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Market Oracle FREE Newsletter


Friday, December 28, 2018

Can Gold Swim in a Crosscurrent? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2018

By: Arkadiusz_Sieron

Powell noticed some crosscurrents in the path of the US economy. Will it stay on the surface? And is gold a good swimmer?

Crosscurrents Cause Fewer Hikes

We hope that you enjoyed Christmas. As we promised last week, we will analyze the post-meeting Powell’s press conference today. The Fed Chair remained optimistic about the US economy, which “has continued to perform well.” However, “some crosscurrents have emerged.” Powell meant the moderation of global growth, increased financial market volatility, and tightened financial conditions. As a consequence, the Fed now sees only two instead of three hikes in 2019:

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Friday, December 28, 2018

From Stock Market Panic to Euphoria - Upward Reversal or Just Correction? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018

By: Paul_Rejczak

Stocks rallied on Wednesday, retracing their Monday's and some of their last Friday's decline, as investors' sentiment much improved after Tuesday's holiday pause. We saw a panic-selling climax on Monday, but did the downtrend reverse?

The U.S. stock market indexes gained 5.0-5.8% on Wednesday, as they retraced their Monday's sell-off and got above last Friday's closing prices. The S&P 500 index fell the lowest since the late April of 2017 and it traded 20.2% below September the 21st record high of 2,940.91 yesterday. The daily low was at 2,346.58. Then the market rallied and closed 16.1% below the mentioned record high. The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 5.0% and the Nasdaq Composite gained 5.8% on Wednesday.

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Friday, December 28, 2018

GBP/USD - Has the Hope of the Bulls Gone? / Currencies / British Pound

By: Nadia_Simmons

Monday's session brought a breakout above the upper border of the consolidation and hope for higher values of GBP/USD. Unfortunately, none of these things lasted too long as the next days showed that the bears are not going to let their rivals through to the north without a fight. What are the implications of the recent price action?

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Friday, December 28, 2018

Is It Time to Sell Your Business? Here’s How to Do It Right / Companies / SME

By: Dylan_Moran

Selling a business is never an easy decision. After all, you put a lot of money and hard work just to start and run your business. But there comes a time when selling your company is the right thing to do, and you need to take the necessary steps, no matter how hard, to make your sale successful.

A lot of entrepreneurs commit costly mistakes when selling their business, and it ruins their hopes of a sale and wasting months of time and effort. To keep yourself from going through the same route, here are some tips that you can follow:

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Friday, December 28, 2018

The Quintessential Guide to Starting a New Cryptocurrency / Currencies / BlockChain

By: Dylan_Moran




Thursday, December 27, 2018

When Will the First Big Stock Market Rally Start? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018

By: Troy_Bombardia

The S&P has now fallen -20%, the conventional definition for a “bear market” (We define “bear markets” as 33%+ declines that last at least 1 year. 15%+ declines = “big corrections”).

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Thursday, December 27, 2018

3 Tips on Being Financially Stable / Personal_Finance / Money Management

By: Submissions

According to a research carried out in 2016, it was discovered that about 46% of Americans did not have enough money to cater for a $400 emergency issue like hospital bill or vehicle repair. This indicates that many people are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain financial stability. If you are surviving from paycheck to paycheck or struggling with financial issues, you need to find a way out and be financially secure.
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Thursday, December 27, 2018

UK House Prices 2019 NO Deal BrExit 30% CRASH Warning / Housing-Market / UK Housing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

The mainstream media has been busy all year publishing dire warnings of the consequences for NO Deal Brexit warnings emanating out of the Government and the Bank of England the latest of which was the Government warning of a loss of 9% of GDP, albeit as a deviation from trend over 15 years. Soon followed by Britain's central bank, the Bank of England setting forth it's own NO DEAL economic armageddon forecasts, warning of an immediate economic collapse on a scale twice that of the 2008 Financial Crisis. A 25% collapse in sterling, a collapse in GDP of 8%, inflation soaring to over 6.5% and a 30% CRASH in UK house prices.

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Thursday, December 27, 2018

The Next Stock Market Crisis is Here and Now / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018

By: Graham_Summers

The next crisis is here.

And yes, it is a crisis. Ignore anything the media says about this, we are seeing selling that is on par if not worse than the 2008 collapse.

And it’s not over by a long stretch.

Most traders remain in complete denial about what is happening. They think this is some kind of garden-variety correction or that investors are overreacting to the Government shutdown.

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Thursday, December 27, 2018

[eBook] How to Identify Highly Accurate Reversal Signals / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade

By: Submissions

Dear Reader,

Everyone knows that trading reversals are some of the highest profit potential trades out there…

Risk is low and targets can be huge!

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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Has this Stock Market Selloff Reached a Bottom Yet? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018

By: Chris_Vermeulen

Everyone wants to know if this selloff has reached a low or bottom yet and what to expect over the next 30~60+ days. Since October, the US stock market has reacted to the US Fed raising rates above 2.0% with dramatic downward price moves. The latest raise by the US Fed resulted in a very clear price decline in the markets illustrating the fact that investors don’t expect the markets to recover based on the current geopolitical and economic climate.

Over 5 years ago, our research team developed a financial modeling system that attempted to model the US Fed Funds Rate optimal levels given certain inputs (US GDP, US Population, US Debt, and others). The effort by our team of researchers was to attempt to identify where and when the US Fed should be adjusting rates and when and where the US Fed would make a mistake. The basic premise of our modeling system is that as long as Fed keeps rates within our model’s optimal output parameters, the US (and presumably global) economy should continue to operate without massive disruption events unless some outside event (think Europe, China or another massive economic collapse) disrupts the ability of the US economy from operating efficiently. We’ve included a screen capture of the current FFR modeling results below.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Federal Reserve – Conspiracy Or Not? / Interest-Rates / US Federal Reserve Bank

By: Kelsey_Williams

Conspiracy surrounding the Federal Reserve is a subject of much debate. A controversial topic, yes;  one which stirs the imagination of some, fires the suspicion of others, and provokes the declamation of not too few detractors. 

From G. Edward Griffin/The Creature From Jekyll Island…

“Back in 1910, Jekyll Island was completely privately owned by a small group of millionaires from New York. We’re talking about people such as J. P. Morgan, William Rockefeller and their associates. This was a social club and it was called “The Jekyll Island Club.”

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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Frank Holmes Predicts Gold Price Explosion to the Upside in “Blink of an Eye” / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2018

By: MoneyMetals

Welcome to this week’s Market Wrap Podcast, I’m Mike Gleason.

Coming up Frank Holmes of U.S. Global Investors joins me and shares why he believes this past quarter has been a very constructive and encouraging one for gold -- and he also gives us his outlook for the equity and metals markets in 2019. Don’t miss another great interview with Frank Holmes, coming up after this week’s market update.

Heavy selling in the stock market this week is stimulating demand in the future markets for safe-haven assets, most notably precious metals.

Stocks plunged on the heels of another rate hike by the Federal Open Market Committee on Wednesday.  The FOMC raised its benchmark rate by a quarter point and signaled it intends to hike two more times in 2019.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

5 Potential Impacts of The LIBOR Expiration In 2021 / Interest-Rates / Mortgages

By: Submissions

In 2021, one of the most important financial tools will disappear. The London Interbank Offer Rate, or LIBOR, is the average estimated interest rate for loans between major London banks. In the decades since this number was created, it became a major element in determining short-term interest rates internationally. The interest on roughly $350 trillion contracts and loans rely on this number. Yet the UK government has ordered that the LIBOR be phased out by 2021. As a financier making long term plans, this can seem like a crisis waiting to happen. There are many possibilities for a future without the LIBOR, and not all of them are bad. Here are potential impacts of the LIBOR expiration in 2021.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Rampaging Stock Bear Markets WorldWide vis-à-vis CHRISTMAS / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018

By: I_M_Vronsky

All major stock indices WORLDWIDE are presently in a Bear Market mode. In fact there is no exception: Stocks are trending downward in the North America, Asia, Europe and Mexico…without exception. This analysis will consist of mainly the stock charts of 16 major exchanges of the three continents (i.e. the Americas, Asia and Europe):

  • North America (USA and Canada)

  • Asia (China, Hong Kong, India and Japan)

  • Europe (Germany, France and Euro FTSE)

  • Mexico

  • Dow Jones Global And World Indices

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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Treasury Secretary Panics as Stock Markets Melt Down and Trump Mulls Firing Fed Chair Powell / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018

By: MoneyMetals

Wall Street didn’t take well to the Federal Reserve’s latest rate hike and projection for two more to come in 2019.

Neither did the White House.

President Donald Trump slammed Fed chairman Jerome Powell yet again and reportedly asked advisors within his inner circle whether he has the legal authority to fire Powell.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Sheffield Christmas Market and Lights 2018 - City Centre from Fargate to Moorfoot / Local / Sheffield

By: Anika_Walayat

Here's a walk through Sheffield city centres Christmas Market 2018, the various sights and sounds, food stalls, light displays and general atmosphere of what it was like, even a santa's grotto, walking from the starting point in Fargate past the big wheel. Town hall christmas tree, onwards to the big santa at City Hall and then back at the peace gardens to visit santa#s grotto. Then off to see the moor displays from the big polar bear outside the Light, down past Atkinson's big christmas tree terminating at moor foot.

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Monday, December 24, 2018

Jaguar Land Rover BrExit Car Crash, Steep Losses and New Year Job Cuts / Companies / Auto Sector

By: Nadeem_Walayat

The news out of Jaguar land Rover seems to go from bad to worse as it's latest results saw profits of £953mln for the period March to September for 2017 wiped out for the same period in 2018, replaced with a loss of £354mln resulting in the loss of over 1 thousand jobs and many more being put on a three day week. With rumours of plans to shed as many as 5000 jobs in the new year out of a work force of approx 38,000 that is unlikely to bring any Christmas cheer to the JLR work force as the loss making car manufacturer attempts to cut costs.

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Monday, December 24, 2018

Gold Price Trend Forecast Review and Stocks Brief / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2018

By: Nadeem_Walayat

Here's a quick update of my Gold Price trend forecast.

My forecast conclusion as of early September was to expect the following trend for the Gold Price for the remainder of 2018

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Monday, December 24, 2018

If The Fundamentals Are Still Bullish, Why Is The Stock Market Crashing? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018

By: Avi_Gilburt

I would not have had to invest or work at all if I had $100 for every time I heard an analyst tell me that the market is just not trading upon fundamentals at this time. In fact, when the market seems to disconnect from the fundamentals, analysts view it as the market being wrong.

But, isn't it my responsibility as an investor to align my investment account with the market rather than the "fundamentals?" So, I would much rather be wrong and profitable rather than be right and in the red.

Take a step back and think about this. When the market was hitting its low in 2009, were the fundamentals bearish or bullish?

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