Wednesday, November 16, 2016
The War On Cash Goes Nuclear In India, Australia and Across The World / Currencies / War on Cash
By: Jeff_Berwick
We are living in a world where paper fiat money is becoming a novelty.
In Australia, Citibank has just become the first to declare that it no longer will accept notes or coins. Only digital transactions. This follows on the heels of India banning large cash denominations.
The cash-oriented changes of these two countries are especially troubling in light of the eventual plans to phase out large denomination euro notes and the US 100 dollar bill by 2018. Just as the Economist predicted nearly 30 years ago, the world is going cashless.
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Wednesday, November 16, 2016
U.S. Economy at Major Long-Term Pivotal Point / Economics / US Economy
By: Clif_Droke
As the dust settles from the U.S. presidential election, multitudes of political analysts and news commentators continue to scratch their heads wondering “what went wrong?” The collective question they're asking of course is in reference to the candidate who was elected President.
This is the wrong question to ask, however. What they should be asking is what led millions of (mostly) middle class voters to rise up against the favored establishment candidate and voice their disapproval with the incumbent party. As is normally the case with anything relating to politics, the answer is to be found in the realm of economics.
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Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Why Nate Silver / Fivethirtyeight is one of the Most Reliable Election Forecasts Indicator? / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2016
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Nate Silver or more correctly his site got the US Presidential election of 2016 very badly wrong, for instance they had Hillary on a probability of at least 88% a few weeks out from the election day and about an hour before the polls closed had Hillary on a winning 71% against Trump trailing on just 29%.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Stock Market Titanic Syndrome / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Ed_Carlson
The Titanic Syndrome is triggered when NYSE 52-week lows out-number 52-week highs within 7 days of an all-time high in equities (or a 400 point rally in the Dow Industrials index). The syndrome was triggered with Thursday’s new high. This phenomenon was discovered by Bill Ohama in 1965. Ohama wrote that the syndrome is typically followed by a 10% drop in the Dow.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Silver Price and The Winds of Complacency / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
Not even a surprise Presidential election result could sever the bonds that have held prices in check for more than 5 years.
From a mainstream media perspective, the financial system is a neat little house of cards. Made to look like sturdy boxes on a hilltop; institutional pillars …. that are all the same. The cards are carefully controlled and non-random. They are rigged.
Precious metals will always be rigged to some degree.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016
This Is What a Market Mania Looks Like / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: The_Gold_Report
The Trump election has ignited a market mania, but in economic terms, nothing real has changed and the relief probably won't last long, posit Rudi Fronk and Jim Anthony, cofounders of Seabridge Gold.
The Trump election has ignited a market mania, to everyone's surprise. Our sense is that it reflects an enormous relief that the Obama years of deadlock and do-nothing have finally ended. It's how you would feel if, after eight years, someone finally stopped hitting you with a hammer; you would probably feel pretty good. But in economic terms, nothing real has changed and the relief probably won't last long.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Trump Triumphs as UK Brexit Faces a Serious Threat / Politics / BrExit
By: John_Browne
Brexit and the Donald Trump presidential victory should rightly be viewed as the most significant international developments of the last decade. Both events illustrate a breaking down of globalist order and they both threaten the entrenched elite that has so ruthlessly and painfully hurt the middle and working classes. But as Trump supporters revel in the largely unanticipated victory, Brexit faces a serious new challenge.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Trump World: What Happens to Your Investments Now? / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: MoneyMetals
Donald Trump’s victory came as the first surprise for many around the world. The reaction in the markets was the second surprise. Investors got what they expected for a few hours overnight as the ballot results came in; stocks were crushed and metals spiked higher. By mid-morning on Wednesday, however, stocks were surging and metals rolled over.
Now, a few days post-election, commentators and “experts” have written stories to explain the action in markets. Some of these stories may even prove true. But at this early stage, investors should recognize that markets mostly reflect hopes, fears, and high frequency trading shenanigans. Reality tends to arrive later.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Did President-Elect Trump Just Inadvertently Kill The Golden Goose? / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Gordon_T_Long
President-Elect Trump may have just unwittingly sowed an equity market draw-down which will send even more protesters into the streets of America. Donald Trump's stated economic policies are clearly pro-growth and if he manages to implement his pro-business, anti-regulation agenda, in the longer term they have the potential to surpass the bold and successful initiatives of Ronald Reagan. However, in the near term he has already unknowingly just shot himself in the foot.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Trump's Mandate to Yellen: Print More Money or You're Fired! / Interest-Rates / Quantitative Easing
By: Michael_Pento
What kind of President will Donald Trump be? Will he restore America to its former position of greatness, or end up being feckless like a long list of his predecessors? That is yet to be determined.
However, what is clear now is if Donald Trump wants to avoid starting his tenure with an economic crisis similar to that of Mr. Obama he will need to put a lid on long-term interest rates rather quickly. And in order to do that he will have to convince a supposedly politically-agnostic Fed Chair, Janet Yellen, to not only refrain from further interest rates hikes but also to launch another round of long-term Treasury debt purchases known as Quantitative Easing (QE).
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Silver and the Train Wreck / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: DeviantInvestor
The U.S. National Debt is a “train-wreck.” The official debt is nearly $20 trillion and the unfunded liabilities are $100 – $200 trillion, depending on who is counting.
- It can never be repaid. Implications are dire.
- Official debt doubles about every 8 years. Does $80 trillion of official debt in the early 2030s sound viable?
- Per Krugman there is no problem. Consider the source.
- Denial is not a winning strategy, but it does prolong the period before the crash.
- The losers in the crash will probably not be the financial or political elite. That leaves the rest of us.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
OPEC’s Bearish Report Provides Little Hope For Oil Markets / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: OilPrice_Com
Just one day after the IEA warned the world could drown in oil if production does not fall beneath demand sometime soon, OPEC released a new market whammy, offering up the cartel’s production figures, which largely jive with figures reported by the IEA yesterday: OPEC has increased its oil production.
OPEC’s Monthly Oil Market Report revealed daily oil production for the cartel of 33.64 million barrels for October—up by 240,000 bpd on September—largely confirming the IEA’s report, although the international authority’s figure was a bit higher at 33.83 million bpd.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Gold Mining Shares Are a Lousy Investment / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: Kelsey_Williams
This year’s turnaround in Gold Mining shares had helped to buoy the hopes and dreams of investors who were ‘betting’ that their long, agonizing wait for euphoric, exponential gains is over. They continue to believe that the future for the Gold Mining Industry is quite rosy. Unfortunately, they are probably wrong.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Gold Commitments of Traders / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: Dan_Norcini
No wonder gold got clocked like it did!
Hedge funds were actually busy adding more longs and covering shorts over the past week’s reporting period. As soon as those downside support levels were taken out after the election results were digested, gold bulls were getting mauled in a big way.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Human Derivatives and Gold - The Oligarchs’ Plan to Monetize Humanity / Stock-Markets / War on Cash
By: Stewart_Dougherty
The greed-diseased and power-obsessed Deep State oligarchs hate you for your freedom and love you for your money, and they are accelerating their plans to strip you of both. There are two things standing in their way: cash, and precious metals. The oligarchs are doing everything in their power to falsely discredit both of them in the eyes of the people. Cash and precious metals are physical manifestations of financial and human liberty. Liberty, which is indivisible, is the absolute last thing the oligarchs have in mind for us, as there is no profit in it for them. The oligarchs realize that the people are fast waking up to what is being done to them. While the Oligarchy remains an unimaginably dangerous enemy, it was wounded in the United States presidential election, is acting more erratically and illogically, and is starting to make serious mistakes. How we, the people, push forward from here will determine whether we remain free, or become slaves to the greatest Force of Evil ever known to mankind, the Deep State oligarchs.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
The news they're burying in "Trump Week" / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Submissions

Trump Trump Trump.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Trump Won. Here’s what YOU should do next / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: Submissions

But the election of Donald Trump didn't shock me.
For the past few weeks, months even, I've had a feeling he would win.
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Monday, November 14, 2016
Here's Why Stock Market Investors Should Ignore Corporate Earnings Season / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
Shattering the myth about earnings and the stock market
[Editor's Note: The text version of the story is below.]
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Monday, November 14, 2016
Commodities, Forex and Stocks Trend Forecasts / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Ken_Ticehurst
Our forecast down phase for WTI continues and was largely unaffected by the volatility seen in some markets last week. We could easily see price back down to $30 early in 2017. We expect this weakness to be reflected in many other parts of the commodity sector.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Delirium of Trump Mania Win's Mr BrExit US Presidential Election 2016 / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2016
By: Nadeem_Walayat
So Donald Trump, Mr BrExit WON the US Presidential Election of 2016 despite the fact that right up until the polls closed the pollsters, the mainstream media journalists and paid pundits, the so called analysts, financial markets and even betting markets ALL had concluded that Hillary Clinton was going to win. How did he do it and why did nearly every analyst get it so badly wrong?
We'll find out why in my latest and last video analysis on the US Presidential election of 2016. One where the pollster number crunches were all looking in the wrong direction for as I repeatedly pointed out that the US polls would turn out to be just as wrong as they were for the UK's EU Referendum, this election was never about the numbers as I explain why -
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