Saturday, October 31, 2020
Gold and Silver Prepare For Another Price Advance / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Chris_Vermeulen
As we continue to near the November 3rd election day, Precious Metals have continued to trade within a narrow range suggesting price support is staying strong. It is my belief that potential downside risks for Gold and Silver will be relatively short-lived after the election. We believe the broad market decline witnessed on October 26, 2020, where the Dow Jones fell over 700 points, coupled with the fact Gold and Silver barely budged throughout the selloff, suggests support for Precious Metals has reached a “battle line”.
My research team has highlighted the current support and resistance price levels for both Gold and Silver on the charts below. We believe the initial support levels will hold up well throughout the pending election and that an upside breakout in both Gold and Silver are likely outcomes after the elections. Global traders and investors have already likely hedged their portfolios accordingly to attempt to eliminate risks, yet the fear of what is not known is one of the main drivers of appreciation in Precious Metals.
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Saturday, October 31, 2020
Gold Is Likely to Win This Election / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
Trump and Biden debated for the second and last time in this campaign. So, who will win, and why gold is likely to be the biggest winner of them all?President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden met for the second and the last debate before the elections. Thankfully, this time things were less chaotic and with far fewer interruptions and insults. Perhaps Trump has acknowledged that his aggressive behavior was a liability and decided to change his approach – especially since this was his final opportunity to alter the presidential campaign dynamics.
However, it might be too late now. According to both nation-wide and state-by-state polls, and market bets, Biden is still in a significant lead (as the chart below shows). Moreover, because of the postal voting, many votes are already locked in, as a record 47 million Americans have already cast their ballots.
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Saturday, October 31, 2020
Why Trump Can Still Win 2020 Election - Establishment Mainstream Media Wrong Again? / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2020
By: N_Walayat
Biden is 10 points ahead of Trump in the polls and the mainstream establishment media is once more slapping themselves on the back with have seen off the agent of chaos that was Trump for the past four years, with many so called analysts declaring with a 90%+ probability that Trump cannot win. However, we've literally been here before, here's a reminder of what happened last time Trump was 10 points behind with the mainstream establishment media writing him off.
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Saturday, October 31, 2020
Why Budgies Need their Own Feeders - Parakeets Feeding UK / Personal_Finance / Animals & Pets
By: Anika_Walayat
Here's why Budgies need their own feeders. So if your thinking of getting budgies than ensure each has it's own feeder.
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Friday, October 30, 2020
Can Trump Still Win? US Presidential Election Forecast Matrix 2020 / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2020
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The stock market continues to mark time ahead of the US Presidential election result with much uncertainty surrounding what happens after November 3rd which is the focus of my current analysis and concluding trend forecast due to be posted first to Patrons within the next day or so.
Where the US presidential election is concerned then the last update of my Election Matrix as of 23rd of October continued to suggest...
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Friday, October 30, 2020
Why a Biden Win will Keep Metals Prices Rocking / Commodities / Metals & Mining
By: Richard_Mills
Joe Biden’s performance in Thursday night’s presidential debate was solid. The former vice president was combative against Donald Trump and frequently had the billionaire US President on the defensive. Post-debate analysis centered around the question of whether Trump, who is behind in the polls, did enough to convince voters that taking a chance on Biden would not be in their best interests. The consensus was he had not.
At AOTH we want to know what is coming for the world economy, and just as importantly, what is in store for the metals we are invested in. If Biden wins the election, I am extremely bullish on industrial metals and precious metals, in particular gold, silver, copper, zinc, and nickel sulfides.
The Democrats winning the White House and both Houses of Congress would throw markets into a tizzy, causing investors to clamber for safe havens. Gold is the world’s oldest flight to safety and the logical response to market fear.
Installing a Democrat in the White House would also be good for gold (and silver) because of Biden’s propensity to add to the debt.
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Friday, October 30, 2020
Is Silver the Next Bitcoin? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: The_Gold_Report
Peter Krauth compares silver and bitcoin and explains why he believes investors should own both.
At the risk of offending bitcoin or silver investors, I think this is a question worth asking.
I have been researching and following these assets for some time.
In my view, it's not an either-or dilemma. You should simply own both.
I believe silver and bitcoin remain massively undervalued, and that the market fundamentals of both these assets look extremely bullish.
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Friday, October 30, 2020
A New World Monetary Order Is Coming / Stock-Markets / Global Financial System
By: MoneyMetals
The global coronavirus pandemic has accelerated several troubling trends already in force. Among them are exponential debt growth, rising dependency on government, and scaled-up central bank interventions into markets and the economy.
Central bankers now appear poised to embark on their biggest power play ever.
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, in coordination with the European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), is preparing to roll out central bank digital currencies.
The globalist IMF recently called for a new “Bretton Woods Moment” to address the loss of trillions of dollars in global economic output due to the coronavirus.
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Friday, October 30, 2020
Do These Explanations Make Sense for This Intraday Stock Market Turn? / InvestorEducation / Elliott Wave Theory
The market "is not propelled by ... external causality"
On Oct. 19, the DJIA had been trading higher for much of the morning, but by the last hour of trading, the index was more than 400 points in the red.
During that last hour of trading, a major financial website offered this explanation (CNBC):
Dow drops more than 400 points as stimulus uncertainty grows and coronavirus cases rise
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Thursday, October 29, 2020
US Presidential Election Forecast Matrix, Stock Market Uncertainty / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2020
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The stock market continues to mark time ahead of the US Presidential election result with much uncertainty surrounding what happens after November 3rd which is the focus of my current analysis and concluding trend forecast due to be posted first to Patrons within the next day or so.
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Thursday, October 29, 2020
Stock Market Turning? Look For These Support Levels / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2020
By: Chris_Vermeulen
The breakdown in the US stock markets early on Monday, October 26, was more about investor expectations and a transitioning away from risk ahead of the US Elections than any other factor. No new stimulus deal being reached in addition to a surge in US COVID-19 cases recently suggests another contraction in the US economy may not be too far away. Additionally, as news bombs seem to be nearly an hourly event, investors and traders are suddenly much more uncertain of the outcome of the US elections which are nearly 7 days away.
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Thursday, October 29, 2020
Silver: A Conceivable Dead-Cat-Bounce on the Cards / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: P_Radomski_CFA
Silver is not just any industrial metal. Used as money for centuries, much longer than the fiat currencies have been used, with its specific properties that are also widely used in many industries (best conductor of heat and electricity), with crude oil, it is perhaps one of the most versatile commodities.
As far as the white metal is concerned, on September 24 th , we have warned you about the possible temporary rebound.
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Thursday, October 29, 2020
Election May Impact Near-Term Action in Gold & Silver / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: MoneyMetals
Metals broke out earlier in the year because there has likely never been so many fundamental reasons to buy gold and silver. We’ve seen economic turmoil, political strife, social unrest, a $3 trillion federal deficit, and a dollar weakened by fiscal and monetary stimulus – all happening at once.
How the markets finish the year will depend on whether these conditions persist.
The near-term bearish scenario for metals would probably have something in common with 2016. Donald Trump wins and investors feel more confident.
They could focus on buying risk assets, and they could be less motivated to buy safe-havens assets.
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Thursday, October 29, 2020
Stocks are Strong but be Aware of this Continuing Pattern / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2020
By: Chris_Vermeulen
The last 6+ trading days before the US elections could result in a confirmation of last month’s SPY Dark Cloud Cover pattern or a potential Harami pattern setup. What does this mean for traders and investors?
The Dark Cloud Cover pattern is a very ominous potential Top/Sell trigger in Japanese Candlestick terms. It is a fairly common pattern, like the Engulfing Bearish pattern, that manifests near major peaks in price. The one thing that really stuck out with the current Dark Cloud Cover pattern on the Monthly SPY chart was the size of the pattern. The current Dark Cloud Cover pattern on the Monthly SPY chart spans 39.56 points (nearly an 11% price range). Comparatively, this pattern is very large compared to the more recent price peak ranges.
Over the past 30+ days, we’ve published multiple research articles related to the core technical elements of the SPY chart and the Dark Cloud Cover pattern that set up in September. Pay very close attention to the Fibonacci Price Amplitude Arcs that also show key resistance playing out near the recent peaks. Finally, don’t forget to read our Grey Swan Alert in October’s issue of TradersWorld.
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Thursday, October 29, 2020
The Most Profitable Way To Play The Gold Boom / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2020
By: Submissions
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Why You Should Hire An Accountant To Complete Your Tax Return / Personal_Finance / Taxes
By: Umer_Mahmood
While talking about tax returns is far from thrilling, the fact remains that anyone who generates £1,000 or more from their self-employment endeavours needs to complete one. But before you go it alone, have you considered hiring an accountant instead?
As financial experts, accountants are best placed to advise you on all things tax. Here is why you should hire an accountant to complete your tax return to tell you more.
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Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Global Banking: Some Sectors Look as "Precarious as Ever" / Companies / Banking Stocks
"Financial flameouts" are occurring despite relief from the European Central Bank
Most people remember that the entire global financial system teeter-tottered on collapse during the 2007-2009 financial crisis due to the debacle related to subprime mortgages.
As you'll recall, even a financial institution as large as Citigroup was brought to its knees.
Of course, that was more than a decade ago and the fear of a "financial Armageddon" would seem to be a distant memory.
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Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Silver Price Minor Dip Possible Before 2nd Major Upleg Starts / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: The_Gold_Report
Technical analyst Clive Maund charts silver and explains why he believes it is one of the best investments for these times.
With hyperinflation looming, silver has to be one of the best investments of these times, especially as it leverages gold's gains. This summer saw a spectacular high volume breakout from the giant base pattern that had been forming for years, as we can see on its latest 13-year chart, which is hardly surprising considering the Fed's white hot money creation. The breakout triggered a sharp run up that resulted in silver becoming heavily overbought in a zone of quite strong resistance, hence the reaction since early August, which is setting it up for the next big run.
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Wednesday, October 28, 2020
🎃 How to Carve a Simple and Scary Pumpkin Face for Covid Halloween 2020 🎃 / Personal_Finance / Holidays
There might not be much trick or treating this year because of covid! But kids can still have fun by carving themselves simple scary pumpkin. And here's how it's done by 6 year Eliza and 12 year old Anika, And when it's finished just get an adult to pop a candle into the pumpkin and your done with a simnple scary for Covid Halloween 2020!
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Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Gold Price One Last Dip Likely Then Major Upleg to New Highs / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: The_Gold_Report
Technical analyst Clive Maund takes a look at gold charts and explains why he believes the dollar price of gold will eventually skyrocket.
With a collapse in the dollar and hyperinflation now inevitable, it is clear that the dollar price of gold will eventually skyrocket, and when I say "eventually" I am not talking about in 5 or 10 years time. It is already starting to accelerate away to the upside and that means that the current dip has presented another buying opportunity, not just in gold itself but in silver and precious metals stocks too.
On gold's latest 13-year chart we can see that the giant Bowl pattern has already driven a breakout to new highs in recent months and in this context the minor reaction of recent weeks is a perfectly normal development that unwinds the overbought condition somewhat and rebalances sentiment. The Bowl pattern can also be described as a Cup, and very often a "Handle" forms to complement the Cup before further significant gains are made, which is a period of consolidation that proportion suggests could last a year or two. Should such a Handle now form it would clearly be a source of major annoyance and frustration to investors in the sector as it would mean their holdings would generally go nowhere for a year or two. However, things are deteriorating at such a rapid rate that it is considered most unlikely that gold would get bogged down in this manner.
The ongoing exponential rise in money creation to support a collapsing economy that has been made worse by the virus hysteria and disproportionate reaction of governments around the world means that the purchasing power of fiat most everywhere will decline at an accelerating rate, and since gold is "real money" that holds its value no matter what, it must therefore gain in price to compensate. What could therefore happen instead is that, rather than meander around for ages making a Handle, the steeply rising Bowl boundary generates a dramatic slingshot move higher in gold, which the current setup certainly makes possible, especially as it has just broken out to new highs. Before leaving the 13-year chart note the strong volume driving the advance up the right side of the Bowl and the strong volume indicators all of which indicates that a major bull market phase has begun, and with the 2011 highs having fallen, there is nothing to stop it. It is also interesting to observe how the freak March plunge, when everything was tanking, was contained and reversed by the Bowl boundary.
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