Analysis Topic: Currency Market Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Wednesday, March 04, 2015
U.S. Dollar Strategic Backfire On U.S. Government Policy / Currencies / US Dollar
By: Jim_Willie_CB
It is very difficult to find a foreign policy deployed by the United States Govt that has been successful in recent years. In fact, almost all aggressive foreign policy initiatives have resulted in profound losses either in financial strategic position or in alliances with previous staid allied nations. They have almost uniformly backfired, while bravado has mixed with stupidity, while arrogance has blended with futility. The USGovt without given it thought, appears to be acting in reckless manner toward losing its entire set of advantages from a century. The nation has become hollowed out industrially by outsourcing, defrauded in housing mortgages, undermined in banks by derivatives, contaminated in USTreasury Bonds by the wildly applauded QE bond purchase wreckage, tarnished by exported terrorism, tainted by prevalent espionage, and shamed by reliance upon war to defend the USDollar. The US is fast becoming recognized as a rogue nations, but worse, as a nation with stupid leadership. The more aggressive the leadership led by the Manchurian sock puppet plus stage entourage and legion of legislators bound by bank donations, the more rapid the failures, the more rapid the development of USD workarounds, the more rapid the frayed lines to allies, the more rapid the isolation of a once great nation, the more rapid the systemic failure. Witness the climax of the Fascist Business Model, which almost no other analyst seems to emphasize or notice. The effect of fascism upon the financial platforms and economic structure has been profoundly negative. Like all fascist regimes, the attacks are directed to enemies first in direct thefts, then to allies in frauds recognized later, finally to the citizens in hidden pilferage and lost rights. The result is always the same, except for the rhyme of its ruin. The implosion is as loud as the escape flights for leaders, along with their protected off-shore accounts.
Wednesday, March 04, 2015
Canada’s Central Banks Orders End to ‘Spocking’ Of Canadian Dollar - Defacing Debasing Currencies / Currencies / Canadian $
By: GoldCore
- From “Spocking” in Canada to overtly political imagery in Greece, paper currency is growing in popularity
- Outpouring of affection for Leonard Nimoy has inspired the phenomenon of “Spocking” in Canada
- Greek artist Stefanos alters euro notes to deliver a political message
- Defacing notes is illegal and a criminal offence in the EU, U.S. and most countries
- Disgruntled citizens defaming already debasing currencies … this may catch on …
Sunday, March 01, 2015
US Dollar Remaining Strong / Currencies / US Dollar
By: Dan_Norcini
A quick update on the USDX is in order after a strong surge to the upside on Thursday of this past week.
I have marked this chart with some shaded rectangular boxes that correspond to periods in which the Bollinger bands were contracting. For those who are not familiar with how to interpret the bands, when the width is widening out, volatility is increasing. Generally speaking, when a market is trending in one direction or the other, the bands will be widening. When a market is consolidating or moving sideways in a range, the bands will be contracting.
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Thursday, February 26, 2015
Currency Wars, Again / Currencies / Currency War
By: Steve_H_Hanke
The specter of currency wars rises like a phoenix once again. This time around, most of the warriors reside in Washington, D.C.. The strong dollar has inflamed the currency warriors (read: mercantilists) led by Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer from New York and Lindsey Graham, a Republican Senator from South Carolina. These mercantilists argue that “cheap” foreign currencies give the U.S.’s trading partners an “unfair” advantage, something worth doing battle over.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Bitcoin Price Might Stay below $250 / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Mike_McAra
Briefly: speculative short position, stop-loss at $273, take-profit at $153.
Rakuten, a Japanese electronic commerce company, with $5.3 billion in revenue for 2013, might be warming up to Bitcoin, we read on the Wall Street Journal website:
Read full article... Read full article...Japanese e-commerce giant Rakuten is considering accepting the virtual currency bitcoin as payment, founder and Chief Executive Hiroshi Mikitani said.
"We are thinking about it, and we probably will," Mr. Mikitani said at the Rakuten Financial Conference in Tokyo, where panelists discussed crypto-currencies and other alternatives to cash and credit cards. "We would like to be open."
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Who Decides What Is Money? / Currencies / Fiat Currency
By: John_Rubino
The following is an edited excerpt from The Money Bubble: What To Do Before It Pops:
During a 2011 congressional banking subcommittee hearing, Texas congressman Ron Paul - long a champion of gold's role in the financial world - asked Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke if gold is money. "No," replied Bernanke, "It's an asset." Video of this exchange went viral in the gold-bug community, because the difference between money and an asset is, to people who care about such things, both profound and crucial to the future of the global financial system.
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Friday, February 20, 2015
Bitcoin Price Drifting Towards Depreciation / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Mike_McAra
In short: speculative short position, stop-loss at $273, take-profit at $153.
A new security standard for cryptocurrencies has been proposed by the Cryptocurrency Certification Consortium, we read on CoinDesk:
A group composed of developers and security professionals has proposed a set of rules aimed at standardizing security protocols used by companies that handle or store digital currencies for their clients.
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Friday, February 20, 2015
USD/CHF Extends Rally - For Now / Currencies / Forex Trading
By: Nadia_Simmons
Earlier today, the U.S. Department of Labor reported that the number of initial jobless claims in the week ending February 14 dropped by 21,000, beating analysts' expectations for a fall by 11,000. Thanks to these bullish numbers, USD/CHF extended rally, but how much more room for further gains does the exchange rate have?
In our opinion, the following forex trading positions are justified - summary:
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Thursday, February 19, 2015
Euro Currency Bulls May Soon Have Their Day in the Sun / Currencies / Euro
Our "Pro Service Outlook 2015" FREE video event introduces you to the near- and long-term forecast for the world's most popular FOREX markets -- and so much more
As the euro clings to the guardrail of a 7- (no, wait) 9- (Doh! there it goes again) now 11-year low, debate over the future of the eurozone's currency rages on. And in the mix, the ultimate four-letter FOREX word just reared its ugly head: PARITY.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Bitcoin Price Suggests Yet Another Move / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Mike_McAra
In short: speculative short position, stop-loss at $273, take-profit at $153.
A New York politician, Mark Levine, has proposed that the city accept Bitcoin as payment for fees and fines, we read on CoinDesk:
Last Thursday New York City councilman Mark Levine introduced a bill petitioning for the city to accept bitcoin as payment for fines and fees.
Levine opened up about the bill, which he says could be passed as early as June, in a new interview with CoinDesk, indicating that he believes New York City has a pressing incentive to begin accepting the payment method due to its cost advantages when compared to credit cards.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Currency War Expands to New Fronts / Currencies / Currency War
Editor's note: This article was adapted, with permission, from the February issue of The Elliott Wave Financial Forecast, a publication of Elliott Wave International. All data is as of Jan. 30, 2015. Click here to read the complete version of the article, including specific near-term forecasts, for free.
The "Currency War" we discussed in our October issue of The Elliott Wave Financial Forecast and again in the January issue has expanded to new fronts, as world central banks fought to remain economically competitive by trying to push down the value of their currencies.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Good News for Euro Single Currency / Currencies / Euro
By: Nadia_Simmons
Earlier today, the ZEW Centre for Economic Research showed that its index of German economic sentiment rose by 4.6 points to 53.0 this month from January’s reading of 48.4, which is the highest reading since February 2014. Thanks to these positive numbers, EUR/USD bounced off this week’s lows and climbed above 1.1400. Will we see the exchange rate above 1.1500 later this week?
In our opinion, the following forex trading positions are justified - summary:
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Wednesday, February 11, 2015
The Euro’s Exponential Decay / Currencies / Eurozone Debt Crisis
By: Raul_I_Meijer
I don’t know about you, but I’m having a ball reading up on the preparations for the Wednesday/Thursday talks between Greece and .. well, everybody else. German FinMin Schäuble proudly declares that it’s do what I tell you or you’re finished, Greek FinMin Varoufakis says prepare for a clash. Greek advisors Lazard say a $100 billion debt reduction sounds reasonable, and some anonymous EU official says Lazard are incompetent and counterproductive (not smart, that).
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Euro Crisis - Now Watch Denmark / Currencies / Euro-Zone
By: John_Rubino
One of the reasons we’ve all heard of George Soros is that back in 1992 he pulled off an epic financial coup by “breaking” the Bank of England. At the time the UK was trying to maintain a loose peg with the German Deutsche Mark, despite the fact that the two countries had very different rates of inflation (UK’s high, Germany’s low).
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Tuesday, February 10, 2015
The Swiss Franc and The Tragedy of the Euro / Currencies / Euro-Zone
By: Philipp_Bagus
Philipp Bagus, author of The Tragedy of the Euro recently spoke with the Mises Institute about recent developments in Switzerland and the European Monetary Union.
Mises Institute: In January, the Swiss central bank unpegged the franc from the euro. What does this mean for the future of the Swiss franc?
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Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Does Bitcoin Low Volume Suggest Future Price Action? / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Mike_McAra
Bitcoin Trading Alert originally published on February 10, 2015, 12:33 PM.
In short: speculative short position, stop-loss at $257, take-profit at $153.
A new partnership might bring Bitcoin closer to airlines, we read on CoinDesk:
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Monday, February 09, 2015
Hyperinflation of the Union for the Unions / Currencies / HyperInflation
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
One of my patients runs a travel section for one of the oil industry majors located in the San Francisco Bay Area. She was complaining about her vision while traveling on the plane. She contemplated that since she doesn't fly business anymore, maybe it's not that big of deal. Her company was cutting back on expenses.
I found myself wanting to articulate 'the real' (paper-trading) cause for the oil price drop, but then I stopped. I realized in that moment how the view that futures trading and participant positioning as the central tenets of price discovery is such an abstract concept for most people.
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Friday, February 06, 2015
Bitcoin Price Edging Closer to $200 / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Mike_McAra
In short: speculative short position, stop-loss at $257, take-profit at $153.
The new EU regulations on value added tax (VAT) might be unfavorable for companies willing to accept Bitcoin, we read on CoinDesk:
(…) the European Union introduced new Value Added Tax (VAT) laws on 1st January this year.
As a consequence of this legislation, companies selling electronic goods or services to customers within the EU are now legally required to record the country of residence of their customers (…).
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Wednesday, February 04, 2015
Apparently You Can’t Just Surrender In a Currency War / Currencies / Currency War
By: John_Rubino
Two weeks ago Switzerland abruptly decided that it couldn’t keep buying billions of euros every month just to maintain a somewhat arbitrary peg with that currency. It stopped trying, allowed the Swiss franc to trade according to market forces, and watched it soar.
At the time there was some question about whether an export-centric economy like Switzerland could handle a soaring currency’s impact on its major industries. In other words, is it even possible to surrender in a currency war?
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Wednesday, February 04, 2015
Euro Time For Recovery / Currencies / Euro
By: Nadia_Simmons
Earlier today, the U.S. Census Bureau showed that factory orders dropped by 3.4% in December, missing expectations for a decline of 2.2%. Thanks to these numbers, EUR/USD moved sharply higher, breaking above important resistance levels. Will we see a comeback above 1.1600 in the coming days?