Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Zionist Israel an International Pariah / Politics / Israel
Gaza has become a slaughter zone for the eradication of Palestinians with the most advanced military technology that Israel posses. In comparison the blaming of Hamas for this latest barrage of rockets, fails to recognize any proposition in the mutual savagery. Depending on one’s view just who is the unlawful belligerent, sympathy and condemnation follows. This eternal struggle will never end peacefully. Debating international law, dissecting historic claims, strategizing military options, analyzing diplomatic intentions, and especially honoring superior doctrine among conflicting religious beliefs is a formula that offers no solutions. Yet, Israel is wedded to an expansionist political objective. Extending settlements prevent any permanent settlement agreement.
Monday, July 21, 2014
The Conquest Of Real - Degenerate Philosophies of the Book / Politics / Religion
By: Andrew_McKillop
A Dangerous Time
Try to find a common theme, apart from the probable or possible role of the US CIA and other secret services in Al Qaida and ISIS, the Ukraine civil war, Boko Haram or even the rigging of gold, oil and other financial markets. Or the increasingly global Flash Mob uprisings, disappearing or destroyed Malaysian airliners, Russia's ***** Riot, and a bearded lady-transvestite winning the Eurovision song contest of 2014.
Monday, July 21, 2014
From Gore-Bore To Gore-War / Politics / US Politics
By: Andrew_McKillop
The Collapse of Concern
Time was, not many years ago when mainstream media was saturated with Al Gore genre material. One theme he particularly worked, to his own financial benefit, was the fear of massive coastal flooding and destruction as the Earth remorselessly heats up because we burned fossil fuels. Certainly for the last two or three years, this genre material and its fear theme have waned and may be dying. One reason was too much media hype, which cooled public interest in and fear of Heat Death. Opinion polls report ever less interest in the global warming issue or supposed issue. Apocalyptic climate change fell off the front pages, helped by what we can call a certain lack of gore.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Ron Paul on What The Media Won't Report About Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 / Politics / Mainstream Media
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
Just days after the tragic crash of a Malaysian Airlines flight over eastern Ukraine, Western politicians and media joined together to gain the maximum propaganda value from the disaster. It had to be Russia; it had to be Putin, they said. President Obama held a press conference to claim - even before an investigation - that it was pro-Russian rebels in the region who were responsible. His ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, did the same at the UN Security Council - just one day after the crash!
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Sunday, July 20, 2014
The Jewish Selfish Gene, People Chosen by God, Everyone Else is Goyim to Kill / Politics / Israel
By: Nadeem_Walayat
My recent article on the genetics of european Jewish people who claim to be the racial descendants of Jewish people who populated Palestine 2000 years ago pointed out that genetically they are no closely related to the indigenous Jewish populations of Israel / Palestine than any other european peoples are i.e. pointing out what is obvious to most that they look no different to any other european people because they in fact ARE European.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Higher Education is The Biggest Scam Going / Politics / Education
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes: Here’s a question for you: Has higher education become another great American scam?
I’m not talking about the rich getting scammed. They get what they pay for. They can afford to be scammed – they know what’s up.
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Sunday, July 20, 2014
Goliath is Winning in Gaza, Israel Never Wanted Peace / Politics / Israel
By: LewRockwell
Eric Margolis writes: Israel is clearly winning the David v. Goliath struggle with Palestinians in Gaza.
Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, seized on the murder in June of three Jewish teenagers from a West Bank settlement to launch Israel’s third war against Gaza in six years.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
US-backed Israeli Invasion of Gaza Unleashes Death and Destruction / Politics / Israel
By: Global_Research
Bill Van Auken writes: The death, destruction and human suffering caused by Israel’s 11-day-old onslaught against the impoverished and densely populated Gaza Strip increased sharply Friday. Israeli troops and armored columns continued pushing into the territory in an invasion launched the night before, even as the bombardment from air, land and sea intensified.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
The Israeli Promised Land Dream - The Criminal Roadmap Towards “Greater Israel”? / Politics / Israel
By: Global_Research
Felicity Arbuthnot writes: The concept of a “Greater Israel” according to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, is a Jewish State stretching “’From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.’
Rabbi Fischmann, of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, stated to the UN Special Committee on 9th July 1947 that:
Read full article... Read full article...The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon’”, wrote Michel Chossudovsky. (1)
Saturday, July 19, 2014
'Mysterious' Plane Crash - Who benefits? / Politics / GeoPolitics
By: LewRockwell
David A. Stockman writes: More and more bizarre info. and allegations keep popping up about the latest “mysterious plane plane crash”!
One U.S. Media Flash this morning says the pilot asked the Ukrainian air controllers for permission to fly at 35,000 ft. but was denied that request and had to stay a half mile lower–to make it an easier target, I imagine–but the “story line” said nothing about that possibility.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Sanctions and Airliners - What’s the U.S. Empire’s Agenda? / Politics / US Politics
By: Paul_Craig_Roberts
The unilateral US sanctions announced by Obama on July 16 blocking Russian weapons and energy companies access to US bank loans demonstrate Washington’s impotence. The rest of the world, including America’s two largest business organizations, turned their backs on Obama. The US Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers placed ads in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post protesting US sanctions. NAM said that the manufacturer’s association is “disappointed that the US is extending sanctions in increasingly unilateral ways that will undermine US commercial engagement.” Bloomberg reported that “meeting in Brussels, leaders of the European Union refused to match the US measures.”
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Edward Snowden Towers Over His Enemies / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
By: John_Rubino
The Guardian just ran an interview with Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor who blew the whistle on perhaps the most extensive secret spying program in human history and is now a man without a country, very much in danger of assassination or rendition or any number of other nasty things should Washington get ahold of him.
It’s a short interview, just 14 minutes, but by the end it is clear that this guy is vastly smarter and more interesting than the politicians and bureaucrats who would like to hang him. See it here:
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Friday, July 18, 2014
Central Bank Monetary Discord / Politics / Central Banks
By: Alasdair_Macleod
Last Monday's Daily Telegraph carried an interview with Jaime Caruana, the General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements (the BIS). As General Manger, Caruana is CEO of the central banks' central bank. In international monetary affairs the heads of all central banks, with the possible exception of Janet Yellen at the Fed, defer to him. And if any one central bank feels the need to obtain the support of all the others, Caruana is the link-man.
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Friday, July 18, 2014
Central Banks and The Dollar Hitting the BRICS / Politics / Emerging Markets
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis

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Friday, July 18, 2014
Flight MH17 – Kiev Flash Mob's Last False Flag? / Politics / Ukraine Civil War
By: Andrew_McKillop
Escalating To War
Financial markets reacted with a predictable kneejerk massive gold-and-oil price spike, to news of the mid-air destruction by missile or (theoretically-only) by an onboard bomb explosion, of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 near Donetsk in Ukraine. The recent-model Boeing 777 had 290 persons on board, all of whom died. Known data on the flight, until it suddenly went off-air, is that the flight was progressing normally at the plane's design cruise speed (about 0.84 Mach or 1000 kilomtres/hour), and its normal cruise altitude of 10 000 metres or 33 000 feet.
Friday, July 18, 2014
American Press Blames Russia for Downed Malaysia Flight MH17 / Politics / Mainstream Media
By: Walter_Brasch
Overshadowing news of the BRICS summit of July 16 and Israel's ground offensive in Gaza on July 17, came breaking news that Malaysia Air flight MH17 crashed in Eastern Ukraine near the Russian border with 298 people on board of which 154 were nationals from the Netherlands. The flight originated in Amsterdam destined for Kuala Lumpur. While proof was not forthcoming about the cause of the accident during the day, media-induced speculation quickly emerged that it was shot down by either Ukrainian forces or by pro-Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine. Within hours after the tragedy, U.S. media overtly alleged without substantiation Russian complicity. By evening, unidentified American intelligence and military officials said the plane had been destroyed by a Russian SA-series missile.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Channel 4 News Catches Israeli War Machine Killing Children Playing on Gaza Beach / Politics / Israel
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Channel 4 News shattered the thick smoke screen of the slick Israeli propaganda machine of the past 10 days of its missile barrages on the Gaza strip concentration camp populated by 3 million people, attacks that were accompanied by Israeli propaganda of defending itself against Gazan rockets despite the fact as illustrated by the growing piles of dead bodies in Gaza that now number more than 200 women and children.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Carbon No Longer Captures Australia / Politics / Climate Change
By: Andrew_McKillop
Fragile Trust and Ambition
Both Australian and international NGOs operating the climate-change and Low Carbon lobby were quick to accuse Australian government legislators of “going backwards in time” and destroying the nation's standing in the world by pushing back proposed legislation to further raise carbon taxes and further reduce national CO2 emissions.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Germany Pivoting East, Exit US Dollar, Enter Gold Standard / Politics / GeoPolitics
By: Jim_Willie_CB
It is finally happening in full view, in unmistakable manner, in a way that the awake, the aware, and the conscious can perceive in alarming stunning terms. The central force of Europe, the industrial juggernaut, the stable core, has begun to pivot East. The Germans have had enough, fed up with destructive US activities of all kinds. For the last few months, they have been laying out their indictment, their justification, their reasons to abandon the corrupt US-UK crowd. The bank wreckage, the market rigging, the endless wars, the sanctions which backfire, the sham monetary policy, the economic sabotage, the spying, the gold gimmicks, it has finally reached a critical level.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Israeli Massacres of Palestinian Women and Children Echos Hitler Mentality / Politics / Israel
By: Submissions
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has condemned the latest Israeli aggression against the besieged Gaza Strip, accusing Israel of massacring Palestinians.
Erdogan told members of his ruling Justice and Development Party in parliament on Tuesday that Israel is perpetrating a “massacre” of Palestinians and “is continuing to carry out state terrorism in the region.”
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