Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Silver Price Minor Dip Possible Before 2nd Major Upleg Starts / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: The_Gold_Report
Technical analyst Clive Maund charts silver and explains why he believes it is one of the best investments for these times.
With hyperinflation looming, silver has to be one of the best investments of these times, especially as it leverages gold's gains. This summer saw a spectacular high volume breakout from the giant base pattern that had been forming for years, as we can see on its latest 13-year chart, which is hardly surprising considering the Fed's white hot money creation. The breakout triggered a sharp run up that resulted in silver becoming heavily overbought in a zone of quite strong resistance, hence the reaction since early August, which is setting it up for the next big run.
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Wednesday, October 28, 2020
🎃 How to Carve a Simple and Scary Pumpkin Face for Covid Halloween 2020 🎃 / Personal_Finance / Holidays
There might not be much trick or treating this year because of covid! But kids can still have fun by carving themselves simple scary pumpkin. And here's how it's done by 6 year Eliza and 12 year old Anika, And when it's finished just get an adult to pop a candle into the pumpkin and your done with a simnple scary for Covid Halloween 2020!
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Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Gold Price One Last Dip Likely Then Major Upleg to New Highs / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: The_Gold_Report
Technical analyst Clive Maund takes a look at gold charts and explains why he believes the dollar price of gold will eventually skyrocket.
With a collapse in the dollar and hyperinflation now inevitable, it is clear that the dollar price of gold will eventually skyrocket, and when I say "eventually" I am not talking about in 5 or 10 years time. It is already starting to accelerate away to the upside and that means that the current dip has presented another buying opportunity, not just in gold itself but in silver and precious metals stocks too.
On gold's latest 13-year chart we can see that the giant Bowl pattern has already driven a breakout to new highs in recent months and in this context the minor reaction of recent weeks is a perfectly normal development that unwinds the overbought condition somewhat and rebalances sentiment. The Bowl pattern can also be described as a Cup, and very often a "Handle" forms to complement the Cup before further significant gains are made, which is a period of consolidation that proportion suggests could last a year or two. Should such a Handle now form it would clearly be a source of major annoyance and frustration to investors in the sector as it would mean their holdings would generally go nowhere for a year or two. However, things are deteriorating at such a rapid rate that it is considered most unlikely that gold would get bogged down in this manner.
The ongoing exponential rise in money creation to support a collapsing economy that has been made worse by the virus hysteria and disproportionate reaction of governments around the world means that the purchasing power of fiat most everywhere will decline at an accelerating rate, and since gold is "real money" that holds its value no matter what, it must therefore gain in price to compensate. What could therefore happen instead is that, rather than meander around for ages making a Handle, the steeply rising Bowl boundary generates a dramatic slingshot move higher in gold, which the current setup certainly makes possible, especially as it has just broken out to new highs. Before leaving the 13-year chart note the strong volume driving the advance up the right side of the Bowl and the strong volume indicators all of which indicates that a major bull market phase has begun, and with the 2011 highs having fallen, there is nothing to stop it. It is also interesting to observe how the freak March plunge, when everything was tanking, was contained and reversed by the Bowl boundary.
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Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Smart Money Is Going All-In On This New Gold Frontier / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2020
By: Submissions
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Gold Stocks Still Correcting / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2020
By: Zeal_LLC
The gold miners’ stocks are still correcting, continuing to rebalance both technicals and sentiment. This sector’s huge surge into early August spawned extreme overboughtness and universal euphoria, which are gradually being bled away. This same necessary and healthy corrective process is underway in gold itself, which overwhelmingly drives gold-stock price levels. This is leading to great buying opportunities.
Gold-stock speculators and investors are growing weary, wondering when miners’ next upleg will finally get running. Fully 2.5 months have passed since the gold stocks were rocketing higher with gold last summer, generating great excitement. Since then this sector has gradually ground sideways to lower, leaving traders increasingly discouraged. More are abandoning gold stocks as weeks drag on into months.
Corrections certainly aren’t easy to weather psychologically. Their mission is to eradicate the universal greed at preceding upleg toppings. That means gutting traders’ enthusiasm for a hot sector that has just soared. Losses unfolding and deepening over time are the only way to swing the sentiment pendulum back from euphoria to apathy to despair. That requires the great majority of traders to be forced to capitulate.
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Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Gold and Crypto: Is This How Charts Look Before A Monetary Collapse? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Hubert_Moolman
It is the the massive debt. It cannot be serviced. It will collapse the whole system.
The gold, silver and cryptocurrencies charts are showing signs of going parabolic. The US dollar is close to confirming a massive breakdown.
Gold, silver and cryptocurrencies all provide “crisis value” by simply being an acceptable debt-based fiat alternative. It is only later in this crisis that we will see a divergence between cryptocurrency and precious metals.
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Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Silver's Coming Double Trigger Shotgun Price Explosion / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: MoneyMetals
David Smith - Even in the competitive hunting/shooting community, few enthusiasts know about an arcane rifle known as a "double trigger shotgun." Essentially, it's a double-barrel shotgun having a trigger for each barrel.
This was an early day's design with the triggers located inside the trigger guard, back to front. It was possible to press both triggers at once, causing a double discharge, though for the most part this was not a good idea – since it caused twice the recoil, and was hard on both the shotgun and the shooter – especially if not anticipated.
Though this essay is not about shotguns, but rather silver, the above concept provides a perfect analogy for what I believe is in store – a double discharge for both silver demand and price in the reasonably near future!
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Tuesday, October 27, 2020
The $126 Billion Gold Opportunity in Australia / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2020
By: Submissions
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Tips to Breeze through Your Spanish Classes Online / Personal_Finance / Education
By: Submissions
Learning a foreign language, especially Spanish, is beneficial for boosting career opportunities, and it is also a great way to expand your social horizon. But many get nervous when they start to learn Spanish online as there have been many instances of students dropping out of online courses or not finishing the course on time.
We understand learning a new language in your teens or middle age is not easy but there can be no justification for not completing a course successfully.
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Monday, October 26, 2020
Try The “Compounding Capital Gains” Strategy Today / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: John_Mauldin
By Justin Spittler : Super-genius Albert Einstein called it “the eighth wonder of the world.” Legendary investor Warren Buffett attributes his $81 billion fortune to this force. And it’s how investors from all over the world have turned small stakes into millions of dollars.
I’m talking about “compounding.” But not in the way you’re probably thinking. Most of us learn about the power of “compound interest” in school. Back in the “good old days” when banks actually paid interest, you could put your money in a savings account.
Slowly but surely, it would grow. $10,000 compounded at 5% per year grows to $16,289 in 10 years, $26,533 in 20 years, $43,219 in 30 years.
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Monday, October 26, 2020
Do You Own Your Gold? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Nick_Barisheff
Whether you’re buying a brand new BMW or a second hand Range Rover, it’s necessary to secure clear title so you can sell or trade the vehicle in the future. If you purchase a home in The Hamptons or in the Vancouver suburbs, the title or warranty deed should ensure the property is unencumbered by a mortgage or tax lien. When acquiring gold, silver or platinum, you need documentation to prove you own the bullion and can take physical possession if desired. Without proper paperwork, you might not own the car, the mansion or the metal.
Do You Own Your Gold? | Nick BarisheffGold bars. Gold in the form of bullion.
While most people know the importance of owning an automobile or real estate outright, investors too often fail to obtain legal title to their precious metal holdings. This is an enormous and fundamental mistake. If you stash a handful of gold bars and silver coins in a home safe, you’re adequately covered, particularly if your bullion is insured with a rider to your homeowner’s policy. Possession, as it’s been said, is 9/10ths of the law. However, if your precious metals stack has outgrown your secret cellar vault, you’ll probably take the risks of self-storage into account and delegate someone else to store your bullion. In that case, it’s imperative to do your due diligence, making sure you have legal ownership of your wealth preservation stockpile.
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Monday, October 26, 2020
UK Coronavirus Broken Test and Trace System, 5 Days for Covid-19 Results! / Politics / Pandemic
By: N_Walayat
Nothing illustrates the reality of how effective Britain's coronavirus / covid-19 test and trace system is than when one is on the receiving end of it. How long do you think it takes for a test result? 1 day, 2 days? think again it takes FIVE DAYS! Whilst at the same time Boots is promoting it's new 12 minute results service!
So what happened? Out of the blue we get an email from the school stating that Eliza needs to self isolate because a child in her class tested positive 6 DAYS AGO! Of course it's not the parents or schools fault for the delay in notification it's because the testing system is incompetent despite the £12 billion or so that the government has thrown to this money black hole. Even worse is the track and trace system which luckily did not play a part in our experience Dobcroft school took care of that and I am pretty sure if it had been left to the contact tracing service then we would likely never know that we had been exposed to the virus and need to self isolate.
So watch the video to see the reality of competency of Britains testing system.
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Monday, October 26, 2020
How the Coronavirus is Exacerbating Global Inequality, Hunger / Politics / Food Crisis
By: Richard_Mills
Autumn is harvest season in North America and many families gather on Canadian and American Thanksgiving to celebrate the good fortune bestowed upon them throughout the year – including the ability to put food on the table.
This year for millions of people, there is less to be thankful for, and very likely, reason to lament or mourn – a lost job, an eviction, hours cut back, a friend or relative getting sick, loneliness, boredom, depression – all due to the coronavirus which has up-ended life as we knew it.
Today’s article is inspired by CNN commentator Fareed Zakaria, who presented a well-researched, timely segment on how the pandemic, in a matter of months, has un-done years of progress in improving global inequality. Pandemics, says Zakaria, should be the great equalizer because they affect everyone, regardless of age, gender, race, income or status. Even presidents and prime ministers have contracted covid. However, indications are that the virus is ushering in the greatest rise in economic inequality in decades.
How can a health problem widen the gap between rich and poor, and how is it pushing millions in developing countries toward the brink of starvation? Moreover, why should we, in the developed West, care?
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Monday, October 26, 2020
The Top Gold Stock for 2021 / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2020
By: Submissions
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Corporate Earnings Season: Here's What Stock Investors Need to Know / Stock-Markets / Corporate Earnings
Many investors and financial journalists believe that corporate earnings play a large role in driving stock market prices.
Here's just a couple of headlines from Oct. 13:
- Stocks open mixed on first day of earnings season (MarketWatch)
- U.S. Stocks Drop as Earnings Season Begins (Wall Street Journal)
The idea that earnings drive stock market prices seems to make sense. After all, corporations exist to make money, and if they exceed expectations, it seems logical that their share prices should skyrocket. If earnings disappoint, logic suggests that stocks should tank. And, in all fairness, when it comes to individual companies' earnings, they can and do affect prices -- although not always, and not always logically. But when you compare broad market performance with trends in earnings, you start to see a glaring disconnect. Why?
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Sunday, October 25, 2020
🎃 Halloween 2020 TESCO Supermarkes Shoppers Covid Panic Buying! 🎃 / Personal_Finance / Shopping
By: N_Walayat
With Halloween just around the corner, off we went to the local Tesco supermarket to buy halloween stuff to put up over the coming week. Unfortunately the latest covid pandemic wave has not just triggered panic buying of the usual items such as eggs. and toilet rolls, but even Halloween stock that the shelves were full of barely a week ago has mostly now gone, a good 10 days before Halloween, which mostly the stuff that no one wants left on the shelves, hopefully there will be some new stock to come but even then I doubt it will stay for long on the shelves.
It just illustrates how high demand is for all things stay at home from computer and tech gear all the way down to seasonal items such as Halloween, which implies shop early for the your Christmas stock because this incompetent government ensures there will be bigger and higher pandemic waves to come!
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Sunday, October 25, 2020
Three Unstoppable Forces Set to Drive Silver Prices / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: MoneyMetals
The threat of economically crippling lockdowns, the promise of unending monetary stimulus, and the uncertainty of game-changing political outcomes – this is the “new normal” for investors.
The COVID pandemic won’t be eradicated anytime soon. And even when it finally is, the economic and social costs will continue to be borne for years to come.
In such an environment, all conventional asset classes carry heightened risk. Certain types of assets, though, may now be well positioned to shine.
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Sunday, October 25, 2020
Car Insurance And Insurance Claims and Options / Personal_Finance / Insurance
By: Kavinesh_A
It is widely known that different cars come at a different cost for their insurance. But have you ever wondered why there is such a big difference from one car to another? Checking out the insurance premium for the car is an advisable thing to do whenever you plan to buy a car, regardless of whether the car is old or new. Checking out the insurance costs will help you avoid other expenses down the road.
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Sunday, October 25, 2020
Best Pressure Washer Review - Karcher K7 Full Control Unboxing / Personal_Finance / Reviews
Unboxing and first look at our new KÄRCHER K7 pressure washer, find out exactly what you get in the box and how it's packed. This powerful monster will help keep our driveway and garden paving free of weeds and clean.
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Friday, October 23, 2020
Further Gold Price Pressure as the USDX Is About to Rally / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: P_Radomski_CFA
Gold, mining stocks, and the USD Index have not been doing much recently. However, yesterday, this “inactivity” took quite a decisive shape, and unfortunately, things are not looking good for gold.
As you are all aware, gold tends to move conversely to the USD Index. Therefore, it’s useful to focus on the latter for signs that would influence the former. So, what does the current USDX outlook look like?
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