Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Trump’s Backdoor Power Play to Rein In the Fed / Politics / US Federal Reserve Bank
By: MoneyMetals
“Just run the presses – print money.”
That’s what President Donald Trump supposedly instructed his former chief economic adviser Gary Cohn to do in response to the budget deficit. The quote appears in Bob Woodward’s controversial book Fear: Trump in the White House.
Trump disputes many of the anecdotes Woodward assembled. But regardless of whether the President used those exact words, they do reflect an “easy money” philosophy that he has expressed many times before.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Are Technology and FANG Stocks Bottoming? / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Recent downside pricing pressure on Technology and FANG stocks have kept investors wary of jumping back into the market while we wait to see where the bottom may form. Concerns about long-term pricing pressures, US trade wars and the continued Congressional testimony regarding privacy and censorship issues have kept social media technology stocks in a negative perspective. The only aspect of this pricing pullback that is positive is that these stocks will, at some point, find a price bottom and attempt to rally as investors rush back into their favorites attempting to ride the run higher.
Our researchers believe the current price levels could be a prime example of a short-term bottom setting up in certain technology stocks. Both Apple and Amazon are two of the biggest and most actively traded stocks on the US Stock exchange. They differ from many of the other FANG stocks because these companies actually produce and sell consumer products & services that are, in many ways, essential to conducting commerce and trade.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Predictive Trading Model Suggests Falling Stock Prices During US Elections / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Just in time for what appears to be a potentially massive market price rotation, our researchers have put together this post to highlight what we believe will become a surprise price correction in the US Equities markets. Our team of researchers believes the correlation of our predictive modeling tools, predictive cycle tools, and other indicators are set up for what may become a massive 5~8% price rotation over the next 60 days.
We were expecting this rotation to start unfolding around mid-September (now) but at this time the technical are still bullish so we are not betting against the market just yet.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Lehman Brothers Financial Collapse - Ten Years Later / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Andy_Sutton
This will not be a long piece. It is not a memorial to Lehman Brothers nor is it an honorarium to the system that created Lehman, then crushed it along with a wide swath of American wealth and capital as well. This is not a tribute to government leaders such as Henry Paulson and others at the USTreasury who abused the trust afforded them by the American people and conducted one of the most brazen and heinous broad-daylight robberies in the history of the human race. We want you to remember what happened because, in the ten years since Lehman, not a thing has been done to prevent another episode and all the ingredients are present. The only thing missing is the trigger.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Keep Your Money Separate from Your Spouse says Wall Street Veteran / Personal_Finance / Money Saving
By: Jared_Dillian

Boy, did I get lucky.
I got lucky because we are both frugal and didn’t even know it. We didn’t fill out a questionnaire on money habits before we kissed each other.
Some people have the misfortune to be frugal and fall in love with a high roller.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Financial Crisis Markets Reality Check Now in Progress / Stock-Markets / Financial Crisis 2018
By: Michael_Pento
The long-awaited dose of reality from the massive and unprecedented financialization of the global economy has finally begun.
Of course, those of us who understood from the start how healthy economies and markets naturally function, knew that a viable recovery from the fiscal and monetary excesses--which caused the great recession and financial crisis of 2008--was never underway. This is because central banks manipulated interest rates to zero percent and below and kept them at that level for a decade. Then, those same low rates engendered a humongous amount of new debt to be incurred, leading to the rebuilding of the current stock and real estate bubbles. And, it also created a tremendous and unprecedented bubble in the global fixed income market. This entire artificial construct, which was built upon bigger asset bubbles and greater debt loads, is now being tenuously held together by that very same government-engineered bond bubble.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Gold’s Ultimate Confirmation / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2018
By: P_Radomski_CFA
Although it didn’t appear to be a breakdown, silver just closed the day (and week) at a new yearly low. Remember the day when silver moved briefly below $14? Ultimately, silver futures closed at $14.15 on that day, and they just closed at $14.14 on Friday. So little, yet so much. Breakdown confirmed by weekly closes is something very significant and yet, it’s not the most important thing that we will comment on in today’s analysis. The key details will come from the gold market. Let’s move right to it (charts courtesy of http://stockcharts.com).
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Omanization: a 20-year Process to Fight Volatile Oil Prices / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Ben_Jardine
The stark realisation that the oil industry, with its volatile fluctuations, is an unreliable source of income for the Sultanate of Oman, has encouraged its leaders in 1988 to introduce what is commonly referred to as the ‘Omanization’ of its economy. In short, this means that through its National Program for Enhancing Economic Diversification (Tanfeeth), the Omani government has decided to develop the following sectors: manufacturing, transport, logistics, and tourism. This they hope, will transform its economy from one that is less reliant on its oil reserves and expat workers, to one that is self-sufficient at its core.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2018
The Stock Market’s Breadth: Another Warning Sign for 2019 / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Troy_Bombardia
We are getting more and more signs that the stock market will face trouble in 2019. Some of these market studies center around breadth.
The stock market’s breadth has been deteriorating recently. Some of this is due to weakness in foreign (non-U.S.) stocks.
Long term breadth divergence is a normal part of rallies within bull markets. There’s nothing bearish about breadth divergences. HOWEVER, long term breadth divergences that have gone too far while accompanied by massive bull market rallies are a bearish sign for stocks.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Sheffield Best Secondary Schools Rankings and Trend Trajectory for Applications 2018 / Local / Sheffield
By: N_Walayat
Sheffield's students born between 1/9/2007 and 31/08/2008 will be busy with parents applying for their secondary school places in the count down to the deadline of 31st October 2018 for paper applications and 18th October for online. In preparations for which families will be attending open evenings across Sheffield's secondary schools, where many hope to gain a place at one of Sheffield's top ranked schools, which given the high demand not even in catchment area children are assured a place.
So students and their parents will have been scouring various Sheffield secondary schools performance league tables in making their application choices. However, the league tables can from time to time prove highly misleading as many of Sheffield's 38 or so Secondary schools / Academies for whatever reasons tend to exhibit volatility in performance from year to year. Therefore a currently high ranking school may not mean that the same level of performance will continue in subsequent years as it may have been subject to special measures, therefore a better methodology in the ranking of schools is to evaluate performance in terms of trend.
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Monday, September 17, 2018
Gold / US Dollar Inverse Correlation / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2018
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This is my fourth article in a series of 5 to conclude in a detailed trend forecast for the Gold price for the whole of the remainder of 2018.
- Gold Price Trend 2018 Recap
- Trend Analysis
- Seasonal Analysis
- US Dollar
- Forecast Conclusion
Monday, September 17, 2018
The Apple Story - Trump Tariffs Penalize US Multinationals / Companies / Apple
By: Dan_Steinbock

Trump tariffs are based on flawed pre-global doctrines, which penalize US multinationals, as evidenced by Apple. It is not China that fails Americans, but US taxation, as evidenced by Apple.
In the pre-1914 era and during the protectionist interwar period, global economic integration declined drastically. As major corporations competed largely in home markets, their value activities were mainly domestic. Following World War II, the US-led Bretton Woods system ensured a greater degree of internationalization – including systemic US trade deficits since 1971, decades before deficits with China.
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Monday, September 17, 2018
Wall Street Created Financial Crash Catastrophe Ten Years Later / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: James_Quinn
“Government has coddled, accepted, and ignored white collar crime for too long. It is time the nation woke up and realized that it’s not the armed robbers or drug dealers who cause the most economic harm, it’s the white collar criminals living in the most expensive homes who have the most impressive resumes who harm us the most. They steal our pensions, bankrupt our companies, and destroy thousands of jobs, ruining countless lives.” – Harry Markopolos, Madoff Whistleblower
The tenth anniversary of the Wall Street created financial catastrophe brought back some bittersweet memories this week. I wrote my first articles during the summer/fall of 2008 for Seeking Alpha. They included: Is The U.S Banking System Safe? (Aug 2008), The Great Consumer Crash of 2009 (Aug 2008), Looming Financial Catastrophe: A Real Inconvenient Truth (Aug 2008), Is Wachovia the Worst Run Bank in America (Sept 2008), The U.S. on the Precipice (Sept 2008), On Board the U.S.S. Titanic (Sept 2008), Our Coming Depression (Oct 2008), among others. I was pumping out 5,000 word articles every 2 or 3 days.
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Monday, September 17, 2018
Trade Wars Are Going To Crash This Stock Market / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Avi_Gilburt
This week, I am going to bring back the list of reasons that have been paraded before you over the last three-plus years as to why the stock market rally is over:
Brexit – NOPE
Frexit – NOPE
Grexit - NOPE
Italian referendum - NOPE
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Monday, September 17, 2018
Why Is Apple Giving This Tiny Stock A $900 Million Opportunity? / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: OilPrice_Com
Monday, September 17, 2018
Saudi TASI Stock Index Continues to Weaken Following Breakdown from Rising Wedge / Stock-Markets / Saudi Arabia
By: MarketsToday
Following a breakdown from a bearish rising wedge several weeks ago, the TASI (Saudi Arabia stock market) seen three consecutive weeks of falling prices. The index is now fast approaching the first key support zone to watch for a potential short-term bounce. Typically, at some point following a breakdown a bearish pattern a counter-trend rally will occur back up towards the breakdown zone (approx. 7,226) to some degree, before a continuation lower kicks in.
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Monday, September 17, 2018
Financial Markets Macro/Micro View: Waves and Cycles / Stock-Markets / Cycles Analysis
By: Brad_Gudgeon

That which is done is what will be done,
And there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NKJV)
Much has been written regarding repeating socio/political economic (SPE) cycles. Strauss and Howe wrote about the 20-22 year generational turns, which work in a 4 generation cycle called a Saeculum. Each Saeculum lasts about 80-88 years and includes a repeating pattern of Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall back to Winter again.
R.N. Elliot, A.J. Frost and Robert Prechter (over time) were able to map out an Elliott “Grand Super Cycle” 5 Wave pattern stretching from the founding of the USA into about 1999-2000. W.D. Gann was able to see repeating cycle patterns of 90, 82-84, 60, 45, 30, 20 and 10 years. There are many other cycles like the 4-year presidential cycle and Benner’s Cycle (http://bit.ly/2Qzx4OQ) which I will get to in time.
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Monday, September 17, 2018
Stock Market Bulls Prevail – for Now! / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Andre_Gratian
Current Position of the Market
SPX: Long-term trend – The bull market is continuing with a top expected in the low 3000s.
Intermediate trend – Another correction has started which could conceivably continue into mid-October.
Analysis of the short-term trend is done on a daily basis with the help of hourly charts. It is an important adjunct to the analysis of daily and weekly charts which discusses the course of longer market trends.
Monday, September 17, 2018
GBPUSD Set to Explode Higher / Currencies / British Pound
By: Austin_Galt

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Monday, September 17, 2018
The China Threat - Global Crisis Hot Spots & Pressure Points / Stock-Markets / Financial Crisis 2018
By: Jim_Willie_CB
A preface is required to explain that the US Federal Reserve is responsible for every grand financial crisis in the last 30 years, dating back to the Great Depression and its supposed spurious resolution to Black Monday of 1987. Little realized is that the ’87 crash was a direct result of the impact from outsourcing US industry, whose trend began in 1984 with Intel. The lost legitimate income had a grand effect on the inflows to the US Stock Market. Of course, the newly forming Reich Economic team preferred to describe it differently. The important outcome from the cleanup was the creation of multi-$trillion bank derivatives to serve as phony foundation for the entire Western banking system. Greenspan blessed it as good and firm, but now we know it was soft and weak. These derivatives are blowing up, which will require bailouts and a replacement in the Gold Standard. Instead, expect the derivatives to ramp up further with greater leverage up to the assured catastrophe. The fallout will be great.