globalization besides the open door policy towards migrants, especially Muslims.  They are in the streets to express their anger violently for their inability to accept Trump victory.

Unless treated properly with massive counseling, majority of them will become socially alienated with unsound mind; a good number of the agitating students, including the Muslims youth, are forced to discontinue their studies, barred from employment and remained outcasts forever. If the street protests are not called off within a reasonable time, the angry rural and blue color Americans with strong muscle power and determination will storm the streets where the protesters march. These issues have been dealt in some of my recent works:

11 Nov 2016 - Hillary, Obama and Media -- the Victims of Their Own Illusion and Propaganda and Making Trump the President (1448 Reads)

06 Nov 2016 - American Election and the Fall of the Fourth Estate – The Price of Bribery and Corruptions (949 Reads)

19 Oct 2016 - ‘Trumpophobia’ and the American Election - Impacts on Global Peace and Development and Islamic World (1170 Reads)

Trump Policies

The economic and political policies proposed by Donald Trump have been specified in my recent work: ‘Trumpnomics – Reinventing Political Economy for America and Its Forgotten People and the World under Donald Trump’,  Nov 13, 2016 - 03:07 PM GMT by: Dr_R_M_Mathew

Global Impacts of Trump Victory

Trump victory has a long lasting impact not only in America but all over the world. It will soon be felt in the entire Europe changing the rulers and regimes following the new American or Trump model. The Middle East and Islamic World besides the African Muslims are getting realized that without bringing out reforms and renaissance and contain Radicalism and Terrorism they cannot survive in the modern civilized world.

The new Alliance between Trump and Putin of course necessitates a redefinition of the role of China and its support to North Korea besides the new role of Shiite Iran and its relationship with the Sunni dominated Islamic World, including Saudi Arabia and pilgrimage centers. Pakistan can no longer sponsor Islamic Terrorism and Radical Islam without affecting its own existence.

Mexico and other Latin American countries cannot go on depending up on the American economy for their growth and survival; instead they have to pursue their own growth strategy. Global Trade and Relations are to be based on the simple principle of building up one’s own economy and mutual support and cooperation based on dignity and self-respect rather than dependence.

Inter-region and inter-sector balances not only nationally but also globally are the basis of the New Global Social Order in which everybody must be empowered with Food, Dignity and Knowledge. A New Political Economy and Mega Economics are the need of the hour instead of the obsolete Micro- and Macro-Economics and Management Sciences based on Data Analysis, Forecasting and Computer Simulations, as explained in my earlier works:

19 Feb 2009 - The Great Depression II Survival Strategies (43134 Reads)

21 Apr 2009 - Oil, Cars and Consumerism and The Global Economic Crisis: Discussion On The Great Depression II (23176 Reads)

23 Feb 2011 - The Arab Revolutions and the Emergence of a New Global Social Order (16874 Reads)

22 Feb 2011 - Chinese Workers Surplus Value Makes China A World Economic Power (18408 Reads)

28 Feb 2011 - India On The Verge Of A Revolution For Corruptions (24729 Reads)

30 Dec 2011 - Coming of the Violent Global Revolutions (15374 Reads)

16 Nov 2012 - The Fall Of Micro- And Macro- Economics And The Rise Of Mega-Economics (14828 Reads)

23 Nov 2013 - Terrorism, Starvation And The Global Economic Crisis: Counter Strategies (34676 Reads)

21 May 2014 - Modi And India Election - The Rotten Is Thrown Out: Lessons For Narendra Modi And His BJP (18855 Reads)

16 Feb 2015 - Prime Minister Narendra Modi And The Ideological Contradictions Of The Hindu Fundamentalism (8216 Reads)

My recent writings on these topics appeared in the Market Oracle (UK) can be found with the help of the following link:

Prof. (Dr.) Raju M. Mathew

© 2016 Copyright Dr. Raju M. Mathew - All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

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