Saturday, December 21, 2019
Who Said Stock Market Traders and Investor are Emotional Right Now? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2020
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Nearing the end of 2019, our research team continues to attempt to dissect the market rally in an effort to present credible research and timely insights to skilled technical traders. We recently authored a research article discussing the potential that the US Stock market is less than 2.5% away from a major resistance level that could prompt a massive market top. You can read our research related to these Fibonacci Price Amplitude Arcs here.
This recent research leads us to revisit the recent blow-off rotation in recent markets. The typical market cycle moves from through these cycles Stealth Phase, the Awareness Phase, the Mania Phase and finally to the Blow-Off Phase. The Stealth Phase is where the smart money pours into the market taking advantage of undervalued assets/equities. The Awareness phase is where more traditional and retail investors pile into assets that have formed traditional bottom formation and started to rally. The Mania Phase is when enthusiasm and greed take over and when the market moves higher in a parabolic price mode – ultimately reaching a massive top. Then, we start the Blow-Off Phase which usually starts with a deep “R” type price rotation – followed by extended selling.
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Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Train-Wreck of Climate-Change Mitigation / Politics / Climate Change
By: Mark_Blair
‘We strongly believe that no country should have to sacrifice their economic prosperity or energy security in pursuit of environmental sustainability.’
Climate-change mitigation this coming decade will be a train-wreck of unparalleled proportions. Let’s look over The Players:
One: The reality of the utter present exhaustion of the global financial and political model. The elephant in the room.
Two: the climate-change-denial lobbyists, funded by the extractive industries, particularly in the U.S. and Australia, who have effectively stymied mitigation for decades.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Morrisons Supermarket CHEAP Battery Operated String Christmas Lights 2019 Review / Personal_Finance / Money Saving
If you have not gotten around to getting some Christmas Lights to brighten up your home for the festive season, then take note of cheap christmas lights currently available at Morrisons that have been further reduced. These are cheap battery operated string lights and range in price from £4 to £15 for a variety of types. Check out the video for full the details of what's on sale and what to expect when you put them up.
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Friday, December 20, 2019
Gold in Indian Rupees, the USD and the Many Non-USD Currencies / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: P_Radomski_CFA
We started yesterday’s analysis with the investigation of the Euro Index and gold price in this European currency. Today, we’ll take a moment to analyze the gold market from the Indian point of view. Gold has a special place in the Indian history and culture, India is the second biggest “consumer” of gold (right after China). USA’s gold consumption is third biggest in the world, but it’s less than one fourth of the Indian gold consumption. This means that to a considerable extent, the Indian gold buyers can influence gold’s fundamental situation.
Moreover, India is the second-largest English-speaking country (US comes in first with 268 million English speakers, while about 125 million people speak English in India). Since we’re writing in English and about gold, it’s only natural to discuss the Indian side of the gold market. And by that, we mean taking a closer look at gold’s price in the Indian rupee.
In the recent years the value of the Indian currency has declined compared to the value of the U.S. dollar, and so did gold. This mean that if you live in India, you have yet another reason to be holding gold and one less reason to worry that gold is going to decline profoundly. Yet, the situation is not that simple. After all, the huge value increases in the USD Index translated into declines in gold that were even bigger. This means that from the non-USD point of view, for instance from the Indian point of view, gold price still declined. Where does that lead us to?
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Friday, December 20, 2019
Gold and Lagarde – Friends or Foes? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
A week ago, Lagarde chaired the monetary policy meeting of the Governing Council of the ECB for the first time. An insightful press conference followed in the footsteps. What will her presidency imply for the ECB’s policy and the gold market precisely?
Key Takeaways From First Lagarde Monetary Policy Meeting as ECB President
Last Thursday, the ECB held its December monetary policy meeting. The central bank maintained its stance steady, keeping the interest rates unchanged. However, the ECB has revised slightly down the outlook for real GDP growth for 2020, while the outlook for HICP inflation went slightly up.
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Friday, December 20, 2019
Gold GLD Could Be On The Verge Of a Breakout / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Avi_Gilburt
With many stocks moving higher in breakout fashion already, silver and GLD have been lagging. But, that may come to an end shortly.
You see, silver seems to be setting up in a micro i-ii structure off the recent lows, whereas GLD is still below its last week high. However, even though GLD is below its last week high, the action we have seen lately has been quite corrective. So, this makes me lean towards an imminent break out more so than an imminent break down. But, we still need to see that follow through over last week’s high to confirm that.
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Friday, December 20, 2019
Understanding Gold (and Silver) Comes from the Heart, Not the Brain / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: MoneyMetals
The title of this essay is part of a statement made by Stewart Thomson, editor of the investment letter, Graceland Updates. His full comment reads, “It takes more than viewing charts and government debt numbers to understand gold as the world’s ultimate asset. What it really takes comes from the heart, not the brain.”
For thousands of years, humankind has understood the magical draw (and sense of security) that owning precious metal can bring.
It satisfies the core requirements that make it a medium of exchange par excellence.
It's durable. It's divisible. It's consistent. It's convenient. It's intrinsically valuable.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Gold, USD and the Euro: the Signs Ahead / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: P_Radomski_CFA
Brexit has become very likely due to result of the UK vote. But so what (gold- and currency-wise)? The uncertainty dropped significantly, and markets were able to sign a breath of relief (bearish for gold), but on the other hand Brexit itself increases the geopolitical turmoil (bullish for gold). Gold didn’t react decisively in the short run overall, but the European currencies: the euro, and the pound rallied. In the first part of today’s analysis, we’ll focus on what happened in the euro and how the forex situation fits the other gold price predictions.
Let’s start with the long-term chart featuring gold price in terms of the euro.
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Friday, December 20, 2019
Don’t Buy “4½G” Stocks If You Want to Make Real Money from 5G / Companies / 5G
By: Stephen_McBride
T-Mobile (TMUS) just made 5G history. Last Friday, the cell carrier “flipped the switch” to activate America’s first widespread 5G network. T-Mobile’s new 5G network will reportedly cover more than half of all Americans.
This is a big deal. As you probably know by now, 5G is the new superfast cell network that promises to change the world. At up to 100X faster than 4G, its lightning speed will totally change how we use the internet.
Folks have been talking about 5G and hyping it up for years. It’s finally here! Only problem is, it’s not “real” 5G.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Here’s the One Gold Chart to Watch / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne
In recent weeks we’ve noted the positive developments in the gold stocks despite the sector being in a period of correction.
Last week we shared the idea that the next impulsive move in gold stocks might begin when the correction in the metals ends.
In this article, I’m going to share the one chart which I think will help us time that next move higher.
In recent years I have repeatedly noted the importance of the Gold against the S&P 500 ratio chart. It is going to be challenging to see Gold make a considerable move higher without it outperforming the stock market.
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Thursday, December 19, 2019
US Fed Wooing Inflation / Economics / Inflation
By: Gary_Tanashian
The Continuum (the systematic downtrend in long-term Treasury yields) has for decades given the Fed the green light on inflation. Sometimes it runs hot (as per the red arrows) and sometimes it runs cold. One year ago people were confused about why a declining stock market was not influencing Fed chief Powell to reverse his relatively hawkish tone.
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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Poundland Budget Christmas Decorations Money Saving 2019 / Personal_Finance / Money Saving
There's no need to bust your bank account to have a fun festive Christmas, here we show how you can do Christmas on a budget of less than £20 curtsey of Poundland! Where everything, well most things are still just ONE POUND! That's trees, decorations etc..
Find out in our latest money saving video of how you can decorate your home for Christmas for less than £20!
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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Best Budget Christmas Lights 2019 - String, Projector, Battery and Mains / Personal_Finance / Money Saving
By: Anika_Walayat
It's Christmas 2019! And here's a video review of some of the best Christmas lights on the market for thsi year. In this video we take a look at a variety of lights from the traditional string lights, to the more fancy icicle lights right through to the latest tech, a couple of animated projector lights, all fairly cheaply priced for budget conscious home owners.
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Thursday, December 19, 2019
What to Expect in Our Next Recession/Depression? / Economics / Great Depression II
By: Raymond_Matison
Over the last several years numerous highly respected money managers and other economic writers have been warning investors about a coming recession or depression. However, few have been willing to describe as to what we may actually experience going through such an economic period.
Of course it seems a daunting task to foresee the future. To predict how technology may change our lives years from now is admittedly impossible, because such change seems to be taking place at an exponential rate, and we have little past experience as to how modern technology changes society, life style, or culture in a reliable way. Projecting how we might live ten years in the future from an economic perspective is not that challenging – particularly since this rate of change is relatively slow and such events have been experienced in numerous countries over hundreds of years. As a result, it is not impossible or even particularly difficult to foresee many of the important changes that we could expect to see from the onset of the next recession/depression.
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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Investors: Are You in Danger of Emotion-Driven Decisions? You're Not Alone / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
Or...Your Defense Against FOMO
As the winter holidays draw near, many of us will fall victim to the affliction we call "S.N.O.M.O." -- the Sudden Need of More Objects (to own, play with... and eventually, store in the basement).
Lists and budgets are no match for SNOMO once we take our first steps into a big-box store with its flashing signs and blazing blue lights. Within minutes, a powerful urge takes over and suddenly we're leaping in front of an old lady with a cane for the last cat-massage combing kit despite not knowing a single person who owns a cat, self included.
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Thursday, December 19, 2019
How Student Exchange Programs Affect the Australian Economy / Personal_Finance / Austrailia
By: Submissions
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Gold’s Appeal Now That Brexit Uncertainty and China Trade War for Global Economy Are Gone / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
China and the U.S. have reached a preliminary agreement, which softens their trade war, while the landslide victory of Conservative Party in the UK parliamentary elections clears the path to Brexit. Given that downside risks for the global economy are now significantly lower, how much do investors still need gold?
UK Parliamentary Elections and Gold
On Thursday, the British people voted in another snap parliamentary election (the third such since 2015) called by Boris Johnson in October due to increasing parliamentary deadlock over Brexit. The Conservative Party won a landslide victory. The Tories got 43,6 percent of votes which translated into 365 seats. It means a net gain of 48 seats since 2017 elections. As a result, the Johnson’s party won with a majority of 80 seats, the highest since 1987. The Scottish National Party also gained seats which can lead to the second referendum on Scotland’s independence in the future. In contrast, the Labor Party performed disastrously, losing 60 seats, which was their worst result in more than 80 years. Jeremy Corbyn, the party’s leader, has already said he will step down early next year.
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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Three Trends Investors Need To Watch In 2020 / Companies / Gaming
By: OilPrice_Com
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Setting Up A U.S. Dollar Crash And Metals Rise / Currencies / US Dollar
By: Avi_Gilburt
I know that many investors follow correlations as if they were gospel. But, do they really understand what a correlation represents?
You see, markets are not linear in nature. While two different markets may be traveling in the same direction for a period of time, unless you understand each chart on its own, how will you ever know when a seeming correlation will break? And, if you assume that they will align indefinitely, how long does it take for you to cut your losses in determining that a seeming correlation has broken?
Remember, when you are following a correlation, all you are doing is assuming a relationship will continue indefinitely in a linear manner, despite the fact that markets are simply not linear in nature.
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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Inflation Threat Looms in 2020 as Fiscal and Monetary Stimulus Ramp Up / Economics / Inflation
By: MoneyMetals
The Federal Reserve left its benchmark interest rate unchanged as expected last week. However, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell made news with some of his most dovish remarks to date – stating flatly that he won’t hike rates again until inflation moves up significantly.
“In order to move rates up, I would want to see inflation that’s persistent and that’s significant,” Powell said at a news conference following the Fed’s announcement.
He would be anticipating “a significant move up in inflation that’s also persistent before raising rates to address inflation concerns.”