Analysis Topic: Currency Market Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Wednesday, January 14, 2015
EURUSD and GBPUSD Intraday Elliott Wave Analysis / Currencies / Forex Trading
By: Gregor_Horvat
EURUSD is higher after worse than expected Retail Sales data in the US. USD sold-off across the board, in-line with US stocks in pre-market trading while metals found a support. Well, EURUSD turned up from a new low, that could be treated as a low of a fifth wave. But we always have to try to label the wave count so that we stay with a trend, which is still down. Also, another thing is that red wave 5) would be very small which would not be so typical if we consider that red impulsive red waves 1) and 3) were much larger. With hat said, I suspect that EURUSD is still making either a flat correction in red wave 4) or a triangle if price will stay sideways.
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Saturday, January 10, 2015
Bitcoin Price in Tense Territory / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Mike_McAra
We read on Reuters that BitStamp had confirmed their exchange would go online during the day today:
Bitstamp, one of the largest exchanges for the digital bitcoin currency, said it would resume trading later on Friday after suspending operations because of a security breach on Sunday.
Bitstamp had suspended its service after the breach resulted in the loss of around 19,000 bitcoins with a value of some $5 million.
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Thursday, January 08, 2015
Behold the US Dollar Bull Market / Currencies / US Dollar
By: David_Petch
The purpose of this article is to illustrate the continuous strength of the US Dollar from back in September 2014 and how we are not even at the half way point yet for this current move. The US Dollar Index is thought to be in a bull market for another 5-7 years, so as analysis will show today, the top in the US Dollar appears to be setting up for mid-term top this coming September, rather than November as previously reported.
Wednesday, January 07, 2015
Euro is in Free Fall / Currencies / Euro
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
The Euro appears to be in free-fall as Greece threatens to exit the Euro (GREXIT). The question is, who has the most leverage and who will be hurt the most if a default on Greek bonds is made?.
There are 20 days left until the Greek general election, which corresponds nicely to a Primary (panic) Cycle coming to a close at the end of January. A Master Cycle low is also due then, possibly Intermediate Wave (3).
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Wednesday, January 07, 2015
Bitcoin Price Down 12 Percent Already 2015 – Cyber Attack On Major Exchange / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: GoldCore
2015 has not started well for bitcoin with prices having fallen 12%, from $320 to $288. The cyber attack on a leading bitcoin exchange is the latest challenge for the fledgling digital currency.
Bitstamp, Europe’s leading bitcoin exchange – and third largest globally – has been off-line following a breach in their system by hackers on Sunday night. The UK based company has suspended lodgements and withdrawals and reported that roughly $5.1 million, around 19,000 BTC, had been ‘lost.’ The revelation follows the disclosure that Bitstamp’s wallet system has been compromised, prompting it to halt deposits and later shut down its platform entirely according to Coin Desk.
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Wednesday, January 07, 2015
Bitcoin Price Stands Still but the Outlook Might Have Changed / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Mike_McAra
Briefly: short speculative positions, stop-loss at $312, take-profit at $203.
BitStamp, one of the popular Bitcoin exchanges, posted an update on its website, giving customers more information on the recent security breach and its consequences:
Read full article... Read full article...We have temporarily suspended Bitstamp services. Bitstamp customers can rest assured that their bitcoins held with us prior to temporary suspension of services on January 5th (at 9am UTC) are completely safe and will be honored in full.
Tuesday, January 06, 2015
Are Central Banks Dumping Euros? / Currencies / Euro
By: Ashraf_Laidi
The euro began the first full trading week of 2015 by breaking below the $1.20 level for the first time in four years to end up hitting a nine-year low of $1.1864. The latest reasons of the renewed slump are rising probability that the Greek anti-bailout left alliance will win the Jan 25 elections, a combination of apparent tolerance from German Chancellor Merkel over the possibility of a Greek exit and emerging consensus that even if outright QE of euro sovereign bonds were agreed upon by the European Central Bank, the plan would fail to ridding the Eurozone from deflation.
Tuesday, January 06, 2015
2015 – Is the Aussie Dollar Going Down ? / Currencies / Austrailia
By: Submissions
Badre Bouarich writes: At a time where oil prices are hitting the ground driven by a high supply - low demand environment, several market actors are getting to expect a depreciation of the so called commodity currencies. As defined by the financial dictionary ( ) and studied by IMF Senior Economists ( ), commodity currencies are currencies whose exchange rate is highly correlated to the price of a commodity.
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Tuesday, January 06, 2015
Currency Wars / Currencies / Currency War
By: Frank_Hollenbeck
The current Japanese monetary printing orgy and European Central Bank threats of massive QE are both aimed at primarily boosting exports to kick start their moribund economies. The yen has dropped nearly 12% against the dollar since the Japanese announcement in October and the Euro has dropped over 10% against the dollar in the last six months.
Saturday, January 03, 2015
The Great Fallacy at the Heart of Modern Monetary Theory / Currencies / Fiat Currency
By: Jesse
As with all theories that miss the mark, Modern Monetary Theory presents some insights into the matter of course, but seems to hinge on one or two key assumptions that are more matters of assertion than historical or even practical experience. It is founded not so much an economic theory, but on a belief without a firm foundation.
Friday, January 02, 2015
Will New Year Bring New Bitcoin Developments? / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Mike_McAra
In short: no speculative positions.
BitMEX, a Bitcoin derivatives exchange will post a Bitcoin volatility index, which will be a measure of the magnitude of change in the price of the cryptocurrency, we read on CoinDesk:
Derivatives exchange BitMEX will publish an index on 5th January that it hopes will become the bitcoin world's version of the VIX– the so-called 'fear index' that is used to gauge uncertainty in the wider financial markets.
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Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Bitcoin Price Could Move Down / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Mike_McAra
In short: no speculative positions.
Looking back at Bitcoin in 2014, we see that this was not a kind year for the currency, at least not in terms of the price. Bitcoin has gone down some 50% (!) since the beginning of the year or some 70% (!) since December 2013. Not particularly encouraging results, and even Bitcoin-focused websites make mention of them. On CoinDesk, we read:
If the story of bitcoin in 2013 was its meteoric rise in price, which saw it hit a peak of over $1,100 in November, then the tale of bitcoin's price this year is one of plummeting from those heights.
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Tuesday, December 30, 2014
The 5 Phases of Bitcoin Adoption / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: John_Mauldin
What will it take for Bitcoin to gain broad adoption and become the foundation of a new global financial system?
Worth Wray sat down with Barry Silbert, founder of the Bitcoin Investment Trust, to discuss. As one the most active venture capitalists in the industry (with investments in over 30 Bitcoin-related portfolio companies through the Bitcoin Opportunity Corp.), Barry has gone all-in on Bitcoin and Bitcoin-related businesses.
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Sunday, December 28, 2014
Crude Oil and U.S. Dollar Index Technical Analysis / Currencies / US Dollar
By: Austin_Galt
Oil has continued to crash throughout December but I suspect there is now only marginally lower to go with the final low imminent.
Let’s investigate using the monthly and daily charts.
Friday, December 26, 2014
2015 Could Be Ford's Best Year Ever / Currencies / US Auto's
By: Money_Morning
William Patalon writes: I've always been a "car guy."
Back in my high-school, college, and twentysomething years, the term was "motorhead."
I liked to soup up cars, did a bit of drag racing, and restored several antiques and classics with my Dad.
So I know cars.
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Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Divergence and Deflation Dminated Forex Markets in 2014 / Currencies / Forex Trading
By: MahiFX
For the forex markets 2014 can be largely summed up in just two words: Divergence and Deflation. It was also the year of the USD, which enjoyed a spectacular rally.
The USD index was around 80 at the end of December 2014 and by the end of December 2015 it was 89.60 with it really finding its momentum from June onwards.
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Sunday, December 21, 2014
BItcoin and Altcoins in 2015 / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Mark_Blair
One: Bitcoin has been stuck for a while in a sort of ‘deflationary spiral.’ This means that commercial adoption by companies like Microsoft and Time has kept Btc’s price DOWN: no one wants to sell at this price coin that they (a) paid more for, and (b) can clearly see will rise greatly in value.
The Mining Thing – whereby miners tend to sell now rather than later (to pay for electricity) – remains an aspect.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
The Link between the Ruble and Keynes / Currencies / Russia
By: Steve_H_Hanke
On March 3, 2014, the United States went to war with Russia. That’s when the U.S. first imposed sanctions. And, yes, sanctions are nothing more than war by non-military means. Then, on November 11 Russia committed a major misstep. It floated the ruble. Since then, the ruble hasn’t floated on a sea of tranquility. It has plunged in lockstep with oil — by about 25% and its volatility has soared to around 65%.
The ruble’s plunge means that Russian imports will be more expensive and exports more competitive. This combination will help keep Russia’s current account positive, which will offset some of Russia’s massive capital flight.
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Friday, December 19, 2014
Cheap Oil Good for Consuming Countries, but won't help EUR or JPY / Currencies / Forex Trading
By: MahiFX
Cheap oil is good for the economies of the US, Europe and Japan and the recent plunge in prices should support the USD, but for the EUR and JPY the dynamics are more nuanced.
The interpretation many commentators are drawing from plunging oil and commodity prices is that the global economy is slowing and that deflation will become more persistent. However, if the global economy is slowing – cheaper oil will be a good tonic. And low energy prices are actually a form of good deflation for consuming countries.
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Thursday, December 18, 2014
Euro Succumbs to ECB QE Expectations and FOMC / Currencies / Euro
By: Dan_Norcini
Now that the dust from today's wild ride, we can take a look-see how the Euro fared. In watching the initial reaction to the actual FOMC statement itself, the Euro began to move well off its session lows. It reflected the confusion that was in the minds of traders (there was certainly a lot of that in my mind when I read the statement) who felt that it struck an extremely dovish theme at initial glance. That threw same water on the fire for those expecting a sooner rather than later shift in policy expectations for the FOMC in regards to raising interest rates.