Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Friday, January 31, 2020
Chinese Family Fleeing Wuhan Bring CoronaVirus to UK - Pandemic Outbreak Day 54 / Politics / Pandemic
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The primary conduit for the spread of the virus are Chinese people fleeing a collapsing healthcare system in China which has resulted in the inevitable, Britain's first cases of Coronavirus as a Chinese family arriving into the UK on Wednesday 29th January, virtually on arrival at their York hotel called paramedics that they were infected and thus began Britain's first virus outbreak. This is likely the first of many such occurrences of Chinese families having fled chinese virus hotspots to burden western healthcare systems as they fear a near death sentence in their own country due to the magnitude of the outbreak in their nation that their selfish actions now seek to replicate elsewhere.
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Friday, January 31, 2020
China Coronavirus Infections Spread vs Forecast Pandemic Update Video / Politics / Pandemic
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Coronavirus continues it's exponential spread across China, this despite Chinese state propaganda peddling a line of measures taken especially earlier in the month having limited the spread of the virus that is not being born out by data released that on a daily basis shows the spread is exponential to across the whole of China and likely neighbouring nations.
My analysis and concluding forecast of 28th January based on data up until the 27th of January utilised trend analysis to forecast that the Coronavirus could infect over 1 million people by the end of February 2020, which given the apparent fatality rate of 3.5% at the time converted into an death toll of at least 35,000. Which if it transpired would be far worse than the 2002-2003 SARS pandemic that infected 8,098 over 8 months resulting in 774 deaths, and thus the Coronavirus would have significant economic and market consequences.
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Friday, January 31, 2020
... / Politics / Pandemic
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Coronavirus Infections Spread vs Forecast - 30th Jan 2020 Pandemic Update / Politics / Pandemic
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Coronavirus continues it's exponential spread across China, this despite Chinese state propaganda peddling a line of measures taken especially earlier in the month having limited the spread of the virus that is not being born out by data released that on a daily basis shows the spread is exponential to across the whole of China and likely neighbouring nations.
My analysis and concluding forecast of 28th January based on data up until the 27th of January utilised trend analysis to forecast that the Coronavirus could infect over 1 million people by the end of February 2020, which given the apparent fatality rate of 3.5% at the time converted into an death toll of at least 35,000. Which if it transpired would be far worse than the 2002-2003 SARS pandemic that infected 8,098 over 8 months resulting in 774 deaths, and this the Coronavirus would have significant economic and market consequences.
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Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Coronavirus Infection Spread and Deaths Forecast 2020 - Video / Politics / Pandemic
By: Nadeem_Walayat
One of the worst places for a pandemic to begin is from within a totalitarian state as local party minions tend to be too scared to pass bad news up the chain of command, and obediently wait on orders from leaders residing many hundreds of miles away, by which time it's too late where virus's are concerned, and so it has been with the Corona virus outbreak in China. Don't be fooled by Chinese state propaganda of panic building of hospitals, chinese communist party bureaucracy ensures that it is already too late! The Corona virus has spread throughout China!
I am sure you have all seen news footage of deserted Wuhan streets. Though none of the news reporters appear to have put 2 and 2 together and worked out the reason why the streets are empty is because most of the people living there have already FLED the city, taking their Corona virus infections with them! TOO LATE, OUT OF CONTROL!
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Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Corona Virus Wuhan Global Pandemic 2020 Deaths Forecast and Market Consequences / Politics / Pandemic
By: Nadeem_Walayat
One of the worst places for a pandemic to begin is from within a totalitarian state as local party minions tend to be too scared to pass bad news up the chain of command, and obediently wait on orders from leaders residing many hundreds of miles away, by which time it's too late where virus's are concerned, and so it has been with the Corona virus outbreak in China. Don't be fooled by Chinese state propaganda of panic building of hospitals, chinese communist party bureaucracy ensures that it is already too late! The Corona virus has spread throughout China!
I am sure you have all seen news footage of deserted Wuhan streets. Though none of the news reporters appear to have put 2 and 2 together and worked out the reason why the streets are empty is because most of the people living there have already FLED the city, taking their Corona virus infections with them! TOO LATE, OUT OF CONTROL!
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Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Wuhan Wipeout – Could It Happen? / Politics / Pandemic
By: Chris_Vermeulen
News is traveling fast about the Corona Virus that originated in Wuhan, China. Two new confirmed cases in the US, one in Europe and hundreds in China. As we learn more about this potential pandemic outbreak, we are learning that China did very little to contain this problem from the start. Now, quarantining two cities and trying to control the potential outbreak, may become a futile effort.
In most of Asia, the Chinese New Year is already in full swing. Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Malaysia, India and a host of other countries are already starting to celebrate the 7 to 10 day long New Year. Millions of people have already traveled hundreds of thousands of miles to visit family throughout this massive celebration. We are certain that hundreds or thousands have traveled to all parts of the world by now. The potential for exponential growth in the threat from this virus could be just days or weeks away.
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Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Pope Francis Calls Marxist Economic Summit / Politics / Religion
By: Antonius_Aquinas
As if there needs to be further evidence that the current occupant of St. Peter’s Chair in Rome is a Marxist, the announcement of an upcoming conference at Assisi entitled the “Economy of Francesco” should convince any skeptic otherwise.
In his invitation letter to “young economists and entrepreneurs worldwide,” Bergoglio sets the agenda for the Leftist confab quite clearly which is virulently anti-market, a call for massive redistribution of wealth, and a reordering of the current economic systems of the world with a healthy dose of climate change nonesense:
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Thursday, January 16, 2020
America 2020 – YEAR OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY (PART TWO) / Politics / Social Issues
By: James_Quinn
In Part One of this article I detailed my inability to predict the timing of events during this Fourth Turning, while maintaining the catalysts of debt, civic decay, and global disorder continue to drive the world towards a cliff.
“Every schoolchild will know what happened next, from the Oh-Ohs to the 2020s, as the Fourth Turning unfolded—but academics will surely debate how and why it came to pass. In his history, this great-great-grandson of today’s baby girl will reflect on what the Fourth Turning came to mean for his own time and generation. His history is not yet written. What will it be?” – Strauss & Howe
The Trump team is now poised to go on the offensive as this Constitutional crisis intensifies and hurtles towards a violent conclusion. Barr and Durham are busy building a case against the Obama administration and their illegal activities before and after the election. As the election approaches and Durham concludes his investigation, indictments handed down on Clapper, Brennan, Comey or any of the other conspirators would lead to turmoil not seen since the Civil War. No matter the result of the upcoming election, neither side will accept the outcome.
This country is irretrievably broken and there will be no compromise or negotiated agreements. With Virginia Governor “Blackface” Northam attempting to overturn the 2nd Amendment and forcefully confiscate lawfully owned firearms from his citizens a modern-day Harper’s Ferry confrontation could be in the offing. There are no viable political solutions to our current dilemmas. It’s just a matter of when and where the conflict goes hot and blood is spilled.
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Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Deep State 2020 – A Year Of Living Dangerously! / Politics / US Politics
By: James_Quinn
“A shocking crime was committed on the unscrupulous initiative of few individuals, with the blessing of more, and amid the passive acquiescence of all.” Tacitus, Publius Cornelius
The shocking crime being committed during this century under the unscrupulous initiative of a few evil men is ongoing and no longer hidden from those willing to open their eyes and see the truth. As conspiracy theorists have proven to be right through the sacrifice of Snowden, Assange, and other patriots for truth, the Deep State psychopaths have double downed and are blatantly flaunting their power and control over the levers of government, finance and media.
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Tuesday, January 14, 2020
The End of College Is Near / Politics / Student Finances
By: Jared_Dillian
I predict that 20% of colleges and universities will shut down or merge in the next 10 years, and probably more.It was a good run.
Most people fail to understand that higher education is in itself countercyclical. When the economy is bad, and people lose jobs, many of them will go back to school.
You have probably heard about the for-profit education boom and bust. That is old news. You might not have heard that total enrollment has been declining for the last eight years as the economy has improved.
What comes next will pulverize nearly every institution of higher learning in the country, private and public.
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Tuesday, January 07, 2020
Trump’s China Agreement Is a Fake Deal / Politics / Protectionism
By: Patrick_Watson
We have a trade deal! Should we pop the champagne corks?If so, we better hurry. The Trump administration wants to slam 100% tariffs on French champagne—retaliation for France’s new digital services tax. This trade war has more than one battlefield.
But China is the biggest, and last week the Trump administration said it had reached a “Phase 1” agreement with China. The president postponed a new round of tariffs that would have taken effect Dec. 15.
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Sunday, December 29, 2019
Americans Are Not “Free to Choose” Anymore / Politics / Social Issues
By: John_Mauldin
When you write for a wide audience, no matter what you say, or how carefully you say it, some people will misunderstand. Sometimes it’s amusing. Reading through my feedback (and I do read all of it), I get called both heartless capitalist and bleeding-heart socialist in reaction to the same article.
In fact, I’m neither. I am a capitalist, and proudly so. I believe free markets are the best way to bring maximum prosperity and peace for everyone. But I’m not heartless, nor do I think markets are perfect. Even the best medicines can have serious side effects. That is doubly so when you aren’t taking the medicine correctly.
Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Key to Solving the Climate Crisis Is Beneath Our Feet / Politics / Climate Change
By: Ellen_Brown
The Green New Deal resolution that was introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives in February hit a wall in the Senate, where it was called unrealistic and unaffordable. In a Washington Post article titled “The Green New Deal Sets Us Up for Failure. We Need a Better Approach,” former Colorado governor and Democratic presidential candidate John Hickenlooper framed the problem like this:
Read full article... Read full article...The resolution sets unachievable goals. We do not yet have the technology needed to reach “net-zero greenhouse gas emissions” in 10 years. That’s why many wind and solar companies don’t support it. There is no clean substitute for jet fuel. Electric vehicles are growing quickly, yet are still in their infancy. Manufacturing industries such as steel and chemicals, which account for almost as much carbon emissions as transportation, are even harder to decarbonize.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Train-Wreck of Climate-Change Mitigation / Politics / Climate Change
By: Mark_Blair
‘We strongly believe that no country should have to sacrifice their economic prosperity or energy security in pursuit of environmental sustainability.’ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211467X19300677
Climate-change mitigation this coming decade will be a train-wreck of unparalleled proportions. Let’s look over The Players:
One: The reality of the utter present exhaustion of the global financial and political model. The elephant in the room.
Two: the climate-change-denial lobbyists, funded by the extractive industries, particularly in the U.S. and Australia, who have effectively stymied mitigation for decades.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
America See You On The Dark Side Of The Moon - Part2 / Politics / Social Issues
By: James_Quinn
In Part 1 of this article I tried to link the greed and depravity of those pulling the strings behind the curtain of the Deep State with perpetual warfare being waged by the military industrial complex and the purposeful dumbing down of the populace so propaganda spewed by the Deep State’s media mouthpieces finds fertile ground. Pink Floyd’s lyrics from their existential album – Dark Side of the Moon – continue to resonate today, even more than they did in 1973.
Breathe, breathe in the air Don’t be afraid to care Leave, don’t leave me Look around, choose your own ground
Long you live and high you fly Smiles you’ll give and tears you’ll cry And all you touch and all you see Is all your life will ever be
I knew Part 1 of this article would be easier to write than Part 2 because I’m more comfortable writing about financial issues and expounding upon the political and economic degradation of our empire of debt. Pondering my life and choices I’ve made or haven’t made is something I’d rather not think about. But, as I was driving home from getting blood work done last Saturday morning, the haunting chords of Breathe emanated from my car radio, urging me to tackle the rest of my article. Breathe is a very short instrumental piece of less than 3 minutes.
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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Congress Still Covering for the Fed’s Bailouts / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: MoneyMetals
Wall Street owns Washington DC – figuratively speaking. In literal terms, the largest banks in the nation own the Federal Reserve. They also bought and paid for a great number of DC politicians as evidenced by campaign contributions, Congressional voting records and sham oversight.
This was on full display at last week’s Committee on Financial Services hearing. “The Honorable Randal Quarles,” Vice Chairman of Supervision at the Fed, was among three people called to report for purposes of “oversight.” A memo outlining the topics of discussion was published by the committee.
Monday, December 02, 2019
See You On The Dark Side Of The Moon / Politics / Social Issues
By: James_Quinn
And if the cloud bursts thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you’re in starts playing different tunes
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon
Brain Damage, Pink Floyd
And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon
Brain Damage, Pink Floyd
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Saturday, November 30, 2019
Conspiracy Theories Are Killing This Nation / Politics / Conspiracy Theory
By: Jared_Dillian
There is a burgeoning conspiracy theory that Jeffrey Epstein was murdered in his jail cell.
Although it’s not really burgeoning, is it? Most people really believe this. I think once a majority of people believe a conspiracy theory, it becomes fact.
Out of all conspiracy theories, this one is certainly plausible—Epstein potentially had a lot of damaging information on a lot of rich, powerful people.
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Promise of AI / Politics / AI
By: Richard_Mills
In ‘The Terminator’ series of action films starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, a cybernetic organism (cyborg) is programmed from the future to go back in time and kill the mother of the scientist who leads the fight against Skynet, an artificial intelligence system that will cause a nuclear holocaust.
Terrifying and at times comical (“I’ll be back”, “Make my day”) The Terminator cyborg was among the first presentations of artificial intelligence (AI) to a global audience. (“C3PO” and “R2D2” of Star Wars fame and “Data” from Star Trek also qualify) The robotic assassin also depicted an extreme scenario of what could happen when “machine learning”, a vital element of AI, runs amok - ie. when machine intelligence surpasses human intelligence to the point when the machines take over and try to eliminate the humans who created them.
While numerous facets of AI have been developed over the past couple of decades, all with positive outcomes, the fear of AI being programmed to do something devastating to the human race, of computers “going rogue”, continues to persist.
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