Monday, August 21, 2017
Gold’s Sudden, Newfound Relative Strength / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2017
By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne
Three weeks ago we discussed how Gold needed to perform considering the US$ index was likely to bounce due to an oversold condition and extreme bearish sentiment.
We wrote: “Simply put, Gold will have to prove itself in real terms if it is going to hold its ground or breakout as the US$ begins a likely bounce.”
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Monday, August 21, 2017
The changing demographic of online gamblers / Personal_Finance / Gambling
By: Submissions
Monday, August 21, 2017
Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash Smash Through $5,000! / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Jeff_Berwick
Now, I realize I can’t do this forever. I can’t continue for years to combine the value of both Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash and quote it as a “total value” of bitcoin.
But, considering that it was just 19 days ago that every person in the world who owned bitcoin, if they stored it correctly, also became a new owner of an equal amount of Bitcoin Cash… it is still a very reasonable thing to take note of the two currencies combined price as being the value that the grand majority of bitcoin holders currently hold… or “HODL”, to talk more like the cool kids.
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Sunday, August 20, 2017
Cryptocurrencies Exploding: This Is Nuts / Currencies / BlockChain
By: The_Gold_Report
You can get to seven figures right now—it's possible, because I already have met 23 people who have done that, the youngest of whom is now 23, but was 17 when he bought Bitcoins initially.
You've got to be on high alert when you hear that even the harshest Bitcoin skeptics, like long-time Bitcoin slammer Josh Brown, of New York-based Ritholtz Wealth Management, are now blogging about buying some "in case I'm wrong," as he says.
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Sunday, August 20, 2017
Gold is a coiled spring… the breakout is here, fundamentals are in place, technicals are compelling / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2017
By: MoneyMetals
Mike Gleason:It is my privilege now to welcome in Greg Weldon, CEO and President of Weldon Financial. Greg has over three decades of market research and trading experience, specializing in the metals and commodity markets, and even authored a book in 2006 titled Gold Trading Boot Camp, where he accurately predicted the implosion of the U.S. credit market and urged people to buy gold when it was only $550 an ounce. He's a highly sought-after presenter at financial conferences and is a regular guest on financial shows throughout the world.
Sunday, August 20, 2017
A Midsummer Night's Dream: Buy Gold and Silver / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2017
By: The_Gold_Report
Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger discusses the seasonality of gold and silver, and the metals' relationship with Bitcoin. Each year since 1987, I have always used the final two weeks of the month of August as a shopping period in a manner not unlike the “Back-to-School” kind only the wares I seek are junior precious metals stocks as opposed to school uniforms, pens, and books. It began after I had been speaking with one of the finest brokers I had ever had the opportunity to know, Edmonton’s late George Milton, whose claim to fame was being the early financier for Bre-X (Not to worry, he and the bulk of his clients were long gone by the time the fraud was revealed). George would tell clients around mid-May to raise cash because after June 1, he would be AWOL. Because there were no cell phones, internet, text messaging or Twitter, that meant that George would be out-of-contact until mid-August and, true to form, on August 15th, he would arrive at the office, open his Rolodex, and begin to call clients. By the time mid-August arrived, the first shares he would buy were the ones he sold in mid-May and amazingly, 90% of those names had fallen 50% (or more) due to the illiquidity and disinterest so typical of the June-July period in the Canadian junior mining markets. He would spend the next two weeks accumulating his list and then watch as the mid-September reversal of fortune arrived with heightened liquidity and interest and prices paid for his late summer shopping spree would advance.
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Gold Mining Stocks 2017 Fundamentals / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2017
By: Zeal_LLC
The gold miners’ stocks have spent months adrift, cast off in the long shadow of the Trumphoria stock-market rally. This vexing consolidation has left a wasteland of popular bearishness. But once a quarter earnings season arrives, bright fundamental sunlight dispelling the obscuring sentiment fogs. The major gold miners’ just-reported Q2’17 results prove this sector remains strong fundamentally, and super-undervalued.
Four times a year publicly-traded companies release treasure troves of valuable information in the form of quarterly reports. Companies trading in the States are required to file 10-Qs with the US Securities and Exchange Commission by 45 calendar days after quarter-ends. Canadian companies have similar requirements. In other countries with half-year reporting, some companies still partially report quarterly.
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Sunday, August 20, 2017
Here’s Why Amazon Is Not a Monopoly / Companies / Amazon
By: Charles_Sizemore

Now, a couple of those hits were links to the product page for the Monopoly board game we all grew up playing as kids.
(I was delighted to see there’s a Game of Thrones edition, complete with a direwolf token and King’s Landing as Boardwalk.)
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Sunday, August 20, 2017
The Peak of Globalization and The Reason Trump Won / Politics / Global Economy
By: Harry_Dent

I bring this up again now, not to bash Trump, but to highlight the demographic and cyclical explanation behind his victory. And to show that the events that brought Trump into power aren’t done stirring things up. There’s a lot more to come. Trump is only the beginning…
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Sunday, August 20, 2017
Cash-Strapped Saudi Arabia Is Willing To Give Up Its Influence To Iran / Politics / Saudi Arabia
By: John_Mauldin
BY XANDER SNYDER : Saudi Arabia’s strategy in the Middle East has for years focused on throwing money at majority Sunni states and groups in the region to counter Iranian influence. But its fiscal constraints started to limit its ability to project power even in the Arabian Peninsula.
Funding Sunni jihadist groups has not had the desired outcome. The rise of the Islamic State is evidence that this strategy can have unintended results. In fact, Saudi Arabia’s attempt to expand its influence regionally may have actually reduced Saudi power both domestically and on the peninsula.
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Sunday, August 20, 2017
Whoever Gets Appointed to the Fed, Expect Negative Rates and QE in the Next Crisis / Interest-Rates / Negative Interest Rates
By: John_Mauldin
Janet Yellen’s current turn at the chair expires in February.
Who will be running the Fed next year, and will it matter? How will new leadership change anything?
Trump could renominate her but hasn’t yet announced a decision or even given a hint.
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Sunday, August 20, 2017
Will the Electric Car Revolution Sink Platinum and Palladium? / Commodities / Platinum
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
Everyone has probably heard about the upcoming electric car revolution whose vanguard is Tesla Motors led by Elon Musk. The electric car is actually nothing new – the first vehicles were produced as long ago as in the 1880s. However, the mass production of cheaper gasoline vehicles triggered by Henry Ford put electric cars into limbo for decades. But this can change quickly thanks to the rapidly falling costs.
Saturday, August 19, 2017
EIA Weekly Report and Crude Oil / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Nadia_Simmons
Although the EIA weekly report showed a larger-than-expected decline in crude oil inventories, the price of the commodity declined sharply after news that U.S. crude oil production increased. Thanks to these circumstances, light crude lost 1.62% and closed the day under important support. What does it mean for the black gold?
Yesterday, the Energy Information Administration reported that crude oil inventories dropped by over 8.9 million barrels in the week ended Aug 11, easily beating expectations of a draw of around 3 million barrels. Despite these bullish numbers (and the fact that it was the seventh straight week of declines in crude oil inventories), the report also showed that gasoline inventories rose by 22,000 barrels and distillate stockpiles rose by 702,000 barrels, missing analysts’ forecasts of a draw. On top of that, the EIA also showed that crude oil production increased to 9.502 million barrels per day, which renewed worries over the supply glut and pushed the price of light crude below $47 and important support. What does it mean for the black gold?
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Saturday, August 19, 2017
AUDUSD Rebounded From Trend Line Support / Currencies / Austrailia
By: Franco_Shao
AUDUSD rebounded strongly to 0.7960 area after approaching the bullish trend line on its daily chart, suggesting that the pair remains in the uptrend from 0.7328 and the pullback from 0.8065 could be treated as consolidation of the uptrend.
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Saturday, August 19, 2017
Bitcoin Cash Skyrockets… Is There Something To It? / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Jeff_Berwick
Friday was mostly a down day for the cryptocurrencies with one big exception.
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Saturday, August 19, 2017
4 Insights for Adjusting Your Portfolio in a Rate-hike Environment / Stock-Markets / US Interest Rates
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
The U.S. Federal Reserve has raised interest rates twice this year already and it plans to increase interest rates five or six more times next year. An environment in which interest rates are rising steadily could be a double-edged sword for different classes of investors. For older investors, a rate hike could provide another chance to book decent returns from conservative assets such as money-market funds and CDs. For 'younger' investors the rate hike could slice through retirement accounts like hot knife through butter.
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Gold Direction Indicator / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2017
By: Peter_Degraaf
The last time our ‘ Gold Direction Indicator’ was as positive as today, gold rose from $1220 to $1280. The date was July 12th and we wrote an article titled: “The Gold Direction Indicator Just Turned Positive”. Less than three weeks later price had advanced by $60. Well here we are, and the GDI just turned up from 52% to 79% (fully bullish). Following are some charts that support a Rising Precious Metals Scenario.
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Historical Inevitability and Gold and Silver Ownership / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2017
By: Michael_J_Kosares
The Wall Street Journal’s editorial writer, Daniel Henninger, registers some very important observations in the wake of the troubling events in Charlottesville. Charlottesville, he attempts to point out, is symptomatic of something much deeper ingrained in the American psyche. “Some may say,” writes Henninger, “the Charlottesville riot was the lunatic fringe of the right and left, with no particular relevance to what falls in between. But I think Charlottesville may be a prototype of a politics that is drifting away from traditional norms of behavior and purpose.” Aptly, the editorial is titled, “The Politics of Pointlessness.”
Saturday, August 19, 2017
You Are Being Lied To About “Low” Gold Demand / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2017
By: GoldSilver
Jeff Clark : I don’t like to use inflammatory language, such as the title of this article, but the message from the mainstream media about gold demand is a lie misleading.
Yes, coin purchases in North America are down compared to last year (a record-setting year, by the way). It’s been soft at a few other Mints as well, such as Perth.
But Eagle and Kangaroo purchases aren’t the whole market. You and I don’t buy paper gold products, for example, but throw in demand from this part of the industry and a very different picture emerges from the dour headlines you see from gold haters mainstream sources.
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Saturday, August 19, 2017
This is Why Cocoa's Crash Was a Perfect Setup / Commodities / Cocoa
Perfect from an Elliott wave perspective, that is. The other day, I went paddle-boarding for the first time and was struck by a familiar feeling; one that comes from, of all things, speculating in the markets.
See, when your board is in line with the current and the wind is at your back, the board moves effortlessly, gliding along the top of the water with no strain at all. This is the equivalent of trading with a market's trend.
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