Tuesday, July 11, 2017
One-year Fixed Savings Interest Rates Hit Highest Level Since Base Rate Cut / Personal_Finance / Savings Accounts
By: MoneyFacts
It’s now been 11 months since the Bank of England cut the base rate to 0.25%, and many savers will have felt the impact. Thankfully, there have been some signs of life recently, with challenger banks increasing rates considerably on their one-year fixed rate bonds.
According to the latest research by moneyfacts.co.uk, the average one-year fixed bond rate has now hit 1.11%, which is the highest recorded rate since 4 August 2016.
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Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Gold Price Remains in Downtrend from 1295.94 / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2017
By: Franco_Shao
After breaking below the major support trend line from the January 27 low of 1180.51 to the May 9 low of 1214.17 on its daily chart, XAUUSD continued to break below the key support at 1214.17, confirming that the uptrend from the December 2016 low of 1122.56 had completed at the June 6 high of 1295.94 already.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Soaring Global Demand for Lithium Presents Triple-Digit Profit Scenario / Commodities / Lithium
By: WallStreetNation
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
California Communists at War with America / Politics / US Politics
There has always been a distinct California disconnect from the heartland. Anyone who has travelled the lower 48 knows that the allure of El Dorado panned out when the gold mines ran out of bullion. That appeal transformed into a fantasy stargaze that has little to do with the values and traditions of our long history as a nation. In order to understand the query, California Dreaming or a Nightmare?; one needs to appreciate the reasons why the population migration has shifted over time.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Gold Price Outlook Increasingly Bullish / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2017
By: The_Gold_Report
Technical analyst Clive Maund is scouring the charts and finds strong bullish developments for gold that could mark the start of a growth phase.
I had thought that gold might escape its usual seasonal malaise this year, but it didn't and went into a rather sharp downtrend and dropped again quite sharply on Friday. The good news though is that this drop has not impacted the big picture at all, which remains strongly bullish, and a bonus is that this drop has flushed out a lot of remaining weak hands, as we will see when we come to the latest COT (Commitment of Traders) charts and set the sector for a reversal soon leading to a strong uptrend.
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Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Sheffield Street Tree Protestors / Campaigners vs Amey Labour City Council 2017 / Local / Sheffield
By: Anika_Walayat
Sheffield tree protestors vs Amey's unnecessary plan to kill and remove at least 6000 of Sheffield's 35,000 street trees. Virtually all of the trees being removed are mature healthy trees so that Amey does not have to undertake maintenance for the duration of their 25 year contract, such as annual pruning or installation of solutions such as flexi-paving as is widespread elsewhere.
Monday, July 10, 2017
Lindsay Stock Market Cycle Correction / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Ed_Carlson
Long-time readers know of Lindsay’s long cycle (points A through M) and that equities should now be in the final basic advance between point I and the secular bull market top at point J.
A basic advance is the equivalent of a cyclical bull market. A basic decline is usually the equivalent of a cyclical bear market but may not always reach the arbitrary 20% sell-off used by the media to define such a decline.
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Monday, July 10, 2017
Yellen Goes on Record: The Fed’s Pulling the Plug This Year / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2017
By: Graham_Summers
The Fed keeps ringing bells to signal the top, but the markets aren’t listening.
Janet Yellen is set to present the Fed’s Monetary Report to Congress this week. Her remarks have already been posted online.
The results aren’t pretty.
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Monday, July 10, 2017
Futures Markets Give High-Volume Gold, Silver Trading Discounts to Governments / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2017
By: MoneyMetals
Mike Gleason (Money Metals Exchange): It is my privilege now to welcome in Chris Powell, Secretary-Treasurer at the Gold Antitrust Action Committee, also known as GATA. Chris is a long-time journalist and hard money advocate, and through his tireless efforts at GATA he is working to expose the manipulation of the gold and silver markets. Through GATA's work over the years. Some important revelations have come to light, which quite honestly should concern everyone.
Monday, July 10, 2017
UK Mortgage Inetrest Rates Reach New Lows Despite Growing Economic Pressures / Housing-Market / Mortgages
By: MoneyFacts
Moneyfacts UK Mortgage Trends Treasury Report data highlights that both the average two-year fixed rate and the two-year variable rate have fallen to their lowest point on Moneyfacts records, defying economic indicators.
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Monday, July 10, 2017
Bitcoin Is Forming A Triangle Pattern / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Franco_Shao
After hitting a highest record at 2889, BTCUSD fell sharply to 2251, and is now forming a triangle pattern on its 4-hour chart. All we need to do now is wait for a break out of the pattern.
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Monday, July 10, 2017
... / Companies / Cyber War
By: OilPrice_Com
Monday, July 10, 2017
Gold Stocks Summer Bottom / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2017
By: Zeal_LLC
The gold miners’ stocks have drifted lower over the past month, slumping back to major support. This weakness has naturally intensified the bearish psychology engulfing this small contrarian sector, traders want nothing to do with it. Yet summers typically see gold and its miners’ stocks meander sideways to lower. These summer doldrums spawn the best seasonal buying opportunities of the year in gold stocks.
Seasonality is the tendency for prices to exhibit recurring patterns at certain times during the calendar year. While seasonality doesn’t drive price action, it quantifies annually-repeating behavior driven by sentiment, technicals, and fundamentals. We humans are creatures of habit and herd, which naturally colors our trading decisions. The calendar year’s passage affects the timing and intensity of buying and selling.
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Monday, July 10, 2017
How to Accurately Forecast the UK General Election in Nine Steps / ElectionOracle / UK General Election
By: Nadeem_Walayat
In early April everything appeared to be going smoothly for Britain, Article 50 had been triggered without any significant political opposition apart from the SNP's shrill cry for another independence referendum from north of the Scottish border. But then Theresa May made the fatal mistake of believing the tripe that calls itself Britain's polling industry, that convinced her that a snap general election would yield a landslide victory, thus strengthening her hand in the about to begin BrEXIT negotiations.
And so started Britain's decent into chaos, an election campaign that had many Tory supporters asking if Theresa May was actually trying to lose the election by her antics most notable of which was her u-turn on the manifesto dementia tax. Whilst on the other hand the mainstream media was totally blind to the way Jeremy Corbyn was galvanising the anti-austerity vote, where every pundit and forecaster without exception right up until the polls closed on June 8th expected the Conservatives to win with an INCREASED majority, on a tally ranging to as high as 414 seats, though most clustered around 365 seat for the Tories.
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Monday, July 10, 2017
Gold Multi-month Consolidation Continues but Should Near Completion / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2017
By: The_Gold_Report
Technical analyst Jack Chan charts the latest moves in the gold and silver markets.
Our proprietary cycle indicator is down.
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Monday, July 10, 2017
Sheffield Street Trees - Amey / Labour City Council Tree Felling 2017 / Local / Sheffield
By: Anika_Walayat
Here's a taste of what is happening to thousands of Sheffield's mature street trees on virtually every working day during 2017. Amey has been tasked with felling 6,000 of Sheffield's biggest and most beautiful street trees that in many cases that have taken over 100 years to mature. All that invested time is now being squandered so that the Labour controlled city council's contractor can avoid annual trees maintenance costs. Amey's solution is to fell the tree's, the consequences of which to many will only become apparent afterwards, as tree lined streets that bring a taste of the countryside to even inner city areas are increasingly become bland concrete wastelands. In fact the felling of thousands of large mature street tree's may be marking the end of Sheffield's house prices bull run as the value of trees taken 100 years to mature has now been lost to many streets.
Monday, July 10, 2017
What Sports Are in Store for the Rest of 2017? / Personal_Finance / Gambling
By: Submissions
Sunday, July 09, 2017
Stock Market Still Bullish Bias / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Andre_Gratian
Current Position of the Market
SPX Long-term trend: Uptrend continues with a serious loss of upside momentum in weekly indicators.
SPX Intermediate trend: An ending diagonal appears to be in its last stage of completion.
Analysis of the short-term trend is done on a daily-basis with the help of hourly charts. It is an important adjunct to the analysis of daily and weekly charts which discuss longer market trends.
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Sunday, July 09, 2017
Did Junk Bonds Just Signal the End to This Credit Cycle? / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: Graham_Summers
Stocks are now in very serious trouble.
The S&P 500 has fallen to test its “election rally” trendline. If the market breaks down here, there’s essentially one giant “air pocket” down to 2,200 or so.
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Sunday, July 09, 2017
The Stock Market Quantified Elliott Wave Theory: OEW / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Tony_Caldaro
In the coming months, and for some it has already started, many market pundits will be calling for a monumental crash. Some will proclaim it to be the largest crash in our lifetime. There will be various reasons. Extremely high debt levels, high market valuations, leverage in managed funds, prolonged low growth without a recession, rising interest rates, Quantitative Tightening, and even Elliott Wave patterns. The latter is the reason for this report.
The Elliott Wave Theory has been circulating in technical market analysis circles for 80-years. On the surface, it is easy to understand. There are five waves up during bull markets representing growth, and three waves down during bear markets representing contraction. Since the economy moves from growth to contraction it makes sense. Historically, one can even look at a chart of the DOW, over an 80-year period, and actually see the five waves with three advances and two intervening declines. From the 1932 crash low: 1937-1942-1973-1974-2007. Simple, right? In theory, yes. In real time practice no.
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