Wednesday, August 12, 2020
How Does the Gold Fit the Corona World? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
For a long time, pundits talked excitedly about the rapid, V-shaped recovery. I never shared this view, finding it too optimistic and without basis in reality. Like Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park, I hate being right all the time, but it really seems that I was right about this issue. According to the July World Flash report by IHS Markit, we can read that “the new wave of infections has reduced the probability of a V-shaped cycle (…) and increased the risk of a double-dip recession (W-shaped cycle).”The problem is the rising number of Covid-19 infections in large economies such as Brazil, India, or the United States, as the chart below shows (there is also the resurgence in cases in other countries, such as Australia or Japan, although the absolute numbers of infections are smaller).
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Wednesday, August 12, 2020
3 (free) ways to ride next big wave in EURUSD, USDJPY, gold, silver and more / Currencies / Forex Trading
Hi Reader,
We are well into the second half of 2020. Are you on track to meet your 2020 trading goals?
Our friends at Elliott Wave International (EWI) can help -- free.
For a limited time only, EWI is making 3 FREE resources available to help your trading ($739 total value).
There is no catch, and no credit card is required.
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Tuesday, August 11, 2020
A Simple Way to Preserve Your Wealth Amid Uncertainty / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Nick_Barisheff
The term ‘unprecedented’ has been used to explain 2020 throughout the world. Whether it be the simultaneous triple bubble that is currently being experienced within equity, bond, and real estate markets, or the volume of quantitative easing deployed by central banks in order to combat Covid-19, 2020 has been an unprecedented year thus far to say the least. Safety and stability of capital has been difficult to find, as many volatility indicators, such as the VIX, continue to point towards future uncertainty. Gold, however, has gone against the grain in 2020, as it has continued its strong historical performance and has done an excellent job at preserving wealth. As of July 31, 2020, gold has appreciated 29.02% in US dollars (USD) and 33.20% in Canadian dollars (CAD). These results should not come as a surprise to investors, as gold has increased an average of 10.6% (USD) and 9.8% (CAD) since 2000. With tremendous upside available for gold amid future uncertainty within the markets, and a proven historical track record of strong performance, it is surprising that gold does not hold a larger allocation size within most investor portfolios.
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Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Precious Metals Complex Impulse Move : Where Is next Resistance? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Rambus_Chartology
Tonight I would like to go over some PM charts looking for a possible place for our current impulse move to find some strong resistance that could lead to the next consolidation phase. It’s not going to be easy as there are several possibilities that could work. Lets put the Chartology to work and see what we come up with.
There was something fairly rare last week that happened to gold which sliced through its 2011 all time high at 1920 like a hot knife through butter. Normally when an old high is reached there is usually some initial resistance even if the breakout is going to occur. Many times we’ll see a small consolidation pattern form just below the old high that will give the stock the energy it needs to finally takeout overhead resistance. There is another way that an important resistance line can be taken out and that is with a gap which doesn’t show up on the gold chart but there is a gap on GLD close to the 2011 high.
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Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Gold Miners Junior Stcks Buying Spree / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2020
By: Richard_Mills
Canadians, at least those fortunate enough to enjoy a long weekend, returned to their desks Tuesday to watch gold prices crack another milestone - $2,000 per ounce - as the spectacular summer rally for the precious metal continues.
At time of writing, spot gold’s last bid was $2,019.20, marking a $42 gain since Monday’s trading session. Silver prices also experienced a major leg up, with spot silver posting a $1.68 increase to $26.01, as of 17:05 Eastern time - a 7-year high.
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Monday, August 10, 2020
Has the Fed Let the Inflation Genie Out of the Bottle? / Economics / Inflation
By: MoneyMetals
The dramatic ascent of precious metals markets this summer reflects what could be just the start of a longer-term decline and fall in the Federal Reserve Note's value and status.
With gold prices surpassing $2,000/oz recently, the monetary metal has now made new all-time highs versus all the world’s major fiat currencies. Gold is, as former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan has acknowledged, the “ultimate money.”
The Fed, by contrast, is the ultimate inflator.
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Monday, August 10, 2020
The Strange Food Trend That’s Making Investors Rich / Companies / Retail Sector
By: Stephen_McBride
Have you tried Goldbelly yet? Goldbelly is “Uber” for iconic eateries across America. But unlike most delivery apps, which will hurry you a burger or burrito across town, Goldbelly will ship a fresh smoked salmon bagel from New York to LA!
Take Manhattan bagel shop Ess-a-Bagel, which has become a landmark in New York. Like most businesses, its doors shut when coronavirus came through.
But thanks to Goldbelly, Ess-a-Bagel has shipped over 600,000 of its oversized bagels across the US since lockdowns began. And it’s still shipping 6,000 a day! The bagels are flash-frozen and packed into a box with dry ice so they arrive nice and plump.
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Monday, August 10, 2020
Stock Market Proprietary Signals Flashing Warning Signs / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2020
By: Ricky_Wen
Wednesday was a gap-up and hold type of session as the Emini S&P 500 (ES) could not muster enough strength after advancing for about +0.4-0.5% over the prior day’s closing print by hovering in the 3310s-3320s. Basically, the price action has been telling us the range remains confined as it needs time to digest, reset and eventually attempt higher due to the ongoing trend.
The main takeaway from Wednesday and the prior day is that is that the upside targets have finally opened up given the current breakout above 3285/3300. However, the biggest concern is that our proprietary signals have been consistently warning us this week on its sustainability issue, so we must utilize the trending support levels and judge momentum in real-time. Essentially, as long as price action remains above trending supports then it’s the same old grind. However, if trending supports get taken out, things could change quickly into either another breakdown and mean reversion attempt or a prolonged consolidation again.
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Monday, August 10, 2020
Supply & Demand For Money – The End of Inflation? / Economics / Inflation
By: Kelsey_Williams
A current headline says “fears of currency debasement drive gold price higher”. Seems reasonable; and it is.
Historically, governments have been “debasing” their currencies for centuries. The debasement leads to a loss of purchasing power in the currency in use.
Since gold is original money and has proven itself to be a true store of value, then it should not be unexpected that gold’s higher price over time reflects that currency debasement.
The debasement leads to a loss of purchasing power in the currency in use.
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Monday, August 10, 2020
Revisiting Our Silver and Gold Predictions – Get Ready For Higher Prices / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Chris_Vermeulen
If you have been following our research into Gold and Silver over the past years, then you were already prepared for the recent rally that has taken many investors by surprise. This year, 2020, Gold and Silver are set up to have their best year of price appreciation over the past 40+ years. It is no consequence that this is taking place right now. Our cycle research and our predictive modeling systems have helped us stay well ahead of this move. In fact, way back in early 2019, we were already warning this type of price move would take place and suggesting a target price level of $3750 for Gold was not out of the question.
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Monday, August 10, 2020
Storm Clouds Are Gathering for a Major Stock and Commodity Markets Downturn / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2020
By: Clive_Maund
Technical analyst Clive Maund charts warning signs of a Fed-driven stock market downturn. There is a now widespread, universally held belief, especially among "dumb money" market participants, that the markets cannot drop because the Fed is going to keep creating money in ever greater quantities to throw at them, pumping them higher and higher.
This erroneous belief appears to be based on an assumption that the Fed cares about the economy or the welfare of the citizenry, when the reality is that the reason it exists is as a "wealth transfer engine" whose prime function is to serve as a mechanism for transferring the fruits of the labor of the population at large to the elite cadre at the top of the pyramid—and they even have a pyramid on their Federal Reserve notes.
They achieve this through "systemic inflation," with a fiat money system in place now for many years that enables them to print unlimited quantities of money, which they gift in the first instance to themselves and their crony associates and large, favored corporations, and then let the rest out into the economy, with the tab for all this being pushed onto the hapless citizenry in the form of inflation. This is why the dollar has devalued by about 97% in purchasing power since the Fed came into existence in 1913.
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Monday, August 10, 2020
A 90-Year-Old Stock Market Investment Insight That's Relevant in 2020 / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2020
R.N. Elliott’s work explains why stocks rallied despite Covid and other bad news
Many of you know that Ralph Nelson Elliott discovered the method of forecasting the markets that today we call Elliott wave analysis -- or, more formally, the Elliott Wave Principle.
R.N. Elliott lived from 1871 to 1948, and July 28 was his birthday.
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Monday, August 10, 2020
Debt and Dollar Collapse Leading to Potential Stock Market Melt-Up, / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2020
By: Raymond_Matison
Crypto/Blockchain and Central Bank New Digital Currency Directing America’s Near-Term Future
In just a little over one hundred years people’s means of payment for trade has evolved from the original Constitutional requirement that money must consist of gold or silver, to a gold backed paper dollar currency, which at the will of the holder could be converted back into physical gold. Then came the paper dollar currency which for Americans could not be converted into physical gold, while sovereign foreign countries maintained that privilege. The last retreat from gold backing the dollar occurred in 1971, when the gold window was closed to foreign sovereigns. Most of us are only familiar with the paper currency which has no precious metal backing and simply claims that it is a Federal Reserve Note of a specific denomination.
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Sunday, August 09, 2020
Coronavirus: UK Parents Demand ALL Schools OPEN September, 7 Million Children Abandoned by Teachers / Politics / Educating Children
By: N_Walayat
Britain's Schools have betrayed Britain's children and students after having embraced all the governments lockdown and then refused to reopen schools in June as demanded by Boris Johnson's government with noise eminat6ing from the highly unionised cowardly bunch that they are eager to continue their 6 month holiday during September in response to which Boris Johnson issued a statement “Keeping our schools closed a moment longer than absolutely necessary is socially intolerable, economically unsustainable and morally indefensible,”
Whilst the whole of the NHS stood up and did their duty, teachers in large part have been found cowering at home with a glass of cheap white wine, hiding behind their union, finding any excuse to stay out of the classroom, all whilst collecting full pay. Shameful.
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Sunday, August 09, 2020
Computer GPU Fans Not Spinning Quick FIX - Sticky Fans Solution / Personal_Finance / Computing
Is your computers GPU running hot, well it's likely because the fans have stopped spinning! And if you don't fix it your card will die, and your system will be prone to reboots as the very high temperatures trip your GPU card to switch off.
Here's how to fix your GPU and what to do to prevent it from sticking again in the future.
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Sunday, August 09, 2020
Find the Best Speech Converter for You / Personal_Finance / Internet
By: Submissions
The popularity of online text to voice converters has certainly risen in the past few years. With the demand being so great recently, many more companies have begun to sprout up to grasp a share of the market. Some of these programs offer fantastic services and are great software that creates a natural sounding voice with the text they are given. Others aren't so great. Finding the right company to use can be difficult, but you're not alone!
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Friday, August 07, 2020
Silver Bull Market Update / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Gary_Tanashian
Now, I have not gone raving silver bug on you. The title says “silver bull” because that is what silver is in, a bull market by definition of having taken out the 2016 high of 21.23. We targeted that point as a cyclical bull market gateway, silver cut through it like a knife through warm butter… and there you have it. A key higher high. I don’t apologize for any of the above. It is fact.
So let’s catch up on Gold’s wild little bro as it hangs tough below the NFTRH ultimate cyclical bull target, which has been the 24-26 long-term resistance zone (per the 3rd chart below). Silver made a violent hit and recoiled, but…
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Friday, August 07, 2020
This Inflation-Adjusted Silver Chart Tells An Interesting Story / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Hubert_Moolman
This inflation-adjusted silver chart (from tells an interesting story:
The level around $18 appears to have been very critical, especially since it is the 1920 and 1968 inflation adjusted high.
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Friday, August 07, 2020
The Great American Housing Boom Has Begun / Housing-Market / US Housing
By: Stephen_McBride
What if I told you that US housing is one of the best money-making opportunities today? You’d probably think I’m crazy. After all, how can anyone think housing is a good bet right now… especially in the middle of a global pandemic?
Well, today I’m going to show you the facts. You’ll see exactly why I’ve never been more excited about US housing. You’ll see why the coronavirus hasn’t even dented this market. And you’ll find out the best way to play this boom for maximum profits.
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Friday, August 07, 2020
By: Chris_Vermeulen
First, we want to say “It took long enough!” and we’re happy to see this upside move in Natural Gas. We had been calling this move for many months. Our predictive modeling systems and cycle systems suggested the extended bottoming formation in Natural Gas was an excellent opportunity for skilled technical traders. Today’s big move suggests the downside price pressure is dissipating and a new bullish price trend may push Natural Gas prices above $2.85 quickly.
Our research team spotted this potential setup in April and May articles where we correctly predicted an NG rally in April (it did!) and new upside targets for NG in May. We have been keeping our subscribers up-to-date with UNG as this bottom has played out.
The upside move in late April 2020 was a cycle move that we expected to continue a bit higher. It still presented a very nice opportunity for skilled traders to capture a 35% upside price swing. The current, deeper, price bottom near $1.43, represents a very deep rotational bottom in Natural Gas and the current upside price move may be just starting. Our researchers believe the initial target for this move is $2.85. After that level is reached, if the trend continues, a higher target near $3.65 could become a very real price target.
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